n wvwfl THURSDAY JULY 1». 1»2H PAOB n W TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PALE THREE "And yon are at III watchful tor m e even since last night?" Of course she referred to the scene In the den. No words can tell how , appealing, from the shadows of the , stairway, wps her voice. f— (T O ■ Or.E.T. Heimi Chiropractie and Electre-T h erap/ BE C O N T IN U E D ) “ —— — — — — — Hpeciallz ng in Safety Meeting Held Painissa and Instruction In first aid work Bloodleeg featured a meeting Monday evening of Removal of the Mountain States Power company Tonal IB 'employes. It was th e monthly safety meeting. Ferris White, safety en­ 15th year In Oregon practicing. gineer for the company, who bead- WHAT HAS HAKPKNEO BEFORE— quarters are at Albany, was the j Offlce 1237 Kerry 8t. Phone 30M and the darkneaa »wallowed them a glant'a blow. aecond, becaua# of the flood. Detec- Ur. Lung. out flailing with Alexan­ Eugene. both Wo didn't atop to examine the body tlvea will be went out here to InVeatl- speaker. der Pierce, a detective, talla nt hla A window had been left Just beeide on that rain swept hillside I had gate.” projected (rip to Houtherly Downs the fireplace, and through It wc known the neck was broken simply 'And what was the blow dealt Pierce advises him to keep hla eya» could ordinarily aee the garage. by the 'way the great bead dropped with?" Vllaa asked nervously, wide npan while there. On thn way Krneat and I gazed (brought that back when we lifted the shoulders "Couldn't you—find the weapon?" YOU WILL STOP ANYWÄY In a train Ur. Ixmg la attracted by a Í window Ahmad was evidently hnv from the ground. The four of ua Houthley looked at him sharply girl, who later faints Ur. Ixmg create Ing difficulty In beating hla way carried him Into the house, not an "That will be hunted for tomorrow,"« her. and looking Into her bag. la aa- . through the storm It was a long easy load at all. Vllaa Hayward mot he replied. "All we could tell was that oumlad to And a loaded revolver. time before we saw an Indication thnt ua at the door, he was struck with aome blunt sort Ur. Ixing meeta Ahmad Una, an i he had reached the garage. Then we j The effect on the younger Hay- of a weapon, and with terrific power— Oriental, who conducta him to Houth mu w hla auto lights flush on war«! was hardly what I expected, enough to snap hla neck like a r e e d . ¡ | ley Unwna, where he meeta Mr. Houth We were barely able to make th« m It waa true that I didn't look for The blunt weapon muat have had two le» and hla non, Krneat Houthley, Mi- out, although It waa plain that the prostration He waa the kind of man nails or aplkea—because there are Hay ward and hie aon. Vilas, and then garage door waa open and they were that grown away from bis parents In two deep parallel scratches in the Josephine Houthley, who In the girl shining directly toward ua. Of course late boyhood, bruised flesh." be hud met on the train Joaephlne the distance waa fur; and the piercing "My father? he shrieked. Th-s My eyes were upon Vllaa' afee. He tell! him the atory of Houthley Unwna rays cohld hardly penetrate the wall wound went high and wild in the didn't look at us. and Ita ghost, which la not the ghost of rain. The lightning had entirely atom "Don't dare to tell me he's “I only know one thing—one kind of a human being but of a tiger. ceased. We couldn’t hear the roar of dead.” of a weapon that would leave a mark | Ur. Ixmg haa a quarrel with Vllaa ' the engine at all Then we saw. "We don't dare to tell you any- like that," he aaid In a strange, harsh llayward over Joaephlne, and Anda qulte plainly, the track of the light» thing elae. because he la." Krneat an- tone. "And that tan’t a weapon at that the Hnywnrda have a strange ' an the car aped about the shoulder awered, all It’s an animal's paw.” . authority over the Houthleya. He In Vllaa toward Houthley; and , ____ leaped ........ .. And ’hat la the one thing that — ordered to leave Hnutllley D ow tin. The I of the hill. Perhaps, In ufi, the walk to t h e 1 for an Inatant I thought he would at- i n”*at b" forgotten by all of us. If rain prevenía him leaving at once gnrago and the starting of the cat 1 tack him Hla face waa drawn hide- 1 we are to learn the truth," Houthley Ur. Long and Krneat go nut on the had taken four minutes. The walk ' ously In the liplt light. He had evl- *o,d him. "It only brings horror, not I road In the rain looking for the tracka | to the baac of the hill, where th«- dently left his bed only when the j cl®ar ’bought. Forget the legend at ! of a tiger that Krneat naya are there I postern p path unt the drive way, took 1 levee gave way; he was only partly once« an<* and begin with clear eyes, They And the lra< ka latter Krneat ordinarily two minutes It was dressed. That’s our only chance." and Ur. Ixmg see a prowling creature straight downhill, and If iluyward had ; "Then you're the devil that killed j With this, our little group broke in the hall at Houthley Unwna. Thia i walked swiftly at nil, he would cer him! You I u*>- Ernest tried to snatch a few You, I say. Houthley! trlghtena the elder hay ward, who also! lk-Mirs of sleep on the sofa. I had taluly have (two minutes to wait. The killed him to get rid of him, and you'll sees It. Krneat licglca to feel that car came slowly. and still we could be trying to kill me next!" plans of my own that necessitated a Ahmad Uaa la perpetrating some see the faint luster in the rain that consultation with the negro that was "Don't be silly," 1 cautioned sw ift­ deviltry. was Its lights ly. "I waa with Mr. Houthley up to to carry word to the coroner when Now read on— They curved on to the base of the the moment that we found him ", the sun rose. And Just as I came hill. Then Ernest uttered a syllable "Then It was you. Long, in South back from my talk with him I met The old man sat down In a cush­ I of exclamatnin. "He's driven past the ley's pay I won't believe a lythiug j Josephine on the stairs. ioned chair. He gave no heed to pclnt." he said "Where are you going?” I de- i else.'1 the water pouring from bis clothes. "Possibly Hayward has walked on a Ernest tried to quiet him, and manded. He looked tired and listless. few feel," I suggested. She seemed surprised at my tone. J after he had got him away, I took "The levee la breaking," he an­ The car alowed up and stopped for I the covering from the dead man s» ''And what right have you to ask?" swered simply. a single instant, then started slowly , tace. I made a* close examination of ah’’ «“»wered me. Only hla son seemed to understand, on. It -was hard to believe that It ! the body My aged host knelt beside 8he m'ght have been tjje spirit of ' I looked up from the work of tying halted long enough to permit the port-' me. Nothing but a superhuman bio# *he d , * n I’“*11 in her soft gray drape. 1 my shoes, procured In my room on ly form of Hayward to enter. It ' could have ao broken the neck. It and Lhe 'Hthts of stars in her eyes. : the way to the library. We made a looked to us as If Ahmad were trying 1 could not have been from a fall; i 1 knaw from her look that she had silent circle In the d’m light . to throw the car-lights onto the side because only a severe fall could have heard of the tragedy. "It is Just that I'm afraid for you,” "What does It mean?" Hayward of the road Then, to our vast amaze done It. and out on the Isthmus where cried. "Does It mean we'll be mnnt, we aaiw him turn around. we had found the corpse there were I told her humbly. "No one knows drowned ?" t The car headed hack. Just as slow- no heights to fall from . Besides, there | what ml" <>