T ry the H a in e P r in t S hop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KNTY-FIFTH YEAR STAGE ALL SET FOB MOTORCYCLE EVENT RPRINÜFUBLD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. SPRINGFIELD WOODMEN AND NEIGHBORS WILL ATTEND B IG PICNIC RUNNING MATE ITIUlftihAY JULY 19. 1928 Scout P arty Will Scale Snowy Peak ••Th« People's Paper” A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 28 ENROLLMENT IN BAND CROWS AT SECOND RE­ HEARSAL ON TUESDAY| CHRISTMAS Î0 SEE BRIDGE COMPLETED Sprlngfleld Neighbors of Wood ! Several more names have been add 20 Springfield Boys Will Climb craft laut night received an Invlta | ed to the llat of players who com­ South Sister On Sunday tlon to attend the joint picnic of the ; pose the newly organized Hprlngfleld - -...... Riders From All Parts of Const Waltervllle and Hprlngllvld Woodmen i Some to See Lakes band, according to Harold K. i'hillips. j McKenzie Highway Span to Be Will Participate In Hillclimb of the World lodge» scheduled for I manager. Finished Month Earlier Than Twenty Hprlngfleld Boy Scouts and Here Sunday Afternoon; Part July 22. . Plan» for the big outdoor Second rehearsal ot the band was ¿xpected; Rapid Strides Now I their leaders will climb the Houtli event are now. completed. of Proceods to Go to Women's . Ulster Hunday Led by II E. MAxey, held In the Christian church gym Being Made In Getting Steel Hprlngfleld lodgemea will meet at Civic Club of Springfield. , W.* C. Mcl^ugan, It. L. Burnett and naslum on Tuesday eveplng Twenty- the Egglmunn corner Hunday morning In Place Ready for Riveters. eight bandsmen were present and I other adults, the boys will spend the and will go from there to McKensle many other» who are »Inged up could Motorcycle hi»» nil over the north week-end In the Hlstera area. Hprlngfleld will receive a *175,000 bridge where the picnic will be held not attend because of absence from w n l will turn their eye» toward Christmas present Local acouta will leave here by car the city. Transportation will be fam ished , HprlngfleM Sunday when the neventh for Prog camp Saturday. Enroute those who have no means of making j Barring any unforaeen delays the nnntinl motorcycle hill climb 1» «tagud 40, Mc , tney will pick up local acouta at Camp ' Enrollment fcnro"m*“ ‘ ts » now « » approaching 40. the trip McKenzie highway bridge at the foot here. Lucky Boy on Blue river who wish to - ac« ’r4‘n< to “ »• manager. l*rof , of j Main street here will be completed baseball games between teams of With some of the best rider» of the make the trip. trip. Then the whole party Andr®w, L“ ndie" <* ^ e n e . director. . by yuletlde. n was announced this Pacific coast already »Isned up and,****’ Hprlngfleld amt Wultervllle lodge» j la giving special instruction to those will go to Prog camp. morning by O. Lindstrom, member of other» expected here within the next i and a woman's twaeball garni- are on I Senator Charles Curtia of Kansas, who have never played an Instrument ho was unanimously nominal ,1 is I ,'’ron, thl" baae Saturday evening and w)„ havP a for advanced the Portland contracting Arm which is ths program Races and gamas for two day». officOH of the Eugene Motor Vice Presidential Candidate by the BdW will hike 1» m ile, over tk . | playerg and anotber , ; building the bridge cycle »»»oclatlon, which 1» »ponaorlna . ,'f,G o'elock. with Ellison, Irvin House, Ralph Hughes, will go over the top. ' "*xhL Thl» was the flr»t meeting In the regular 11 o'clock service dis- Robsrt McLagan, Donavan Montgom- : Hprlngfleld Rebecca and I. O. O. F. will be completed within the next two weeks. Other shipments of the big Appreciating the cooperation of the school, the new meeting place for missed In favor of the camp meeting ery, George Mason, Wilbert Noff, Will- *odkea * as lost night. steel segments are yet to arrive. Hprlngfleld In the hillclimb. Ihe motor the local troop. at Cottage Grove. A union service of ard Nesbitt, Robert Starks, Paul Oswald Olson, district deputy grand Several girl» stated that they will Since three of the main piers are cycle association ha» announced th«t young people's organisations will be Stough, Henry Trlnka. Billy Wheeler. master of the 1. O. O. F lodge, put ai.-eady completed, there remains only Av. percent of the g a l. receipt, will [• »"• known. Site for the « * » P , B aptl.t church at 7 octook Earl Wheeler. Gordon Wright, on the work for the men's order and the one on the east side of the rivsf he gl en to Ihe Women'. Civic club go I. •«» * « > > .. Hit. for Ire <-»«P , and the unlon chllrcb aerT,ce win _ to be used for playground work The »■ ■!»« yet to be determined ( „ g (>.c|(M,k w„ h „ B,om i Mrs. I*utnam was in cnarge of the recently provided in the decision ot Blom, TENTATIVE PICNIC DATE ticket aale thia year la certain to ex- Mr.. .Marlon Adama Is now captain the state highway commission to Rebecca installation. pastor of the boat church preaching. lengthen the bridge by 90 feet in order ceed that of last year. It Is slated. . Ihe local troop, taking the place of FOR CHURCH IS JULY 2 9 Officers of the Odd Fellows lodge At the Christian church Rev S. E. --------- installed were: William O. Hughes I to take care ot th® h‘sh water 0B An electric timer will be used to Mr‘ ’’• “L M**,Or‘V EVelyn W*"‘- r | Childers will preach and the ch oir Annual picnic of the Sprlngflelu noble Orand; Harold P. Poole, T|Ce. ; s, **' 'h* Sunila-V ’ *1,001 - Jarrett, vice-grand; Mrs. Fred Look, conie froni Portland for thia task, the names of the riders and their time. The announcements will be audible to EASTERN FAMILY PLANS --------- b in s s service erv l< -A a and n rf R Rev. ov f ’ C. u H. s e c r e t a r y - Mrs. M r « Caro r * « w i Hinson, u i n . , , , ftnancial i wn,cn which “ is 6ne ot the moBt ,mP°rt»nt ot preaching « u secretary; A site for the picnic will be selected . Mrg Jegg Lorgh treagurer the whole construction Just how long spectators within two blocks distance. • TO MAKE HOME HERE Blom WÜ1 be ,n th* The choir and a committees named to — u . . all .. make '* ’ ’ trea,Qrer- • lh(s wln ufce Mr Undgtrom d(d will sing the anthem. “Oh Send Out necessary arrangements, M i d w a y ! A taam under the direction of Os- Officials Listed undertake to estimate. Convinced of the future of Lane i Thy Light.” Officials for the hill climb are- park has been proposed aa tfce place ; Ol’ °" officers of the James Clarke, referee; Van N. Kerery, ' county and particularly tha vicinity, Regular services will he held In for the frolic on account of its proxi- BwFne ,od«e »“ Tuesday evening, Riveter» ace Next clerk of the course; U DuBuy. an- of Hprlngfleld. a Detroit. Michigan. I the Roman Catholic and Bible 8tand- mlty to the city, but no decision has Th®’r al’° were in char«e of ,be *»• Then the riveters will turn the Job ard churches. nounrer; W. R. Darla, traffic; Obre family is soon to locate here. stai la tlon at Coburg last Thursday over to the painters who will put three yet been made. separate coats on the steel in order Purcell and Yale Smith, entrance Glenn Platt and his family of De­ evening. It is probable that service will be to protect it against rust and other gates; D Loss SeUon. parking. , troll and Mrs ffinretd ljihr of Fillmore UNION SERVICES TO held In the op^n ont he day of the weathering agencies. * The list of entrants to date Includes have been here to visit relatives, picnic, although, this too. is to be d e - ' TWO EDITORS SPEAK AT CONTINUE; SCHEDULE the following: Gene Rhyne, Sacru- They visited Iher mother. Mrs. Mary The bridge will then be ready for termined 8unday. FOR MONTH IS GIVEN MEETING OF LIONS CLUB the concrete floor tor which all the mento, a professional rider and winner Platt and slaters, Mlsa Edna Platt, of the last four cllmbe held ln Callfor- and Mrs. I’ratt Hnlverson of Spring- work up to that time will have made Schedule for union church services ;® E C O N D STREET OPENED The proposed new Cascade highway way. nla and Oregon; Arthur Smith, Ku held and Mrs. Vertha Rouse of Eu gene, novice; Cody Evans. Salem. Or«- , gene, leaving for their homes yester- for Sunday evenings during the re­ FOLLOWING OILING JOB from Portland down the east side of And then by Christmas, or possible mainder of this month and the first tre Willamette river to Springfield before, the contractor will be ready to gon hillclimb star; Slick Tlndle, Port- day land, a professional; Charles Potterf. | The return trip w'1,1 be made b y , ° f ha" h®®" announced by A smooth surfaced street with no » a s the ” ** subject «ubject of a talk before the turn over his completed task to tha Eugene amateur; W. R Darla, Spring- way of Yellowstone national park pa"to™ tbe Methodist. Christian ; dust has replaced the one formerly »Prlngfleld Lions club last Friday by highway commission, Lane county and . . . _ ... . and Baptist BaDtIst c churches. h u rrh e« ' filled with chuck holes and covered I Gordon Taylor, editor of the Molalla Springfield field traffic officer anu crack rider They will return to Lane county soon Three union services have already with dust on Second stre et The j Plon»«r and secretary of the Cascade _ Ben Fox, Aberdeen. Washington's to make their future borne. , been held. The second group will j street from Main to the bridge was H*Fhway association. beat; Waller Malison, Oakland. Cali­ 30-YEAR OLD HATCHERY i begin In the Baptist church on July 22 ' opened to traffic this morntng after Frank Jenkins, editor of the Eugene fornia. only winner of three straight M c K enzie country is AT VIDA IS REPLACED with the pastor of that church. Rev. i It had been closed for almost a week Morntng Register, was also a speaker. climbs; Julius Toman, Eugene novice; DRAWING MANY TOURISTS j F. H. Blom, preaching the sermon. The while oil spread on the surface was He addressed the Lions on one phase Al Fnraberg. Seattle, winner of last One of the firat fish hatchery hulld- July 29 service will be In the Christ- drying. of advertising. year's climb; Ray Tauscher, Port­ ‘ Inge to be constructed In thia stats With the tourist travel to Oregon I Ian church. Rev. S. E. Childers, Warm weather during the past land; Joe Marshall, Spokane | has given way to a new building at hoavlqr this year than for a number i Christian pastor, will preach. Rev. week slowed up the drying process a Two special events, one for novices of years past, more and more m otor-; Gabriel Sykes, pastor of the Method- bit, but the street is now ready for SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS j Vida, according to Ben Dorris, mem­ _________■ . 1,1 imn l¥P„fa««-.,n»1a 1« and one fur for professtonnls Is ..-hmltiln., scheduled i , 1.1- 1st» from outside states are seeking 1st church, will preach at that place travel. Timid motorists are driving HOLDS BENEFIT PARTY ber of the state fish and game com­ The climb will begin at 1 o’clocn | the McKenxIe river country for tlsh- on August 5 mission. , over the street slowly yet tor fear of Hunday afternoon. ( I ng expedition«. A benefit lawn party was held at A large audience attended the union discovering a hidden pool of the heavy The old hatch house which hat All parts of Oregon. Washington ! Although It 1« Impossible to keen I the Methodist church lawn Tuesday stood near the McKenxie highway and rvlce last Sunday evening when R e v o il and California have been posted with an accurate record of the number of ChllderH was the speaker, afternoon by the class of King's river for more than 30 years has been big announcements of the climb. A cars which turn from the Paclflc high- Heralds. The girls sold ice cream torn down and a new building la tak­ GUARD COMMANDER HAS large crowd of out-of-Rtate people la wav here, service station and garage and cake between the hours of 3 ant ing its place. The wooden piling un­ SIXTEEN GIRL SCOUTS expected as well as hundreds from all men report that the number Is grow- CONFIDENCE IN COMPANY 5 o’clock. der the old building rotted away dug parts of Lane county. TAKE WEEK-END JAUNT 1 Ing steadily. O . Barbara Barnell. Ruth Pollard and to the continued seepage of water. Summer camp of the Oregon Na- Fi„ron_0 v Improvement of roads has aide» Sixteen Springfield Girl Scouts, u n -! tional guard Is Just over, but Lieut. " h 7 7 member, of the The new hatch house will have a cem­ j much in turning many of the tourists der the leadership of Mrs fh arles P. ' C. A. Swart., commander of the local J ” LOCAL RESIDENTS ARE ent foundation and will be consider­ M * 1 up the river. WARNED AGAINST FfRES; K()nly « Ca|tforB|ang and traveI. - - — Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Chase unit, already knows how many men were assisted by Mrs. Walter Gossler. ably smaller than the old plant. The new building will be more at­ The ( lass Is composed of 14 of the Hprlngfleld people should be careful era from Washington have not heard , „ 7 ,, , 7 , 7 7 ' ' “l 7 7 ' 1 h‘m ‘° 8Un” ner'8 smaller girls of the Methodist Sunday tractive and will occupy the samg to get rid of dry grass surroun-n «« McKenxIe country as an Idea, ^ x t o bridge ' M e camp. school. site of the old one, Mr. Dorris said. their houses In order to prevent fires fl’,bln* region and when they are not Leaving here F r ld a v « ft ,t. Twenty-one out of 26 whom he took during the dry days. Fire Chief J e s s e <°o rushed to go frdm one state to )rN . y 7 ? °n' the | ,o ln 1927 went with him this OLD LIVERY BARN SOON Smltson said this morning. another they lake a breathing spell llr(Iay and rteurned here S u n d l/ .R e r * ' le88t bl* “ P" Cen,a’ e PAUL SCHIEWE SELLS HIS will go next summer, he said. Grass growing next to the houses along Ihe stream. noon. * 1 ' TO BE COMPLETELY GONE INTEREST IN MILL HERE Men who enlisted when the com­ Is apt to get. aflre and burn the house Adallne Perkins acted as temporary Within a few days the old livery Sale of his Interest In the planing during Ihe weather which makna the SPANISH WAR VETERANS scoutmaster in the absence of the pany was organized will have ended mill here to H. E. Pitts waa announ- barn at 016 WPSt end of Maln street relative humidity low, the chief point­ PLANNING JOINT PICNIC rpKub"' scoutmaster who Is on a vaca- their enlistm ent next April. Lieut. ced this week by Paul Schiewc who I wil1 be no more- °- C. Thurman, Swaris expects nearly all of the^e ed out. — ■ - , tlon. has been In the mill business here for 1 owner of ,be Property, is making Two grass fires were reported thia Hprlngfleld members of the Spanish Typical outdoor games and scouting men to re-enllst. They may sign up aome time. i rapid headway In tearing down ths for a one year period following the week. The Are department extinguish- - War Veterans and the auxiliary chai»- l routine were enjoyed, Mr. and Mrs. Schlewe and children I 7 8‘™ ture, wh'cb' ba” <‘ve" way 10 three-year enlistm ent If they so de­ ed a grasa lire between Seventh and f*r" «ve urged to attend a Joint picnic have moved from their home oo |McKeM,e right-of-way. sire, he stated. Eighth slreeta on Main Monday and °f the order to he held midway be- | CHANCES IN TRAIN AND Fourth and C streets to the la tter's' . * 8t”n<' ° ‘he thousan« Bprlngflold Methodist church dnr- showed a decided slump, accord- 'Wrchased the B. I* Beck ranch and ts an attache at ths Southern Paclflc O. O. F. lodge«. They lived here at oprlng crops. Ing (he next two weeks. log to I. M. Peterson, city raeerdsr I wtil take possession of It this week. statioa here. o m Ums.