PAGE S K THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. IMaburaemeata made to run tha AI- kaoy schools during the year 1*17-13 aggregated S1S4.S78.7T. Receipts dur- teg the year were *111.8*1 86. The Oregon Cattle and Hcrsa Kale era’ association convened In Enter- prise with a large crowd of stockmen present from all parts of the state. THURSDAY JULY 12. l'»?H ¡northeast of Springfield Portable ley and Ma he I Ellingson, both of Mar- , "Huvea L ife ’’ club re< etilly organised gasoline engine driven centrifugal Holmes, both of fchigena; Harold Hal by t'embrooke and Morllg company of ' pump. Irrigates by flooding. Has ley and Mabel, Ellingson, both of Mar . Eugene Correspondente potatoes, beans, beets, cabbage and cola; latwla tmwrenee and Leona I . . ___________________ ’ ruck crops M r Bartholomew Carr, both of Eugene; Arthur Currie i Membership U. the club m ulti the returned by Medford, leaving here on 1 **•* 11 g,','*t demonstration of fertlll- and Geneva Akerley. both of Eugene, ’'’"J"1’1** 1,1 1 "" I’b !• brake in July S and returning July 6. I , ”r“ on •'«rl7 PoUtoea. Canal Lamb and M argaret Hell. boll. * “ *" 2? ‘‘ " ‘ " " ’" ’ I* ,h r,,u ‘ *""“ ’'** UPPER WILLAMETTE M is. Heersma spent several days * «*•<*. -«tension engineer or ol Eugene I y'M‘r ,n8p" ' “» urlver that hla brakes are In p o r t 'd -------- —____________ Oiling of the W illam ette highway last week visiting In Klam ath Falls. the Oregon Agricultural College iwlll ' condition at all ilmaa _ She also motored to Crater Lake take part In the tour and discuss began July 5 and la progressing rapid various Irrigation problems T h e *^ A R E OF B R A K E S O B JE C T i ly. The aouth half waa oiled tlrat while there. Care of four-wheel brakes la of O F S A V E - A - L IF E G R O U P special Importance. It Is pointed out Miss fatura Kuth underwent an county agent stales that all persons allowing the traffle to uae the north interested In supplemental Irrigation half. Aa the oil soaked Into the aouth operation a few daya ago. * ! and Improper attention to ih«m ia Safety for the pedestrian aa well as j putting the driver In Miss Elisabeth McMahon, who un ayatema are Invited to take prut In aide the north h alf waa oiled It >a precarious other motorists la the object of a iMialtin going to* make the road much better drrw ent an operation for appendicitis I ’ *” * *°ur, I for travel aa the dust waa becoming some time ago has recovered enough j ’ ®ry heavy. Many of the cars are to be brought home last Saturday. DEMOCRATS OF COUNTY C harter No. IM I Reserve District Ne. 12 : taking eith er the Cloverdale or the ENDORSE PARTY STANÒ REPORT OP CONDITION OP THE Jasper routes In order to avoid tra ve l­ TOUR OF FARMS SET ing In the oil. Democrats of fgtne county o rg an -! By Special Community News First National Bank TO STUDY IRRIGATION Cecil Curts oldest son of Mr. and lied last .Saturday. electing Frank At Springfield. In the Stale of Oregon, at tlm close of business oa The third annual tour conducted by Armltage as chairman of (he county , ed by the American Legion, waa form­ Mr». C. E Curts left for Idaho last June .70. 1*38 week to spend the summer with hla ally dedicated last week during the the l-ane County Horticultural sort- I committee George O. Good , , , . RESOURCES uncle. He expects to work with the ety cooperating with the county agent all was re elected secretary of the . Lo»n* «nd discounts. Including rediscounts, acceptances of other Orst day of a three-day celebration. bailers and threshers. banks, and foreign h ill, of exchange or drafts sold with In- to observe and study supplemental Ir- I c°mmtttee The construction of a 600-foot tun­ systems used in grow ing! , rTwl M sa waa selected state cell O v e r d r a f ^ ^ " » ^ ’ i'.*...!*?"* . »»7.1*7 16 » »7.19.1 t | A fter spending a week with h ls^rlgatlon systems used In growing *'red Fisk was selected state nel on the O-W. R. A N. at Weather­ dû 34 « ’ » » •tte m a n and J E Noland. U fl. G overnm en t aecurltlee' o w n e d ':'’ * by, 16 miles north of Haatington. will fam ily at the Circle ranch a t Enter­ truck crops w ill be held on Friday, j waa named congressional Deposited to secure circulation (IT 8 bonds par value) *8.250 00 he commenced in the next few days. prise. Louts Circle returned to his I July 20, according to O. 8. Fletcher. , ranch near Triangle Lake last week 1 county ag en t The itin erary for the « ‘" ’ ■»»»»’•’•man All other U n it'd State« G o v c rtn n n t securities (Including A forest fire, believed to have been premiums. If any) »13.785 53 Endorsement of the party platform Several men of the Enterprise dis tour with a statement of the type of «mat caused by sparks from an engine, has Total 20,036 63 trlct were out the fore part of this pumping plant, source of power, i ,’u’ l ,nw’ »• the Houston convention O ther bonds, stocks. been discovered along the Sumpter securities. elc 98.321 03 was voiced, particularly the plank Furniture and fixtures Valley railroad, half a mile north of week hunting for J. M W ilhelm , who method of distributing water, and 6.400 0() Support H' “ 1 owned other than hanking house Austin. [ is lost in the woods in the Bear Creek crops being grown on each farm fol- dealing with fagni re lie f 13.700 00 was pledg'd to the national and local n ’*® [V8 * ,,h fe d e ra l Reserve Bank 17.38» 02 According to word from Salem. W a r di8tr‘c‘ - 8* ’ er* 1 cl<,W8 he low8: t ash In vault aud amount due from national banks 4.1.438 1)0 may have drowned ia a m l., pond In 9:30 A. M W endell Bartholomew ••'•"»’‘•ratlc tickets, ( hack» o$ other, bank» tn thi» »«me city or town u» rcportlnx hunk. renton's city water sapply la first 1.01678 that vicinity. place on Rover Loop 2. Lower Santa Further ptpns for the campaign will Total l«j*t two Item» $44.451 7M class in quality. The latest tests give Redemption fund with V 8 Treasurer and due frnm V S Treasurer M r and Mrs. Roy John who w ill C,Mr“ One frora *’»‘*»«‘* h'« h " * M‘ * “ * “ “ » be held 312 60 a rating of “Class A," the highest teach In the Goshen school next M il w , 7- Small overhead sprinkler sys- j 8 ___ I o a .. .. H?!l8 ’ 48 21 m ark possible. The new airport at Elgin tponsor- The Clatsop County bank, recently organised at Seaside, has been made a depository for postal saving funds. Deposits must be covered by accept­ able collateral. The Gold Beach Packing company lasr week sent €00 cases of canned salmon to Brookings for loading on the steamer Martha Buchner for de- i. . . livery at Astoria. are taking w ork at the U n iversity of tw n a,tached to household pressure Oregon summer school. system. Electric motor Mlscellane- ou» truck corps. The recent rains did a great deal 10:30 Don Shaffner place on River of damage to the cherry crop In the Avenue> abo„, oniMJUarl„ r mUe ) ~ ------------ _ C R E A T D U R IN G T H E W E E K r„ la l, . . T ~ ..... , I ppere W illam ette district. T h e ot pacific highway Large capacity i r plrt| ‘ r * U ‘ * ’ « ” >*''• I -.. . L , - truck corps Also has portable flood i flon. ar , . are gardens are all looking fine Over outflt d riven by , KaaoIlne ~ at the . most 7 L dangerous point Robbers last week robbed the Mitch- ! three inches of rain fell in the last M r Shaffner w ill also show a trial »f so far aa danger of tire la concerned. •11 State bank at Mitchell of about »100 few weeks in the Lanoax district In cash. The robbers used tools stolen ! 1:30 P. M. Trum an Chase farm haxanls are great In tim ber areas. one-half mile below the Ferry Street 1 h* hum idity reached as low aa 20 from the high school building to bat- — — ter open the vault. bridge and near the Eugene County MondBy »"<* * » • a!moat aa low us that THURSTON Electric motor driven water ■-*- 1 ,,e r ,n l h« week. Sheriff Floyd Huntley of Curry ” ~ county, a member of the Gold Beach ' _________ Mrs Inus ______ _________ ____ ____ Underground pipe distribution W. G. M rla r e c . lire expert o f M il Flanigan from Eugene baseball team, suffered a broken Jaw was a caller at A. W W eaver's last «T9*»® Irrigates by flooding Can- *°u la. Montana. Is conferring with last week in a game' between Gold Sunday. beans and other truck crops. Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor of the Beach and Smith River. j M r and Mrs Ryan and son. Lloyd Atoo potatoes ¡Cascade national forest. The two Bids were receiveo at Roseburg last from Eugene called on Mrs. M argaret 2:30 Chase Gardens. Centrifugal men made a trip Into thk forest yes week for the construction of a new ' Campbell last Sunday. pump attached to large overhead t •—d«)' Io confer with ra n g es . courthouse for Douglas county. The county expects to spend about »276,- 000 on the construction. ' Remarkable and continued improve- ment tn the dairying industry in the Coos bay district ia disclosed by the annual reports for the two Coquille cow testing associations. An apple tree on the Clarence Bad­ ger (arm near Dayton, with almost tully developed apples sin it, is bloom­ ing abundantly for the second time thia season I t is of the snow var­ iety. ” A throng of 20,000 people enjoyed Vale’s eleventh annual Fourth of July celebration. The three-day program, which closed at dawn Thursday, waa ^ m o a t varied and successful ever The Bank of Oregon City celebrated its 47ih annlveraaa July 1. Thia is the oldest bank in Clackamas county and was founded in 1881 by Thomas Charman, E. L. Eastman, ana J. T. Apperson. Last Tuesday evening several of the Thurston boys motored to Springfield to meet with the band being organ ¡zed there, and being directed by Prof Andrew Landlea. Mr. and Mrs. Taylo r Needham and Mra Teeter and Ray M itchell and when she fell from a merry-go-round at Hazelgrcen park in Salem. Advance work on construction of the Southern Pacific company's 97- mile line between Klamath Falls and Alturas, Cal., will begin early thia week with the arrival of construction engineers. Dannie M itchell motored over the Me- Kenzie pass to Bend and visited Odell lake and several other resorts and Bell Theatre » Since Oregop began cooperating with the federal government under the ma­ ternity end infancy act six years ago. the mortality rate for the state has dropped Irom 82.8 per 10,000 births to 59 per cent, according to statistics prepared by the children’s bureau of 1 the department of labor. Deposits in Albany’s three banks, as shown in the June 30 statement, are 10 per cent greater than at the corresponding call in 1927. The com­ bined deposits now are »3,459,000, or »334.000 greater than last year at this 1 time. Three hundred eighty infants and children of pre-school age were weigh- ' ed and measured in the county-wide baby clinic Just completed in Union county. Clinics were held in La Gfande, Elgin, Cove, Medical Springs and North Powder, 3.000 00 I M 8.250.00 1.60» 71 C irculatin g Piotea’ outstanding C ashier s checks outstanding Total Items 24. 35. 2«. »7. 28. and 2». »180*71 Oemand deposits (other than bank deposits) eubjeet *° ?T.*t r v t« l^^poalts payable within 30 day»!: i" , 152.077 01 certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for ......... ... .......... _ Money borrowed 12 010 18 Btate. county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of 28.787 61 342 96 T otal of dsmsnd , deposits (other than bank deposits) subject lo reserve »1*0.308 83 T '"*« d»R<*l«a aub>et to Reserve (Payable after 80 days, o r subject to »0 days or more notice, and postal savings): Savings deposits (Including time certificates of deposit other than for money borrowed) Total of time deposits subject to reserve. Items 36. 38. 37. snd <8 ....... ......... ............... (68.476 12 Total 88.475 13 »298 ’ 18 Stores at Springfield, Sale m and Portland FRI. . SAT. - JULY 13 - 14 Zane Grey's “NEVADA” ALSO— Comedy and New3 SUNDAY - JULY 15 Norma Shearer In “The Latest From Paris” ALSO— Comedy and News TUESDAY - July 17 Hoot Gibson In “The Raw Hide Kid” Bring Whole Family Every Tuesday for bOc Formerly Farmers Exchange SAVINGS FOR Y O U - CLEARANCE FOR US Astounding Reductions in all Departments M E N ’S T IE S M E N ’S PA N TS A good assortment of S ilk and knit T ie r. Values to 75c. A SemIDreas Panta, Une pin , tripe In blue or brown Clearance Price ................. Clearance Price ___ 10c M E N 'S GLOVES The statement of condition made by the banks of Forest Grove at the call of the controller of currency show a substantial Increase. The combined resources of the! two banks on June 30 totaled »1,607,949. summer months as heretofore, ac­ cording to unanimous cote of the tax­ payers of that district. t 36.000 00 " ~ Additions to Christian churches In Oregon during the ye^r totaled 3653, C. F. Swander, stete secretary of the denomination, reported at the Oregon Christian missionary convention now in session at Turner. The Mulkey (chool district, No. 90. near Coquille, will hold school in the winter lim e rather than during the Capital stock paid tn Btate of Oregon. County of Lane, as.: ’ Charles G rant enjoyed a visit over 8Pr inkler system. Also has c e n trlfu -1 ---------------------------------- I, W in G Hughes, preetd.-nt of the above named bank do solemnly swear the week-end with his sister and * al PumP operating a flooding system M arriage Lioensss Issued [fa m ily from Idaho. Both pumps are driven by ele ctric) During the past week marriage lie- that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge sod belief W M O. H U O H B fi. President, Mrs. Annua Lane from Yahats ar- motors. Miscellaneous greenhouse enses have been Issued by the county C o r r e c t Attest: L. K l*age. Paul H adley' A. R »need. Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me thia *th day of July. 1*28 rive<1 ta8t Saturday to visit at A. C. and outdoor truck crops. ¡clerk to the following; Clarence H W. SMITH. Notary Public for Oregon. Mathew's home. I Frank Bartholomew place on [ Cooley, Springfield, and Asalee Hart- (SEAL) (M y Commission expires 4 1 * 2 * 1 M r and Mrs. John Endicott and McKenxle river about four miles Rev. and Mrs. H a rry Benton attended the W altervllle district Sunday school conference »t Upper Camp Creek last 1 Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Platt and fami­ ly and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Platt and fam ily motored to Leaburg last Sun day to their parent's home where their whole fam ily Joined the crowd and motored up the fu rth er McKenxIe on a picnic. T heir slater from Cali­ fornia is here visiting. I Mrs. Arch Shough from Vida visited over the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Price. Clifford W eaver and Mrs. Mary M cElroy from Salem spent the week end with M r an„ „ „ A w W eayer Evangeline, the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard, suffered two broken arms, cuts and bruises, L IA B IL IT IE S FOREST FIRE HAZARD IS Leather faced, striped Gloves. Regular 60c. Clearance Price ----- Refrigerators to Clear 20 percent Discount $18.00 Refrigerator goes at $19.50 Refrigerator goes at $22.75 $24.00 $42.50 $46.75 $49.00 Refrigerator goes at Refrigerator goes at Refrigerator goes at Refrigerator goes at Refrigerator goes at ........ .......... $14 40 $15 60 $18 20 $19 20 $34 00 $36 45 $ 3 8 20 WRIGHT & S O N S HARDWARE — FURNITURE— PAINT PHONE 18 VITUS BLOCK back 38c M EN 'S SOX Summer weight Cotton Sox, brown and black only. Clearance Price ................. 10c $1.98 M EN 'S SHOES One lot of W ork Shoes, leather tippers, composition soles, Clearance Price ___ $1.98 M E N 'S 8 H IR T S Blue Chambray W ork Shirt. Two pocket, triple stitched, ull cut. Clearance Price ................ 69c M EN 'S GLO VES BO Y’S 8 U IT S Good weight Canvass Gloves in blue wrist. A real buy. All wool Boy's K nlcker Suits Values to »16,00. Clearance Price ___ Clearance Price . . . 10c M EN 'S S U IT S One lot of M en’s all twool Suits to close out values to »45.00. Clearance Price . . . . $19.75 $3.98 SHOES One lot of Ladles’ and Chil­ dren's Shoes. Broken sizes. Values to »7.50. Clearance Price ................. 10c S E W IN G T H R E A D O. N. T . Sewing Thread In black and white any number. 7 Spool« Clearance Price ............... 25c REM NANTS One lot of Remnants of sea­ sonable summer goods, good lengths, valut-s to 76c. C learance Price .................. 10c M U 8 L IN Every housewife know« the line quality of "Hope" Muslin Free from starch, 3« Inches wide. A yard Clearance Price .................. 14c P IL L O W CASES 42-Inch standard width, free from starch, medium weight. Each Clearance Price ................. 19c % sox Children’s half and three- quarter Sox In all wanted colored tops to match the dress, values to 60c. The Pair Clearance Price ...................