PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEW8 T H U R S D A Y J U L Y 12, 1828 Murphy in Ashland—D. B. Murphy M R S . V A N V A L Z A H T O drove to Ashland Wednesday. He REPRESENT W O M E N ’S took Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mitchell, O R D E R A T M E E T IN G who have been vlsitelng their daugh­ Keep Cool During the ter, Mrs. Murphy, to their home and Mrs Bernice Van Valzah will repre­ Summer Monti brought his mother, Mrs. I. E Murphy Naw York Women In— Miss Marg Visiting In Coburg— Miss Nellie anil sister. Hazel Murphy, to Spring sent the auxiliary of the American . Stuart la spending a few days visit­ aret Hickey of New York City, iwho ( Legion post of Springfield at tbe state la visiting relatives at Jasper this ‘ ay' A «Irik« Ihut limy prove of M r»} ing Cornelia ■Coleman In Coburg. convention to be held In Medford summer, was here for medical atten tionnl value '• i muile (be Must week August 2-4, It was decided at a called Johnny Bench III—Johnny B e n ch , Visiting With Aunt— MI mh Muriel tlon Monduy. by A. ('. ui d C. C. Duvliison at (heli here on a furlough from the navy to meeting of the organization Monday, n .io In In« Alt h u ll ><< dlslrlit f ly la the bottom lands, Harvey tl. Marshfield where they 111 vl»lt"with ' Springfield Saturday to visit with the mill here, received an Injury to PRICES CUT TO THE BONE health and energy. Hale, Coos county agent, said. There friends. They were enroute to the relatives. Leading athletes use as Cat to bis foot Just as the 6 o’clock whistle are two varieties, the climbing species McKenzie country for the week-end. at the mill blew last Friday. and recommend IL * 195 Ford Touring .......... ........ 260 and tbe ordinary variety, both of Return from Vacation— Mr. and He was holding a timber when the Lsave for Nebraska— Mr and Mrs. Star 4-door Sedan ........... 295 340 which are causing considerable loss , Mra. Clarence James returned last whistle blew and automatically let Tom Sweeney and son. Sam, and Chevrolet Sedan. 4 door 346 295 Pint Bottle to farmers. i week-end from Newport after enjoy- it drop, not being able to get hiB foot daughter, Thelma and grand-daughter, Chevrolet 3pt Roadster 386 296 Checks totaling close to 12000 be­ ' Ing a vacation on the beach. laiVerne Hugh, have left for Nebraska Bulck Sport Touring __ 676 465 out of tbe way before the board longing to O. V. Myers, Medford auto­ Vlalta Mother— Walter Scott of Cor- by car. They will be gone several Bulck »port Roadster 686 struck IL 700 mobile dealer, accidentally taken Cadillac Sedan 676 , vallls returned to bis home last week weeks. 645 He walked to a physician’s office when a demonstrating cash register end after Visiting his mother, Mrs. Dodge Special S e d a n _ 7*5 885 was removed from his ofilce last week Morgans Have Trip—Mr. and Mrs. Bulck 2-door Sedan ___ »96 896 1 Charles Scott for several days. S tore by a saleman, were returned Monday Alfred J. Morgan and children have T3U Bulck 4-door Sedan ....... 1360 1235 after tbe salesman had reached Kla­ Drive to Capltol—C. C. Leonard of i returned from a 10-day trip to point» 1*28 Oldamobile Ijindau CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery math Falls. Medford and Dallas Murphy of this tn Washington. They visited with Sedan ____________ 1085 995 n prices on plates and other work, tf More prisoners are nogr confined in city drove to Salem on business Sun­ relatives In Beattie, Davenport and ■dwell. 8EVERAL OTHERS TO »ELECT Oregon's Jails and prisons than at any day. FROM Ume In tbe history of the slate, ac­ Here from Corvallis— 6? re. Grace D. H. Item cording to a survey conducted by I Buys Residence He pel has purchased a residence on Beals and daughter, Agnes, were here Now la tbe time to SAVE MONEY Henry Meyers, superintendent of tbe Main street from T. M. White of this week to attend the funeral of We need the room—you need Oregon state penitentiary. A total of the former's grandmother. Mrs. Elisa­ a better car. T il prisoners were housed In the state I Drain. beth Lyons. penitentiary. Drive to Newport— Mr. en d Mra. Liberal allowances for trade-ins Alda Coburg Lodge—Oswald Olson, Frederick Orlewold, t, son of S. A. Cheater Elspes and Mr. and Mra. Otto Terms to suit your Income Griswold ut Powers, tell from a cliff ' Smith and family apent the week-end district deputy grand master of th-- LOWEST RATES 1 O. O. F. lodge. Installed officers of Tl feel above the south fork of the on the beach at NawpurL the 'Coburg r lodge Tuesday evening. Coquille river and landed In the F. W. PETTYJOHN Petersons Return Friday—Mr. and He was assisted by five deputies from stream. He was taken to the Myrtle BUICK AGENCY Mra. 1. M. Peterson who have been In Point hospital where It wae found he the local lodge of Odd Fellows. 7th and Olive Eugene, Oregon had suffered no Injuries other than the east for the past month are ex­ Seattle Woman Visits— Miss Fern pected to return here Friday after­ scalp wounds. noon or evening. Mr. Peterson will Smith of Seattle, who has been visit­ Concrete mile poets for The Dallas- resume hla duties In the city record- ing at th^horae of Mrs. Kathryn Dun­ California highway, giving mileage , er's office Saturday. can for the past week left Sunday I from the Junction of Tbe UalleeCall- afternoon with Mrs. Duncan for a tornla and Columbia highways to the Nsw Residents Hare— Mr. and Mrs. motor trip, to Salem and Portland. Oregon California line, are being plac­ M E. Paaage will reside here shortly. ed this week by state highway depart­ Mr. Panage la already here and his Idaho People Here—Mr. and Mrs ment maintenance crews. Tbe poets family will arrive soon to make their Walter Ingram and children of Twin { are three-elded with beveled edges. Wheels are a very important part of home at the corner of Eight and A Falls. Idaho, are guests at tbe home I All Hats reduced to H and less. of Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Valentine this The Hunt Bros, cannery at Salem streets. your auto. A wheel that runs untrue week. Mra. Ingram Is a nelce of Mrs. Dresses formerly priced at *16.50 set a new record last Tuesday and Return from South— Mr. and Mrs. Valentine. to go on Sale Saurday at *8.50. Tuesday night when It packed 11,71* wears out tires. A wheel that is Morris Berg and daughter, June, re­ cases of fruit. This was said to be Dresses formerly *12.95 at *5.95. turned Monday from Gold HUI where loose creaks and groans. Our wheel Former Resident V isits— Robert the largest 1« hour pack of any can­ l fhey visited Mrs. Berg's relatives dur- Schmitz, former resident of this city, nery In tbe history of the state. P re These dresses are all the newest service corrects all wheel troubles. vious to Tuesday the average 24-hour | Ing the holiday and over the week- and hla brother-in-law, John Hitcher, colors. All sizes. pack was slightly less than 10,000 , end. They spent a day at the Oregon are visiting friends here for several 1 Caves while south. days. Mr. »chm itt was a resident 8th AVE. HAT SHOP here for some time, but has spent the ! Disposal of a 500-ton pool of Wasco Drove to Summit— Mr and Mrs. E. pest 11 years In California. 42 W. 8th St. Eugene. Ore. county apricots through the Ameri­ D. Eggtmann who are visiting here W . H . A D R IA N , Prop I We Give S. A H. Green Stamps can Fruit company, Inc., was announc­ from Fort Wayne. Indiana, Mra. C. F Summer Camp Topic — Sprlngfieltl ed by • members of The Dalles Co­ Egglnianii and George Perkins drove Girl Scouts will discuss plans for their operative Growers' association last ; to the summit yesterday afternoon. summer camp at a meeting set for week. The apricot crop la the heaviest The visitors were Impressed with the 7 o'clock this evening In the chamber I In history this year, and the total yield lavu beds and other acenery along of commerce rooms. The camp w ill' will he around 860 tons It Is esti­ the McKensle highway. I^ter In the probably be held next month, scoh' 1 mated. (lay they drove to Belknap Springs. leaders said. The Oregon state library, under a a recent federal enactment reducing Portland People Here — Mr. and Peteraone Enjoying Trip— Mr and | postal rates on hooka sent from and Mrs. Horace Wakefield and chlldr-n Mrs. I. M. Peterson, who are on an ! returned to free public libraries, will of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. J. l). extended trip In (he east are enjoy­ save approximately *3000 annually, ac­ Ixiomls of Vancouver, Washington, ing their vacation, according to a cording to Miss Cornelia .Marvin, state visited In Springfield yesterday with card received by The Springfield ' librarian. The Oregon statu library In Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor. The fami­ News this week. The card was writ- i 1*27 Sent out 23631 packages of lies drove up the McKenzie river ten from Charleston, North Carolina ’ AT books. where they will camp for several days. on July 1 and stated that the local ; Proposals were opened recently by They will return to Portland by way people were to leave the next day for Washington, D. C. the United (Rates bureau of public of Bend and Hood River. roads for grading the Cascadla-Kangur elation section of the Santlam high­ way in Linn county, approximately Springfield, Oregon three milee in length. Improvement Corner 2nd and Main Streets of thia section will complete the San- tlam highway from Albany to Hanger Station. The final dividend In liquidation of the First State A SavingH bunk of Klainuth Falls was paid last week, “ tuAere saving» a re g re a te s t’ according to announcement made by A. A. Schramm, state superintendent 942 W illam ette St., Bug ene, Oregon. of brinks. Approximately 1139,297.84 will be distributed among 1916 claim- > ants. The bank was closed January 28, 1922. Lack of passenger patronage threat- ' ena removul of one of the two passen- ' ger trains the Southern Pacific runs i to the Marshfield territory. It was ( A customer told us recently, “So I have to go wf. rt said the late train leaving Portland < I know I'll find what 1 want right away. You can tor Cooa bay will bo taken off, and I always depend on the qualify of anything you buy here, the one running opposite from there and I don’t have to rush down to a Special Sale to get at * A. M. will also be discontinued, the right price. Isn’t it nice to shop in a store you can probably after July 22. depend on? It saves such a lot of running around." Gold HUI la to have a new foot-pas­ senger swinging bridge to spun Hogue You may be sure that the J. C. Penney Company is river in tbe center of the city at the site of the old bridge, which was very proud of its reputation as a '’dependable" store and washed out two yeara ago during the is striving to be increasingly worthy of it. I f you, too. winter flood. The local chamber of find "warm-weather shopping" tiresome, it will pay oommerce baa appointed a committee you to* visit us. O u r values will surprise you And our to provide ways and means for imme­ large stock of sizes and styles will make it unnecessary diate construction of the structure. for you to rush from store to store. At the end of tbe first half of the year La Grande building permlte had reached a total of *150,975. Those W E - C A L L - F O R - Y O U R - C A R - A N D - D E L IV E R - IT la close touch with construction plana here expected a quarter of a million Y O U ’L L L IK E O U R S E R V IC E dollars’ worth of new work to be com­ pleted before 1*29. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST TOWN AND VICINITY Rubbing Alcohol 59c Flanery’s Drug Store I Midsummer Clearance of Dresses and Hats Wheel Service SPRINGFIELD GARAGE SEE WHAT YOUR CAR LOOKS LIKE FROM UNDERNEATH Mutt and Jeff Service Station On our new Hydraulic Hoist “It’s Too Warm to Do Much Shopping” Most Modern Equipment in Springfield Special Introductory Offer For one week only July 13 to July 20 A Complete Grease Job for 5 0 cents Regular Price $1 to $1.50