TlfUJtHpAY JULY 12, 1 »28 THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THRHB N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S T R A IN SCHKO ULC Notice la hereby given that the un­ Springfield Stop« dersigned has be* n appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon ______ (Continued from ____ l ’ag» 2) The schedule Includes three north* ; for Intne County. Executor of the . . . ,, ~ ~ bound and three southbound trains I Estate of C A T H E R IN E ROBISON, do- ' ’ rn, lt ln ,he hall below us, so solftly [ _____ ______ , UUI ' iu ra trains The northbound trains are: No. 18 ' cessed. A ll persons having claims we col,ld nar,,ly hesr I agnlnst said estate »arc hereby re- “ Let's go to bed," I whispered. H>*g) at 4:27 a. m ; No. 82, 3:88 p. m .; No. 8, 3:66 p. m. j qulred to present the same, properly “ Evidently the walk Is done.” verified and with vouchers therefor, Southbound trains are: No. "Be patient, old man." Then he to the undersigned at the law office o f 4:46 a. m ; No. 7 (flag), 2:30 p. m-î Gordon 8. Wells. Court House, Eu­ uttered the strangest little sigh. No. 16, (flag), 9:33 p. m. gene, Oregon, within (fix months from i “Look, long. It Isn't done, afte r all.” I the date of the first publication hereof i His voice dropped a note; that was Date of first publication hereof is S U M M O N S Its only change. I knew he was point- June 28. 1928. JAM EK R U T H E R F O R D , Executor ,n< toward th ,h " ro" ot wlnd<>w8 at ; IN ^^KTAT^O f ' OREGON^ FO R ™ B FOR SA LE W OOD SK R TIC T A N K S — F A IN T IN G and Kalsomlnlng In all ’Its | **1* Estate of Catherine Robison, , the opposite ned nt the hall. Three of , LANE CO UNTY Old Growth F ir, Second Orowtb Fir, Ready for you to Install them glowed dim ly from the flicker­ 8. A. Mogan, PlalntlfT, v»., Helen L. branches. Reduced Prices. Roy deceased. Oak, Ash. A ll lengths. Phone Spring- Fof fam ily of live — >21 00, Eugene J. 28: Jl. 6-12-19-26: Mogan, Defendant. Koch. Call 126-J. ing Hhtniag In the far reaches of the SeM 10«. i f For fam ily of sight — >28 00. Eugene sky, rectangular In shape as they t o Helen L. Mogan. the above named defendant: Sewer Pipe, W ell Curbing. Drain T ile should be. The upper part of the .N O T IC E F o n publication S U M M O N S SUMMONS IN T H E N A M E OF 7 H E S T A T E FOREST EXCHANGE and Chimney Blccka. You are hereby sum­ IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E fourth was lighted too, but the lower O F OREGON: No. 018003 S T A T E O F O REG ON FOR part was wholly obscured by some­ moned and required to appear and STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR C U Q EN E CO N C R ETE PIPE CO. Departm ent of the Intorlor, United LA N E CO UNTY T H E C O U N T Y O F L A N E S U IT thing that stood in front. I t was answer the complaint of the plaintiff States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore for d ivorce . Paul Zlnlker, Plaintiff, something low and long that stood I “^ " ' o n o r ^ f o ^ " ? ) . / U st day A. V C A L L A N D BEE Dr. N. W. Emery goo. June 14, 1928. 1 O laf Jorgen Hansen, Plaintiff, versus, Pruyn. Defendant. Notice Is hereby given that on June on prices on plates sud other work, tf Jennie Jeanetta Hansen, Defendant, To the above named A. V. I ’ruyn, de- perhaps trree feet high. Something of the time prescribed in the order of 8. 1928, G W Thompson, of Eugene. on or before was crossing at the end of the hall, publication, to-wlt: i To Jennie Jeanetta Hansen, Defend fendant Oregon, riled application No oixom I an tA August 2, 1928, and If you fall to so IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E j between us and the -windows A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S NO TIC E under the Act of March 30. 1922. (42 You are hereby required to appear <’ i? 2 R,BOON: Y'’“ are hereby re ! The shadows slowly changed in appear and answer, the plaintlfT w ill S lat., (ilfil to ear,iitnge llie NK% IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T IIK and to the answer the complaint filed qutreq to appear and answer the com* ' v f * _ j *u » > apply . . above entitled ----------- — court — - — for S T A T E O F O REG ON IN A N D FOR N K 'd . i*ec. IIS, T p 17 S , II 9 W, W H ‘ de arC ov*'r the iower i a decree of absolute divorce against against you In the above entitled suit plaint filed against you In the above Hbap* T H E C O U N T Y O F L A N E IN PRO 8 W U . Sec 28. E H HE*«, Sec. 29. Tp within four weeks from the first pule entitled cause within four weeks from Part of tke same window we had seen I y ° u- and for such other relief as to BATE IS*H.. It 10 West. W M . within th> I llcatlon of this summons which Is the date of the first publication of this ! efore—a sfiape as of a monstrous i tb ~ .$ our* ***all seem equitable. In re Estate of Henry W illiam s, de- Kluslnw National Forest, for llie lim ­ Four weeks from flank of an animal And the a d jo in -! an™ ’ « 1 ’n " ? published the first tlm j on July 12 •«»■mons to-wlt: efinsetl. ber from approximately 14 lu-rea with N o .,» ,, » ' J * the 5th day of July, 1928: and If you , . « 7 .,. w oraer made by Hon G. F. In (he E H Section 36. Tp. 9 S . Ran«« , ■■■-. .. 7— . . . . no ... app-ar, your - f» " «o appear or answer said com ! ,ng wlBdnw waa Partly obscured now. Sklpworth. Judge of the above en* ’ -‘i* J " . fo_r * V . ‘ «» I El“ !“ '/ ,for ."?»< thpre° f Pl*«nHff W hatever moved at the end of the hall «tied Court. »» » d day of July. 6. Enel, W M , w ithin the Santluui Appointed" quailflLd "nd a'-Hng'.'.dm'ln Istrator of the above e n title d e s t « » « - ! unMu , ri. and ,h'' p,aln' ,ff w^ 11 make I lake Judgment against you for was creeping slowly past the ■» Inflows, j * ( I ) u J®^s- whh'h order directs that N atio n al Forest. The purpose of thia not Icq la to at » tr a to r of the above entitled e e U te , j .p lic a t io n to the Court fo r the re-1 < *• A m of >54.68. together -with s l x l BIld «J body WM ,on< enough th at It PUblUhed tor to u r low nil persona claim ing the Innds , th at all ta-rsons ow ing _ th e said E sta te lie f prayed within the said complaint ! P*'r c«nt interest per annum thereon | ¡*n,“ ‘l ” "” ',y w<1” ion« euou«ii ..tai, weeks In the Springfield News, a selected, or hnvlng bom» fid.- objer j d**>t or obligation shall pay the ■which is as follows, to w it:- That the 1 ^ron’ August 27. 1926, together with eft ’ ark umbra8es agalost two ef the nerwspaper »>f general circulation pub- tlons to such application, an opportun I name to me, and that all persons hold m arriage contract now existing be­ the costs and disbursements of this lighted panes. j llshed In Lane County, Oregon, and Ity Io llie their proteat with the Regis , Ing claims against the said estate tween you and the plaintiff he for­ action, and that the property attach­ There watt no chance for a mistake - that you be required Io appear and ter anti Receiver of the United Slutes shall present the name Io mo with ever dissolved and that plaintiff have ed herein be »old an provided by law t , answer on or before the last day of were perfectly alert. It i the tim e prescribed in said order, to- Land offl.-e at Itosi-hurg, Oregon. Any voucher«« attached at the law office an absolute divorce from you. Hon C. to satisfy or apply on such Judgment, i M y senses . ■ « « _ . . such protests nr objections must he of my attorney, H. E Slattery, 717 P. Barnard, County Judge of Utnc The order directing the service o f! was not “ ,Jel,tslon or an effect of wlt, on or before the 2nd day ot fib-tl In this office w ithin th irty days W illam ette Street, Eugene, Oregon, County, Oregon, made, dated, and en the summons herein by publication shadows. Both of us kept our self- August, 1928. ' from the date of first publication of within six months from th date of ; tered on order July 12, 1928. directing | thereof is dated July 3 1928, and control and were rather surprisingly Date of first publication, July 5,1954. this notice, which flrqt publication Is the drat publication of thia notice i that this summons be published In direct* publication once each weèk fo r I r-aim " of h j« P«WUa«OB. August 2 ,195> June 21. 1928. , which la June 14. 1928 S M C A LK IN S . Attorney for Plain- j tne Springfield News onge each week four successive and consecutive weeks Non cogl ■MIKE IIO O A N . Adnflnistrator. I for four successive weekr., and that In. "T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S ' i “Can you hit at th at range?’ t,ff. Residence and Vostnfflce address HASJ1LL \ U A N A D A Y , Register. H E S L A T T E R Y . Attorney for Ad you appear and answer the said com- printed and published at 8prfngfl»-ld ' Ernest whispered In my ear. , Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. - _ j _________Jl. 5-12-18-26: A. 2: J. 2128: Jl. 6 12 19 • tnlnlstrator. , plaint within four weeks from the • In - I-ane County, Oregon, under » which “I can, but I don't dare. I c a n 't' ' -J. 14-21-28: Jl 6-12: " ( date of the Arts publication of this ornor the first publication of this shoot at a shadow, Ernest. Too great , to each other, and then went back summons. S U M M O N S summons is made July 5. 1928. A L T A K IN O , Attorney for Plain ■a chance for accidents.' for candles. W e held them high and H. E S L A T T E R Y , Attorney for N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T G F T H E Plaintiff and tny residence and" post tiff. Residence, Eugene, Oregon. I "Then we'll stalk it. It doesn’t pav peered In the corridor and among 014988 S T A T E O F O R EG O N F o il T H E Jl. 5-12-19-26: A 2: Department of the Interior, U. g. | office address Is Eugene. Oregon CO UN TY OF LANK to w ait any more. Long. Anything 1* the curtains. The elder Hayward k e n --------------- 1 Jl. 12-192*: A. 2-9: Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Mabel Hchardln, Plaintiff, Vs. Stanley better than this suspense.” close behind us. uttering low. In a rti­ June 28, 1988. Schardln, Defendant. W e stepped out of our hiding place culate sentences . aot particularly . N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S N O T IC E Is herwhy given that Isaac 1 To JJtauley Schardln, the above Notice is hereby given that the un and crept down the hall. A ll four of worth listening to. It Howard of Junction City, Oregon. -' N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that named defendant: who on July 2. 1923. made Hom»*stead the undersigned has been appointed <*etsigned, Claud Sllkwood, has been the windows were clear In outline He had forgotten our scene In the IN T H E N A M E G F THE S T A T E Entry No 014988. for Ix>t 8. and N E U appo nted adm inistrator of the estate now.. O u r.q u a rry had headed on, den a few hours before. His present adm inistrator of the estate of C. J. O F O R EG O N : You are hereby re­ 8 W t4 . Section 3. Township 17 8., of Jennie Sllkwood. deceased, by the quired to appear and answer the com Range 3 East, W illam ette Meridian, Adrtance, deceased, by the County e’oi.nty Court of Lane County, Ore­ evidently Into the corridor that ran emotion left no room for remembered plslnt filed agnlnst you In the above has filed notice of Intentlpn to make Court of Lane County. Oregon. A ll gon, and all persons having claim * at right angles to the main hall. anger. I t looked as tf he were trying entitled Court and cause on or before three year I*rt>of. to establish claim persons having claims against said egstnst said estate w ill present same But Ernest spoiled our chances of ! to keep close to me. the 29th day of July, 1928, said date to the land above described, before estate nre required to present the duly verified as by law requ lro l to , , . . "am*-, with the p-oper vouchers at- being more than four weeks from E. O Im m el, U. H ,, undersigned adm inistrator at 8ta,kln the creature ign the hall. We . - dm you 8 ee , t _ when lt pasged < ommlssloner, at tachpd. to the unt^rslgned. at the law the Creswell. Oregon, or at the I-aw office ! ot to the windows and made the turn I d o o rr- he wag crytn r --you know the data of the flint publication of Eugene, Oregon, 4 the C ircuit Court of the State of O re­ 8t,r Ahmad Das' room— Just to see If IM» IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E a" ,g gon for the County of Lane duly matte N ’ V \4. Township 16 South. Range 1 ''Q u ick!" my companion breather. in bed and agleep „ he ought t0 . IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E and entered of record on the 18th day West, W illam ette M eridian, has filed O F O REG ON: You are hereby notl O F O REG ON: You are hereby noti­ “ It w ill escape us!” I So we took t „ e c8n(,,e and went fled and required to appear and ans- of June. 1928. ordering that this sum­ notice of Intention to make three year fied that Lewis lot Cha pel le the holder W e started running down the hall. on back |nt0 the maln ha„ mons be published once each week Proof, to establish claim to the land i wer the complaint filed against you In ot Certificate of Delinquency num­ Then ' the above entitled suit, within four It was a tremendously long corridor, we moudted a flight to stairs for four consecutive weeks In the above described, before E O. Immel, bered 2103 issued on the 13th day of At a weeks front the date of the first publi­ U 8. Commissioner, at Eugene, Ore Springfield News snd that th» date rooIn clear a , , hg epd tfc< April, 1925. by the Tax Collector of stretching almost the breadth of the of the first publication thereof w ill gon, on the 10th day of August, 1928 cation of this Summons, and If you fall to so appear In the above entitled ,h e County of Lane. State of Oregon, great house; and lt seemed fo lly to corridor, gye stopped to knock. Claim ant names as witnesses: he June 21st, 1928 and the date of cause w ithin the said period of six ,o r the «mount of One Hundred Three the last publication w ill be with the W illiam Black. James Ktnman, weeks from the date of the first pub- i an‘1 75-100 (>103.75) Dollars, the same try to overtake those sw ift feet. And No answer came, so we knocked Issue of July 19th, 1928. George Higgs, sll of Mabel. Oregon. llcatlon of thia summons, the plaintiff being the amount then due and delln completely at the end Hayward's door again. Then we pushed open the F R A N K A. DePue. Attorney for Edward Freeland, of Marcóla, Oregon. w ill apply to¡ th e"C o u rt"fo r’ the’V elïef ! 1uent for <«»*• f° r ‘ he year 1923 suddenly "ung open door, Ahmand Das 'was not In his Plaintiff. Residence. Springfield, Ore Non-coal pita)ad for In the Complaint filed ti'F pther with penalty. Interest an d . Both of ua knew in a single instant room. gon. H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y. Register. herein, to w it: for a decree of the j <'°a ’ 8 thereon upon the real property j that we would get a sight of the J. 21 28: Jl. 6-12-18: J 28: Jl. 6-12-19 26: His bed had not been slept in. above entitled Court dissolving and »»»«‘« « ‘d to you. of which you are the th) ,. cro„ . e(. , hp doorwav forever setting aside .th e bonds o f - " « « as " P P ^ ra of record, situated tn,ng a8 11 ,he °P«n doorway. “ Does It m ein anything to you?” I matrimony existing between plaintiff 1" "«Id County and State, and particu- Hayw ard had many candles In his Ernest asked me -------------- - . .. “Nothing whatever— any more thaa and defendant ,----- herein, granting 4o the larlv hounded and described as fol­ room, and some of their light flung i plaintiff above named a decree ol lows. to-wlt: out into the hall. But there was hard the rest of this devilish mvstery The East half of the Northeast absolute divorce from the defendant. ly tim e to receive the thought, much meang. you gugpect_ that Ahmand This summons is served upon you quarter, the Southwest quarter of the by publication thereof In the Spring Northeast quarter, and the southeast less to act. There was no tim e what- Das is perpetrating something?" Offlee Phon, 176-J Res Phone 176 M 336 M ain St. Phone 116 W field News once each week for six 0 uarter of the Northwest quarter of ever to raise a pistol. Our quarry - ! gugpect nothJng , only want Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. successive weeks in conform ity w|th ' See 2g t d . 17, South Range 4 Bast i wag a |ong Jn [ront Of Qg. and recall > » n ,,i 1 ■ , ARCHAMBEAU’S the Order of the Honorable O. F. »»e W illam e tte Meridian in L w e door 8^ rcely w de ooen m a t !, POI“ tS General Practice, Special Attention DRESSMAKING m e noor was scarce!) wide open M - : w ill undobutedly• be a great source to Obstetrics and Diseases Sklpworth. Judge of the above entitled ' »w., . Ready to wear Prints, Voiles, fore It passed In front. Of pleasure to you of Children. , He spoke w ltn Court The date of the first public«- . Organdies, Etc. tlon of this summons Is June 21st. ? ap?]_ . "" Of course. It was too far to see a grim humor. “You must have heard F irst National Bank Building said premises for prior or subsequent 1.95 to $4.45 plainly. But 1 had no more delusions stories— every man h as— of men 1928. The date of the last publica­ « Springfield, Oregon* v»»ars. with the rate of Interest on said tion of this summons is July 19. 1928. about its reality. The disease that shooting at hyenas in Africa, woun-t- amount as follows: IM M E L * E V A N S . Attorney for 1924. Date paid April 4. 1925, Tax afflicted the oW manor house was |„g them, tracing them tot the huts of Plaintiff. Residence and Post offlee Receipt No. 10108, 185 23. Interest 12% surely drawing to Its crisis. natlyeg, and then flnd,nK_ not a hyena Ree. Phone 149 Plano Moving address. Eugene. Oregon. 1925. Date paid April 13. 1926. Tax DR. W. N. DOW J. 21 28: Jl. 6-12-19: The creature we saw fitted with _ but a black man. dying, with a Receipt No. 2255. >99 68, Interest 12%. CT^INGFIELD TRANSFER D « n t i at 1926. Date paid July 5. 1927, Tax distrubing consistency Into the old bullet In him.” W IL I.IB B E R T 8 C H , Prop. F irst National BAnk Building The form j .TWb h ear" thg gtorleg and th(>y j Receipt No. 17.185, >102.77 Interest legend of the mansion. SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N O r r i C B A T S E R V IC E GARAGE Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon genge .. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E j D a t e paid April 12. 1928. Tax was low and long, and although the don-t make 533 Main Street Offlee hours, 9 A. M.‘ to 6 P. M. light was dim its general co lo t was , ..And mavbe you havep.t h(?ard Successor to 8ntton Transfer S T A T E O F O R EO O N FOR T H E | Receipt No. 1X 2. >106.08. Interest Evenings by Appointment CO UN TY OF LANE . 12%. perfectly risible to both of us., lt , he theory oi the transmigration of Helgn Schafer. Plaintiff, vs., George Said Anna Blackburn as the owner was a rich, beautiful yellow, striped souls?” Schafer. Defendant of the* leeal title of the above des­ with black. There were no extenuat- j »Every man of education has heard To George Schafor, D efendant: WM. G. HUGHES cribed property as the same appears Botn of us saw j^» j rep||ed IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E of record, and each of the other per­ Ing circumstances. F1RX A N D A U TO IN S U R A N C E O F OREOON. You are hereby re­ sons above named are hereby fu rth e r It - w s plain as we saw the open door- ‘ » if yt>u have> Just remember these N O T A R Y P U B L IC quired to appear and answer the com­ notified that the plaintiff, Lew is La­ way. The posture was exactly that ,,t t ie points. One of them Is that the plaint filed against you In the above chapelle, w ill apply to the Circuit Offlee at W. F. WALKER ! • • entitled Court and cause on or before Court of the County and State afore­ of a great cat creeping, w ith belly transmigration of s o u ls -th a t the soul FIRST NATIONAL BANK of an an, mal can |)ve aKa(n jn thm Ing before the fain t coals that had ■ Sehonburg, and for such other and above named. A T T O R N E Y A T LA W General Law Practice The candle light was on his face: been the fire. All of us leaped when This summons Is published by order , fu rth er re lie f an to the Court may and the look was one not quickly the front door opened. seem equitable. of the Honorable G. F. Sklpworth, N O T A R Y P U B L IC « I. M. PETERSON This Summons Is pulillshed once Judge of the Circuit Court of the forgotten His ruddy color was quite It was Southley, and he carried a Attorney-at-Law Sutton Sprlngflsld, I each week for four seccesslve weeks State of Oregon for the County ol gone, and his eyes were changed too. lantern. His clothes were sim ply In the Springfield News, a weekly I-ane and said order waa made and C ity H a ll Building Building Oregon newspaper of general circulation pub dated this 6th day of June, 1928, and He clutched at us with great, cold, drenched. He wore no hat, and his llshed In Lane County. Oregon, by the date of the first publication Is the frenxled hands. white hair was stringing aout his 8|fi*ingflel(l, Ore. order of the Honorable O. F. Skip | 7th day of June 1928. But we shook loose and hurried Ststlatlca Olvan worth, Judge of the C ircuit Court of | ^11 process and papers In this pro- on down the corridor. There were worn face, and the water poured from him His wet face glistened In the Seven births and four deaths were I-ane County, Oregon, which order I rPedlng may be served upon the un­ unoccupied rooms along It, many candle-light. reported to Dr. W. I I. Pollard, city bears the date the 26th day of June, 1 dergl(n,ed residing within the 8tate opening from rear doors Into other 1928, and the date of the first publlca ] oj Oregon at the address hereafter “W hat's t h l s r he asked. registrar of vit^l statistics, for the tlon o f this Summons Is June 28, 1928. corridors, and passages to the rear mentioned. JEW ELER 'Just a little midnight session," hie P O T T E R A K IN O . Attorneys for months of June. Both the number of W E L I.S A W E L L S Attorneys for stairs and to the third Boor. A win- Repairing a Specialty son answered "T e ll us flrst why yog Plaintiff, Residence and Post Offlee Plaintiff. Residence and P. O. Ad­ k dow opened to a little balcony a t the births and deaths Is sm aller than Address. Eugene, Oregon. went out In the rain, with no coat?" l dress, Eugene. Oregon. Springfield, Orogou ordinary, It was reported. end. W e looked about and whispered J. 18: Jl. 5-12-1919: J. 7-14-1 111: JL 8-11-11: . das dAds TIGER TRAIL UffYgrwsuus; CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors D. W . R oof (TO B I C O N TJN U IO ) jg