THURSDAY JULY 12. 15*28 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW’S PAO K TWO Sprains Ankls—O. II. From« of Mar­ róla was treated hare yesterday after h>> had Injured one of hla ankles while working near hla tyome. The ankle was sprained. Ills doctor staled OlUr! the thing that left (he track. It's In most continuous, and the flickering light was gray and strange through the house." Dr. Long, out ttshing with Alexan the rain. It was Just a dim. weird “How do you know?" far Pierce, a detective, tells of his "How do 1 know? My dear old boy. rui.iance, and In no way alleviated the projected trip to Southerly Down« I'd love to say I didn’t know, but uu shadows of the room. The clock Pltrce advlaes him to keep hla eyes (Continued on Page 3) fortunately I do. It has got beyond Wide open while there. On the way the legend stage. If our lighting sys­ U a train Dr. Long la attracted by a tem was only in order! You can't NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT girl, who later faints. Dr. Long trusts see anything with these candles—and Estate of Emilia A. Smith. Deceased. her, and looking into her bag, la as- Notice Is hereby given that Paul yet I saw plenty. Are you ready?" Hadley, executor of the Iasi will and •unded to find a loaded revolver. “Yes." testumeut of Emilia A. Smith, de­ "Year Dr. Long meets Ahmad Das. an We crept along the soft rugs, and ceased. has filed In the County Court I unlocked mv door. Ernest stood Oriental, who conducts him to South of the State of Oregon. In and for latne lay Downs, where he meets Mr. South- in the shadow of the corridor. He our candle guided us. It gave such County, his final report us such e x ­ an Ineffective light. Still the rain carried a candle. He came in very | ecutor and that 10 o’clock In the fore­ Jay and hla son, Ernest Southley, Mr. , Hayward and hla son. Vllaa, and then qulstlv and cloaed the door behind , thundered, and he had to put his Ups noon of Monday the 13th day of August. 1838. at the Court room there­ Josephine Southley, who is the girl him. He put his candle on the table , close to my ear to make me hear him of. In Eugene. Oregon, has been by he had met on the train. Josephine It Is strange how the mind work« Then I felt, rather than heard. said Court fixed aa the time and place tells him the story of Southley Downs My first observation « a s the peculiar , We stopped on a little landing in for hearing objections of said report the stairway. and for the final settlement of the end its ghost, which Is not the ghost resemblance of his sister that 1 saw In his eyes. They were dark. Just , "We won't hats long to wait," he eetate of said deceased. of a human being but of a tiger. PAUL HADI4SY. Executor. Dr. Long has a quarrel with Vilas Ilka hers. He sat down on the edge of i said. A E WHEELER. Attorney. “But why wait at all? Why not the bed. 1 saw that he was also Jl 12-18-26: A. 2-9: Hayward over Josephine, and finds chase it down?" that the Haywards have a strange partly undressed "Because chasing don t work. It "Have you got a pistol?" he asked. Authority over the Southleys. He is knows how to hide. Behind the cur­ "Yes. It Is in my bag.” Ordered to leave 9outhley Downs. The “I wish you'd get It. doctor. I'm , tains, and every place else. We've rain prevents him leaving at once. Chiropractic and Dr. Long and Ernest go out on the not sure—but that we'll really need 1 got to watch his trail." He blew out the candle. The only Elect re-Tharapy road in the rain looking for the tracks It” I opened my bag without question j light thut remained was a single can­ Of a tiger that Ernest says are there. Specialising In dle on a little table at the base of the and drew out my automatic. How read on— “Can you shoot with the thing?" he stairs. We stood In darkness. Painless and "You're the only one 1 could trust," Bloodless "It's no use," I said. "The water asked. he told me. "My father laughs at the "Fairly well." Removal of would have washed them all out" “Then you'd better keep It. I don't stories, and the Haywards are fright­ We separated and looked up and Tonsils down. And finally I turned to call think I could hit the side of a barn! ened almost to death." We waited a long time. There was 15th year In Oregon practicing. Xrnest back to the house. He waa We might need cool shooting. Long, Phone 2085 bent low, holding his lantern close to we've got a hunt on our hands to-: 3 row of windows at the end of the Office 1237 Ferry St. long room, dimly lighted from the dis­ night." Eugene. the mud. I looked at him as coolly as I could.. tant lightning The flashes were al­ "What Is i t r I asked. "What have we got to hunt?" "Come here," he ordered me. Reserve District No. 13 "That I don't know except that It's j Charter No. 88 He stood up as I came close and R E P O R T OF T H E C O N D IT IO N O F T H E held the lantern before him. It shone CHANGES IN SCHEDULE one his white, set face. FOR BUSSES ANNOUNCED if "I've found it," he told me simply. At Springfield, In the State of Oregon at the clone of business on At once it seemed to me that Changes in bus schedules effective June 30, 1828 Ernest had left his boyhood far be­ July 8. iwere announced this week by hind him. and was a man. The voice the Southern Pacific company through RESOURCE* was mature, steady, perfectly calm. Carl Olson, local ticket agent. He spoke so low I had to strain to Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts, acceptances or bills i i- A de luxe observation coach will listen. of exchange, sold with endorsement of the bank, (including leave Eugene at 11:58 a. m. and arrive items shown 28. 30 and 32. if any) $133,045.09 It wasn't the sort of tone that I had at Portland at 4:15 p. m. each day, Overdrafts secured and unsecured 161.48 expected. I had supposed that if we 17. 9. government securities owned. Including those shown going by way of Harrisburg. The were able to find the tracks they in Items 30 and 35. if any . 6,560.00 7:30 a. m bus has been changed to would have cleared up the mystery in Other bonds, warrants and securltkas, Including foreign 8 o’clock and the 10:30 a. m. bus has government, state, municipal, corporation, etc.. Including * perfectly satisfactory manner; and been discontinued. Hereafter all those shown In Items 30 and 35. If any ................................. 38,431.88 we would have a good Joke to tell Banking house. 314,800; furniture and fixtures. $3882.87 18,782.87 stages will leave the Tiffany building When we came to Southley Downs. Real estate owned other than banking house 11.270.81 on Eighth avenue east, calling at the Only, of course. Ernest would tell it, (c) Net amounts due .from other banks, bankers and trust Southern Pacific station five minutes companies ........................................................ ............................. 34.386.88 got I. My hours for Joking in the old prior to their scheduled, Other assets. If any. Suspense . 1,607 IS manor house were done. Instead of W H A T HAS H A P P E N E D B E F O R E — ..... — i¿ I ed to me that he was coming stealth­ ily down the hall—and he had halted Just outside my door. Then 1 heard a voice. It Is a strange thing that I didn't recognise It at first. My ears are usually sharp for such things. The only possible explanation Is that the voice was somewhat changed. "Dr. Long?” someone called softly Dr.E.T. Helms Commercial State Bank o f Springfield triumph, his tone hinted that cold 3243.226 15 Total (Utility with which men tell of their MRS. MORTENSEN WEDS L IA B IL IT IE S ROY WRIGHT SATURDAY worst personal tragedies. 30.000 00 16. Capital Stock Paid In .... ............ .................... "The track, Ernest?” I asked. Mrs. Mabel Mortensen became the 17. Surplus fund and Savings Capital __________ „_ 6.000 00 "The rains have washed out—all $2865.11 bride of Roy D. Wright In Seattle last 18. (a) Undivided profits .......... ...................... but one. This one is on a high place 2,106 05 $558 06 lb) Less current expenses. Interest and (axes paid Saturday, according to word received in the road, and it is almost gone, too. 2600 20. Dividends Unpaid ______ ____ ___ ___ - ............................ ....... by friends of the couple here DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: But you can’t mistake it.’’ The ceremony was performed at the 21. Individual deposits subject to check, Including deposits due I lowered my light to see, but he home of Mrs. Charles Vetterllng, a the state of Oregon, county, or other public fundi; ...... 143. Í26.G6 caught my arm. 33 00 24. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding sister of Mr Wright. "I guess not. Long,” he said quietly. 13.86 Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand, 25. After a two-weeks trip in Brnisn 31 00 "Why not?” 26. Certified checks outstanding Columbia the couple will return here Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject "You really don’t want to see It. and will be at home to friends nt to reserve Items 23, 24, 25, 26 $143,874.62 ■ It wouldn't do you any good. It would 922 B Bstreet. T IM E A N D S A V IN G * D E P O S IT *, subject to reserve and pay­ Just give you unpleasant memories to able on demand or subject to notlea: 30,246 31 ........................... carry away with you—and besides, it 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding Woman H urts Mnale .... ...... 20.324 17 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice can't be true. It's not there. Long.” Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or Mrs. May Coltran was treated by a "Let me see.’’ subject to notice, items, 27 and 28 ....... $50.570.48 local physician Monday evening after 30. Notes and bills rediscounted Including bonds or other securi­ "No use, doctor.” “Get out of my way, and let me see she had injured her ankle while work ties sold under repurchase agreements with contingent 10,350.00 Ing In the Cooley orchard east of this ! liabilities, ........................................................ ................ .. ..... ft,” I ordered. But instead he suddenly leaped at city. She stepped into a hole, sprain ' Total ............................................................................................... $243,226.15 a shadow in the muddy sand. He ing her left ankle and bruising the ‘ 8tate of Oregon. County of Lane, ss. leg severely. dua Lr an instant with his feet, and 1, C. E. Kenyon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear splashed the water. And when 1 that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. E. KENYON. Cashier. looked again the track had been hope­ Choir Practice Off— Claud Neely, Correct Attest: M. M. Peery, Welby Stevens, Mrs. Mary M Kessey, Directors. lessly obliterated. director of the choir of the Spring- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July, 1928. "Little fool!” 1 told him. field Christian church, announced this (SEAL) FRANK A. DE PUE. Notary Public. “It wasn't there, Long," he answer­ morning that there will be no choir , (My commission Expires 1-11-32). ed in a far-away voice. “It was some practice at the church this evening. trick of the rain—or a mirage. It was­ n't posible that it could be there." Enterprise Teacher Here — "It doesn't help—to lie.” It must have been almost one Janette Willgerodt, a teacher in the o’clock when I got to my room. There j Enterprise schools, is a vilstor here were plenty of things to think about. j with Mrs. Dallas Murphy. The two IN THB W i l f One was that on the morrow I would are former school mates. Eugene, Oregon 605-609 W illa m e tte S t. say good-by to Southley Downs. The meeting of the girl in the sleeping car had come to nothing, after all. Now Located In I thought atiout Alexander Pierce, M iner B uilding and all that he had told me. I had been at Southley Downs almost a week, and its problems had grown more complex, rather than simplified Still I didn’t know why the man whom Alexander called Roderick had offer-d the reward for trace of the elder Southley. I couldn’t explain why my 10,000 Pairs of first quality, new fleecy Blankets go into host had gone for years under an as­ Forethought, thrift a n d this event— making it the greatest sale in the history of our sumed name, or had adopted an aPas contentment c o m b i n e d now. The relation of the Haywards firm. ♦ with a pair of our glasses with the Southleys, the creeping will assure you of comfort f'gure on the golf green, fbe track and success. In ‘the muddy road, still remained as Utility Double Blankets ........ ____ ___________ mysterious as ever. Novelty Blankets ...... ...... ...... _.............................. I thought about some stealing fig- use that was in the corridor Just out­ Maks Appointments Regular $8.50 Blankets ....... . ........................... side my door. Whenever Possible How I knew he was there la a Big Wool Mixed Nashua Blankets, 70x80 .... mystery stllL I certainly cooM not Auto Robes, part w ool...... ..... ......... .......... ........... have heard him above the thunder of D r. S h e r m a n W . H io o d y the rain. Perhaps It was the Jar of OOTOMFTKIST-CVCSIGMT SOCCIAutv DeLuxe Auto Indian R o b e s _____________________ fais footsteps on the floor, or maybe s u it e « v M ix e s a io « , p h o n e s e i EAST O aO A O W A V * sixth sense that sometimes warns E U G E N E -O R E . * man he Is being shadowed. It — Ira. France Movln*—Mrs. MaggH nre and daughter are moving this week form 135 sixth street to the Hhorman Conrad property at the cor ner of Sixth anil C »treats. I YOU WILL STOP ANYWAY USE YOUR BRAKES Say It With Brakes and Save the Flowers Pembrooke & Moritz Eugene's B rake H e a d q u a rte r* 13-Plate Full Rubber Batteries Are Guaranteed % for one year and will fit most any car. They arc also a wonderful Radio Battery. We take your old battery as credit on a new one. WE SOLICIT YOUR BATTERY SERVICE AND SHOP WORK ON ALL CARS. OPEN UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS DANNER MOTOR CO. Phon* 49 Fifth and A St*. BOY! It's Hot But we Bhould worry as long as Egglmann conducts a first class cooling station. Ice cream, sodas, root beers and a dozen other cool refreshing drinks to choose from enables one to chase the tired, hot feeling away. COME IN AND PARTAKE OF THIS DELICIOUS FARE F G G IM A N N ’S JLsi "Where the 8ervlce Is Different" GENERAL ^E L E C T R IC Refrigerator ¿»a *t> HERE’S NEWS! Lowest Prices in Town for Blankets $ 1.49 $ 1 .9 8 $ 2.49 $ 3.98 $ 1.98 $ 4.98 In sid e a steel casing b eh in d th e coils, there is sealed every bit o f mechanism of this remarkable refrigerator.- You never see it — never have to oil it. Automati­ cally, quietly, it manufactures your ice and gives you perfect refrigeration. Designed, built and guaranty- by General Electric Company. M ountain states power C ompany