Try tha H om t Print Shop Ftrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW EN TY-FIFTH YEAH SPRINGFIELD, IxANE COUNTY, OREGON, THREE WELL KNOWN LOCAL PEOPLE DIE REPUTED RIDERS TO TAKE PART IN B IG hillclimb july 2 2 ! _ . . . . .. . are coming comlng to ^ y* an d Mr. H u g h e s are Each Have Served Terms On Hprlngffeid tor the seventh annual Earl Dillard, “Grandma" Lyons,' h ill climb to he held on E m erald ! Staff Previously and Mrs. Anna Glendenning Height» on Sunday, July 22. according | New officer» of the Springfield board Pass; Accident at Mill Kills ,o an • » » » » ’‘• » • n t thia week by the rnputadnn». A THURSDAY JULY 12. 1928 New School Board Local Scouts In Members Sworn In Camp Lucky Boy Many ou,siile rider», »urne wlth na- _ donai " T h e People*« Pap er" , _ T ro o p 11 « S eta A tte n d a n e « R e- cord for All Lane County; 75 Percent Enrolled L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 27 WATER MAIN EXTENSION IS SOUGHT BY PEOPLE IN TWO PARTS OF TOWN | W ater main extensions on East i Main street from Tenth to Nineteenth streets and- In Sunnyside addition were requested by petitions from pro­ perty holders at the Monday night . » • • U n « of the Springfield city coun- clL A lon< „ „ # f „ were ce)red „arh M()Un Stat„ Power company mak(. U e extensions the city will put In a - leaat . half doMn flfe hyrtran,„ Pleasant Hill Road Improved for Eight Miles; Crews to Begin Tuesday On Delayed Job of Putting Top On McKenzi« Highway; City Streets Oiled. Prepared for two week» of camp , of education took office at a meeting life at ( amp Lucky Boy. 12 Spring- held last KrWay eVBnln, ffeld Boy Scouts went to the Blue ITom lnnnt among these are Gene . Hlver site Sunday to begin the routine Dr W. If. Pollard, new member of of the annual Lane county scout en Ryan, Sacramento. Kay Tauscher, Springfield last week-end lout three the board, and W illiam O Hughe». Portland. AI Poreshurg. B e a t t i e . _ ------«•...................... —■* -< campment Almost «0 boys from all A fte r several delays and a chan«« prominent residents, one through an «wed.. Matmth. Oakland. California, ' ‘7 ,8WOr'1 ' 7 ° ° ® i " by Roy Parts of Lane county were at camp councllmen told the company repres of plans last week, oiling of the Mo- accident and the others through III- Dud Perkins. Plnegan Hpear, both of ,rl,O B * ""n,or » « » h e r and chairman on the opening day of the first two «ntatlve Ken xle highway between here and of the board. weeks period. Be««. Han Francisco. Joe Marshall. Roy 1 W alterville w ill begin next Tueeday, Both of the new officer» have held Both petitions .were turned over to Before the camp abd been oponed, Earl N. Dillard. 63. was killed last H,'br«ck. both " f Spokane. Slick according to the office of Raymond posinone on the board previous to thl» the Mountain States Power company troop 11. sponsored by the Lion» club F rid a y when he fell from a power Tlr—la- < ■ » •» - Washington, Walsh, resident engineer for the stats Cody time. Dr. was n in e n r Pollard r-oiiaro w a s a at i one time umi- a I k . i> . . to Investigate and report at next meet­ pole at the Booth-Kelly m ill; Mrs ***•"■• Salem highway commission. _ . .u . . an" I’ * " " * '1 by C It. Aldrich, scout- member of the board and M r Hughe» .... . ing whether the revenue promised ...... ............. " master, had e»tabllahed t a record Kllxabeth Lyons. lOd. a t her Because the starting place 1« to be L had J just completed a .. three year’ tVrn? It was announced last week that from the extensions justify their be­ home Bunday afternoon; M r,, Anna K moved further bark and because tm- u» a m -m ber He s«rv«d the last year 1 “ ^ b e ra h l iff tbta e aCU’ - ing made. Petitions from other sec crews would begin on the highway on troop was In Olendennlng, US, died at her home 8111 1» In better condition thl» year it as chairman. ‘ v tlons of the town have resulted in ex- Friday, but plans were changed and ' camp. No other troop In all of Lane Friday morning. 11» expected that the riders w ill ac- Provisions for repairing the roof of j counVy 'haa" “ " \ ^ ' ’’a“ Z u e n « ^ ’ 1 « , *M’“ 8° me ° f the P* tl workmen were awltced to the Pleas­ Toppling from a power pole ap p ar-1 eomp,,ah ,h '* «ra4p the high school gymnasium w ill b' , T h „ ri> a,„ le _ _ t l°ners would not lase take water. w ater The ant H ill road where they have bees ......... - i i . h ii n iu oo i a > inuaniu... win u- i There are 16 a c tiv e memht-i- in in wuuiu mu ently after coming In contact with a A percentage of the receipts will be made before school starts. It was an troop and I I of ih . * he council has told the company to sign busy since. Unless delay arises equip­ live wire, M r Dillard received a con- «1»*’« In the Springfield W omen’s nounced. Last w inter the gym de- * , ,, / * * ’ * 7 * J" cludes a stretch of more than eight employes and men of the Mountain wblt*b w ill bi- part of the program. session. are: Ralph Hughes. Bob McLagan o n ^ J" * J ° f contractOT’ mile«. Beginning two miles the other S tates Power company nearby and the The new chairman reported that all Bob Stark«. John Adams. Everett ™ Eu«e0P « * “ » unloading side of Dexter the oiling work was - Eugene nre department rushed Its SPRINGFIELD PASTOR positions In the teaching system have I-ajole. Gordon W rig h t. W latpn Bacus " ” “ 1h ,n * r ’r and » • » • » « • ! here. Hun carried over the eight-mile stretch. pulmotur burn. Breathing was re been filled and that school w ill open George Mason. Billie Wheeler. Henry ! °h 'i* * 1 concrete an*l On thia job it was necessary to put ELECTED OFFICER BY stored and he was taken to the l*ael- on September 17., T rln ka. Irvin House. Lloyd Ellison Td h heavy machines w ill be unload- down a base fo r the top oil. Thia Is STATE BAPTIST BODY fit Christian hospital .where he died ^ d t'rmked “ ° n“ ” Since considerable repair work was Everett I,ajole 1. from troop 12 now completed and crews thia morn­ In two hours. M r Aldrich left Tuesday to Join the > ¿ ' , ! J”, P° Wer " ',e # t Lea‘ ing began on the top. . .. . Re» r - H Blom, pastor of the done to each of tha schools last sum­ staff of directors at camp He will 7 , h d ’ * "treeU m , im T i " L C u * ! Elsclrlelsn Springfield Baptist church, -was elect mer nothing In this line has been nec­ To Use Heavy Oil assist C. R. Clark. Lane county ex 7 7 1 ’ "a ‘W‘ r 0,811 r " • mp,oyed ” «1 secretary-treasurer of .hi- Oregon essary thia year. When work la ahifteu to the Ko* '7 r 7. Jre,r* ,n d rta p t" t M in is te rs ’ association at .1 ecutlve, and Burton Nelson, assistant ' ‘,,’ tO rr p„ ,l(i__ , I Ken Me highway only a top will be chief electrician there He was , m w , ln< Tuesday, camp director. Petitions for paving on several | necessary, since the coat put down FIVE INJURED NEAR num ber of a pioneer fam ily of Lane , , Hugh Goddard and Vernon Neet of atreeta whlch have been circulated last year w ill serve as a base A county and a former student of the 7 ’ ’ »»»«•««* was chosen one HERE IN ACCIDENTS W alterville, and Orlo Finck and h a r* Bot n” ’t response heavy retort oil w ill be used on top University of Oregon. He had been “" 7 ° mcera ° f ,hP ON LAST WEEK-END Charlie Paddock of Oakridge are also , , " aVe fa,led of sufficient signs- of the present road surface, an active member of the Sp rin gfield •« ‘ 8 * lorty-thlrd at camp. turea. The mounting traffic requires It w ill take just one week to Oil annual session of the Oregon Baptist The Pacific highway at West r<>ur-L for many yeara. w c. M . Lagan. Charles P. Pool.- " ' ’ 7 » 7 7 7 f° y " iacada,n atrp«t “ P- the entire 12 miles, men in charge of ,, , state convention. coun' » n’ *>’ the oiling said. Mm', f ’ ™ nV"H b> h" H'” m n" ‘ ’ « a l- a Pp"'"< *» Springfield proved a dangerous place snd W llllsm G. Hughes used their „ 7 d W ith this kind a t last Friday when two persons wero in automobiles to transport the boys to neeieei 8 ° ■ * n °*8 e r cities to work an average of wto miles a day and one' d .u g M er, ’ail" of X ^ B m « " " " “ ’ * " " < re', ',n ' 1* 1" J,' red mo,or • « ' * « < • « H 8 » a is made, and the week w ill allow tlm « < amp. property owners were compelled to for delay. În th “. * J *’ W lla rt" and"ihreeMb m th Z " ’ w 1R ,V h F r,n k V M «'8ews of Roaeburg Hobart Hornburger, ». son of Mrs. 7 . 7 h '" “7 7 ! ° haT* gOO<1 8treeUi N° tr#fflc wln ** «Bowed over the * b n DHIarsi, Eu J . X a c T ^ « ° - - - CHILDERS WILL TALK y have to be followed here, council- 12-mlle piece of road during oiling W .It e r B Wl'lard X n Ira "“*n' ° ° “ b,’r« ’ aaalat* p’ Paa^ of the First broken ,Bg when a car driven by d operations. be detoured AT UNION SERVICE ON . “ en _. ----------- Traffic ------- --- w ill w ....................................... rd* ,y »Iccpresldent of the minister»' or- hlm as h» a tln m rvlo. 8eattle struck NEXT SUNDAY EVENING and ¿ c Z glneer at Medford, also survive him ganlaatlon. " " • rs or- him as he attempted to croaa the bridge known as tha highway, apparently without seeing Rev. 8 . E Childers, pastor of the £ “ w £ a £ i X ’ ^ COmm't,ee “ Hayden bridge-Camp Creek road. Funeral services held In the Veatch ---------------------------------- the approaching car. Sprlngfleld Chrtatten church wtn he ! 7 , “ * bt ° r heB¥y * • ! * • » « « Thia road intersects with the Mc­ chapel at Eugene Sunday were largely BOOTH-KELLY P L A N T l«i H. M. Pollock. 73. motor Route B, . h . . „ . a . , ; 2 *•» — Kenzie highway about a m ile west tt attended. Interm ent was In the I o. AGAIN IN FULL BLAST was »truck by a car In W eat Spring- »Ice next Sunday evening. The — 1 O F cemetery In Eugene Co-work­ PrOPert7 ° WInera along W alterville. One-way traffic w ill na held and taken to the hospital but dis ers at the m ill, with whom Mr. Dillard After being shut down during the had been associated for many yeara. ................................................. ~ ~ week of July «. the Booth-Kelly acted as pall hearers. They were minor nature. ill ■ here reopened Frank Sldwell. Bob Nelson. Moody her company m ml" « « reopened C ity S tre e ts Com pleted Christian church held In Turner. He 2 5 p , a w p o c a d w J. B Conrad. 18. of this city, col Neet. Levi Neet. Lawrence D a n k , and ” °r"„ 7 “ " 4 " " d* par” " " " ' a W ork of O iling Springfield streets was the principal sneaker at - i the ses­ " r «-*rfcKSj ARE OUT principal speaker lapsed the same evening when he be­ were In full blast W P Tvaon. sions there. ■was completed yesterday and it wag FOR FIRST REHEARSAL Only the planing and shipping de- came weakened from Injuries sustain­ Services at the Methodist church OF SPRINGFIELD BAND “W ” 1 partmenls had been In operation dur­ ed when his motorcycle was crowded "Grandma*' Lyons Passes Sunday morning w ill begin with Sun­ . * ..... iuni Though ing the past week, employes of those Into the ditch near Drain. day o'clock. Rev. Gab H r T ’rh,h é .r ? ,'l' - L I school S y k .s at . I I ».46 I - ’ ’ ' " ¡ c S ' " ’ “¿ X T Friday Two Mr. Dillard 1 i . Last of llln ...7 ’ Women Die ■ h e "reared •G r ^ d m a ^ '1 F itiZ l’ n’ Gas, on 1 T n a die,I C d a v af ai the age of 101 years* Hh 7a S a n .h f.liln g h -a ih ?or a nun.b , w (nJ n ra," n« h' a " 8 f o r a n u m h e r o f " ................... ann versary on Jaunary 18 at the home of her grand daughter. Mrs. Graca May, where she has made her home for a number of year«. AU het grandchildren a n d gr. at-grandchll- dren were present for her 1001 h birth day. Born In Ohio, she moved to Indiana husband passed away In Bloomfiebi Indiana. In 1873 and she came to Ore- and gon In 1894, living at Drain Springfield since that time. Haa Many Survivors The following survive her: Grim.I and children— Mra. M ary Berkley Mrs. Orace Beckley, Elkton- Max Motorcycle association which I 1’ Mpon"or,n< ,h " •lln o rth w e a t climb i™ , Cro„ - T ’‘* "hu,d” wn ,hp '" ra l m ill was ! ° J ’ -•"<’ • • • . employe of the Booth- »1 -T b r U . I ,h ,’rtBr P" ,Od >8»" *» K e" y m'" W '‘" d' 1" " a o,b',r larl" ,r » " " h m u g h o u t the alate j brokpn r ,'‘ 8« arm when he waa «truck 7 » » 7 ° ’” he h88 preached tro u g h - S<,n” ’ ° ' ’ he,n b<< (1" ’ " b” t ° " " f C<” » „ . i “ „ x ,, i, " B WRpk th r„ wppk(( y(>( j burg, jumped from K meetings is planned, it w ls s u tld " slated. ¡road car which was being"loaded".1, ia Plan"car H «rri»burg when It started to ».h . . . cry and equipment around the mill. coaat down an *ncHne. He received Rev. C. H. Blom of the Baptist - - a broken ankle, staU,rChR,Wh«° h88 bee" a,ten d ln Re» Childers w in ' Telkamp. cornet; W illiam Bundran't L - » - ™ _. l..r .n o , They I E T A : : " L ,„ . E. T u l„ ; . Lyons, Portland; Mrs Dame Lyons. Here fo r a vacation Mr. and Mrs. stretch to be Improved this year. His then went by way of Colorado to H o rilo n Reedsport; Harold Lyons and Mni-ah ... , . - - • — __ « 7 , 7 On’ baritone. Nlel Pollard, E. D. Eggimann of Fort Wayne, all I J , ns. Eugene; M rs M ary Chap- " h e ^ n U n g W° 7 planne<* for ' Kan"“ K C ity and at. Louis and Into ’loutwr peoples* organizations w ill W illiam Vasby; Clyde Bosserman- Indiana, are visiting with M r " and man. Reedsport; Mrs. Junln Beals ¿ " . ' i ' 7 " " ^ .7 much | Tennessee where they visited rela hold a union service In the Methodist coitiet; . -- snare MrS ' ' E' Eggimann E. D. Eggi- WJnfield Grudwlg, Corvallis; Mrs. Ixils Strnda. Junction 7 b“ * C° VPr depend ' t,VP"’ T h ” y a l"° »'»"«'« relatives in church. drum ; Lewis McDougal, trum pet- 8ecretar’r a"d treasurer of 3 C ity ; Mrs. Rose McDonald, Forest 7 , 7 am° 8‘>8r’‘ ” P *8 N° rth Carolina and went down to l Id mere McDougal, trombone; LoulZ ’ B° wser and p°» P « n y . manufact Grove; Mrs. Grace May. Springfield. ” ' " " South Carolina, stopping at historic LeValley, sousaphone; Eugene K lin k UrPrR of Ka8oIlne and oil pumps and TWO BASEBALL GAMES Great-grandchildren — Henry Beck- complete consciousness before het < 8 a l,tsion for a day. C melody saxophone. ' s‘ ‘” *a8e tanks. This Is one of the W ITH BEND CALLED OFF Others who are enrolled but were large8t p°ncprsn of its kind In the ley, Margaret Beckley, Elizabeth death. I ’** of ,he most Interesting points Beckley. Robert Beckley. Eleanor Neighbors found her In her rome 1 ° f '.h e t r ip was Washington, D. C.. Mr. f^prlngfield baseball players missed 7 * 7 ,hP pract,ce are: D- J- BeZls’ I W° r 'd M f ^ i m a n n has been T h e , , their chance to ,— play Beckley, Phillip Beckley, all of Elk- on F street after she had lain there _ and Mrs. I eterson reported. --------- j again«, Bend las, ' ‘ rombonp; n W . Roof, radiophone■! " eCted Wi,h the c °» P a n y for many ton; James Dlmlc Lyon«, Portland; for ........... nearly ............. 24 hours. j H ™™''ned stopping .. n i h . v i “y . way . of x, Chicago, - W in « | I Sunday Sunday when when the the manager manager of of the w F 088- ,ro » 8 o n e ; H a rry years* a rtin * * * " < w time as legal Grace Elizabeth Beals. Kirkland She Is survived by four brothers, b ro th e rs ,!,. i 7 ' '‘ 7 " " * " ' B " , " T ' 7 ? National ni“ P* park rk and an*’ ‘•as” »ns'« ’rn rn Oregon Oregon team team telegraphed telegraphed to to I 7 ™ , B ..............- flat cla r|net; - v t , C. v . A. a . F » i s h e r / 7 and later as “ n executive of- ..or ”'* o . f° r OreB°n. | ....... , o arin —•* * — • 1 ncer of the company. Beals. Mtyron Beals, Joseph Boals, John, W ill, George, and Dan Ixiwe. a7 h08^ W illiam Vasby that the game w a s 'r et; - * A rt Baines. C melody saxo 7 7 7 ? ' . i ° -----' ' lay • res,lnK up a ile d ..... off. ----------- In a b ility tò " g e 7 ,h e ( tl7d Ph° ne The visitors were here In 1914 and gnes Beals, all of Corvallis; John all of Prescott. Wisconsin, and one — *•••» u p '« ..-..-™ , _ iuc M rlNinsId and Norman McDonald of sister, Mrs. Margaret Mulholland of I ‘ ' r P’ vM r’ 1 et’’rHon * H I be in j was given as the reason for calling I 'andlp8 *8 bringing ------- several of 7 P Pressed with the changes in "gene s students with u him l ores! Grove, Annetta Stroda. Bar- Minneapolis. Minnesota. ° fflCP “ 10 city ball during the the game off. his Eugene tn rle n t. .<•>. , _ . to take J7 C,ty since ih « 'r first trip. C. F. bard Stroda and June .Stroda, all of She was horn In Pierce county, ' Ft lnai" dl'r ,,f ,bp '««ck. The Rend team was scheduled .. Part In the local oragnlzatlon - _______ as w ell EgK,raann »tailed his brother In the Junction City and Junla May and Eu- Wisconsin. In ISfil. She was married -----------r ---------- pl,,v " rp ,ur" R«me here this Sttndav 88 ‘ hp T 8 » r8-oh ________ _ m If that B. A. Washburn«, for several years 1,hp 7 " r<’h gym nasiu nine years. sevornl years ago and since then t h i Funeral services were held Tuesday widow has bepn living alone here, a butcher and meat dealer of t h i s '' 0 ,h <™ 'h e ir ab ility for some time 7 C* ’’ ° 8PPUred regularly. An enrollm ent fee of »1 Js charged nt 4 p. m. at the Poole chapel with Mrs. Belle Smith, a sister In law o f ' ,,l,y * ha8 r«ppnlly taken over owner yPL nnd each player pays 25 cents for Interm ent In the Laurol H ill ceme- Klam ath Falls, and Mrs. Herman , H,’ lp and management of the meat de- each rehearsal. lery. Rev. A. H. Saunders, pastor of Scullen. a niece of Cnrvallls. were ! P«''lment of the May store In Bngen , * D elegates Nam ed w t!e7 nn7 8 Bnd eipey,p» c « i Players the Central lTeshytorlan church i,f culled to her bedside before she dlqd. I " WR8 announced this morning. Five representatives of the Spring- Eugene, officiated. Funeral services were conducted at | Mr. Washburn« took over the meat unt I 7h P aCPd 8ePUra“ * 8ectl” " 8 field Baptist church have been named the Poole chapel at 2:30 o'clock Tues- business frbm the Eugene packing to attend the state convention of the until the form er group has advanced far enough to play without holding W idow Succomba day. Interment being In the old I. O. C0» P *n y on July 1. church In Eugene this week. They the rest of the band hack. For some 18 yenrs a resident of O. F. cemetery In Eugene. Rev. Hp w,n do no packing In his plant are F. B. Chase. Mrs. Ella W alker. - —C ... p it t lll, thtrlngtleld Mrs. Olendennlng, died at «'land Neely of the Christian church located ‘ ‘ ’ here during the aunimer, but Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie, Mrs. L. A. Tobats, her home after hse had been found on conducted the service at the chapel this fall w ill continue his pork packing and Mrs. Fred Frese. Rev. C. H. Blom Leave fo r California— M r. and Mrs. the Fourth of July lying unconscious and the Rebecca lodge of .which Mrs. business, he slated. He w ill run the and wife and several members of the N. E. Christensen left today for a ten- > on her bed She suffered a hemftrrh- Olendennlng was a member was In Packing house in conjunction w ith hla congregatlnn are also attending th e ' day trip to California and southern age of the brain and did not recover charge at the graveside. I butcher business In Eugene. slsslons. I Oregon points. 7 “1 " 7 seen eapb other since the Spaniah A in®rican war. N ew O fficer In s ta lled o f T ' HCh7 ,e8 p Poole* new advi8^ Of thn Springfield Neighbors of Wood- o 7 th W88 ,n8ta" ed at 8 of the lodge held last night. Mrs. Boole succeeds Mrs. A^a H u rlb vtt who resides nt Globe and who resign- ' d her office. Initiation of new mem­ bers was also on the program last n ig h t John rG.° ? C‘>,t>ra«1‘> - M r and Mrs. John Lloyd will leave soon for sn e v tended trip to Colorado.