PAG E T H R E E T U E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W « THURSDAY JÜLY B, 192» N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N T R A IN S C H E D U L I TIGER TRAIL 014988 Springfield Stop« Department of the Interior, U. 8. The schedule Include« three north­ (Continued from Page 2) Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, bound and three southbound traina. ' betrayal, the very look of her *oft- June 28, 1928. The northbound traina are: No. 18 1 ened me. NOTICE Is hereby given that Isaac It Howard nt Junction City. Oregon, (flag) at 4:27 a. m.; No. 32, 2:38 p who on July 2. 1923. made Homestead n».; No. 8, 3:88 p. m. I found young Southley sitting be- Entry No 014*88, for Lot 1, and NK‘4 Southbound traina are: No. 81, ' fore a little Are In the library, and HW'4, Hvclh.n 3. Township 17 S , ! Range 3 Kant. Willamette Meridian. 8:4« a. m ; No. 7 (flag), 2:30 p. m.; he called to me ae I passed. la I has Died notice of intention' to make No. 15, (flag), 9:33 p. m ' spite of the warmth of the night, the j three year Proof, to establish claim j little flame looked hospitable and to the land above described, before kindly. E. O. ItniiH'l, U H. Commissioner, at THURSTON TAXPAYERS IN _ "Heavens, what a night!" he ex- ' Eugene, Oregon, on the 6th day “'I FA V O R OF N E W S C H O O L (.|a | ln,,(| <.j suppose you’re heard August. 1928 Claimant names as witnesses: about—about the tiger?" YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR BALE W OOD FOR SALE— Wall ( use, solid oak. ail Charles Neal, o, Vida, Oregon, Frank Taxpayers of Thurston last Friday “Of course, I know the legend. Any­ TO HAVE HOLLARS B. Mason, of Vida. Oregon Edward voted for a nww two-room grade Justable «helves, sliding glass doors, Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir. thing new?” E Orton, of Junction City. Oregon storage space below base, 1 4 ‘A ft. Oak, Ash. All length«. Phone Spring PETTYJOHN'S Fred Thompson, of Junction City, school building. The vote was taken "Hasn't old Hayward told you? He long by 7 ft. high. Bee or call W. fltM 104. tf at a meeting held that day. The ma­ and my father have been out talking Oregon. SEMI-ANNUAL HEB TAG BALE W Bristow, 827 Willamette. Eu­ jority of those present voted for the to the servants. Just a little while ago. HAMILL A. CANA DAY, Register. TOR KAI,K Three Acrea In bear­ gene, Orogon. Will sell cheap or i,ane County'« Finest Selection of Jl 5 12 192«: A 2: building and It Is expected that It will He's quite an old beast, you know. ing prunes. Two-room house, belt lake other merchandise In trade. Rebuilt Used Automobiles be erected and in shape for the open Well, the colored people say he in house, Itnbblt hutch««, Good water, J 21-28: j t 5 NO TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S ing nt classes in the fall. electricity on e mile out from Spring walking again tonight ” PRICES CUT TO THE BONE Notice Is hereby given that the un | field <>n the Coburg road, 12250 Will del signed, Claud Hllkwood, has been | The new site may have to be pur­ S E P T IC T A N K S — "Nice little thing to think about as Cut io Was appnnted administrator of the estate chased, It was announced at the office I drop to sleep,” I suggested. .take In a lot In Springfield or Eugene, Ready for you to Install * 2*5 of Jennie Hllkwood, deceased, by the of E J. Moore, county school superin­ * 350 aa Aral payment nr atnull caah pay­ Fof family of live — *21.00, Eugene Dodge Touring "Isn’t It? We have an old gardner 185 County Court of Lane County, (ire tendent. This matter will have to be 250 ment. Balance In monthly payments For family of eight — *28.00. Eugene Franklin Touring that we call Mose. Mose was In town gon, and all persons having claims 646 "26 ..... - or to anil purchaser. See the property S>-wer Pipe, Wei, Curbing, Brain Tile Essex Coach «gainst said estate will piesent same decided at a later date, he said. today, and he came hack rifling a 296 340 Star 4-door Sedan duly verified as by law requlrod to or write to W A. Chambers, Spring- and Chimney Blocks. horse about ejeven o’clock. Rather 1245 the undersigned administrator at 1350 Bulck 4-door Sedan 8 U M M O N 8 field. Oregon. tr E U G E N E C O NC RETE P IP E CO. 295 Creswell. Oregon, or at the la w office IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE It was somewhat before eleven, be­ 350 Chevrolet Sedan cause you and the older Hayward 1045 of Whitten Swafford. 315 Tiffany 1150 Bulck 4-door Sedan 8TATE OF OREGON FOR N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Bldg, Eugene. Oregon, on or before were out on the golf green for your A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S NO TIC E LANE COUNTY 1175 1285 Notice Is hereby given that the un IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Bulck Sport Coupe .. six months after this date. late evening walk." derstaned P. J. Bartholomew has 1115 1250 fluted and first published, June 21st, Paul Zlnlker, Plaintiff, vs., A. V. STATE OF OREGON IN ANB F o lt Bulck 2 door Sedan Pruyn. Defendant. "Go on." I urged. "Mose was riding been appointed administrator of the 225 185 1928 THE COUNTY OF LANE IN I’ltO Ford Touring ............. To the above named A. V. Pruyn, de­ home. I suppose he saw the ghost- estate of Elba Denny deceased. by CLAUD BILKWOOD. Administra­ HATE fendant. the County Court of l.une County, In re E state of Henry W llllama, de B ilck County Club tiger floating through the air, or rid­ 1225 tor Estate of Jennie Hllkwood, Dec'd. 1326 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Coupe ............... Oregon, and alt persons having claims ceased. WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney. ing a broomstick—” OF O R E G O N Y o u are hereby re­ against said estate will present name 49f> 4 45 Notice Is hereby given that I. Mike Ford Coupo J. 21-28: Jl. 5-12-19. "Nothing quite so bizarre as that, quired to appear and answer the com­ duly verified as by law required Io Hogan, the undersigned, am the duly plaint filed against you in the above I'm sorry to say. Maybe I talk light­ (he undersigned administrator at the appointed, qualified and acting iidtnin SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT 8 U M M O N 8 entitled cause within four weeks from Law office of Whitten Swafford. 316 lslrator of the above entitled estate; FROM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the date of the first publication of this ly, but I’m feeling rather serious. Tiffany B ldg. Eugene, Oregon, on or that all persons owing the said Estate U’r.'TL» t ,lf rvn iszizvxr 1 A W ... -- . STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE summons, to-wlt: before ala months after Ibis date Four weeks from Long, if o".r tiger had done nothing any debt or obligation shall pay the Now Is the time to .SAVE MONEY COUNTY. Bated and first published June 7th. the 5th day of July, 1928; and if you except ride a broom, or fly. or some­ We need thq room —you need same to me. and that all persons hold­ Ralph W Mosburg, Plaintiff. V s, fall to appear or answer said com 1928 It would have been a good leg- Mabel Velma Mosburg, Defendant plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff I thing, a better car. P J. BARTHOLOMEW. Ad minis ing claims against the said estate , . „ . .__ To Mabel Velma Mosburg, defend­ will take Judgment against you for end to teU onr chlldren-and toast trator. E state of Zlba Benny. De shall present the same to me with vouchers attached at the law office Liberal allowances tor trade-ins ant: the sum of *54.50, together with six to In good vintages But unfortunately ceased. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE per cent interest per annum thereon —our tiger took other ways of mani­ WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney. of my attorney, H. E Slattery. 717 Terms to suit your Income Willamette Street. Eugene, Oregon, OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ from August 27. 1925. together with J 7-1421-18: JI.5: within all months from the date of quired to appear and answer the com­ the costs and disbursements of this festing himself. All he did was frigh­ LOWEST RATES the first publication of this notice, plaint filed against you In the above ctlon. and that the property attach ten Mose’« horae— and leave hl» SUM M O NS which la June 14. 1928 entitled suit within five weeks from pf) herein be sold as provided by law track in the earth.” F. W. P E T T Y J O H N IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE MIKE HOGAN, Administrator the da’e of the first publication of this , satisfy or apply on such Judgment, The man spoke wholly without STATE OF OREGON FOR THE BUICK AGENCY II E. SLATTERY. Attorney for Ad summons, to-wlt: five weeks fross -jq,e order directing the service of emotion. He smiled a little, too— a COUNTY OF LANE 7th and Olive Eugene, Oregon this 7th day of June. 1928. and If you . tj,e g0nlmong herein by publication Mabsfl Schardln, Plaintiff. Va. Stanley ralnlatrator. J 14-21-28: Jl 512: fall to appear or answer for want ; thereof Is dated July 3. 1*28. and rather wan, hopeless smile that was 8 > hard In. Befendant thereof the plaintiff will apply to Bald directs publication once each week for singularly upsetting to the spirit. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To Stanley Schardln, the above court for the relief prayed for In said “His track!” I echoed. “ You don't N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that complaint, which la for a decree of four successive and consecutive weeks named defendant: In, "THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS.” mean that,” Notice Is hereby given that the un­ the undersigned has been appointed court for the dissolution of the printed and published at Springfield, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE dersigned Amanda May Plnkataff. ex­ administrator of the estate of C. J. said "He saw a great yellow and black marriage relation now existing be­ in Lane County. Oregon, under which, OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ ecutrix of the will and estate of Mary Adrlance, deceased, by the County tween said plaintiff and said defend cat—almost as large as a pony. But order the first publication of this quired to appear and answer the com J lamdrlth. deceased, has filed her Court of lame County, Oregon. All ant and for such other and further that isn't qnlte all. Mose kept hi» plaint filed agalnat you In the above final report therein and the County persons having clalmn against said relief as to the court may appear summons Is made July 5, 1928. ALTA KING. Attorney for Plain head. He told himself It was a de­ entitled Court and cause on or before Court of Iaine County. Oregon, has estate are required to present the equitable. The order directing the the 28th day of July. 1*28. said date set Friday July 8th. 1928. at 10 A. M same, with the proter vouchers at­ service of the summon herein by pub­ tiff. Residence. Eugene. Oregon. lusion. Just as you and I hare told Jl. 5-12-1*2«: A. 2: being more than four week« from at the County Court Room In the tached. to the under igned, at the law lication thereof is dated June 8. 1928, ourselves many times. So he con­ the dale of the lit at publication of court house si Eugene for final hear offices of lmmel & (.vans. In the First directs publication once each trolled his horse; then looked down thia summons herein entered of re­ Ing therein and any objection should National Bank Bulding. In Eugene, and SUM M O N S week for four consecutive weeks. Date 1 cord and If you fall so to appear and be filed or presented on or before or Oregon, within al\ months from the at the monllt road. • tt was covered IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of first publication Is June 7. 1*28. answer for want thereof the plaintiff at said time. date of this notice. STATE OF OREGON FOR with dust, and he couW see very plain­ and date of last publication la July 5, will apply to the Court for the relief Bated at Eugene, Oregon, thia 21 LANE COUNTY Dated and first published June 7th. ly. And he aaw—Just what I told 1928 In her complaint against you demand­ 1928 dav of June. 1928 ALTA KING, Attorney for Plaintiff. S. A. Mogan, Plaintiff, vs., Helen L. you.” GEORGE P. HITCHCOCK. Admin­ AMANDA MAY PINK8TAFF. Ex ed and prayed for, to-wit: Mogan, Defendant. istrator of the Estate of C. J. Ad- Residence. Eugene, Oregon. For a judgment and decree of ecutrlx I spoke very quietly. To Helen L. Mogan. the above named J. 7-14-21-28: Jl 6: WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney. rtance, deceased divorce dissolving the bonds of matri­ “Tracks r defendant: mony now and heretofore existing be IMMEL & EVANS. First National J. 7-14-21 28: Jl 5: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE “Yes—as big as his two hands. tween the Plaintiff. Mabel Schardln Bank Building. Ejgene. Oregon. At- S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN FO R ECLO SU RE OF T A X L IE N lorneya for Administrator. j nd the defendant. Stanley Bchardln. J. 21-28: Jl. 6-12 19: N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE answer the complaint of the plaintiff take father and the Haywards and 1 on the grounde of cruel and Inhuman (Publisher) BTATE GF OREGON FOR LANE filed against you in the above en- down to see them. I think all of US treatment and that the plaintiff be al­ 015391 titled shit on or before the last day except father, who Is rather old for COUNTY SUM M O NS lowed to resume her maiden name S. Department of the Interior, U and for such other relief as to the IN THE CIRCUIT tOt'RT OF THE Lewis I-a(’hapelle. Plaintiff, vs. Anna of the time prescribed In the order of such excursions, were going—hot Land Office at Roseburg Oregon, Blackburn, and John Doe Black publication, to-wit: on or before Court may seem meet. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE burn, her husband, Defendants. August 2. 1928. and If you fall to so something has evidently diverted June 22. 1928. Thia summons Is served upon you COUNTY NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil­ To Anna Blackburn, and John Doe appear and answer, the plaintiff will them. They were to meet me here.” by publication thereof In the Spring Charles B. Moore. Plaintiff, vs. Julia . Blackburn, the above named defend­ apply to the above entitled court fori ..j gUppo8e the rain has spoiled field News pursuant to an order of liam R. Dlckert. of Mabel, Oregon, V Moore. Defendant. a decree of absolute divorce against „ ants. the Hon O F Sklpworth. Judge of who. on February «. 1924. made Home­ To Julia V. Moort, defendant: stead Entry, No. 016391. for HE1 » IN THE NAME OF THE STATE you, and for such other relief as to : “ *em now. the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE “lAeakened them, anyway. Os gon for the County of lame duly made NWI4. Township 15 South. Range 1 OF OREGON: Yen are hereby notl OF OREGON: You are hereby notl- the court aha!! seem equitable. This summons Is published pursu- , course, the colored people are ten i- and entered of record on the 18th day West, Willamette Meridian, has filed fled and required o appear and ans­ 'fied that Lewis IaiChapelle the holder of June, 1928, ordering that this sum­ notice of Intention to make three year wer the complaint filed against you In of Certificate of Delinquency num­ ant to an order made by Hon G. F. fled The night the tlger fir8t weBt n. . . mons be published onco each week IToof, to establish claim to the land the above entitled suit, within four bered 2103 Issued on the 13th day of Sklpworth. Judge of the above en • for four consecutive weeks In the above described, before B. O. Imniel, weeks from the date of the first publi­ April, 1925. by the Tax Collector ol , titled Court, on the 3rd day of July. wild was Just on 8Uch “ night M Sprlngfleld New« and that the d i'e U. S. Commissioner, at Eugene. Ore­ cation of this Summons, and If you the County of Lane. State of Oregon, 1 A. D., 1928. which order directs that this—in the middle of the storm, of the Aral publication thereof will gon. on the 10th day of August. 1928. fall to so appear In the above entitled for the amount of One Hundred Three this summons be published for four I They say on such nights as these— cialm snt nan.»« as witnesses: be June 21st. 1028 and the date of cause within the said period of six and 76-100 (*103.75) Dollars, the same weeks In .the Sprlngfleld News, a > jle j|gea jo Come back Into the warm, William lllat a. James Klnman. weeks from the date of the first pub­ being the amount then due and delln- newspaper of general circulation pub the last publication will be with the 1923 tished in Lane County. Oregon, and dry house, and play In the curtains.” George Riggs. ah of Mabel. Oregon lication of thia summons, the plaintiff Issue of July 19th. 1928 In a few minutes more we were out «"d ’ ihaT'yo'u ¿¿“ required to appear and FRANK A BePue. Attorney for Edward Freeland, of Marcóla. Oregon. w ' n X r y 1 m ^ T u T f n M piLved for in the Complaint filed costs thereon upon the real property answer on or before the last day of where the rain beat upon us. The Non-coal Plaintiff. Residence, Sprlngfleld. Ore HAMILL A. CANABAY. Register. ” • -• assessed to you, of which you are the the time prescribed in said order, to- road wag airea,. you j . . . . | - NorthejiM Quarter._J"d_‘he^southeant • . . nn rrow—if it Just clears up,” the voutk Jl 6-12-19-26: A. 2: i by publication thereof In the Spring- quarter of the Office Phone 178-J Res. Phone 17« M fle1dP News once each week for six ! Sec. J 8 . J T a IT „ ^ « ¿ h ^ a n g e 4 East ' told me Joyously as we tramped up 338 Main St. Phone 116-W Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. successive weeks In conformity with of the W illamette Meridian in Lane the road. I think he was trying M NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION ARCHAMBEAU’S I General Practice. Special Attention | the Order of the Honorable G * F. County, Oregon. FOREST EXCHANGE divert his mind, as well as mine, fr o a You are further notified that said DRESSMAKING to Obstetrics and Dlseasea No. 018003 i Sklpworth. Judge of the above entitled Lewis LaChapelle has paid taxes on the ousiness at hand. Ready to wear Prints, Voiles, Court The date of the first puhllcn- said premises for prior or subsequent Department of the Interior, United of Children. go Ernest. I told him. "I'm Organdíes. Etc. ' tlon of this summons Is June 21st, years, with the rate of Interest on said States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore- ( . . . First National Bank Building gon. June 14. 1928. «o,n< home tomorrow. : 1928. The date of the last publica­ amount as follows: 1.95 to $4 45 Sprlngfleld. Oregon tion of this summons is July 19. 1928. Notice Is hereby given that on June i He stopped In' his tracks, and I 1924. Dote paid April 4. 1925. Tax ' IMMEL & EVANS, Attorney for Receipt No 10108. *85.23. Interest 12% 8. 1928. G W. Thompson, of Eugene. ' urge