PAGE TW O Ç!>,/ Edison Marshall THURSDAY JULY 6, ) 9 ’ A THE 3PRINGVUXD NEWS _ — f .z haps had a scornful quality, too. “Of coursu. he can't go until Ihe rain la dona I won t »end out my cars on a night like this.' The girl whirled io me Appeal was all over her * "You (won't go till lo morrow?" she pleaded. "Tell me. doctor You won I go till the storm’s over?" Roseburg M rs Peeple (C o n tin u e d on Iff-;*- and hare Mat week wiyi Mr. and Mrs W A Taylor. Mr. Powall la a merchant in Itosi burg “ 1 c a n ’t v e ry w ell. If your f a l h - r won't let his car« go out I tried lo speak b itte rly ; bat even a fte r her /llu sb v tio n s bq PAUL FPFHTA Here—Mr. K arl P o w e ll o f H oaeliurg visited I) Or.E.T, Helms Chlropraetl« and Eleolra Therapy Hpcclallalng In Painless end B loodiest scribe It except to say that upon one I Her face was white as the candle t long enough on the continent to know , Removal of Instant it appeared to me as be Inc ‘ that burned between them, its lines that, and so has be And so h»v« , Leave for Newport—Mr and Mr.« Dr. Long, oat fishing with Alexan­ Tonella low and rather long, and on the next I were deep, and her dark ayes were 1 you. It lsn t the way It s done over John Wintrnrtdd left Monday for New der Pierce, a detective, tells of his port where they will slay during Ihe It a m ana struck the other 16th g e a r In Oregon practicing projected trip to sAmlherly Downs tall and narrow. The change was so smouldering. The little silken week .there uext slk weeks Mr Wlnkeiireld b- Fierce advises him to keep his eye« abrupt that the creature seemed fair j end bag I had seen on the train lay i p a y s" ITloiio 20»J son la sufficiently able to , Have. the change In climate will bene­ office 1247 Kerry 8t. Vide open while there. On the way ly to leap. Yet It easily could have ! before her on the table and her hand I -you r Eugene fit his health. « was lost In the lace of its mouth. take care of himself. I hope." I sug In a train Dr Long is attracted by a been the effect of the moonlight or There were wild, primal passions gested girl. who later faints Dr. Long trusts the shadows. It might have been at play In the room One of them perspective. "If he'd taken case of himself, you'd her, and looking into her bag. is as- " once we saw the advancing form that < was lust; and one was the firry of he lay Inc under this table now— with sanded to find a loaded revolver. Dr. Long m eets Ahmad Das. an before had seemingly had the dimen- murder. There la no use of mincing your blood spoiling a good Oriental Oriental, who conducts him to South sioas and outline of a huge dog was words. They were bared and unmask ; rug." the older Hayward answered TjlE But I had • d , before me. with startling malice. "I'm not sure Jey D ow ns where he m eets Mr. South- Just the form of a man Vilas turned to me with an oath 1 hut that he’d ought to have done It* ley and his son. Ernest Southlev. Mr been enough In the mountains to Havward and his son. Vilas, and then know that the moon and the darkness The girl slipped fainting to the floor I believe 11« up to you. Long, to give Josephine South ley, who la the girl and the Jungles play strange tricks on I answered him without restraint, a satisfactory explanation." and lifted the gtrl into my arms. I ' Me bad met on the train. Josephine tancy and vision, “I have nothing to explain." Then I crossed with her to the little sofa I He was com- OF A tell* him the story of Southley Downs it was Ahmad IMs. turned my back upon him. and fared » * * • “ »* •nd its ghost, which is not the ghost ing in from one of his .ong walk- 4 •» * * » « • <* the broken old figure that waa mv Hayward gasped behind me. and as 1 ' h»d *^dently been sitting; then ef a human being but of a tiger. h o st "Sir. If thera is any explanation our --------. hands I turned to meet the man He bad fob to be made ft will have to come from moved back the back — — Now read on— touched » '° Wed be ,c r '"" tfce ro"ra and not your daughter." Hayward's felt cold. Whatever •«» fe* ' ’ « »>*«"•««» ■» CHAPTER It was a curious expression that T h . pow»r of a dollar Is w .ll had been fancy and wrong perspee- Î “* UHnk. Dr. Long. Vilas cried, came to the old man « face Its tines shown at ths Eugene Cleaner» "My father and some of the ser­ live before, this was the troth Hie "th»‘ -',o o r* altogether too officious seemed to grow slack. There was A Dyers. Our O et Acquainted vants went out—both Ernest and I blood wasn't In his hands, as -it Youd better keep out of thia" hopelessness In It. an dthe weakness I am not Just sure what I answered Prtcbs" makes your dollar Jo were away at school. They couldn't should have been. Evidently it had of long years, and above all things him. But primal passions had waken­ more work. all gone np to his brain, playing ' see in the shadows—but my father else, hopeless, utter impotency ed in me. too. and the words were says that beyond all chance of doubt strang e trices with It. It seemed to me that the girl open­ Ahmad bowed to ua as he passed straight. Ha leaped at me. and I met ed her Ups to speak. But before the some living creature bounded through A DOLLAR W ILL CLEAN AND PRESS -Oood Lord!" Hayward breathed him t’ith a blow. the thickets in front of them. It words came, the elder Hayward had He .«eled. ten caught at the table. “1 wasn't looking for that wretch." I B ight have been a calf—or even a answered for him. Any of th» Following "He iwaa Just coming in from one ) And hi« band reached for the silken U rge dog. "What has thia young pup to do bag on lha table. “A few weeks ago the details began of his walks." with the relatione between Joeephlne M EN’S SUITS — LADIES' SUITS "Those walks of his! Why don't I 1 knew t.'at the girl waa screaming and my eon?” he asked, querulously. to vary. It was after my father's old The sound r v - above the noise of already „ ~ n ,f friend. Mr. Hayward, and his son Southley forbid 'em? I will If he LADIES* COATS (P lain) — LADIES’ WOOL DRESSES the storm. 1 l ^ - i for him. bat he (ha| ,# tfca onJy m. ke. ,, came to v isit ua. But tall me thia don't. I’ll be damned If I'll have him first- Would you aay the younger Mr. walking through those Jungles and whirled about the tabic before .1 co ild Bore certain what course remains, reach him. He tore the pistol trom caal on h#re Hayward would be troubled with creeping np oa ns this way!" I. In the same bonse. with this between "Creeping np on us?" I echoed. the bag. tt glittered in his band. faulty nerves T' 1 had "What way?" them. Tell JHm. Boutnley—that he **I saw him Jump tonight when the chol<.e . Onp „ ,o B polorir “Besides, what would a man want he would do with It. The drawn face. ha, ®wl hooted.” 245 E. Broadway Phon* 75 Eugwna, Oro- ,o lhe hou. e - to walk around In those Jungles for?" the .mouldering .yea, told all too The “Remember, he has spent nearly a he went on. unheeding me. "Tell me plainly. He waa too tar for me to la that the truth?" I asked my mouth in thia house. After a month that?" Then bis voice changed — leap at him. So I atruck out tb« host In it, you'll Jump, too. 1 mean, under dropped tone by tone until It was al­ candle. “Tell him It la the troth," Hay­ Ordinary conditions, away from this The dark fell over us. The sound ward's indomitable words want on. most a whisper "And tell me this, Atmosphere.” . N O TH IN G BETTER THAN of the storm obliterated his breathing. The tone waa a threat—ominous, de­ too. Long—and tell me the troth." « ••w e e e e e e e e e e e * A COLD DRINK IN HOT “I would certainly say the Vilas It was the truce of darkne is—a truce termined The eyes of the two elder Yes.“ W EATH ER Hayward had no nerves to trouble Did—did you see anything cnrl- remembered from primal days. men met. W® I on, about—about Ahmad s posture as * don't know hod long It had con She u__ has nothing to explain,' Aad drink, served at our fountain “J u t a few nights after his w i h« came up the hill? Of course it was Unued ’ hen Hayward and Southlev gow hley toM me Vaherlngly. are of the very highest quality— rival. Vilas Hayward came in to din- pl.obabiy ju«t the moonlight—yet ealBe forms suddenly appear , Ioohe(, at the g ir t ano no man Delicious and refrenhlng! • e r with a curious look of question there wal something puxxllng about ln th* °P*n d°or; and each of them can measure or describe the anguish Every known .oda fountain drlna-- on his face. He said he had seen ' carried candles. that was ln her eves But she didn't Iwnonaue, orangeade. phosphate«, pomethlng." Vilas still held the pistol; and It look straight at me. First she glanced "I’ll confess I didn't recognise him plain soda«, ice cream sodas, root Josephine's eyee were full and in­ at once.” gleamed in the candlelight at the strong, bull-dog figure of the beer, ginger mint Julep, coco-cola, tent upon mine, and the sentence died "Vilas!" hit father called, "That isn't IL That isn't quite It. f>ut elder Hayward. Then she searched glager ale— all »erved fresh and cold- •w ay. The silence of the vast room Long. Oh. the devil! It's nonsense, down that thing!” „ „ for her father's time-dimmed eyes. and delectable. was the kind to be listened to ln r e - ' anyway" He hastened about the table and 8nd here she found her answer. Sundae, and confection«, too. j p t e deserts, or ln the mountain h<” ' leatMM ,B front of m'’ "He's right. Dr Long. she told me We walked up to the veranda and ” r Visit our fountain and keep cool! Bights. halted for an instant on the steps 1 tried to push him away; and h i. -You muR, make your own explnns- "Yes?" 1 urged her. for a last look over the marsh. There answer was a laugh—one grim syl- tlons." “It Isn't very pleasant," she warned. '-'as a ring around the moon that table of laughter. Ironical. I "It seems that „a.............. ...................... odds are against me.’ i "A doctor has the right to know promlRed rain *He won't kill me." he said "I'm j told them simply We listened to the "Mr. Southlay. all the symptoms." "Where the Service ie Different" u . n,fiht blrd» and the nol8e »he Insect ‘h* ffoose—that lays the golden eggs, j bave only donTw hat any American He said when he came through woHd, llke tbe otrum of , ban)o ln. He won t kill me." man hay<. do Vilas screamed at us. The murder- and won't apologize to anyone. that leads from the finitely remote, above the drear, gray I drawing-room something walked be­ wastes. Then Hayward touched my madness was on him yet. have carried out the obligation of a fore him. It was in the shadows, and my arm. “He struck me,” he cried. "The gpest to his host In ths way my In he could not see It plain. He asked ns “If you'd go in Long, and look at devil struck me. He’s got to apolog'»>. stincts told me Nothing will make If -we kept a great yellow and black Ahmad's hanot," he told me, "you'd He found me with Josephine, and he me believe that I did wrong. It is dog. a hound aa large or larger than find 'em with mud on 'em." atruck me aa If I were a dog." evident that you uphold what these. • Great Dane." "Why, Mr Hayward r His father took the pistol from his other men say—and your daughter up- • • • "Because he was crawling up that hands, and put it In bis pocket. South- holds them, too. And if you will have • The elder Hayward and I were hill—on hands and feet!" ley sighed a little, and placed bis my bag brought to me, I will go at •trolling on the course, and a few Then his face grew Into a scowl, candle on the table. The girl rose up once." m inutes before our nost had been and be entered the house. behind us. and I was amazed at her The girl cldsped her father's hands with us. He nad gone into the house I had a pipe by myself after be self-control. It had all come back. A world of s ’*peal was In her darn on some errand. Josephine was with had gone. At first I thought about "He struck me," Vilas said agal' eyes Vilas on the veranda, and his chair what he had said. But It didn't make and again. "What are you going to do "He can t go. in this storm," she was drawn close to hers. At first 1 particularly good sense. It was true about it, Southley? You’ve got Just told him. ‘ The road along the le u :ng abont Hayward or ‘ that Hayward didn't like the Indian, ten minutes to turn him out of this isn’t safe. Tell him he can't go till 1 was fetnembering j yet this would have scarcely led to ' house— or else I'll go Instead." the storm la over.” wt w at astounding fortune Vilas an accusation so bizarre. The -;lare "Let's forget It—” the old man an- Tfie elder Hayward chortled from an osephlne al*ays seemed to be with which Hayward's eye followed swered with utter weariness. beyond the table. •«one together. jhitn when the servant worked about "Forget nothing, Southley!” he ex­ "A good wetting might teach him it was a baffling thing. I couldn’t the rooms was little short of do i i!y , ''learned. "We've go>. to get to the manners." he suggested. "What about th in k of any conscious effort in that —{ had observed it too many times bottom of this, if my son was struck, It, Southley?” direction. Yet seem ingly powers in to be mistaken. Orders he gave w ire he's got to have satisfaction. I lived The tone was insistent, and per- We meet and beat mall order the sky were always throwing them always in the most insulting tone. it together, in one Instant, all the oc- seemed to me Just an unjustified, competition. cupants of Southley Downs would be aversion, and the taste of the .hing M rro ft« « . /nt on the veranda together; in the next was open to question. a gToup of us would have wandered ! There was a tenseness, a hjxvi Goodrich tires at low prices off, and Vilas and Josephine would be ness. in the air. It was obviously to you. • l ° ne’ > the calm before one of those blinding. IM THB W B B T I I wondered how much of this cur- i crashing Floridian thunderstorms. 605-609 Willamette St. Eugene. Oregon lous development was engineered by I thought I had better warn the oc­ Josephine herself. It wasn't a parti­ cupants of the house. There might 1 Note These Prices— cularly pleasant thing to think about. be windows to close, or other pr?- Of course, glrb In this age have a parations. The library was empty; j 32x4 Oversize Cords . $12.25 right to play all their cards to win hut I heard voices in th» den that the love of a desirable man. It was opened from It. And maybe It was a 30x3’/ a Oversize Cords, $ 6.95 All legitim ate—all fair. But sign that already the atmosphere of tim es it seemed to me that she would 8outhley Downs has instilled Its 29x4.40 Balloons, $ 7.95 have preferred to stay with the r e s t 1 poison Into my nerves that I did not Every worthy representation of the printed mode you’ll of us, but that some inscrutable remember to stop and knock. With power, mysterious and immutable. | the memory of that mysterious calm find assembled for you in this remarkable low one-price 31x5.25 Balloons $13.50 t ’ denied it. That power was either behind me, I hurried across the soft group of y/ashable New Printed Radium Silk Frocks. Josephine’s aged father, the elder rug. The door opened softly beneath 33x6.00 Balloons $17.30 Hayward or both. my hand. Hayward and I were having a good Th% scene in the candle light was night cigar together. My wrist watch Hke a tableau. The light was so Indicated a few minutes after ten yellow and soft, the shadows so start- I The name Goodrich stands out for quality and honest And (hen Hayward saw a shadow |ln< black, the actors stood so motlon- French beige glove-like kid. Covered wood heel. Very waver In the moonlight of the golf lees. With arms leaning upon the soft, light and pliable. Pearl colored, trimmed with lustre value in these tires. You can see them before buying. You ®rePn' little mahogany table In the center of 8tr»P----- ----- ------------------------------- .................. It was hard to see at first. Some the den stood Vilas Hayward. There can buy confident you are getting th» most for your money living craa.ure was advancing along **» a drunken look aoout him; yat 'i ■* it« ’? ’ the slope toward us—som ething that I knew it was not from wine. His aeemed dark and not very talL We face was flushed. Intent With the stood still and waited There was ' table between them, aa If lor a shield, Buy now and save % regular retail price. Heavy nothing else to do. Josephine faced him. Moleskin Work Pants................. ............ 533 Main Street Springfield Phone 96 Then all at once the creature's "Don’t come a step nearer," she form seemed to change. I can’t de said as the door opened. W HAT HAS H A P PEN E D BEFO RE— Power Dollar Eugene Cleaners & Dyers 1 g A* \h F G G IM A N N ’S BUY TIRES AT HOME! flireier^. Sensational Dress Purchase Direct From New York to You Ladies’ High Heel Strap Pump $4.98 Men’s Pants Sale Wm. Rodenbough Garage $1.85 1