Try the Home Print Shop Ftrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW EN TY-FlETlI YEAH STEEL FOB BRIDGE NOW BEING PLACED HPKINOFIBLD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, CRATER LAKE LODGE HOST TO NEWSPAPER PEOPLE OF OREGON THURSDAY JULY 6, 1928 Thurmanto Build INDEPENDENCE DAY AGAIN Service Station CELEBRA TED B Y LOCAL FOLK "The People'» Paper” A • L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 2<5 M'KFNZIE DILI NG 10 B E M f f llO M float attracted considerable Interest Newapaper people of Oregon wore Old Livery Barn Being Torn gig Program In Eugene Draws among the spectators. made gUi-qualnted with Crater lake Down to Make Way for Largest Quota of Local Pso- With the real of the mill shut down Saturday, Hunday and Monday when t 1 pie; Many Hie to Mountains, since last Saturday and scheduled to Work Scheduled to Have Begun Station and Residence Arrival of Material la Important the unnual atate edlto'lal Haaoclatlon Monday Is Held Up On Ac­ Streams and Beaches for the open again next Monday morning, the Step in Construction of High­ meeting wua held at Crater loike One old building la to be torn down ! Holiday; Traffic is Heavy. I «edge Publishers and their famlllea count of Holiday Traffic; 12- > “nln« and ah’pp,n* dt’p ‘ rtmeBt «■»“ way Span; All Four Piers of wore the gttuata of II. W I’rlce, man und two now ones erected at the wes^ I ployes were busy all week except the Mile Stretch Between Here Bridge are Completed and uger of the lodge. In the moat hospi­ end of Main atreel where the livery jro | | ow |n g three days of celebra- day of the Fourth when they were and Walterville to Be Oiled. g, well aa given an opportunity to celebrate. table manner that any convention baa barn naw stands. It was announced | Smaller Piers are Started. urman' - most other l-ane county residents, are hitherto been entertained In Oregon fbla morning by <> L. Workmen at the new highway w ith crews of men waiting since A major atop In the building of the Crater Lake national park la b owner of the property. reatlng up after again celebrating the bridge had their first holiday since the jjon(jay jor th^ holiday traffic to ds- morning began ■ ep en dence of this country. new MeKrtU* highway bridge across coming the greatest alngle scenic at- , Job began when they were excused crea, e ol„ ng worl, on lha McKenzie Mr, Thurman this morning b egan ind Ihw Willamette river here *»» begun tractloi» on the Pacific coast. Already teurlng down the big livery barn Despite the ahower and chiliy from work yesterday Although m ost hlghway between this city and Wnlter- this week With the- arrival of struc­ 15,000 people have been In the park which _____ has stood at the end of the weather everybody seemed to have a of them have their homes at Portland , | Tl„ ___ e ___________ Friday morning, it tural steel and the announcement und It bus only been opened a couple f(>r 17 years and stated thut as K(>od a, (he ,n they are living here until the bridge is wag anBocnced today, (hat crew« would begin to net At tip -it weeks. In the last live years 400.- »toon as thia Job la completed he will Eugene and on various private out- completed. Many of them are camping Oiling of the road was scheduled within the next few daV». , 000 people have visited the park. ««:- tx-gln construction of a modern aer- jngH 8y far the largest percentage , *n *be nearby auto campe. to begin Monday morning, but Ray­ The tlrat carload of alenl arrived cording to the figures of Colonel C. |y i,;e station. He will also build a of Spilngf.cls! people attenued at least Here from Oakdale, California, Mrs. mond Walsh, resident engineer for amt w «i unloaded Monday morning. O. Thomson, superintendent. Ilouil residence on the property to take the , he ,aHt day of , h„ ceiat,ratlon In Eu- George McCauley is visiting her the state highway commission, and Truck« hauled It to the «It« of the and trail hulldlnx and oilier improve­ t Im-e of the one to be torn down. The g(. ne From the crack of the first ; brother, Jesse Smtson and family and foreman tn chaVge of the Job here, bridge and It '»aa atrung out ready ments arc underway In the park that old residence was built many years rifle on Skinners' butte to the sp u tter, other relatives for the next three decided that there would be too much jor O»e when the Idg derrick «tart» will make It more easily accessible. before the burn. of the last dying piece of fireworks, i weeks, traffic over the highway immediately placing IL A new trail la being constructed down The feed barn ami house stand« :n the American Legion o f E u gen e, Several Springfield people attended before, during and after the Fourth. True tq expectation» the steel was J to the water from the rim that will the right-of-way of the new* McKenzie staged a grand and glorioss Fourth the Fou/th of July celebration at Bos- Motorists find the fresh oil extremely on the grnttud by the tlrat of July, muke It easy to reach the water loco highway bridge and was recently con­ of July celebration. well springs south of Drain where a damaging to the finish on their auton, the date aet by the contractor* when feci below I he lodge. demned bv the state highway com- The attractions at the municipal free program was given by the man i ¡t was pointed out. they tlrat aet foot on the ground here. Rnow In large patches Is still on »nilHa|<,n al,d county court In order that park in Eugene and the roundup at »Bement of the resorL Truckloads of men and tools ar- the ground at the lake hut the eh en )hfi highway might run through the the Lane county fair grounds provid- Big Piers Flnlahed With quarterly and annual reports rived during the day Sunday and Mon- The four big plera which are to trance roads are open and In excel j property. 4 ed ample entertainment in addition to Hend in to the postal department, ,jay morning two carloads of oil were aupport the bridge are complete. The lent condition. The rfm road la not Feeling that the location w ill be to the big parade during the morning Postmaster and Mrs. Hamlin did not placed on the side-track at the South- la«t forma were removed from the yet òpened all the way around the excellent for a service station. Mr. Springfield* was represented in this have an opportunity to enjoy a holiday ern Pacific station here. The power lake sturdy support* ihla week Thurman will erect a modern gasoline i parade by floats entered by the l«»cal yesterday although the postoffice w as pump which Is to transfer the oil There »till remain» considerable, There were ovsr 200 In the Oregon and servic e plant Just as soon as he Four-L chapter and The Springfield ' closed. The fiscal year for the p«jstal from the railroad tankers to ths editorial party Mr. and Mrs. H. E. cement work on the ph-ra for the ap . has razed the old building. He will Mill and Grain company. Members of department ends on the last day of specially constructed trucks was then proaches at either end of the bridge : Maxey, of The Springfield News, and then build him a hofte Just In the r -ar j the boys' and girls' Iftiur-H clubs also June and reports are due as soon after installed alongside the track. before the steel work can be com »<•». Bruce, were among those in ai of the present building, filling in the j marched in the parade, that time as possible. E n g in e e r V iew s Road pletcd Whan the ateel 1« In cement /andane». low place to the level of the highway. ; sin ce last weeY-end a continual Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gossler spent Engineer Walsh and men who will Four girls from Springfield are em ­ for the top portion of the bridge will Th«s building which Is being torn j line of traffic has been wending to- the day at home after witnessing the supervise the work made a trip over tie poured und little wljl remain to ployed by the C-rater Iwke lodge man­ down was erected In 1»11 by Esto» . ward the McKenxte country. On the sham battle In Eugene. Mr. Goasler. the road Monday afternoon to deter­ agement and all declare they like the do except ths finishing touches place very much. They are Maurtne and Mead who used It for 10 years as s morning of the Fourth, this flow in- who is assistant postmaster, was not mine Its exact condition and to esti­ Workmen are ready to pour cement j I Ixmibard, Elizabeth Hughes. Iowa livery barn. When the use of horses creased as people from all over the at the office for duty on the legal holl- mate how long the Job will take. for the approaches and were working became less common the building was state sought the famous scenic and ' day. Since the stretch was oiled Carleton and Myrtle H a rv e y . tnward this objective on the went side uaed as a feed barn and for storace. sporting country. x Many motorists Mr and Mr, Morris Berg and thoroughly last year, the surface wtU of the river all this week This Job Mr. Thurman pdrehased It for thia drove over the pass to Bend and ether daughter. June, left Saturday morning not be so difficult to put in shape as will not Jake so long as preparing the LOCAL DELEGATES TO points in eastern Oregon business seven yeras ago. for Gold Hill where they are spending originally, It is pointed out. The coat main piers since It will not be on so G. A. R. MEETING ENJOY left from last year gives a base 08 Springfield Itself was quiet and this week with relatives. There Is more than 82.000 feet of large a scale. THREE-DAY SESSION lumber In the, barn, Mr. Thurman estl- ■ peaceable during the day. An oc-J Taking advantage of a whole week’s which to work. Numerous chuck holes Bridge New Longer mates. * He will use the demenslon cas lonai miscreant firecracker was vacatioB. many Booth-Kelly Lumber have developed due to traffic over ths Recent decision of the state high­ More than 2f>00 delegates attended material In the new house and sta- heard, but on the whole the city o r-, company employes took their families road ih the meantime. These will ha way cognnlsalon to Increase the the state cnnventlhn of the ‘O A. R tlon. His two sons, who are helping • dlnance prohibiting such celebrating j ,nto the moUntalns for an extended filled in as the work progresses. length'of the bridge by adding a 90 and affiliated orders, Springfield rs- hlm w»th the work, will bW associated was effective. Traffic in and through Huge piles of gravel ware placed rest. Fishing poles were seen promln- foot span on the east side of the , preaentatlves reported on their return , w„ h htm jn the service station bust- the city was exceptionally orderly, of- ,,atly dMlgling from the rear of their along the highway earlier in the sea- river will not slow the work up tn here last week-end Mrs. C. F. Kggl hees. fleers here reported. , automobiles as they made their exodus son and will have to be moved only any great extent. It was announced matin, Mrs. Bert Doane. Znck Klnti Miss Era Dell Murphy of Great to the streams and mountains of Lane short distances to the roadway. by the contaactors. I ley and James O'Connell were dele- Starting at the same point near Falls, Moutona, arrived here July 2 - county. MRS. GLENDÇNNING IS The big lengths of steel will Hot he gates from this city. for a months stay with her parents As usual the beaches drew their W alterville at which it ended last FOUND UNCONSCIOUS ready for the riveters for almost a National officers of each of the or Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Murphy or Eugene. share of Springfield folks. Newport year, the work will progress this way month. It was announced. The pre­ ganlxatlnns attended the Kosefourg IN HOME ON FOURTH While here she will visit her brother and the Tillamook beaches, as well ■»« over the 12-mile course Just tyw liminary work of setting up the stara­ meeting. It V ea stated. Never before Dallas Murphy of Gray’s Cash and Bandon held their attractions. Sllt- long a time will be needed for ths tura! steel Is a large task In Itself, It were so many national officers at a Little hope Is held for the recovery carry store here, I eoos and Triangle lake also rlaimed a job is problematical, it was stated. meeting of the O. A. R. In this state. of Mrs Anns Olendennlng who w as, whs stated. * The same crew on th^ Corvalfls- Mr and Mrs. C. D. Crites from share efrcelebrants. A celebration was Workmen have completed construc­ Mrs. Rgglmann declined nomination ! foupd at her home at 669 F streat yee- Nawpoi* oiling Job was held up for a Aberdeen are visiting for two weeks , staged at the latter lake, tion of thetblg derrick which is to as senior vice-president, Junior vice- ( »erday noon In an unconscious c«mdl- at the home of Mrs. Crlies' parents. Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mr. and number of weeks on account of president, chairman of the counsel of tion. She was suffering from a hem­ handle the steel. If it had not Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cellers. Mrs. John Henderer spent the day up weather conditions. administration and delegate tn the na­ orrhage of the brain which caused the McKenxIe river. a been tor this delay, work on the high* Mildred Cellers Is here from Port­ tional convention besause of the pres­ paralysis of the left side. FIFTY CHILDREN SHOW W. H. Lambert left Monday evening way near here would have been start­ sure of other activities. —The woman, who lives alone, was land to visit her father Cart Cellers for Portland to spend the Fourth with ed some time ago. WORK DONE IN SCHOOL Mrs. Rgglmann. who was state pat­ found by neighbors at noon yesterday for a time. Road T o Be Open Victor Husband called on Mr. and his daughter. Mrs. John Martin and to riotic Instructor for the I aid lew of the afteiv she had tain tn that state ap­ Mrs. W. ¡Teeners*"for~a short time 1 J°ln Mrg I-arat>ert who has been visit- Fifty children took part In the clos As Is the usual custom the road O. A» K spoke before at least 2000 parently since the afternoon before, Ing exercises - of the dally vacation this week while here on a visit from ! «“« for the P " 1 few w'3ek»- will be kept open to traffic during Bible school of the Bnptlst church people In presenting the picture o f , The fact that groceries delivered on Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. operations, although travel will be Abraham Lincoln to the Junior high the porch of the house Tuesday after-; »outh^rn^California. . The te lle r s and held In the church auditorium last E. W. Collins on the Fourth included halted at Intervals during the day noon had not been taken in 'at noon Mr. Husband are old frlends. Friday evening A large audience was School at Roseburg. Frank Parrish of Veneta; Mr. and While the oil is spread on- the road The Christian church convention ta laical delegates made no hid for the Wednesday prompted neighbors to go present. The exercise» clos«*d the . . . Mrs. Walter Griffin. Wendling; Mr. and gravel placed in IL Not many i convention to mrxW nere at the next to the place to Inquire of Mrs. Glen- being h«W *t 'Tunwr Uils week a n d iand Mrs Ed yegjs ago. The new commander. partially paralysed. TOPICS FOR SUNDAY When the highway work is done ths Comrade Clemens of Newberg, and for the day. Her doctor this morning reported Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor of the churrh, i his executive hoard will decide the her- In a semi-conscious condition and same crews will oil East Main street Mrs. D. B.. Murphy drove to Ashland G I V E N BY PASTORS; who waa In general charge of the meeting place. ' stated that her recovery is problem I last week to attend the wedding of school, presented the diplomas. UNION MEETING SET here to Its Junction with the pave­ ment and then will cover the Second her cousin there. She came back Fri­ i cal. Work which the children did during day bringing with her her father and Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pastor of the street section to the bridge and be­ the school aeaslena was on display in MRS. POOLE NOMINATED mother of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs H. Methodist church, is to “be the speak­ yond It to the Pacific highway. This the church at the time of the program. ADVISOR OF LODGE HERE AUDREY SHULTZ BECOMES T. Mitchell, Who lived for many years er at the union service on Sunday much, oiling was done last year when MOSKOP In Springfield, and have only recently evening. The service will be held in the highway work was under way BRIDE OF SAM Mrs. Crarles P. Poole was named moved to Ashland. The Mitchells will I OFFICERS ARE ELECTED . the Baptist church at 8 p. m. Rev. Mr. with the result that the surface of the worthy advisor of the Springfield Miss Audrey Shultz, daughter ; go on to Turner for the convention Sykes' subject will be "Paul, the streets has been much better than >n BY LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge at a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shultz, and Sam and return here later for a short visit. many years past? The city of Spring- meeting held last week. t Christaln.'.’ i Moskop, son of Mr. and Mrs. John field pays for oiling done within the Officers for the coming year were Billie Meacham of Roseburg was At the morning church service In She succeeds Mrs. *Ada Hurl butt elected by the Springfield Girl Scouts who resides at Globe and haH found 1 Moskop, were married Saturday even­ here on the Fourth to spend the day his own church the pastor will speak city limits. Since there is already a troop at a meeting last Thursday It Impossible to drive back and forth ing. with friends. on "The Sixth Word from the Cross* foundation of oil. It is not expected Both Mr and Mrs. “Moskop are afternoon The following, girls were to attend all of the-m eetings of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank » age of Walter- or the Consummation of a Chosen that the cost will be so high this year former students of the Springfield vnle spent the Fourth in this city. elected: Bnrhara Adams, president; lodge. task.” Sunday school is at 9:45 as last. high school. They will make their A d a 11 n e PerklnB, vice - president; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Cres­ o’clock. Mrs. Mary C. Magill, past guardian Loud pile Williams, secretary; Evelyn neighbor of the hx'al lodge, waa In the home on D street here. Mr. Moskop well and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold of A union service of young peoples' CONTRACT LET ON ONE Harris, treasurer;* Alice Thatcher, chair at the meeting In the absence Is employed la the Booth-Kelly saw Trent were holiday visitors with societies will be held at 7 o'clock In MORE SECTION OF ROAD news reporter mid Ellen Cox, yell of Mrs. C. F. Egstmann who v?as at- ', milt here. friends and relatives. the Baptist church. Oscar Gladdish • Friends of Miss Shultr gathered nt Mrs. Follie and children of Leaburg will be the leader. lender. tending the state convention of the O Contract to build the Goodman her home last Friday, tendering her were here yesterday with friends. Plans are under way for an over­ A. R. In Roseburg. At the Christian church Rev. Claud creek section of he Willamette high­ a miscellaneous shower. Those pres Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goddard drove. Neely, temporary pastor, will be in night hike to he held some time soon. way above Lowell bridge was award­ ent were: Evelyn Stark. Audrey Me- < ^ere Tuesday from Salem to spend No definite date has been set. the pulpit at 11 o'clock and the choir ed to Kelly and Sullivan last week, GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY IS Farlatjd. Bessie Stewart, E m m a - t^e pom-m. They are residents of will sing a special number, “Our according to word received by the CELEBRATED ON FOURTH Smith. Maxine Posey. Nellie Hickman. this city. Dwefting Place.» S unday school will Lane coupty court. Their bid was REBEKAH LODGE GROUP Velma Moskop and Miss Shultz. Walter Scott arrived Tuesday even­ be at 9:45 o'clock as usual. Celebrating their golden w eddlnj j »83,149.40. HOLDS ENTERTAINMENT ing from Corvallis to visit his mother, Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor of the Bap­ anniversary on the rourth of July. I This section of the highway is the SPRINGFIELD NINE WILL Mrs. Charles Scott over the holiday. tist church, will preach at the 11 first to e built In the Cascade national Members of the Rebekah lodge en­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank ’ P. Nelson of Mr. and Mrs. Parnell of Spokane o'clock service. Sunday Bchool m eets i ! forest and is to be 4.6 miles long. MEET BEND ON SUNDAY joyed a program following their re­ Junction City were honored by friends 1 are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. at 10 o’clock. , gular lodge meeting Monday evening. and relatives at ihelr home yesterday ! Specifications call fpr the clearing A>-ne Nelson with whom they spent Regular services will be held In the The couple who arc 78 and 80 years I Springfield baseball team will go to of 20 acres of land and grubbing of One apedlal guest, Mrs. June Korn, a Bend Sunday (o meet the city team of j thp Fourth, i Catholic church and Bible Standard 16 acres. The amount of excavation member of the local lodge but at pres­ of age respectively are the grand ’ Mr. and M rs.'Clarence James re- ni|aS|on lhat place, It wiw announced this morn­ parents of Mrs. J. M. Larson, who ent living at Bend, was present. ' unclassified Is- 92,000 cubic yards; turned from Newport to be nt home 1 «_____________ The psogrnm consisted of a reading with her husband and sons attended ing hv William Vasby, manager of the for the holiday. They have been cement masonry, retaining walls, 180 ! W ,LD BLACKBERRIES ARE loPal nine. by Mrs. Mary Magill, a story told by the reunion. cubic yeards; trestle timber, 60.000 the beach on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were married i This will he the first game In aomo Mrs. Fred Louk and Mrs. Pearl Clark, feet; concrete box culverts, 70 cubic Mr. jjnd Mrs. J. A. Cox and daughter i PLENTIFUL NEAR RIVERS the local players. yards; concrete pedestals, 30 cubic readings by Mrs. Lee Putnam and In Elkhorn. Iowa, lived In Hruwh, Colo­ time (or of Sun Bernadlno, California, are here Additional' players are needed for Mra. Fred Hinson. Refreshments were rado until 12 yei/rs ago when they Wild blackberries are still plentiful yards; reinforce^ steel, 6800 pounds; to visit Mrs. (’ox's brother, Jesse Smlt- the trip, the njanager said. Expenses served by Mrs. AI Montgomery, Mrs. moved to Junction City. son and family. Mr. Cox conducted a along the rivers near here, Springfield pipe culverts, 1400 lineal feet. to and from Bend will be paid for Hinson, Mrs. Blva Adams and Miss store here some eight years ago, be­ people report. Several local people Schoolmates Visit— Mr. and Mrs. those who make the trip, he stated. Mary Roberts. To Liberate Chinas ing in business for ten years before went '‘berrying” on the Fourth and Charles E. Skidmore, schoolmates of The Bend team wdll play a return Some 50p China pheasants will be reported getting some nice fruit. going to California. Storekeeper Moving — M. Hauer, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard at Willam­ here on the inflowing Sunday. Rains in the McKenzie country liberated in Lane county next week. Roy Carlton. rhBlrmnn of the wood Prospects are that the twilight who until recently conducted a store ette university many years ago, iwero promotion committee of the Spring- throughout the day put an end to any It was reported at the state game nt Franklin, Is moving this week tn visitors here last Sunday. Mr. Skid­ league Will not function this year. ! field Four-L, whs in charge of the float extensive berry picking. Showers farm today. The superintendent was the Montgomery residence on E more Is connected with the California Mr. Vasby said. There were plenty I which was entered in the industrial were heavy tlyoughout the greater not certain Just where the liberation afreet. E. Bnuer and son of Chico, state tax deDart.ment. They reside til of players but not enough managers I would take place. parade In the Eugene celebration. The part of the day in that district. to take charge p f the games. California, nr«^ taking over the store. Berkeley,’ California.