I nu, » rttiN U I1 lE I.h P A C K S IX The Tiger Trail ' ' I particularly disquieting. doctor, have two people verify It. (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) to THURSDAY JU N E 28. 102« a a 'WS pital. — ; Community News By Special Correspondants BICYCLE RIDERS TO “Of cou rse that s just a detail. The V IE IN B IG C O N T E S T U P P E R W IL L A M E T T E legend that has grown up deals with --------- the stories that the colored people! a bicycle event In which hoys from At the annual election for. high mid—stxiut som ething they saw them Springfield as well as all other part» after." ' of the county w ill take part has been school d istrict No. I Chas. Me Peek She paused, and in the little silen ce . announced as part of the July 4th of the Coast Fork district was c h o n ' l l v s hear»! som e night bird give Its ' celebration In Eugene Moore's Cyel-> by a large majority to be director Mr. Dilley was the eleepy call from the marsh. ' and Toy shop of Eugene Is sponsoring for five years "At first the stories w ere r a th e r ! « contest for which prises are being retiring director. A heavy vote was cast. ▼ague. Now and again they would offered. Mrs. I T Circle who has been with get a glim pse of som ething tawny , Boys must sign up on or before l, sad alive In the thickets. Everybody p n, tix, ay and final tryouts will be her daughter, Mrs Frank Storm in laughed at first. But as tim e went pviday evening at 1S2«4 Jefferson Portland Is at thy home ranch at cn it got increasingly hard to laugh street, Eugene, betw een 6 and 8 p. nt. Edenvale for a short visit with her Too many people told the sam e storv. i Abou, 50 r|ders will enter the fob sons. Taylor. L ester and Louis amt And one night a traveler stopped ,owjng even ts: Miss and out race. 10 Mr. Circle. ‘ Mrs. C ircle Is not in vei > at the house. Simply sp eech less with r((, erg prUcs, watch donated by New good realth and will return to Port fright. He said that a tiger, cleai iteparlure com pany; $3.50 In trade, I land soon. Mrs. Charles Mi Peek o f Coast Fori* and tawny In the mo »plight, had fol- y oorp-8 shop; foot pump. Bridgeport Ktwed his horse. Brass com pany; Plank ride. 20 riders, w as burled at the Pleasant Hill cem e­ Monday afternoon at, 3 JO The stories all agreed on one prises, gold knife and chain, donated tery point. The beast was alw ays seen j,v E clipse Machine company, wheel o'clock. S ervices were held at the ' Pleasant Hill Christian church W A. e ther on or ahou this hill on which horn, Persons M anufacturing com Mrs. M cPeek was the house is built And then, one pan.v. mud guards, Internaional Stamp Elkins oltid atin g midnight » negro cam e with a can- vrorks; slow race, 10 riders, pair of 'tak en with a stroke of apoplexy w li l-> die on som e errand into the library, tires. Federal Rubber company, cyclo­ Irtteu d in g the Ice cream .social given the room w s are now in. He told meter. V eeder Manufacturing com ­ ! by the Farmers I’nlon at the Clover- rather a straight story afterward. He pany, chain. Diamond Mfg company; dale school Friday night. She » a s couldn't see at first. He Just heard girls’ race. $4 00 In trade. Moore's taken to her home and died ut 3 soipettting bounding about In the shop; pair of pedals. Torrington com ­ .o'clock Saturday morning Her death , was a great shock to her fam ily and shadows-—playing with the curtains. pany, horn, B evens Brothers. ! her many friends as she was in the His candle-light showed him som e­ best of health. She w ill be greatly thing big as ai enormous hound—and Pooles H ave V is ito rs — Mrs. Alice m issed iu the Upper W illam ette d is­ yellow and black in color. E lliott of I^banon and son. Lester “That Is substantially the legend. Martin of S eattle, were visitors at trict as she was an en th u siastic work­ Dr Lon*. Of course I don’t want the Charles P Poole home on Tues- er in community, social aud church circles She was much Interested 'n you to think tw ice about it— if you ,,av ■ the schools and worked for their Itn- do you would take your bag and go. I 1 proveinent and progress. T he.church For fea rs and years the story was T onsils srs Removed— « . O. Web­ and Christian Endeavor rooms were Just told at Intervals, and not even ber tit Eugene underwent an opera­ l filled »1th the friends who cam e to the. negroes were afraid. But two tion for the rem oval of bis tonsils in attend the funeral. The floral offer­ years ago— But you've heard enough the office of a local phvsician T u es­ ings were many and beautiful there Let's talk of som ething else " day? ’ being many set pieces “If I'm to cure thia house of its | Mr .and Mrs M E Haya. Mrs. A. J troubles, you'd better tell me all." I P A IN T IN G and K als o m ln ln g In a ll Its 1 Phelps, and H asel and Gladjis Wheel- told her. branches. Reduced Prices. Roy jar, came dowi^ from Monmouth Sat- She braced beraelf and continued. K o ch . C a ll 1264. I urday to be present a t the church She was a sensible, cool beaded Am­ birthday celebration Sunday. Thev erican girl; and I had no doubt but that the story was hard for her to FOR HALB—Carbon paper In larga are attending summer school at Nor sheets, MxSt tachas, suitable for mal. ta ll Already I w as groping for som e making tracings. The News O ttaa Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ktme, see aaterat ex pis nation for the legends. Miss Thelm a W heeler, returned from T v o years ago Sam. one -if our th eir honeymoon In tim e to attend C A L L FO R S C H O O L W A R R A N T S colored men. came wild-eyed I t . to the the Trent annual picnic June 23. bouse and said that be hau seen the Springfield, Oregon, June 27th. 1*28. N O T IC E 18 HEREBY GIVEN. That Nina Dilley. Vena Awbrey and t h i n g Just below oar veranda— and all of us laughed at him Perhaps » | School D istrict No. 1# of Lane County, Arah Nell Arnold are cam ping in the month Inter on of the house-maids | Oregon, will pay at the office of the Tinker woods and picking loganber­ came with almost an identical story— district clerk at the First N ational ries and thinning apples for Mr. she sad one of the young colored men bank of Springfield, school warrants Tinker. Others who are working in had been walking about the hillside, up to and Including No. 2412 Interest the Tinker orchard are Evlyn Phelps. Belle Olson. Emma Olson. Helda and it had suddenly emerged from the ' ceases after June 30. Signed R. W SMITH. D istrict Clerk. It Miller, Esther Miller. Arlene Mitchell, shrubbery. It m a k e s'su c h a story iiw i M cD nnielda, T eln to , ¿Aluorta and W ilm s Circle, s l i d lln sel Headman A large crowd attended the nil day -m eeting held at thej Pleasant Hill Christlun church ill celebration of the- 78th birthday of the founding of the church Rev Harry Benton gave the address In the morning Rev. Stivers of Eugene. Mr. Bristow aud Mrs Hem enway. Springfield, gave talks in the afternoon. There w as a splendid choir both morning and afternoon. A basket dinner was served at the nnon hour. Donald Kahler, who la working at the Hurry Schrenk ranch near June tton City was home liv er Sunday While m ending a lance, at the farm of his parents little 8 year old Ben Brown fell and broke his left arm Just above the elbow. In falling l|e Just m issed landing on a pitchfork that lay with the tines up. Miss Juanita Lombard nt Spring field spent the w eek en d at Pleasant Hill visitin g with Mrs. O. H. W unpe lln The M isses Verna and Shirley W iley left Pleasant Hill tor Salem lent week, where thay w ill spend thy summer. They hope to attend high school at P leasant Hill again next year. Mr. and Mrs. S tow ell and two younger children of Trent left for Medford Saturday to Join her two obtest daughters. Evelyn and Myrtle, who left several w eeks ago and un- working In the apple, and puer or­ chard*. ; ........... K. E. Kilpatrick left tor the moun­ tains Friday where he luts a position In the forestry serylce for the sum ­ mer. Several very fine milk cow s reacts»! to the T. B. test given last w eek and had to be killed. * L ittle V adetts Curta, who has been receiving medical treatm ent At the Shriners hospital In Portland is at the home of her parents at Pleasant HUI for a couple of months. THURSTO N I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ednilston and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Enhoff motored to the lava bed up the M cKenzie last W ednesday. Miss Elizabeth McMahon under went an operation for appendicitis last Tuesday at Pacific Christian hos- I’xirry Price and Felix Sparks motored to Detroit, Oregon. where they attended a forestry m eeting last week Mr and Mrs Joe Endicott from Vancouver spent the iweek end ’with their brother und fam ily Mr and Mr». John Endicott. • Rev. Ard Hoven who has been (he m inister nt Thurston for several m onths has gone to Eastern Oregon to work during harvest. Ilia fu lle r filled the pulpit here Inal Bunday. Mrs Curtis D ewitt and hnhy from near San F ran d seo, California, ar­ rived Monday for an indefinlie visit with her grumtpurcula. Mr, aud Mrs A. W. Weaver The l.aitlss Aid met with Mrs Roy Fdm tston last Thursday. The next m eeting will be In three w eeks with Mrs. Fred Russell. Mrs A. W W eaver whit»- 'n P o r t land last week had her teeth exlrm t ed. Mrs Rosa Baughman rrotn Kugeae spent the w eek en d with two- slat.r. Mrs. John Price, In Tnurston. Carl Webber from San Francisco. California, ami Henry Webber of Eu gene, and their sister' Martha, were in Thurston Mondav- calling on old friends They resided here several years ago. Mrs Lewis, who has been with her daughter, Mrs George Endicott, for several m onths has gone to Philo- nuitlj to visit relatives Lum Mays from latmlax spent Sun day In Thurston. Melvin Buell from Klatnath Falls' arrived In Thurstton Tuesday ev e n ­ ing to spend the Fourth of July with his aunt. Miss Senna Heersma Mrs. Taylur Needham has her two sm all grandsons, Dannie and Bobbie M itchell, with her while their m other Is helping care for her father nd mother, Mr and Mrs Caatleman. at Pleasant HUI. who are both sick Mr. and Mrs. Dave W eaver and son. Roy from Oakland, California, who have been visitin g nere left for thetr home last Saturday Jerry Endicott from Eugene spent Sunday afternoon In Thurston. Mr. and Mrs Charles Taylor and Mr and Mrs. Siam Morgan motored to Salem last Sunday where Mrs. .Mor­ gan's fam ily held a reunion at the S tate fair grounds. Miss Ada Davison from Philomath la spending the sum mer with Mrs George Platt. There w ill b»1 a school m eeting held on Friday afternoon st the school house to vote on Issuing warrants to bu'ld a tw o room school Imu -e ami to liny land for II, after consult latina the Thurston and Davis d istricts, • <» place It nearer the center of Ihn ills trlct Isiren Elimistön Is the proud pos­ sessor <>f a henuttful heavy gold ring, sent from India- by R unal# Gilbert a IT. nt (). student now In India, the ring rep resen ts two snakes, one d«»» a ruby to represent the eye ami the other an emerald C H A N G E S IN P O S T A L RATES ARE L IS T E D : ■ S C H E D U L E IS G IV E N Changes In postal rates which cover alm ost all classes of mall have been made by the postal departm ent, a.- curding to word received today by F II llam lin, local postm aster. The Changes briefly are; R ales Oh new spapers mailed by publishers, [ournl rat- < slightly in- , Teas» -1 R ales on second Class mall- n o w » papers rem allol by Individuals- re­ duced from l* o cen ts for each two ounces to one cent for each two ounces. I’n n e l post rates for fifth, sista , seventh, slid etylith zones, slightly reduced. , R egistration fees, registration amt Indemnity extended as follow s For registry ami Indemnity, not exm adlng $5u. If- ci-nts; for registry and Io ileionltv, *50 to $100. 20 cen ts; $100 Io $300. 30 cen ts; $300 to $300. '.'I cen ts; $300 to *400. 50 cen ts; *400 to ,500. 00 cen ts; $5Oo to $«00, 70 cent »; $000 to $700, 80 cen ts; $700 to *800, 90 cen ts; $800 to $1000, one dollar Special delivery charge ou first class mall rem ains the • sam e, len cent» For packuges w eighing not more than two pounds the charge for special de livery will be 15 «;efc,t* Fbr parrels w eighing tw o to ten pounds the charge will be 35 cen ts and for par cels exceed ing ten pounds, thirty-five cents. Bpeclal handling cnargea:- Provi­ sion Is made for Ire special haadllng of fourth class mall whlrh Insures it the sam e expeditious handling and transnprtatlon aa Is given first rla.is mall, upon payment of (ha fullowtnx 1 barges. P ackages w eighing not more than two pounds, 16 sent*; packages w eighing front Own to 10 pounds, 25 cen ts; packages w etzhlng more than 10 pounds, 36 rents. Mpei-lil handling will tie required on all pack ages containing hi.by chicks, nr baby alligators. It Is optional with the sender upon nil other packages Three Big Days July 2, 3, 4 Celebrate in EUGENE A Real Old-Fashioned Celebration Speed Boat Races, Log Rolling and Logging Contests Kinds-Liberal Prizes Sports and Races of All ROUNDUP AT FAIR GROUNDS EACH AFTERNOON Spectacular SHAM BATTLE Realistic Baseball, Dancing, Rides and Amusements Dawn Until 9:30 a.m. July 4th Music ... All D ay... Every Day ... City Park MONDAY TWO BIG PARADES WEDNESDAY Boxing at Armory Tuesday Night, July 3rd, 7:30 p.m. DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS ON NIGHT OF 4TH