THURSDAY JUNE 28, 1928 PA'-SÄ FIV® , my rather then, and leaped through | the window and escaped] into the ' marshes. “When morning c a m e '~ a ll~ ?the negroes and my father and the Hindu tracked the tiger down—and Anally killed him In the thickets. And when they got back Ahmad Das was born, On the very day, and the same hour, (Continued on Page 6) Edison Marshall ! I , i 1 j ! CAM T f - V f A BETTEit O X -thcr THE NEW kZ E R O L tN K RELIEF FROM CURSE WHAT. HAS HAPPENED BEFORE— ’ ta.ns. It usually takes years of prac­ OF CONSTIPATION shivered out of the darkness—seem- , rug. evidently cleaning a soiled place A Buttle Creek physlctm. says. "Con­ Dr. Long, out H ulling with Alexan­ tice to learn to stalk. He seemed to ¡ngly just below the veranda. It was on the carpet. And even in that aiwk- der Pierce, a detective, tells of his know how intuitively. The man walk­ a plaintive, haunting cry, but except j ward position he seemed to move with stipation Is responsible for more mis­ projected trip to Southerly Downs. ed just like a cat. He placed his feet to a naturalist not worth a moment’s a strange, feline grace, a lithe sinuous- ery than any other cause.” T H E .MODERN «11, Pierce advises him to keep his eyes the same way. But immediate relief has been found. thought. 1 had been enough in the ness beyond all words. wide open while there. On the waV A tablet called Ilexall Orderlies has “The other must have missed the wilderness to recognize it as the cry I did not forget that this was been discovered. This tablet attracts j in a train Dr. Long is attracted by a train, he told me in his correct but of a certain large species of -- owl—a - --- — natural ........ . in the uiaui man. uui But by ouiilt some girl, who later faints. Dr. Lopg trcjts hesitant English, as he helped me in­ night-hunter that is often found In our Satanic contriving of fate and cir water from the system into the lazy ' dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. her, and looking into her bag, is as- to Southley’s great touring car. Florida marshes. Those on the a standard oil paunun — ' cunistance, the candlwlight had found ounded to And a loaded revolver. Southley himself met me on the veranda wiih me must have heard the I a reflection in his eyes. 1 am a cold- The water loosens the dry food waste Now read on— great veranda. The shadows were same sound dozens of [lines. But j blooded, self disciplined man, and it and causes a gentle, thorough, natural heavy there, and his face just a white four of .them started iu their chairs, was not Just Imagination, not Just | movement without forming a habit or blur. But when we went ----- into the CH/MPTER II. , ---- and one of the four uttered a half- delusion or moon-madness that re- j ever Increasing the dose. ; vealed to me a strange greenish I heard the conductor shout behind ighted h a ll I saw that the months j smothered gasp of dismay. Stop suffering from constipation. me. I turned from her, even as her , k rhe 8lght ° f hlS i Something was radically wrong Flare, not unlike the light to be seen Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night. Next eyes were upon mo. It was my sta­ <,|. atve I? J S<>ft can' *“ the black depths. tion; and I did not stop to realize the tnv at the nearest Rexall Drug Store— (Adv.) screaming folly of leaving the train. ay S ° U ey own8‘ swamp air had got into them and! Ahmad Das left the room, and I Men who have thrown away the n it u W t,h , the fine8t h08 jleft its poison. The elderly Southlev I BP°ke In the deadly quiet that fol his departure. wrong card in the biggest poker hand pitality. »He couldn t live in a 1 had evidently not heard the sound A A I ___ s. X . ’ * s.wwv. . . _ of their lives might have some inkling Southern njanor house and do any »» At least, he gave no sign His son, i "What Is it. Miss Southley?” r of the way I felt. For three minutes other thing. It’s in the air and the the nerves of whose handsome body »»ked her as gently as I could, "What a ffò I stood fuming, watching the vanish­ atmosphere, as all men know who should have been of steel, gave a h“M frightened you?" .8™ b « -rc p r tlb le . start. ' U Both of I ! I ----------------------- must be ------ ill,” she said “It was ing end of the train. It soon »wept --------- w . . . . . V. U IU tion, too. The voice itself was rather the Haywards turned with a nervous ! JU8t Ahmad Das out of sight. “Is this Dr. Long?” spoke a voice wavering and shrill, rather more aged Jerk, and the elder said something j “* know—and that wild light In nis than I had remembered it. Then he that sounded like an oath under his behind me. eyes was natural. It was Just the The voice was deferential; yet ft turned to the impassive Oriental be­ breath. Jostphine had been the most glare from his candle." hind him. had neither the tone nor the rhythm affected of all-; and when at — -------, ............ w n r ii i I I looked D G A PG ........... ..........- ir l through llltH iR II She smiled at me, took H me Our Equipment Is the best in “Ahmad Das,” he asked, ’’didn’t her again I saw that lingering, haunt- of our Florida colored men. I think 6f ,he «reat. downstairs rooms the state and no factory ban aay Joe come?” that I expected to turn and see a Ing sorrow In her dark eyes. 1 °f ,he manor house. The place was Thor« is no excuee, in better method of doing this I didn’t hear the answer, for 1 white servitor—ono of those gray* She uttered a little, nervoua laugh I almost Georgian. There were many class nt work or belter Hum to turned to shake hands with a tail, this age, for stoney halred English butlers of an old and operate them a sound that was Joyously musical little alcoves—the best of hiding- Incomparable school. It was a low straight youth that -was Southley's In spite of her embarrassment places—and long corridors and tndefl hearts or glass eyes. son. He was about twenty-one, evf- voice, with a rather percullar purring "Did you ever encounter Just this nite flights of stairs. I was amaseu Warm up to a pair of quality. And so I was surprised to dently an undergraduate at college. at the site of It. ♦CYLINDER .................. »18 50 "My son, Ernest," the old man told atmosphere before?" «he asked me see try dusky face that looked Into “And whst traditions it must have!" "It's these marshes, I think—the tra­ our glasses in time mine. It wasn’t black, yet quite dark me. He tried to straighten up. "Al­ •C Y L IN D E R ..................... IH .0U I exclaimed. "You forgot. Miss Houlh- ditions of this old house." enough to be that of a mulatto. But ready taller than bis father." and you will need no ley, You were going Jo tell me about "AU It needs Is a ghost," I told her ♦ W H E E L BRAKES We walked Into the great drawing In a glance I knew that the man had the ghost.” substitutes. N E L IN K Ö . . . room; and there two other men arose "If you can present a ghost It’s going ' • 8.00 no African blood whatever. She paused anrf looked at me. “I've to be the biggest week of ray life." The shape of his features was dis­ to greet us. decided I hadn't better." "H's here already." "Mr. Hayward,” my host explained. tinctly Aryan. He had a straight, "I'm so sorry . It would give an D r. ^ H e r m a n W . B l o o d y “You don't mean It!" finely chiseled nose that was almost "And another Mr. Heyward, his son.” added seat to thia visit—" The newest, moat novel ghost in It was wholly possible that his classic»., thin lip* auu i«tuei high OOTOMFTBIST ♦ rVCSICMT SMCVUMV "But you wouldn’t believe It—" the world!" s o u s as» Miwaa s u m m k cheek-bones. He wore the snow-white voice changed slightly when he In­ "And you wouldn't want me to! »*», BROAtlWAV She said It lightly; and I kept my "We Serve to Save" turban of a Mussulman. But most of troduced these two. But, of course. Ghoet stories aren't meant to be be t u c t n i -one. eyes on her. Then M4 i’earl 8t Phone S«3 * e heart! the lleved. - all I noticed his eyes. They were the It was to be expected. An Instant arWard *runtln« Hom the j -But this story Is a little different. eyes of a mystic, very black, and before he had Just introduced his son. chair, astoundlngly deep. They gave no evidently the Joy and pride of his life. "Oh. don't tell that .Illy .,„ ry again f * ’ i f " * '* °"*“ Or tW° ra,her key to his thoughts, but suggested But norw It seemed to me that ,h» Josephine." he muttered • i troublesome points—and It Isn t to be voice had an alien tone—a strain and the somber mysticism of the East. Of It till I'm tired." * e **•*<*•. la IL doctor r C rin k le C otton conjecturing what a successful hunt­ dinner garb He had a rather large, I color in h 7* I * a"d f , l "nK of U"' | • h* *•"* °" "And “ '• ™«I«" •‘"•»Mir -----mi.11, i 8he was In the ’•»»«Ing to sit here and tell you thing. er he Would be in the Western mnun- dark face— perhaps a trifle severe Spread« anu toi bidding. There was . d u ll!“ ’* ” - «* » «-ntenre. . „ d . | | thing. J ■«""» y„„ M light that might have been ambition , * » • ^ g o tte n Then, slowly „ f»«h-r c.m o from India forty years 9 8 c — $ 1 .4 9 and might have been a thousand ' • «he life utterly died In »"«The brought a tiger rub w lf, other things in his eyes ! ber f»cp 1 •-*- R ayon him . - ft was a pet—a tawny little •‘I've heard Southley speak of you.” Th« » Is no other word In a a i I rr* ,»’»re that creature that played played ai and romped and the youngerraian told me "I am V ila .,’"""”'"«- «h- witchery and «rater» ' •"•«*<« •« UW certains. He brought Spreads " a^ i L ? help yon ,o . can **fe was sparkling In ,wo "ervants. too—a Hindu man and Slav flO a IO S us straight to know mv given name." Her 7 7 "nd ,Unrln< m her amile T "»"‘her'« ayah Both theae two “I think that Is Joe now." $ 2 .9 8 wa. “ “■ *nd I , ’*"•»»" dc»d Although you Then we all stood up. The whole next it n< * ,,ke Wl"* ,B ,h" * ° " W b"rd|T gueas it. Ahmad Das was Select a gay world faded—the glittering table, the mv £ WhO“ r *On* fTob.blT t «w n after they came to tbi. p i.n l.. spread in cot­ watchful faces of the men. the dark ">r “rat impression wa. that h e r , ton or rayon body Of the Hindu servant—and left I rob • m r '",o - * ■ « « « . to match your only the slender form at the threshold O ver m v u »"mefhlng Juat ! ’• ’rnY- full grown tiger, aeemlngly a . curtaius. of the door. moat trsn^".^ r H*r “ *• "" “ Bu‘ »Kht "She's beell on a visit to the shore, Of her eveP "ah' **"* ou' ***" W'nd bl’’W “ "<”,"”'d »« S® and she was carried past her station And S O . th‘’y w'den*d. loo | mad >« »Hacked the Hindu woman, —lijte Ihe little stupid that she Is." I came In ^ r,?eP,,b,,• ““ “ • t | Bnd "h* *»" b»dly lorn before my heard Southley saving from far nwav ____ of her Up" father drove the creature off | n the , * ■ u « u to tv send .e n u lo Very slowly I turned had for r her In the car. I don't know condition that she was. hpr wounds Josephine—come up and meet mv wf"H I expected to "*«• Bui ' I were even more o dangerous e e r fn ln iv u ..................... ----- a n g e ro u s than they friend, Doctor Long. Long—my daugh­ w onp I s T ' X n° i h,n< “ rom ° ‘h*rwto* *"»'d been. It was the opening of Ihe lar­ ter, Miss Southley." fixed nn . HBr ’‘yM wp-p I ""questionably the brute's Intention The girl at the doorway was the servant gest, most completely Ahmad P** ‘h- ,o rarry h«r <>»f-end maybe yon same girl I had carried In rov arm s. hnid . l ° --------..noe * B" do , n * n< house know aometehlng about tigers. equipped optical ojjice that afternoon; and she had not yet j long hoW rnfl'm ta"k «» "" ’he other end ° of f "th”r ’‘”d ' "Tfc,y "ay ‘hat Play for removed the Intriguing little he.t from ------ in Lane county. For an In.»«.» » . . literally hours with their human prev the fine, brown hair. mo,"on. w.?h fn"OW,‘d Wa H * ”“ "Hh » mou.e, "I hope you don't mind candle­ motions With a senseless fascination, with Ihe moat terrible eruelty Eight years of progress that light." Southley apologized during the He was ,,n |,|H band„ nnd fePt on )hH f (Jn he Our drivers are accustomed to hearing this rcm.trk. «or The beast attacked and growth; eight thous­ excellent meal. "We have a pHvate ~ —— — — no m atter how light the color, how soft the fabric, w< lighting plant, but it's seriously out of and satisfed customers;— j order. We’re sending for parts." restore your clothes to their original softness. demand new and larger “I prefer candles, and I'd have 'em quarters. If I had enough servants to keep them trimmed," I replied. "It's the most PHONE 75 Look for the big elec­ restful light on e«e»h." One of our delicious Ice cream sodas—made—ex­ Then iluei Hayward grunted tric spectacles, opposite : In hla place. pertly—of pure Ingredlenta—delicloua!— TheMcMorran &U?ash- DON’T FORGET OUR GET ACQUAINTED PRICES “I fall over the house with ’em," Gratifying In every senae of the word! burne main entr he said. "I like bright lights, and lots i Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1 00 Just come to our fountain and try one—you will of 'em. And the worst of It la the I Ladies’ Silk Dresses (pleats extra) $1 50 I find that our sodas are the best In town. Mq success is due to | plant broke three days after I came Ladies' Coats (plain), Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 We also serve soft drinks, and sundaes of every , Spite work, I think." s e r e ic e ,--o fIea when Ladies' Suits A Wool Dresses Cleaned A pressed, $1.00 description I I looked at him. expecting to find others fait We can fix up a sundae to suit every Individual 1 him In Jest There are men that Joke I taste. like that sometimes. But bis face 1 Ice cream sold In bol or bricks. gave no sign And I was to learn be 1 | fore the night was done that such re­ marks were quite to be expected from the elder Hayward. "Where the Service Is Different" A long, tremendous sail suddenly 245 E. Broadway Phone 75 E ngine, Ore- FO3LS FMCTK N r a rr/(S'Aa f f Pembrooke & Moritz A Colorful Striped Spread Announcing A s New as the day I bought it Just the Thing to Hit the Spot on a Hot Day! FGGIMANN’S Eumene Cleaners & Oyers BW «M IH M B M M