THURSDAY JUNE 28. 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO Natron Woman Here—Mrs. Vern Stewart of Natron spent Monday here on business. Communication Jolliff’a Have Viaitora—Mrs. H. E. Carr of Los Angeles is a visitor at Springfield, Oregon Man Treated Here— Martin Myers I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Drive to Blue River— Mr. anil Mrs. June 27, 1928. Willis Bertsch and children drove to an employe at the construction camp i Jolliff this week. Editor, The Springfield News, of the Eugene water board at Loa- f lu e River Sunday. Dear Sir: •Roy Smith— Here—Roy Smith re­ burg, was treated here for an injury Answering the criticism of Spring Portland People Visit— Mr. an I last Saturday. turned from Portland Sunday night Mrs Allen Stewart of Portland are 1 and will remain here indefinitely to field’s ordinance which prohibits th i bale and shooting of firecrackers with­ Drive to Newport—Mr. and Mrs. ' receive medical attention. fcere visiting relatives and friend3. in the city limits, the mayor and city Fred FVese and daughter, Dorothy, Leaves for Lake—W. R. McNeil Miss Pearl Nelson and Mr. Bainell of Drive to Salem— Dr. and Mrs. N. W. council wish to point out that recently left last Friday morning for Crater the Danner garage drove to Newport i Emery and Miss Frances Hodge spent the United States public health ser­ Lake where he has secured a position last week-end for a vacation on the | Sunday at Salem visiting M i s s vice issued a bulletin recounting that fer the summer. I Hodge’s parents. the parents of three small children beach. killed by fireworks last year appeared Here for Summer— Mr. and Mrs. Grove People Here—Mr. and Mrs. Former Resident Here— Mr. and Walter Parrish iff Portland arrived Mrs. Richenburg of Klamath Falls j L. R. Smith and daughter, Connie, of before the Rochester, N. Y., council here Saturday evening. They will spent last Thursday here visiting her . Cottage Grove visited relatives in and urged the adoption of an ordin­ ance to prohibit the sale and dis­ Bake their home here this summer. mother, Mrs. Lynch. * Mrs. Rlcheu- I Springfield Sunday. charge of fireworks there. The ordin­ Picnic at Mohawk—Mr. and Mrs. burg iwas formerly Miss Esther Lynch Waive Peterson Away—Miss Waive ance was passed, but too late so far C. E. Kenyon and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. and lived in this city for some time. Peterson left Tuesday morning for as the bereaved parents were con­ DePue spent Sunday at Mohawk on a Pastor in Seattle—Rev. Gabriel ' Corvallis where she will spend sev­ cerned. We have found that there was noth­ picnic. Sykes, pastor of the Methodist church, eral days visiting with friends. ing irregular In the action of the has gone to Seattle to attend a meet­ Undergoes Operation—Miss Gladys Adrians Have Visitors—Mr. and police officers, of this city recently in Fa wver of Harrisburg is in the Paci­ ing of church pastors and officials Mrs. J. E. Scott of Salem visited Sun­ quieting a disturbance caused by fic Christian hospital following a there. He is expected back some time day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian. shooting of firecrackers and wish to this week. major operation there Tuesday. ! Mrs. Adrian is their daughter. say that we have confidence that these Mrs. Frum Visits— Mrs. Ella Fruin Returns From Seattle—Miss Mar­ Returns to Oregon City— Lewis Me- officers will properly enforce the city garet Gorrle returned Monday from of Junction City, mother of Mrs. E. i Bee returned to his lpm e in Oregon Beattie where she spent the past C. Stuart was a visitor here Sunday. ' City Monday after spending the week- SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and children and week on a business trip. end visiting here. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Mrs. Frum drove up Horse creek on STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Enjoy Picnic—Dr. and Mrs. W. C. a fishing trip, catching a number of COUNTY OF LANE Smiths Have Daughter— Mr. and Schafer, Plaintiff, vs., George Rebhan and family and Dr. and Mrs. trout. Mrs. F. L. Smith of Dexter are the Helga Schafer, Defendant. W. N. Dow and family enjoyed a pic Birthday Party Held—A group of parents* of a daughter born at the To George Schafer, Defendant: pic at Swimmers' Delight park last Pacific Christian hospital in Eugene IN THE NAME OF THE STATE friends of Scott Wright helped him Fr'day evening. OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ Saturday, June 23. celebrate his ninth birthday anniver­ quired to appear and answer the com­ Bend People Here—Mrs. John Wint sary Monday at a party given by his plaint filed against you in the above Baby Sits on Needle—The year-old entitled Court and cause on or before l«r and daughters, Margaret and Jean, mother, Mrs. William Wright, in Mid­ •topped here Sunday enroute to their way park. The youngsters were baby of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Culver four weeks from the date of the first was injured recently when It sat on publication of this Summons, a»d if home from Corvallis where they visit­ treated to a picnic lunch in the even­ a needle. The needle was embedded you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will appiy ed over the 'week-end. ing. its full length In the flesh, but was- to the Court for the relief demanded removed by a local physicikn without in said complaint, to-wit: for a decree Montgomerys Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Eugene People Visit—Mr. and Mrs. being broken. of this Court that the bonds of matri­ A1 Montgomery and daughter, Mrs. mony now existing between the plain Herbert Sneed of Eugene spent Sun­ W. E. Knott of Eugene were visitors tiff and defendant be forever dissol­ here Sunday afternoon with a num­ T. Berg Hurt—T. Berg, an employe ved, day In Corvallis visiting at the Fred and that the plaintiff have Judg­ ber of acqualntences. Mr. Knott, rwho of the Booth-Kelly lumber company at ment for her costs and disbursements Montgomery home. Is a contractor, has Just accepted a the mill here, received an injury to herein, and for the further decree of Pick Blackberries— Mr, and Mrs. contract to build a residence near his forehead and face Monday while this Court restoring to this plaintiff MeLagan In Albany— W. C. Mc- Portland and will leave for that place working in the mill. The injury was here maiden name, to-wit: Helga Schonbnrg, and for such other and Lagan made a business trip to Albany in a couple of weeks. • not serious enough to cause him to further relief as to the Court may 9 last Friday. He also attended a meet- go to the hospital. seem equitable. 1» of the Masonic lodge there. This Summons is published once Psstor is Visitor—rRev. S. H. Chil­ Classes Entertained—The primary each week for four seccesslve weeks ders, pastor of the 8pringfield Christ­ Be to Pleasant Hill— Emery Rich­ classes of the Methodist Sunday in the Springfield News, a weekly ardson and daughter went to Pleasant ian church, who has been enjoying a school were entertained by their newspaper of general circulation pub HUI Sunday to attend the annlver- vacation In southern California, was teachers last week In the Sundav llshed In Lane County, Oregon, by of the Honorable G. Ft Skip- aary celebration of the chrtm im here Sunday and preached at the school rooms of the church. Gatneg order worth, Judge of the Circuit Court of morning and evening services of the •Jjurch there. Lane County, Oregon, which order local church. He will continue to were enjoyed and refreshments were bears the date the 26th day of June, John King Back—John P. King has Turner where he will be one of the served. The teachers who assisted 1928, and the date of the first publica­ ••turned to his deBk at the Booth- principal speakers In the convention were Mrs. L. K. Page, Miss Ethelyn tion of this Summons is June 28, 1928. POTTER & KING, Attorneys for Kelly Lumber company office here to be held there. He will be absent Stark, Miss Nellie Hickman, Miss Pearlee Moscop and Miss Jule Roden. Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office following his regular summer vaca­ two more Sundays. Address, Eugene, Oregon. « Forty children were present. tion. J. 28: Jl. 6-12-19-26: Church Anniversary Held— Mem­ Will Return Hers— Miss Lillian England will arrive here Saturday to bers and leaders of the Springfield visit her grandmother, Mrs. C. I. Christian church went to Pleasant Oorrle and other relatives for several Hill last Sunday afternoon to partici­ weeks. Her home Is at West Timber. pate In the 78th anniversary celebra tlon of that church. The Pleasant Shoppers are In—Among the busi- Hill church Is said to be the oldest B ssb visitors here over the week-end ' of this denomination in the state of Were: Mr. and Mm. Chasey Neet, Oregon. Rev. Claud Neely, tempor­ Wendllng; Mrs. George Williams and ary pastor, Mrs. W. A. Hemenway, of Mrs. Joe Williams, Rainbow; J. B. Springfield, Rev. E. V. Stivers of Eu­ Elliott, Jasper; Mrs. H. Mullin, Nat­ gene and W. L. Bristow were on the ron; G. H. Smith, Dexter. speaking program. 10 Bars White Wonder ^Regular Price $2.15 Let Us Supply You with Soap at Special Prices 1 Pkg. Wonder Foam ’ I Dish Pan or Berry Set I Bar Double Refined A*-L FOR $1.39 EVERY QUAR you Spend, Often Seen but Seldom Pass' ’ Many times on many highways you w ill glimpse the red Indian head that identifies a Pontiac Six from the rear. Som etim e you w ill find a man at the w h eel w h o shows that h e’s headed for distant points. Follow him hour after hour, all day long. Follow him , that is, if your car w ill stand the pace. W hen you do you w d l witness a m arvelous exhibition of high-speed endurance. And if you can have it checked from radiator to tail-light at its destination, you w ill find it none the worse for hard driving, n o matter how strenuous the trip. T he Pontiac Six is built for just such a test as that. That's w hy it’s often seen on the road—but very seldom passed! ¿»Door 5r Jan. >74$i C o m /«*. 3 Bars for 23c The Grocerv Store For the Thrifty Housewife Here she can do her shopping with the perfect assurance that every article she buys is fresh and pure and priced at the low­ est possible figure. Mrs. Housewife, we are in a position to serve you efficiently and well and to help you econo­ mize. Be wise! Stop at our store! ordinances and wiBh the citizens to understand that we are back of the police as to their duty in upholding the peace and dignity of their office. Respectfully. G. G. BUSHMAN. Mayor. THE PLACE TO BUY THAT GOOD I USED CAR IS AT PETTYJOHN’S RELIABLE VALUES AT THE LOW­ EST PRICES AND TERMS. Studebaker Touring. Franklin Touring. Four-L Meeting Held 1927 Buick Standard Coupe. Regular session of the Springfield Dodge Touring. chapter of the Loyal Legion of Log­ Dodge Sedan. gers and Lumbermen was held Mon­ 1927 Buick Standard Sedan. day evening. Matters of routine busi- I ’ F. W. PETTYJOHN ness were taken up, with no parti-1 BUICK AGENCY cularly new items coming up for dis- ' Eugene, Oregon cuBsion. John King, secretary report­ ed. The four-L meets once a month in the W. O. W. hall. FOR SALE—Three Acres in bear­ ing prunes. Two-room house, hen , house, Rabbit hutches. Good water, ' electricity. One mile out from Spring- 1 field on the Coburg road, 82250. Will ' take in a lot in Springfield or Eugene, | as first payment or small cash pay- i ment. Balance in monthly payments or to suit purchaser. *See the property | or write to W. A. Chambers, Spring- | field, Oregon. tr. i CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emerv on prices on plates and other work, tf Or.E.T. Helms V Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy Specialising in Painless and Bloodless Removal of Tonsils 15th year in Oregon prectlclng. Office 1237 Ferry St. Phone 2085 Eugene. MILLINER Y < 4th of July Specials $ 1 .9 8 Group 1. Reduced from $5.50 to Group 2. Reduced from $6.50 and $7.95 to ... $ 2 .9 8 and $ 3 .9 8 Many other models In up to date millinery in small and large head sizes greatly reduced. Dresses Group 1. Values to $10.50 at ....... $ 5 .9 5 Wash silks and prints. Group 2. Values to $16.95 a t ....... 5 9 .9 5 Sizes from 14 to 50 8th AVENUE HAT & DRESS SHOP 42 - 8th. AVE. WEST; iU C E h t OR SOON. fm w a tt 605-609 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon LADIES’ SHOES Lot 160 GYPSY TOE-TIE FOR WOMEN Roseblush gypsy toe-tie, with covered Cuban heel. $ 3 .9 8 Lot 143 PATENT TIE Fancy Cut-out design, pat­ ent tie with military heel. Kid lined. One of the lead­ ing styles. $ 4 .9 8 LADIES’ HIGH HEEL STRAP PUMP French beige glove - like kid. Covered wood heel. Very soft, light and pliable. P e a r l colored, trimmed with lustre strap. LADIES’ SOFT PLIABLE LEATHER PUMP Leather, Cuban heel. One- strap cut-out. A star at­ traction in this low-price shoe group at $ 4 .9 8 $ 2 .4 8 MEN’S OXFORDS GUNMETAL BLUCHER This oxford is designed for the man who wants the most in wear and comfort, but who likes something a little different. Novelty grey stitching on vamp and quarter. $ 3 .9 8 BROCKTON BENCH- MADE OXFORD e A kid shoe of Goodyear welt construction. Rubber heel. Wide, roomy last. Su­ perior workmanship and fine leather mark this shoe as a wonderful buy at $ 4 .9 8 T W IN E Hiiieiititi'nBmniiffluiiiiiiiBiinniritniiüauiüiiiniiiiniii'iiijirtiHniiiiuiiiiaBiiwnii.’iKiuiiiiiiiii ^ U T O t A S T jg l STANDARD ...... ............................. 1 3 c Lb< PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL, 660 Ft., J5c Lb- 3(>C Lb- PLYMOUTH FOUR PLY HAY ROPE .. SEE US FOR HAYING AND HARVESTING SUPPLIES $7f1i Sftorf KoaJotrr, $ 7 4 S i Ph a r t on, •771: C BhrlelH , 07911 4-lMor Sedan, >N2S,' Sport la n J a w S n latt, M 7 5 . ( )aJd^a«t A ll-A m e ric a n Six« 01041 to >17 6$. A l l prices a t fs c fitft r. C k c jL O a k la n d iS n f ia c J a lia rr e J £ r t * e t — t k e r in c la J « L a iB i h u i j e * . G oner a l M o to r« T im a P aym ani P la n a v a ila b le a t ad n lm i— rata. WAR TAX REMOVED. DELIVERED PRICES REDUCED W . R. D aw son , onte 89c Springfield Phone P O N T IA C S IX a o o u c T o» a i M i s s i u o t o i i Phone 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY-9 Wright ® Sons PHONE 18 * J