S U IT S Ambulance Service — Call C L E A N E D ANO PRES $1.25 THE SPRINGFIELD : Kulta Pressed ....... SO Ladies' Bilk Dresses,_ |1 ladles’ Wool Dresses...... Eugeni Ambulane» Co. 32 W Nth — Rose Cleane SPRINGFIELD. IANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 21, 1928 Eugene,Ore 42 W. 7th Raup's flo w e r Shop Don’t Throw Away Your - - Old Rugs Johnson Sells for Cash and Sells for Have a New ELUEE RUG m ade from your old Dom estic Rug Low in Price— Long in Wear Hug W eaving Hug C leaning — Hug H epairing B 163S Jefferson St. Get Our • • Eugene, Oregon NEW M EN'S S U IT S OR O V E R C O A T8 Cleaned and Preated, ----- 91.00 Pressed O n l y ......................................................................................... 90s LA D IE S ' COATS (P lain ) Cleaned and P re s s e d ..................... 91 00 Fur Trim m ed ................................... .............................. 91.29 and 81-b0 L A D IE S ' S U IT S OR W OOL DRESSES. Cleaned A Pressed, 91 00 L A D IE S ' S ILK DRESSES Cleaned and Pressed . . . . . . . . . . 91-60 H A TS C L E A N E D ANO BLO C K ED ............................................ 7dc All other prices are based according to these reductions. Ws Will gladly give you quotations on household goods, such as rugs, curtains, drapes, ate. (E xtra for Pleats) Johnson Furniture Co. L IH TO v llM ’ p *"» ** i© iw e ir b A » T a W h ft» Tel. 1188 ON c u e , T e ll * k S S » V llH T O H A R R Y ’S H A T 8H O P Eugene , EUGENE CLEANERS & DYERS 249 E A S Y B R O A DW AY • - • P H O N E 75 • M IL L IN E R Y A N D OR SAL Clearance of Summer Hats .................... 91-98 a Dresses, values to 916-60 at ............................ .. Work All Satisfactory— Prices Reasonable 777 Willamette I*rie<»s 60 DAY SPECIAL PRICES 649 W illaniette HATS C L E A N E D and BLO CKED FLUFF RUG COMPANY LICSH Designers— Master Florists I'hone 616 998 Willamette Ht.. Eugene, Ore. Greenhouse 169 N. Washington Phone 2260 J We have an extra good aasort- ment of— POTTED PLANTS. VEGE­ TABLE PLANTS, BULBS, BEDDING PLANT» A N D CUT FLOWERS We make floral pieces and our prices are low. Eugene, Eugene West Springfield, Phone 124 M 8th A V E . H A T SHO 42 W. -8th St. Eugene, A N D R E B U IL T BICYCLES! 99 Down—91 Per Week Repairing of All Kindt of Wheel Goods Phone 911 120 W.-8th - Eugene Open tilt 9 P- m. Saturday Moore's Bicycle ShoP Be good to your feet LOOK A T YO UR SHOES— E V E R Y O N E T H E N T A K E T H E M TO ELSE DOES. Hall-The Shoe Doct ANO H A V E A F IR S T CLASS R E B U IL T 333 M A IN 8T . JOB. «M A FW O T 9 A V M A C IV , e o w f c a W H T M A. K » r P IR A T F T fc C A Ô U fc t T * e T ow n , tm » ftorvck T M Ift, A M b A W » T o » -o A w c .» ft oh a M