The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 21, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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THFESTWY .TTN’F 51. 1*>?<
Houston to Give Delegates Warm Welcome
Coliseum, Built For Event, Will
Be Permanent; City's Growth
Where The Democrats Will Flock June 26
Due to Plans of Its Pioneers
W ritten for The Springfield News
Through Autocaster News Servtce
Huston. Texas. June 21—Huston is
ali set for the great Democratic Na
tional Convention, which will convene
here on June 26. And while Houston
has been bending every effort toward
perfecting plans for the convention
civic leaders have not been overlook
ing the opportunity so to shape this
work that it will fit into the solid
foundation of a still greater Houston Here s the outside of the great new
Although the movement and actual
construction of the con want ion coll-
seam has been somewhat of an over
nigh’ project, all workers seemingly
have beeu impressed with the idea
that they are not building a tempor­
ary sturcture.
The city of Houston was laid out
according to a well-defined city plan
by it's pioneers. Leaders of civic life
tn villages, towns and cities through­
out the nation are expected to absorb
some concrete ideas on city-building
when they are in Huston for the con­
vention. These local leaders are
pioneers and it is to them that future
generations will point when their
towns become cities.
The coliseum is placed in the center Tris is the interior of the Houston. T
of what is destined to be a “civic ________________________
center." an area in which many future considered adequate to care for an-
public buildings are planned, in this other 100.000 overnight addition to the
there is a good idea in city building population.
No community is too small to start
Special arrangements are being
planning for the future, and a sound made by convention committees to
foundation provides for later pheno­ care for all visitors to Huston at and
menal growth
In Its early days about the time pf the party gathering.
Houston was a small, secluded town.
These are the words of Jesse H.
It has become large and powerful be­ Jones. Houston capitalist and chair
cause of the »rise planning of its man of the arrangements committee:
"Come to Houston the city is ready to
All the proceedings at the conven- care for you
convention has been perfected that is
Claude G. Bowers. Ne»r York edltor-
c o lls e iim b iîlït iô ii^ t o t ^ o ^ e ^ T r
National Convention.
gates who will attend (|,e Democratic
History Will Be Made Here!
exas. hall where the Democratic Party
and evolve its platform.'
lal writer, historian and orator, will
be the keynote speaker at the con
ventlon. Mr Bowers attracted great
attention by his address at the last
Jackson Day Dinner, which is con­
sidered a masterpiece It was beauti­
fully written, and most effectively
It was Jesse H. Jones who led the
light for Houston when the Demo­
cratic convention city was being
Wild blackberries In thia suction
are plentiful. It was reported here this
Many local residents are
picking the fruit along the banks of ,
i the McKensle river east of here. In I
* some cases Hu- hushes grow along
the highway und are easily accessible
The crop of cherries Ibis year Is far ,
! better than last despite predictions
I early In the season that the yield I
will name" i t 7 P a t ie n t i.l C^ J "” ' ? J * , ? » 'u “ " ..... n " "" "
count of the weather condition The !
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ cherries receiver so far on the local I
All thè proceedlngs tu thè ennven market are of fine quuity and ar
tlon—as lu thè case of thè Kansas reasonable In prlce It wus stateti
1 Ealing becomes a pleasure as well as
City conclave of the G O. P.—»hl be
I a necessary part of the day's routine
roadcast over the radio In a gigantic
New Fords are Dallversd
I when you dine here. Everything is
hook-up reaching Into every nook and
Delivery of two more Model A \ j i cmiked
, »«»»»-« and
«mi » served
r n w i n«re
w im the
ine same
here iwlth
cranny of the country. The most •‘"‘’’’da was announced this week by ' scrupulous regard f o r appetising
thorough "radio picture" of a con- en-
Danner Motor company. A ' cleanliness lhal makes a home-cooked
tlon ever made will be presented Io n,w «wo-door sedan was delivered to meal so enjoyable
Our menu is
the listeners, as microphones will be
Hurd of the Eugene Fruit Grow j varied dally to eult every changing
placed all about the convention floor er" ■•■»elation and a eport coupe to [ fan e/
and balcoqles and everything going
K Hamilton of the White Electric
E R Danner
I «uu noo. saca, drove the new rar»
'down from Portland Tuesday.
T O N Y G RAVO 8. Prop.
Drop-In Cafe
Is Visitor— Roy
here yesterday.
up definitely with one.
ivo“' m i s e r i " " Do"'t *et h,m
Very Much In Love
Dear M*.?s Vera,
I am 17 years old and very much
fn love with a fellow who is a few
years older than I. After going to­
gether several months, we became
engaged We decided to get mar­
ried when I'd be about 19 years
old. and as this is a long time to
wait we thought wed break the
engagement, (with the understand­
ing that some day we would
I have always been true to him.
and told him everything. He has
promised to do the same, and I
believe he is pretty troe so far.
Other fellows have asked me to
go with them, but I refused be­
cause my thoughts go back to the
one I love. He does not go out
with different girls. He has told
me often that he loves me. Do
you think he loves me if he waits
till I'm of age? Everybody tells
me that he is not worthy of my
love, and that I'd be foolish to
marry him But I love him and
no one else.
Clarence Jones, seven yci rold so»
Lost laike essi of llurrlsbiirg wus
or Mr. and Mi». Ilurvey (t’yi Jones, »Ite scene of a raudssous of Boy
recelved a severe bruta» un hi» back Scouts over Ihe last week end. Troop
and minor Injurlea
boni —
hi» ------
head il of Mprliigfleld scouts, Coburg troop
— — a -------
and body when he iwoa accidentally and Eugene troop No 4 boy» gathered
struck by a car Saturday afternoon i al (his lake Saturday afternoon and
0. II. l ’ole who la visiting here frinii , returned Sunday.
Idaho was driving along the street j The local boya went In (he acout
on Malli between Mill and Second j truck provided hy Ihe Mona club
streets at the rale of about 12 miles through E II Dannar Io the Northern
an hour, lie reported. The Jone» tiny ranch east of Harrisburg sad Iheu
whs playing behind nome barrels be look the trail to the lake where they
Ing used tn construction work on the spent Saturday night, rtunday morn­
acrvtce station being built there and ing Ihe boya attended a llihle school
suddenly jumped from behind them session and then took a hike around
Into (he street with his buck to ihe ihe lake, playing knowledge games
oncoming car.
on ihe way, The boys did all the
Although the car passed over the cooking and camp work
hoy the wheels did not strike his
W. It Aldrich, scoulniaaler, and
body He Is not considered seriously I*. Ihude second committeeman o f tbs
local troop, accompanied the boya ||.
A. Ktoneherg, Hcoulmaster of (hi- t'o-
¡aturg troop, was also present.
Fall Creek merchant, was a visitor
Reader^ lita n n g e persoaaf rrpfp cew address
4/u« Flo, n» eorv o/ tk it ntw tpnprr.
Entertains Class— Mrs. L. K. Page
entertained her Sunday school clas-i
Wednesday afternoon in the Method­
ist church. Refreshments followed the
Shopper A re In— Among the shop-
pers here today were Orval Tull. Mar-
cola. Mr and Mrs C. L. Williams.
Pleasant Hill, Mrs. L. H. Hill. Marcola
«<• Miss Mildred Price. Th'urarom
Some Game I
Berkeley. Cal..—The University of
California and Stanford have been
playing a game of chess since 1924.
The game Is likely to last ten years
Seven players at the University of
California started the game in 192V
Only one member of the original team
still attends the university. Each day
at noon the California team decides
on a move, and malls It to Stanford.
Stanford malls Its move to Berkeley
And the game still goes on!
Shoots Birds, Then K ills H im s e lf
McLagans at Dallas—Mr and Mrs
W C. McLagan and children drove -o
Antonio. Texas,—Edward Por­
Dallas Sunday
where for
Mr the
at i ’ Z San
to business
^ h lm J /T 'r o 0
mg himself In the doorway of his
States Power company.
home. A note loft by the boy sa'd
Roseburg People H e r e - Mr. and simply: "I killed myself on account »(
Mrs. James Newland of Roseburg shooting a red-bird.”
visited this week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Mrs. Newland
Enlistments Opened
and Mrs. Hamlin are sisters.
The United Ktate Marine corps is
Go To California—Mrs J A. Storer now open for first enlistments, ro-en
and son, Wayne, Mrs Ernest Walker llstments and reservists. The corps
and daughter. LaDorls, are enjoying offers travel, education and an experl
a motor trip to Crescent City, Califor­ ence which thousands of men wish
nia. and other points. They will be they could get but they are unable
to. Any one who is In good physical
gone several days.
condition and la between the ages
M ales on Tour—Mr. and Mrs. Ivan 18 and 36 may enlist In the reserve
Male are spending this wp«k traveling
---------- - while only single men who have quail
In Washington and British Columbia, j «cations are eligible to enlist In the
They nvlll be gone for only a short active service or regulars.
| tlme
i The nearest recruiting office to this j
Mrs. Olson Laav.— M r, Emma OI-' X ‘"
r X m “":
---- -------- ,
r Mrs Laura B Prisk, mother oi E i T x ax ? ? " ’
lag Day, is completing her plans
1 or this year's , tribute to w.»
O ld G lory
vvnue in the latter placp she will the coron
throughout the country patriotic visit M tb . Roy Ptrile and Mrs E E
w ill unite w ith civic
Barnard. formPrly (>f 8pringft(.I(, ' r '
m™ a»ntT bble' “ y° U, '°Ve the y0UnZ , I ; .rgan,rations
“> honor
•odies to honor the stara and
man and no one else, you should < ’»tripes on June 14
Dinner Party Given—Mrs. Mary Mc­
marry him no matter what your
Pherson entertained at a dinner
friends think. Unless, of course, your
last Sunday In honor of her daughter
parents object. Your letter seems to
indicate that he loves you.
Veneta People In— Mr. and Mrs. C. and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George
Portland. Wl.
Mr. ttUU
and inr,
In fact, your letter seems to de­ A. FfRher of Veneta were here venter-1 Epps, —
scribe a particularly beautiful and
were guests as well as Mr. and Mrs.
complete love on the part of both of was also a shopper here.
McPherson of this city.
Good luck, Bobbie!
Leaves for Summer—Robert Young
left Wednesday morning for Aber­
Food Sale to Be H eld
How To Win Him Back
deen, Washington, to spend the sum-
The Ladles Aid of the Methodist
, mer.
Dear Miss Vera,
crurch will hold a cooked food sale 1
I am a young girl of 14 and I
Back from Hospital—Mrs. W. H. Saturday June 23. In the fifth street
dearly love a young man who Is I Turner iwas returned from the hospi­ window of Ketels Drug store.
twenty. I have been out with him
tal Wednesday after being there for
“Grandma” Lyons Better
once or twice, and talked iwlth
some time for treatment.
him a few times. He seemed to
"Grandma" Elizabeth Lyons, 550 A
Miss Gorrie in Seattle—Miss Mar
care a lot for me then but now it
street, who suffered a storke of para­
seems to me that he cares for an­
Seattle where she will be bridesmaid lysis last Friday afternoon, was re­
other girl.
a wedding ceremony. Mrs. F. B. ported somewhat improved today. De­
He treats me all right as far as
Flanary Is taking her place in the spite her advanced age of 101 years,
1 know What can I do to win
it is expected that she will recover
i drug store.
his love?
from the stroke which is the third
V is it in Junction C ity — M rs. J. M. ahe has sustained during the past
- Dear Elizabeth, perhaps the young I Larson and children and Mrs. Truhert : few years.
man think.-- you are too young fot | Henderson drove to Junction City
him At any rate, be as sweet and | Sunday to visit with the former’s
Attends Health Meeting
FTaclous and considerate as you can parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toft
Dr W.- If. Pollard, city health off!
be when you are with him—make dahl.
cer. attended a metelng of health of­
yourself as adorable as possible, and
ficers from all parts of the state held
perhaps be will come to adore you’
Restaurant Is Decorated—The inter­
In Portland this week. He returned
It is perfectly proper for him t.l see ior of the Drop-In cafe conducted by
home Wednesday evening Health
Cher girls, as at bis age very few Tony Gravos received a new coat of
problems common throughout the
young men care to tie themselves paint and other Improvements this
state were discussed by the doctors
And as for you—do not moon about week. The walls, booths and coun­
during their three-day session.
him, but go about having as good a ters were painter and a new linoleum
time as you can. Have many friends laid. The interior is finished in blue
CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery
and gray.
on prices on plates and other work, tf
“ w here saving» are g reates t”
942 Willamette St., Eugene. Oregon.
The Most Expensive Thing
You Ever Bought
Now honestly, what was the most expensive
thing you ever bought ? Wasn’t it the dress, or the
pair of shoes that you put away in the closet
after a few wearings— the article that didn’t quite
please you when you got it home.
Sometimes this is because your mind was too
uncertain but generally the article did not look as
well after a few wearings as you thought it would.
That is exactly the reason we do not sell “sec­
onds,” job lots or bankrupt stocks. Our merchan­
dise must stand the most rigid inspection before we
offer it to you. We don’t want any of those “ex­
pensive purchase.” to be from our store, if we can
help it.
: :
Good News!
Announces Reduction
in Price on Entire Line
Goodrich Tires
market at a very low price.
mind clear for<drivln'gng We a r X X ^ X V o n e ^ f Ì t abo,,t ~keel’H the
time you « a y -a n d a f a Hurp^VglyVow co.t.
UF ° n X° Ur C8r any
Wm. Rodenbough Garage
533 Main Street
Phone 95