I9S >u I RShAY JUNK 21. 1 928 PAGE 3EVEN THE BPRINOPTELD NEWS BUYING 05 SELING' FOR SALE W OOD Ads GET RESULTS, ! I AINTINO and Kalaoriilning in «Il ita Mr N ew lyw ed: ‘Pie do tell branche*. R educed Price*. R oy me at one« -I« It a him or a her?” ! Doctor: '"It'«» a them .” Koch. Call 126-J. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S N otice la hereby given that the up- derslgned haa been appointed Admin latrutor of the Eatate of Willie Emery, deceased, by the Court of Lune Coun­ ty, Oregon. All peraona having claim» agalnat the aald esta te are hereby notlfb d to present the sam e, prop« rly verified, to the underalgned at the office of W ells th W ells, Hank of Com­ m erce Hldg., Eugene, J.ane County, Oregon within alx m onths from the date of the flrat publication of thia i notice j Date of the first publication May 24 192K HAROLD J W ELLS, Administrator WELLS (t W B 8L L 8. Attorneys. Ma. 24 31: Je. 7 14 21: l-t’lt HALE Wall Case, aolld oak, a,I POR HALE North front full alze lot Jualebh- ahelvea, alldlug m I umh door«, In Wllluurettu Height« for aale plil 1.1 oa th Fir, Hi'cnml G ruatli Fir, storage «puce below haae, HVfc ft, cheap. Tearma. btreet graded and , A»h All length» Phone Spring long by 7 ft. high. Hue or call W. rocked. Call A J Morgan 121 M. kt lf W. Ilrlatow, 827 W illam ette, Eu­ or Eugene 2618 W. Mr Coffin. gene. Oregon. Will aell ch eap or »M AND HOARD fur two gentle NOTICE OK HIIKHIKKH HALE I f take other m erchandlae In trade. L u ll in l l l i '' h o lli” tiliin i luuni- ,,,.,1. EXECUTION OP FORECLOSURE N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S J 21-28: Jl. r, ■tut »ml n 1c* com fortable room«. N otice la hereby given that by vir­ N otice la hereby given that the tin tue of an exe< utlon and order o f aale : U ... I" Ivllegea ( 'all l.ig J S E P T IC T A N K S — In foreclosure laaued out of the Circuit «'«irlgned, Claud Sllkwood. haa been Ready for you to Install Court o f L m n County, Oregon, on th« appo tiled adm inistrator of the eatate NO TIC E to c r ed ito r s Pof fam ily of five — »21 00. Eugene 21st day of May, 1928. In a suit where­ of Jen n ie Hllkwood, deceased, by the i o t l t •• I* I" 11 II, . ,-i » ,.|| K nit III.. ,m Por fam ily of eigh t — »28 00. Eugene in on March 6th, 1928, in aald court, Coi.nty Court of Lam- Countv, Ore­ I . I ! I' J H iir iin ,I,u n . H II., gon. and all persona having claim s I I . , I I-' iii'i il m lin liila t i u i , , I ,,t it,, Sew er Pipe, W ell Curbing, Drain Tile Kuthryne L. W uylanil, plaintiff, re­ against aald eatate will present sam e covered Judgment agalnat defendant«, la ti of ZH',1 I a n i l , ill', ,-.m, ,| In and Chimney Block«. Alva A Klee and Mary M Rice, for duly verified as by law required to . County Court of lam e County. underalgned adm inistrator at the sum of $.'150000 with Intereat the EUG EN E C O N C R E TE PIPE CO. I ,- n lini n il p e l a , , UK h u v in i; rilliin » Creswell, Oregon, or at the Law office thereon at 8% from Pebruary 9th. kiinat "«Id eatale w ill prnaent anno- I In of W hitten Swafford, 315 Tiffany A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S NO TIC E Th v e rifie d »•> by law required tu IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE 1928. und for the further aum of Hldg , Eugene. Oregon, on or before »500 00 ua attorney fee», and In which Ululi r-lg to - d .iilin tn ln ir u t,,! a t th e six m onths after th is date. STATE OP OREGON IN AND FOR I- -Il,,, ,if W lilll, n S w a f fo r d . II.', I THE COUNTY OP LANE IN PRO ault the defendant» C. E Shumway Dated and first published, June 21st, and L. E. Shumway recovered Judg ■Tuny H id * . I ’o-, m iii.'K o n , on or 192A HATE ment agalnat the aald Alva A. Rice t , alx month* after tbi« date CLAUD 8ILKWOOD, Administra­ I In re Eatate of Henry W illiam«, de and Mary M Klee for the aum of bated «nti tinat published June Vth, j ceased. »942 79 with Intereat thereon at 8% tor E state of Jen n ie Sllkwood, Dec’d. ! Notice la hereby given that I, Mike from March 30, 1926, and for the sum W HITTEN SW APPORD, Attorney. J. BARTHOLOMEW. Ailmlnla i Hogan, the undersigned, am the duly of J. 21-28: Jl. 5-12-19. »100.00 aa attorney fee», which » I lu ll o f Z lliu D e llth I >e I appointed, qualified and acting admlii Judgments were enrolled In the office latrutor of the above entitled eatate; i of the County Clerk of Iatne County, 8 U M M O N 8 S vili r I KN rtWAPPORD. Attorn,•» Ihut ull peraona ow ing the auld Eatate Oregon, on March 6th, 1928, and J 7 14 21 19: JI 5: any debt or obligation ahall pay the which execution la to me directed and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR LANE oame to me, and that all persons hold comm anding me. In the name of the .C O U N T Y . Ing clalina agulnat the aald eatate S tate of Oregon, to satisfy aald Judg­ Ifhlph W , S U M M O N S Mosburg, Plaintiff. Vs., Th» Circuit Court of the State of ahall present the sam e to me with m ents, Intereat and attorney fee», and Mabel Velma Mosburg, Defendant. voucher» attached at the law office accruing coata, by the aale of the fol regon. In and for Lane County, To Mabel Velma Mosburg, defend­ mild W M c K in n o n and P e a rl Me of iny attorney, H E Slattery. 717 low ing deacrlbed real property, upon ant: Klnnon. hie wife. Plaintiff«, va W illam ette Street, Eugene. Oregon, which I have heretofore duly levied, IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE Hurry W alter Ragan and June Doe within alx month» from the date of to-wlt: OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Beginning at a point 1061.5 feet quired to appear and answ er the com ­ Ragan. hl« wife. Vivian Prancea the flrat publication of thia notice, W est of a point In the renter of the ‘ plaint filed against you In the above Ragan «ml John Doe, her huatumd. which la June 14, 1928 MIKE HOGAN. Administrator County Road known as the R iv e r ; entitled suit within five w eeks from and Darell WUyne Hagan and May H E SLATTERY, Attorney for Ad- ; Road, which point la North 8 the date of the first publication of thia Doe Ragan, hla wife, and alao all d egrees 4 0 m inutes W e a t 177 sum m ons, to-wlt: other peraona or partlea unknown mlnlatrator five w eeks from J 14-21-28: Jl. 512: chains of a point 49.02 chains this 7tb day of June, 1928, and If you claim ing any right, title, eatate. lien E ast o f t h e Southw est c o r n e r fail to appear or answ er for want or Internal in the real eatate dea- of the L. K Davis Donation Iaind thereof the plaintiff will apply to said crlbed In the Complaint herein. De­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G fendants. N otice la hereby given that the un­ (la lm Nn. 42. in Towuahip S eventeen court for the relief prayed for In said To Harry Walter Ragan and Jane dersigned Amanda Mnv Plnkataff. eg (17) South of Range Pour (4) W est of com plaint, which is for a decree of Kagan, hla wife, Vivian France» ,c u t rig of the will and eatate of Mary the W illam ette Meridian, running said court for the dissolution of the m n and John Doe, her huab-nd, •’ Landrlth, deceased , haa filed her Ihenrr North 360 3 feet, thence W est marriage relation now existin g be­ il Darrell W ayne Ragan and Mary final report therein and the County 84 feet, thence South 360.3 feet, thence tw een said plaintiff and said defend­ »• ItuKun, hla wife, and atao all other Court of latne County, Oregon, has East 84 feet to the place of beginning, ant and for such other and further rwona or partlea unknown claim ing aet Friday July 8th, 1928. at 10 A M all In Ij»ne County, Oregon. relief as to the court may appear y right, title, eatate. Hen or Inter- at the County Court Room In the The order directing the Now. therefore. In the name of the equitable. t In the real eatate deacrlbed In th'- court house nt E ugene for final hear­ State o f Oregon, In com pliance with service of the sum mon herein by pub miplalnt and alao deacrlbed below aald execution and order of sale and Hcation thereof is dated June 6. 1928, IN TIIK NAME OP THE STATE ing therein and any objection should In order to aatlav »aid Judgment, Inter­ and d irects publication once each be filed or presented on or before or F OREGON; You and each of you at «aid time. est, attorneys fee», costa of suit and w eek for five con secu tive weeks. Date re hereby required to appear and Dated and first publlahed June 7th, accruing costa, I w ill on Saturday the of first publication Is June 7, 1928, [n»»'er the Complaint Sled agalnat 1928 30th day of June, 1928, at the hour of and date of last publication is July 5, on In the above entitled atilt, within AMANDA MAY PIN K STAPP, E x­ one o'oclock In the afternoon of said 1928 Ur weeka from th«’ dhte of the first ALTA KING, A ttorney for Plaintiff. 1 day, at the Southw est front door of nbllcation of tl|la Summon», and If ecutrix 4» W HITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney. the County Court House, In Eugene, R esidence, Eugene, Oregon. •ou fall to anawer. for want thereof J. 7-14-21-28: J1.5: J. 7-14-21 28: Jl 5: ¡L ane County, Oregon, offer for sale plnlntlffa will take a decree ! and aell for cash, at public auction galait you aa prayed for In the Com 1 subject to redemption as provided by SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN lu 1^1 herein, adjudging and deter EXECUTOR'S NOTICE FO R ECLO SU RE O F T A X L IE N law. all of the right, title and Inter Inlng that the plnlntlffa herein are wnara In fee of the real eatate In the County Court of the S tate of « st of aabl Alva A Rice, and Mary M IN THE CIRCUII. COURT OF THE Oregon In and for the County of Rice aa Judgment debtors and of said STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE «■■crlbed aa followa. to-wlt: Ixit one i C. E. Shumway and L. E Hhumwav Lane, In Probate. COUNTY ll block Two (I ). W illam ette j and of George B. Bloomer as aubaepu- Lewis LaChapelle. Plaintiff, vs. Anna lelghta Addition to Springfield. In In re E state o f A lice Bean McGuire, deceased. Blackburn, and John Doe Black ( ent lien holder«, and all persons .nr,.- Cmintv. Oregon; and that the burn, her husband. Defendants. N otice la hereby given that the un­ ' claim ing by, through or under them or aid defendant« and each and all of To Anna Blackburn, and John Doe you have nn right, title, eatate, lien dersigned, Albert G, McGuire, haa any or either o f them In and to said Blackburn, the above named defend­ lr Intereat In or to aald premlaea, or been appointed executor of the above I premlaea ants. iny part thereof, and for auch oth»r eltltlod eatate by the above named i PRANK E.TAYLOR, Sheriff. By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE and further relief aa to the Court may Court, that all peraona ow ing debts Ma 31: Je. 7-14-21-28: OF OREGON: You are hereby noti­ to the aald eatate ahall pay the name ie, m meet and equitable fied that L ew is LaChapelle the holder Thia Summona la »erred upon yon to me and that ’ll peraona having of C ertificate of D elinquency num­ bv publication hv virtue of nn order claim» agalnat the aald esta te ahall SU M M O N S bered 2103 issued on the 13th day of f the Hon O P Sklpworth. Circuit present the sam e to me with vouchers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE April. 1925, by the T ax C ollector ot Judge, dated and filed May 29. 1928, attached nt the la.* office of my at STATE OE OREGON FOR LANE the County of I^ane, S tate of Oregon d ln etln g that thia Summon« be torney. ll. E Slattery. 717 W illam ette COUNTY. for the amount of One Hundred Three aerved upon you by publication In the Street, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, Springfield Nnwa. once each week for within alg m onths frot the date of Charles B Moore, Plaintiff, vs. Julia and 75-100 (»103.75) Dollars, the sam e V Moore, Defendant being the amount then due and delln a period of four weeka. The date of the flrat publication of thlB notice To Julia V. Moore, defendant: quent for taxes for the year 1923 the flrat publication 1« May 31, 1928 which la May 24. 1928 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ALBERT O. McGUIRK. Executor. together with penalty, Interest and W ELL» A W ELLS Attorney« for OF OREGON: You are hereby notl H E. SLATTERY. A ttorney for costs thereon upon the real property Plaintiff«; Realdence and P. O. Ad- (led and roqulred to appear and an s­ aald Eatate. a ssessed to you. of w hich you are the dreaa, Eugene, Oregon. wer the complaint filed Hgalnat you In Ma 24 31: J e 7-14-21: ow ner as appears of record, situated Ma 31: Je. 7-14 21 28: the above entitled suit, within four In said County and S tate, and particu­ — ," - —• - — w eeks (rom the date of the flrat publi­ larly bounded and described as fol­ cation of thia Summ ons, und if you low s. to-wlt: fall to so appear In the above entitled The East half of the N ortheast cause w ithin the said period of six quarter, the Southw est quarter of the w eeks from the date of the first pub N ortheast quarter, and the southeast llcnllon of this sum m ons, the plaintiff quarter of the N orthw est quarter of Office Phone 176-J Rea Phone 176-M will apply to the Court for the relief Sec 28. Tp. 17. South Range 4 East 3 3 l Main HI. Phone 116 W prtived for In the Complaint filed of the W illam ette Meredian. In Lane Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. ARCHAMBBAU’S herein, to-wlt: for a decree of the County, Oregon. General Practice, Special A ttention above entitled Court d issolvin g and DRESSMAKING You are further notified that said to O bstetrics and D iseases forever settin g aside the bonds of L ew is LaChapelle has paid taxes on Ready t<> wear Prints. Voiles, matrimony existin g between plaintiff said prem ises for prior or subsequent of Children. Organdies, Etc. and defendant herein, granting to the years, iwlth the rate of Interest on said F irst N ational Bank Building plaintiff above named a decree of am ounts as follow s: 1.95 to $4-45 Springfield, Oregon absolute divorce from the defendant. 1924. Date paid April 4. 1925. Tax T his sum m ons is served upon you R eceipt No. 10108. $85 23. Interest 127r by publication th ereof In the Sprlnv- 1925. Date paid April 13, 1926. Tax fleld N ew s once each week for six R eceipt No. 2255. $99 «8. Interest 12b'c. R«s, Phone 160 Plano Moving DR. W. N. DOW su ccessiv e w eeks In conform ity with 1926. Date paid July 5. 1927, Tax D e n tis t SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER (he Order of the Honorable G. F. Receipt No. 17,185, »102.77 Interest F irst N ational Bank Building WILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. Sklpworth. Judge of th»' above entitled 12r>. Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE Court The date of the first publica­ 1927. Date paid April 12. 1928. Tax 533 Main Street tion of this sum m ons is June 21st, R eceipt No. 1942, »106.08, Interest Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 1928. The date of the last publica­ 12C'r. Successor to Sutton Transfer Evening»« by Appointment tion of this sum m ons Is July 19, 1928. Sabi Anna Blackburn as the owner IMMEL * EVANS. Attorney for of the leenl title of the above d es­ Plaintiff. R esidence and Post office cribed property ns the sam e appears address, Eugene, Oregon. of record, and each of the other per­ WM. G. HUGHES sons above named are hereby further J. 21-28: Jl. 5-12 19: FIR E ANO A U TO IN 8U R A N C E notified that the plaintiff. L ew is La N O T A R Y P U B LIC Chnpelle. will apply to the Circuit NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Court of the County and State afore­ W. F. WALKER FOREST EXCHANGE Offles at said for n decree foreclosing the lien No. 018003 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Department of the Interior, United against the property above dlscrlhed. 8prlngfl«ld, Oregon States Land Office, Roseburg. Ore and m entioned In said certificate. And you are hereby sum moned to ap­ gon, June 14, 1928. N otice Is hereby given that on June pear w ithin sixty days after the first 228 Main St. R esidence 125 C 81 8, 1928, G. W. Thom pson, of Eugene. publication of this sum m ons, exclu ­ DR. N. W. EMERY 62 J 62 M Oregon, filed application No 018003 sive of the day of snld first publica­ under th.’ A< . of March 20. 1922 (42 tion, and defend th is action or pay DENTIST Full Auto Equipment Stat., 465) to exchange the N E 'i the amount due as above shown, 8utton Bldg. Phons 80-J Lady A ssistant N E '4, Pec. 16. Tp. 17 8., R 9 W, Wtfc together with costs and accrued in­ SW '4, Sec. 28. EV4 8E% . Sec. 29. Tp. terest. and 111 case of your failure to Residence Phon* 153 M 18 S., R. 10 W est, W M.. wltlitn the do so, a decree w ill be rendered fore­ Sluslaw National Forest, for the ttm closin g the lien of said taxes and Springfield, Oregon her front approxim ately 14 acres w ith ­ costs against the land and prem ises in the EV4 Section 35. Tp. 9 8.. Range above named. FRANK A. DE PUE T his sum m ons is published by order 5 East. W. M., within the Santlnm Generul Law Practice of the Honorable G. F. Sklpworth, A TTO R N EY AT LAW N ational Forest. The purpose of th is notice Is to al Judge of the Circuit Court of the NOTARY PUBLIC I. M. PETERSON low nil persons claim ing the lands State of Oregon for the County ol A ttorney-at-I^w selected , or having hona fide objec Trfine and said order w as made and Sutton Springfield, tlons to such application, nn opportun dated this 6th day of June, 1928, and City Hall Building Building Oregon Itv to file their protest with the R egis­ the date of the first publication Is the ter and R eceiver of the United S tates 7th day of June 1928. Springfield, Ore. All process nnd papers In th is pro­ Land office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests or objections must be ceeding m ay he served upon the un­ M usician: "I’m afraid you’ve made filed In this office within thirty days dersigned residing w ithin the State a m istake. I am certainly n doctor from tho dnte of flrat publication of of Oregon nt the address hereafter this notice, which first publication Is m entioned. but a doctor o f m usic.” WELI«8 * W ELLS A ttorneys for June 21, 1928, JEW ELER Plaintiff. R esid en ce and P. O. Ad­ Old Lady: “Oh, yes, I know, sir. Non-coal. Repairing a Specialty HAMILL A. CANADAY. R egister. dress. Eugene, Oregon. T hat's why I cam e to you. I've got J. 7-14-21-28: Jl. 6-1219: J. 21-28: Jl. 6-1219 Springfield, Oregon such a terrible sin gin g In my ears.” CH A S. P. POOLE Funeral Directors D. W . Roof N O T IC E O F 8A LE OF G O V E R N M E N T T IM B E R General Land Office, Washington, D C., May 10, 1928. LANE COUNTY DAIRY MEN ORGANIZE UNIT AND ELECT OFFICERS Dalrymen of Lane county formed a perm anent organization at. a m eeting in the E ugene chinrher of com m erce rooms last Saturday. S eventeen rep­ resen tative dairym en signed the char­ ter roll, elected officers and adopted a constftutofn and by-laws. C. B Sw ango of Coburg was elected president of the new group. Other officers chosen are; George H. Gil­ more, Junction City, vice-president; V. H Davis, motor route B, secretary; C. W. Allen, Vida, Dr. W. E Thomp­ son, Creswell, B H. Brabham, motor route C, W. F. Reed, Eugene, V. A. Parker, Blachly, H. N. Huntington, Florence, Ross Huston, Eugene-Crow stage, A. Benter, Creswell, R. E. Thompson, motor route A and H. L. Plank Junction City, m em bers of the board of directors. The laat three named are presidents of the H olstein. Gurnsey and Jersey Breeders' associa­ tion, becom ing mem bers of the new board by virtue of the offices which they already held. The purpose of the organization is to improve the dairy industry In Lane county, to promote the things that will tend to further the Interests o f dairymen, to work for better dairy cattle and better breeding, for the control ot d isease am ong the dairy stock and to promote legistlatlon look­ ing tothe Imprvement f the ndustry. N otice la hereby given that subject Io the conditions and lim itations of the act o f June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218), and pursuant to departm ental regula tlons of April 14, 1924, (50 L D 37«t. the tim ber on the follow ing lands will be sold June 26, 1928, at 10 o'clock a. m at public auction at the U. 8. Land office at Roseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, aale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior The purehase price, with an additional aum of one-fifth of one per cent there of, 'a-Ing comm lsrlona allowed, must be deposited at tim e of aale, money to he returned If sale la not approved, otherw ise patent will Issue for the timber, which must be removed with In 10 years. Bids will be received from cltlxens of the United States, association s of such citizen s and cor poratlons organized under the laws of the U nited States, or any State, territory or district thereof only. Up on application of a qualified pur chaser the timber on any legal sub­ division w ill be offered separately be­ fore being included In any offer of a larger unit T. 3 N., R 2 W , 8ec. 3, NW«4 NE%, yellow fir 600 M. red fir 140 M, red cedar 20 M, T. 2 N„ R 3 W , Sec 21, 8W% 9E14. red fir 550 M. red cedar 60 M. T. 15 S , K. 6 W , 8ec 35, NE>4 N E ’4 , red fir 350 M, none of the timber on th ese section s to be sold for less than $2.25 per M for the yellow fir and »1 50 per M. for the red fir and red cedar. T. 11 8., R. 1 HUCK HARPER PITCHES E , Sec. 27, N W ’4 S W ’4 . yellow fir STELLAR GAME SUNDAY 385 M. red fir 725 M, white fir 50 M, T. 8 8 . R 2 E.. Sec 31, S W ’4 N E ’4, Huck Harper, pitcher f o r t h e red fir 2700 M. SE>4 N W U red fir 1850 M. N W ’4 S E U red fir 2600 M. 9W14 Springfield baseball team , added an­ SE>4 red fir 1600 M. N E'4 S W ’4 red other feather to his cap last Sunday fir 1925 M. S E U S W ’4 red fir 155» M. T. 10 8., R. 3 E.. Sec. 1. Lot 4 yellow when he played for the Pleasant Hill fir 420 M, none of the timber on these team . He pitched a gam e In which he section s to be sold for le ss than »1 50 scored 21 strikeouts. per M for the yellow and red fir and Springfield tw lrlers are planning »1.00 per M for the w hite fir. T. 16 8.. another gam e on Sunday of this week. R 1 W.. Sec 27. N E '4 SE>4 red fir 1000 M. T 19 S.. R 1 W , Sec 31. Ju st who the opponent w ill be had not 9E«4 8E«4 red fir 630 M, red cedar been decided this morning, according 50 M. S W ’4 S E ’4 red fir 865 M. -ed to W illiam Vasby, manager. cedar 30 M. white fir 10 M, SE'4 Managers of the tw iligh t league SW ’4 red fir 805 M, red cedar 15 M. T 8 8 . R 6 W . Sec. 7. N W ’4 N W ’4 team s have been slow In drawing up a red fir 1130 M S W ’4 NW (4 r 1 fir schedule. Mr. Vasby said. He urges 1235 M. none of the timber on these that all m anagers get busy in order sect'on s to be sold for less than »1.75 that the gam es may start. per M for the red fir, »1 50 per M for the red cedar and »1.00 per M for the white fir T 2 S., R 4 E . Sec. 35 NEW STUDIO OPENED IN N E ’4 S W ’4 green red fir 600 M. red EUGENE BY SEATTLE MEN cedar 240 M. T. 18 S.. R. 7 W . Sec 1 Lot 3. ereen red fir 500 M. dead red A new studio, specializin g in por- fir 300 M. Lot 4 green red fir 650 M dead red fir 210 M. none of the timber | trait work, was opened in Eugene this on th ese sect'on s to he sold for less w eek by Edwin Thom as and E. J. than »2 per M for the green *-ed fir and $1.50 per M for the red cedar and Batton of the S eattle firm of Thomas- dead red fir. T. 29 8.. R 11 W., Sec Batton. 24. Lot 5, w hite cedar 390 M. yellow j The studio Is located in rooms 205- fir 300 M, red fir 200 M. w hite fir 40 205 In the old R igeister building at M. red cedar 20 M. Lot 12 white cedar 500 M. vellow fir 1450 M. red cedar the corner of Broadway and Oak The 20 M. none of the timber on this sec rooms in the suite have been com ­ tlon to be sold for less than »2 00 per pletely remodeled eepeclally for the M. for the yellow fir. $1.50 per M for . studio and are being equipped thia the red fir and red cedar. »1.00 per M wpek. for the w hite fir and $9 00 per As a m ears of Introduction, the M for the white cedar T 16 S. R 2 W.. Sec. 5 S E ’4 N E L vellow fir studio is offering to make a free pic­ 100 M. red fir 1200 M. S W ’4 N E ’4 ture of each baby taken there this red fir 1100 M. hem lock 150 M, red week. cedar 70 M. S E ’4 N W ’4 red fir 1350 M, red cedar 50 M. n ene of the tim­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ^ ™ ber on th is section to be sold for less i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that than »1.75 rer M for the red and yellow fir and »1.00 per M for the red the undersigned has been appointed , adm inistrator o f the estate of C J cedar and hemlock T. 18 8.. R 6 W. | Adrfanee, deceased, by the County Sec 35. N E ’4 SW ’4 red fir 835 M ’ Court of Lane County, Oregon a 11 red cedar 14 M. none of the tim ber on persons having C sim « against said this section to be sold for less than estate are required to present the »1.25 per M sam e, with the proper vouchers at­ WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner. tached, to the undersigned, at the law- Ma 31: Je 7-14-21- offices of Immel * Evans, in the First National Bank Building, in Eugene. Oregon, within six m onths from the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAT E ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE date of th is notice. 1 Dated at Eugene, Oregon, th is 21 N otice la hereby given that bv vlr dav of June. 1928. GEORGE P HITCHCOCK, Admin­ tue of an execution and order of sale E state of C J Ad- In foreclosure 'ssued nut of the Clr istrator e f th cult Court of Lane County. Oregon riance. deceased. IMMEL & EVANS, First National on the 29th day of May. 1928. In s s«'t wherein on the 2c ,h dav of May Bank Building. Eugene, Oregon. At­ 1928, in said court The Pacific Sav torneys for Adm inistrator J. 21-28: Jl. 5-12-19: Ings and Loan A ssociation a Wash Ington cornoration. pln'ntiff. recover­ ed Judgment against the defendsnts SU M M O N S Samuel E Libby and Lura E Libby IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE his w ife for the sum of $2077.34 and STATE OE OREGON FOR THE Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per COUNTY h f I ’ w cent per annum from Jan 1. 1928 Mabel Sehardin. Plaintiff, Vs. Stanley until rmld. and for the further sum Schardin. Defendant. of »7 00 which w as advanced for To Stanley Schardin, the above searching records, together with In­ terest thereon at the rate of 10 per ; named defendant: cent ner annum from this date toeeth IN THE NAME OF HE ST \T E er with the sum of »109 27 and In OF OREGON: Yon ar hereby re­ terest thereon at the rnte of 10 opt quired to appear and answ er the c un­ rent per annum from March 6. 1928. plaint filed agbinst vou in the above and for the further sum of »190 00 a« entitled Court and cause on or before n reasonable attorney fee and the the 29th day of Julv. 1928. -aid date costs nnd disbursem ents herein In the being more than four •• v ’--om sum of »15 60. which Judgment was the date of the fiist publication of enrolled nnd docketed In the Clerk's th is sum m ons herein entered of re­ office of said court in said county on cord and if you fail so to appear and th» 28th day of May. 1928. and said answ er for want thereof the plaintiff execution to me directed commanding will apply to thp Court for th» relief me in the name ef the S tate of Ore­ in her com plaint again st you de »land­ gon. in ordpr to satisfy said Judgment ed and prayed for. to-wlt: intPi-est. attorneys fees, costs of suit For a Judgment and decree of and accruing costs to sell the divorce d issolvin g the bonds of m atri­ follow ing described real property, to- mony now nnd heretofore exlst'n g be­ wlt : tw een the Plaintiff, Mabel Schardin l ot Seven (7) in Rlock Th'rty-flve (351 In G ross’ Addition to Eugene. t nd the defendant. Stanley Scl ardiii, : on the grounds of cruel and inhuman Lane County, Oregon. Now. therefore, 1n the name of the ' treatm ent and that the plaintiff he al­ Statp of Oregon. In com pliance with lowed to resum e her maiden name snld execution and order of sale and , and for such other relief as to the In order to aadsfy said Judgment. In j Court may seem meet. T his sum m ons is served upon you terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, 1 w ill on Saturday by publication thereof in the Spring the 30th day of June, 1928, at the field N ew s pursuant to an order of hour of one o’clock In th - afternoon the Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, Judge of of said dav, nt the Southw est fronl the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- door of the County Court house. In | gon for the County of Lane duly made Eu-Jrene, b an e Bounty, Oregon, offer and entered of record on the 18th day for sale and soil for cash, at public of June, 1928, ordering that this su m ­ auction, su b ject to redem ption as pro­ mons be published once each week vided by law. all of the right, title for four consecutive w eeks In the nnd Interest of said defenda ts Springfield N ew s and that the date Samuel E. Libby and Lura E. Libby, of the first publication thereof will hla w ife, and L. M. Travis. Inc., a be June 21st, 1928 and the date of corporation, and all persons claim ing the last publication w ill he with the hv. through or under them or any or Issue of July 19th, 1928. FRANK A. DePue, Attorney for either of them In and to said prem ises Plaintiff. R esidence, Springfield, Ore­ FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff., Bv BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. gon. J. 21-28: Jl. 5-12-19: Ma. 31: Je. 7-14-21-2S: °1 4? J .1.