The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 21, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    THVltSDAY J ONE 21, 1928
On* thousand dollars' worth of fire­
work* has been purchased for tbs
Golden Link Fourth of July celebra­
tion at Winchester Hay when opening
of the Roosevelt highway from Coo*
Hay to Reedsport will he m arked.
Brief Resume of Happenings of
All depositor* <^f (he defunct As­
the Week Collected for
toria National bank and all other cred­
itor* will be given 90 day* In which
Our Readers.
to prove their claim* aguloat the hank,
I according to official notice given out
A i humlwr of rotnintrr* *>> (ora-i by the comptrollar of the < urrency.
»<1 ul lu*vt<u ul u in«» ling of .16 Huy- i
tun huslnvas men.
A flagstaff, 82 feel high, 1» h»lng
pltu ei, Hi the «olillor»' monument near
the I'u ilf li' highway at lluhhard.
Hom e grown new cabling» la being
rourketed in nearby cities and towns
by fanners of the U raud Island dis­
Work ou reconatriictlng the road to
the top of pilot butte, dominant vol­
canic cone at the eastern city limit*
of llenil which waa given recently to
the elate tor park purposes, was start­
ed by a stale highway department
crew last week.
I<oaae* In Portland from fires dur­
ing the last month amounted to *24,-
A large crop of apple* and pear* I* 896 26, according to tbs monthly re­
predicted fo r the season In southern port of Fire Marshal Fred W. Roberts.
One hundred and slsly-elght alarms
O regon by Professor llrown of Oregon
were responded to, only 38 of which
■tale college.
entailed losses.
The Oregon Lumber company will
Marlon county grower* will demand
begin construction of a loading dock
transfer shed at tbelr plant In South 8 cents a pound for cherries this sea­
son. according to a decision reached
t Baker at once.
at a meeting of nrchardtsts at Hsletn
Ninety-three arrests were made by last week
Reports received at the
Astoria police during the month of meeting Indicated that buyers bad of­
May and fine* amounting to *1086 fered 6<^ cents.
were collected.
The Mount Hood loop road bas been
Option haa been taken on a tract of opened to travel. The road, graded
40 acres of land on Blue river for a and oiled, I* in excellent condition,
permanent site for the Eugene Hoy highway official* declare. The Wa-
■routs' summer camp.
pinltla cutoff, linking Goveruineui
D K Millard, ex pastor of the Chris­ camp to The Dalles-Callfornla high­
tian church at Medford, I* the new way. la open and In fair condition.
announcer of KM ED. the Medford ’ Increasing It* reservoir storage ca­
broadcasting station.
pacity In Klaiuath Falls to 1.760.040
The outlook for a much better crop gallons, the California-Oregon Power
of peaches than was estimated earlier company has begun construction ot
la the season In the I lay ton locality Is i a fourth reservoir to he located In
north Klamath Falls, It was announc­
reported by orchard men.
I ed by T. W Delxell, assistant division
Because of the special fire haiard
Involved, the forest service haa or­ manager.
Because of failure of the Salem
dered a tract of 2104 acres near Hates
school hoard to keep pace with the
In Maker county closed to smoking
A fire In the Cartwright warehouse rapid development of the vicinity. It
at Virgil destroyed 120 tons of bay will he necessary next year to house
belonging to Cart Has* and *3000 many grade pupil* In basement* and
worth of Kouthern Pacific property? attics. During the last eight years
Salem's population has increased from
Over 2000 people attended the cele­ 17,000 to 27,000.
bration of the completion of the Kn
The Crater national park season,
terprlse-Flora highway at Appleton
which always heretofore haa opened
near the northern eud of the road last
July 1, will open Friday. June 22. with
the road* cleared of snow all the way
With an abundance of water In the to the lodge, and the lodge function
streams, ranchers of eastern Oregon Ing to full capacity and Indications
are expecting bumper crops this fall. pointing to the greatest Crater lake
Hay and wheat are making rapid attendance In history.
A committee of turkey raisers of
The largest rainbow trout ever tak­ la n e county was appointed at a mast­
en from Pelican bay was hooked last ing In Eugene to look Into Ihe ad­
Monday by Charles N. Coosbooa. Kla­ visability of organising a turkey mar­
math Falla architect. The fish weighed keting association
The committee
156s pounds.
will canvass the situation, and at a
Last week was the heaviest week meeting to he called later, will pre­
of the year for the Medford branch sent plans for an ffrgsnlxatlon.
of the United States free employment
Work of constructing emergency
bureau. 143 men and women being landing fields along Ihe Pacific coast
placed In positions.
air route In the southern Oregon re­
The final summary for work In all gion Is well under way, according to
th* couuty cow testlng association* of department of commerce official* who
the state show* that the three Coos are superintending the work. Thera
county associations head the list In I* a movement on foot to establish a
butterfat production per cow.
temporary landing at Gold Hill
Bunday moving picture* won In a
From present Indications the south
special election at Forest Grove by a Douglas turkey market will he a busy
majority of 203. Eight hundred votes one next autumn. Many farmers have
were cast, the largest number in a Increased their flocks several hundred
city election for the past six years.
thia year, and all the young turkeys
Opening session* of the 36th annu­ appear to he thriving Plenty of grepn
al gathering of the Friend* church, food and Ideal growing conditions
held at Newberg, comprising Oregon, point to an Increase this year over
Idaho and Washington, drew an un the *20.000 cash In c o m e from turkeys
usually large attendance last week. last fall.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Chandler of
Rtnrte* of Jade finding* at an agate
beach north of Hogue river have been Lakeview have donated to Ihe state
verified and a number of person* at 60 acres of land on both sides of the
Gold Beach and Wedderburn have | Fremont highway In Crooked creek
sample* picked up during the winter. 1 canyon, north of Lakeview, this land
Under the direction of C. A. Malone, ' to he used by the state for park pur­
head of the Ashland city light depart- ! poses. The area Is said to be one of
merit, It I* planned to Install a new the most scenic limbered canyon* In
lighting system, costing approximate­ Oregon. A smaller park area In thia
ly *10,000, which will provide uniform same vicinity was previously deeded
to the^tate by the Chandlers.
More than 65 inch of rain fell In
Or. Storey of the state board of
health, assisted by Union County j the Condon community In 36 hours
Health Nurse Alice Mnrquardt, will Inst week, bringing to an end the long
hold a baby clinic Including Infants I dry spell that was each day materially
and children of non school ago, at ! reducing Gllllaiu’s ptospecilve wheat
yield. The rain was general over the
Cove, June 27.
county, and persons In clos» touch,
The price of milk In La Grande, ,
with crop conditions are estimating
which has been 10 cents for many
a 1.000.000 bushel yield tributary to
years, will be Increased to 12 cents Condon, unless excessive hot wind*
a quart, effective August 1, according
come later in the summer.
to a decision reached by the La
Approximately 100 cars ot prunes
Orande Dairymen's association.
In the Milton Freewater district have
Klamath's share of O. A C. grant
been contracted by canneries I d west­
land tax refund for 1927 has been re- |
ern Oregon, due to the shortage of Ihe
celved by the county treasurer In the I
prune crop in western Oregon This
form of a check for *7706.29. Each
Is said to he the first time that can
year the county will receive from the t
nerles In Ihe western pari of the state
government the equivalent In taxes have purchased prunes In this dis­
on the (). * C. grant lands which wore trict. The prune crop In the east end
withdrawn many years ago from the
ot Umatilla county Is regarded as a
tax rolls by federal action.
good average one by growers
Payment of »4664 to Washington
Plans are still under way In the
county for accrued tax claims against Rogue river valley to establish a pulp
the revested Oregon A California Rail­ plant and paper mill at Central Point
road company la requested In a letter and tap (he Hartman oil shale tract
inat.e public from Secretary of the In­ of timber at the head of Antelope
terior Work to the IroaHury depart­ creek tributary to Central Point with
a railroad.
A large attendance greeted the Cooa
With a low volume of water report
oounty Pythian Sisters lodge at the ed In the Umatilla river, approximate­
county oonclave, which was held at ly 326 acre feet of water la being re­
Bandon last week. There wus a large leased from the McKay reservoir near
delegation from the Coos bay cltlea Pendleton to care for the needs of
and a number from Coquille and Myr­ Irrigation projects in the west end ot
tle P o in t
Umatilla county.
Community News
■ y Special
several days, hi* father had him ar­
rested on a technical charge of dis­
orderly conduct. Later he was baked
Prevalence of earwigs throughout
to take the place of L. D. Garmlre,
I who has moved t o Portland, and the county has been reported to O. 8.
little mileage; completely equip­
— — — — — — — — — — i Ernest Bchrenk was elected director
ped ; pneumatic tries; first class de­
The annual school election of Dis- ,or three years. Jesse A. Phelps was
livery body with glass inclosed cab;
trlc t. No. 1 wus held at the Pleasant chosen school clerk for the following
Just the thing for farm delivery,
Hill school house Monday afternoon, year.
market gardeners, milk route or
Frank Smith was chosen as director | a wedding of much Interest to the 12 ounces; molasses, 2 ounces; wheat
city delivery. PRICED TO BELL
bran. 12 ounces; water 6 quarts Die
Construction of „„Immlng pool at residents of the Upper Willamette vah solve the sodium In the water, stir in
the newly established Boy Hcout camp ley took place at Cottage Grove Bun-j the molasses, add this mixture to the
F. W . P E T T Y J O H N
near the head of Neal creek In the day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the bran and mix thoroughly.
Bunt lam national forest was started
poisoned bran should be scattered
Monday by a group of Albany and Wheeler of Trent became the bride about the ground In the evening Just Eugene,
Corvallis men.
before dark. Scatter the bran thinly
Orove. Rev. Clive Taylor of the Christ­
A strange dog killed 20 young tur­
over all grass plots. More material
ian church read the ring service in
keys of L. 8. Iaifferty of Arago. Cooa
should be applied around tne wails of
the presence of a large number of
the house and other buildings aloDg
county, while he was telephoning the
relatives and friends. Mrs. Klme is
sheriff for permission to kill the ani­
the edge ol walks, walls, fence* and
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
mal. The dog returned the same night
Wheeler of Trent She Is a grad us t
and killed 40 more.
Os the Pleasant Hill high school where ! r*’ not BPrlnk,e ‘he lawn t ° T two <*
C. P. Talent, state traffic officer, she was active In both athletic and three days after spreading bran.
was arrested Monday at Jacksonville dramatic circles. She later graduated
Sodium flouride is poisonous to
for an Infringement of parking regu­ from Normal and has been teaertng In human beings, and wherever small
lation* of that city. Accordtng to re­ Cottage Grove. Dr. and Mrs. Klme children are present care should be
port Talent parked bi* car on t h e .
jor po[ntg In Washington for a used to prevent them from eating of
wrong side of the street.
couple of weeks after which they will the poison bran. The same precau­
E x p e r ie n c e d
tion should be used In regard to
George Cate, Hood River youth, re­ make their home In Cottage Orove.
cently caught a fish while on his mo­
William Linton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
S k i l l e d service is
Tho work of controlling the earwig
torcycle. He rode his machine over 1 D. G. Linton of Pleasant Hill, left Fri­
the Keystone to suc­
a submerged road and when he reach day June 15 for Gault, California,
ed high ground he found a 14-lncb ( where he will spend the summer with ' away with all trash piles and by eli­
cess in any line, ours
minating as far as possible their hid­
carp caught fast In the gearing.
ing places.
in particular.
State prohibition operatives psrtlcf- . Mr*. J. A. Phelps left for Monmouth
pated In 127 arrests for violations of Bunday where she will take work In
Doesn't Like Reducing
the liquor laws during May. according the Normal summer school preparing
Bayonne, N. J.,—Leo Feuer, local
to a report of George Alexander, state for her teachers life certificate.
prohibition director. Fines Imposed , E. B. Tinker accompanied by his "fat boy.” who weighs 276 pounds,
P r . ^ K e r m a n
W . ï ï l o o â y
aggregated *8266, with Jail sentence* uncle Fred Smith of Saginaw, Michi­ disappeared from the Presbyterian
O P T O M E T R IS T - F V M lG X r W tC IA U S T
totaling 1177 day*.
gan, left for San Francisco, California, Hospital because he did not like the
S U I T E a s i M IM E S ) B C M . P M O e E s e t
The Owen-Oregon Lumber company Friday June 15 They will visit en
E U G E N E -O R E .
cut a tall fir tree near one of Its log­ route with Mr*. F. B. Godbolt at Red ten pounds. When he was found after
ging camp* which ha* been transport­ Bluff California.
ed to the Medford children's play­
The gooseberry and strawberry har­
ground to serve as a flag pole. It Is vest Is about over, loganberries and
200 feet long end only 18 inches In Royal cherries are now being harvest­
diameter at the butt.
ed. Most of the hay has been ent and
Strawberries are yielding well and some Is In the shock. A alight rain
the weather continues ideal for the fell Saturday night but not enough to
development of unsurpassed quality damage the cherries.
The Pleasant Hill Christian church
and all crops are thriving In the Day-
ton locality. Fall-sown grain la now will celebrate Its 78th birthday next
at good height and heading, and fall- Sunday June 24.
The annual Trent picnic will be
sown barley will soon be ripe.
Announcement was made at La held Saturday June 23.
Members of the Farmers Union
Grande recently of the sale of the
Home Independent Telephone com­ residing In the Upper Willamette dis­
pany, providing telephone service trict were shocked to hear of the
through the greater pRrt of Union and death of Mrs. G. B. Jones, state secre­
Wallowa counties to independent men tary of the Farmers Union, which oc­
curred at Independence Monday after­
residing In Oregon and Washington.
noon June 18. Mrs. Jones has been
The Douglas oounty court ha* an­
a very faithful worker in the Farmers
nounced that bids will be received for
Union for many years and was editor
the construction of Douglas county's
Make any comparison you like of Brier’s $19.75 suits
o f the Union State paper. She often ,
proposed new courthouse on Thurs­
visited the locals throughout the state
with the best you can find anywhere at the same or even
day, June 28 The building Is to be
and carried enthusiasm and loyalty to
higher prices. You will agree with us that Breier's $19.75
140 by 80 feet In site and four stories
the Farmers Union where ever she
Men's and Young Men's Suits stand alone for value«.
high, with the Jail on the top floor.
w en t She will be greatly missed
It will cost about *200,000.
throughout the state.
The reception this $19.75 Suit of ours received when
The Sturgis placer and lode mine,
first introduced last season, exceeded our wildest hopes and
four miles out from Jacksonville on
all records. Here's a new lot— just arriver for spring.
Forest creek, famous for Its old-time
production of gold, has passed to
m rroa«« ,
George Maxwell, an Alaskan miner of
Jacksonville, and California associ­
Mrs. A. W Weaver, and Mr. and
ates. who have commenced operation
Mrs. Dave Weaver hnd son. Roy. who
to reopen both the placer and lode are visiting her form California,
motored to Portland last Monday to
More than half the milking cow* on visit relatives there.
teat by the Coquille Valley Cow Teat-
The Thurston Ladies Aid gave an
Ing association produced more than ' Ice cream social last Friday evening
40 pounds of butterfat In May. Of j at the hall. The proceeds go to the
1121 tested, 552 went over the 40- , piano fund.
pound mark. The average fat pro- I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and son.
ductlon of the entire 1121 was 39.50 Harry and daughter. Ella, left Wed­
pound*. The high cow produced 88.1 nesday afternoon for an extended
pounds fat.
visit in eastern states. They expect
Entertaining hundreds of families to be gone about three monthB. Arthur
from neighboring districts. Hood Riv­ Calvert is caring for their farm while
er observed Its second annual sum­ they are away.
Clifford Weaver and Mrs. Mary Me-
mer fiesta. The chief feature of the
festival was a children's and pets' [ Elroy from Salem spent the week-end
parade, which brought out scores of at A. W. Weaver’s
Miss Ione Rhodes visited Mrs. Fern
children and live animals and birds
all the way from canaries and polly- Crowe at Lorane last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKenney and
wogs to donkeys.
Sons from Washington, w iv e d
Reports reached Newport recently
that a large Rea animal was being last Tuesday, for a visit with rela-
pounded to death on the reefs off the
Stanley Gray from Landax was In
Monterey beach, three miles north of
there. Harry H. Hines, John Olson Thurston last Friday.
Misses Lucile Wuson and Haxel Ed-
and five other men found a small
From the very day you take delivery, ownership
whale Inshore making a desperate ef­ mlston, who are working in Eugene,
of a Pontiac Six is an experience in economy«
fort to get back to sea. They las­ spent last Saturday night at the Ed-
You save in first cost because the Pontiac Six
soed the big fish and used their cars niiston home here.
gives you those advanced features usually
to tow It ashore and brought It to
found only in higher-priced cars.
You save in upkeep, because of its generously
A huge delegation of Roseburg busi­
oversize dimensions.
ness men appeared before the Douglas
And you save in resale value; buyers every­
county court recently asking the
where are willing to pay more for every avail­
court to make an appropriation to be
able Pontiac Six.
used in securing a survey of the un­
If you value your dollars, you will drive a Pon­
finished portion of the North Umpqua
tiac Six and learn the full meaning of motoring
road. There remains only a 22-inlle i
section to be graded In order to open
$* P o o r S e d a n , $749f C o u p e, $ 7 4 S l S p o r t R o a d s te r , $ 7 4 f : P h a eto n ;
the North Umpqua road through to
$ 7 7 5 : C a b r io le t, $795* 4 -fro o r S e d a n , $ 8 2 5 ; S p o rt L a n d a u Sedan»
$ 8 7 5 . O a k la n d A ll-A m e r ic a n S ix . $ 1 0 4 4 to $ 1 2 6 9 . A ll p rice » a t fa c ­
Diamond lake, connecting with east*
to r e d C heck O a k la n d -P o n tia c d e liv e r e d p r ic e » —th e y in c lu d e lo w e s t
h a n d lin g ch a rg es. G e n e r a l M o to r« T im e P a y m en t P la n a v a ila b le
ern Oregon roads, and It is desired
a t « in im a ffi ra te.
to obtain a survey In order that an
estimate of cost may be secured.
C O M E IN !
/b e Tossreetf W hy E x p e rie n c e d O w n e r« D em a n d
Sheep shearing will be about fin­
B o d ie a P y F ish er
V isit o u r « k o w r o a m d u r i n g t h e « p e d a l F is h e r B o d y
ished In Wallowa county this week. We feel that Uuele Sam has nothing
D e m o n s t r a t io n n o w b e in g h e ld . D o n ’t m is s th is o p p o r ­
More sheep were shorn In the uplands on us in the line of Independence. In
t u n i t y t o g a in a s o u n d u n « ir r s ta n d in g o f s u c h a n i m p o r ­
t a n t p a r t o f y o u r a u to m o b ile .
of Wallown county than for years, as asserting our Independence we do not
flockmasters have returned somewhat wish to convoy the Impression that we
to old custom of shearing near the do not solicit your patronage, but we
do think the we are Independent of
summer range.
Cutting of hay la well in progress competition because the excellence of
In the McMinnville vicinity, particular­ our work Is self-evident If you will
ly in clover fields, where the first look Into our record. Get our esti­
cutting Is used for hay, and a second mates for your work.
crop Is grown for seed. Warm, dry
weather during May has made the
crop grow rapidly.
Again This Season
Values That Dominate the West
$19?5 Suits
Lou Save
from the Start I
W. R. Dawson,
527 MAIN ST.
r s o p . u c j O f a s N S B A i. m o to m si