T l» V H K D A Y J U N K 21, 1»2H TOWN AND VICINITY Ooe* to Bond—Mr». Vivian Bailey left last Friday on a trip to Bend Down From Portland— Ray Casteel W*a here from Portland the earft part pf this week. Goes to W oatflr— Louise Archer »pent the week-end visiting friends at Westfir. Here from Reedsport—Mr. and Mrs Byrl Crow of Reedsport spent the week-end visiting here. Cugen« People Visit—Mr. and Mrs. Morrow and son Glenn were visitors here last Friday evening. Merrils at Festival— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Merrill and daughter. June, ■pent a few days last week attending the Rose Festival at Portland. Goes to Portland—Mt s. Elsie Lam ­ bert was called to Portland last Fri­ day on account of the illness of her daughter. Mrs. Martin. Robert Palmer Here—Robert Pal­ mer of Oregon City, former resident of this city, wag here last week-end visiting. Little Girt Passes—Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Daniels were called to Roseburg last week on account of the death of Mr. Daniels' three-year-old neice. Returns to Lebanon— Mrs. Alice Elliott who spent the past week visit­ ing with Mi and Mrs. Charles P. Poole returned to her home in Leb­ anon Sunday. Harold Poole Leaves—R- Harold Poole left last Saturday for McMinn­ ville where be will conduct an under­ taking establishment during the absence of the proprietor on a vaca­ tion. Coburg Scouts Host» — Springfield Boy Scouts will be guests of the Co­ burg troop at a Joint meeting to be held the latter part of this month. Program for the meeting is being pre­ pared. Several boys will go from here. Church Night Enjoyed—A large at tendance marked the church night program held at the Christian church parlors last Friday evening. The Bible study class provided the pro­ gram and the Loyal Women furnished the refreshments. « First Aid Demonstrated—Boys of troop 11 Boy Scouts here attended a first-aid demonstration held at the Mountain States Power company- plant Monday evening. W. R. Aldrich, scoutmaster, was in charge. Peteraons on Trip—Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Peterson left last Saturday morn­ ing on a trip to the east. They will go the central route over the railway and return the northern route. Their visit will include a stop In Washing­ ton, D. C., and various places in the south where they have relatives. I R IC K A R D F A M IL Y H E L D A N N U A L R E U N IO N S U N D A Y ••Steno” Now Singer Farmer In Astor >uU l! The descendsnts of ihe Rlckarl family held their fourth snnuul re­ union, last Suuday, June 17, on Mrs. Returns to Frisco—Mrs. Paul Scott Sarah Foster's farm, one mile west of of San Francisco returned to her Junction City. home Monday afer visiting her there were about 200 people pres­ mother. Mrs. A. E. Bartlett here. ent. Mr. and Mrs. William Rickard Junction Msn Hers— Cecil Frum of of Condon drove over to attend, others Junction City was a visitor here Tues­ coining (yum Klunialh Falls. Tilla­ day with his brother-in-law and sister mook and other dlatant places. There Mr and Mrs. E. C. Stuart. was a nine piece orchestra which fur­ nished music throughout the duy. A Woman Breaks Ankle—Mrs. Cole of program given In the morning con Jasper was treated here Wednesday slated of instrumental music, readings, for a broken ankle whicnahe received and singing. At the noon hour an when she fell at her home. elaborate dinner was apreud. two of the principal featurea of thia being Undergoes Operation — A major ____ .Tq a roasted pig. donated by Mr. and operation was performed upon Oentta Mre. Arnold Tracer, and an enormous Smith at the Pacific Christian hos­ Kathryn Witwer of Gary. Ind, angel food cake, baked by Mrs. pital Wednesday. h»' shifted her career from type­ George Rickard of Monroe. The pis writer to musical key*. She lias Roland Parker III—Roland Parker, waa carved by Bird Rickard, the presi­ won a place in Grand Opera and son of Mr. and Mrs John C. Parker Gary set aside a "Kathryn Witwer dent of the dan. aaslated by Arthur was reported critically ill at the home Day" to honor her, when she sang Tanner. A buaineaa meeeting was to a packed auditorium Her held In the afternoon when the follow­ of his parents. 44$ C street. father, who used to be a steel ing officers were elected. President, Looks Over Country—W. A. Wag worker “with the hoy*, sat tn the balcony and after the performance William Rickard, of Corvallis; secre­ goner of Selma. California, was a visi­ tears of joy streamed down his tary, Mrs Rena Kdmlston. Thurston; tor in Springfield Tuesday. He Is program committee. , Mrs Gertrude face. looking over the Oregon country with Howard. Monroe. Mrs. Arnold Tracer. the view of locating in this state. Junction City and Oran Rickard, Me Visit Here Sunday—Dale • Pffrtla Mre. Allen Visits— Mrs A. J. Allen Farland; ground and entertainment and Miss Betty Alvin of Ix>banon of Fall City was a visitor here this committee. Harvey Rickard. Corvallis, drove here Sunday to visit with Mr. week. She Is the mother of Mrs. A. Merle Jjewltt, Munroe and William Ooracke, Junction City; dinner com­ and Mrs. Charles P. Poole. They R. Sneed. mittee. Mrs. Elsie Hill. Monroe and motored to the snowline on the Mc­ Kenzie highway Sunday afternoon. Grove People Here— Mr. and Mrs. Miss Zells Edwards. Irish Bend Tom Allen and children of Cottage s it was decided to hold the next Returns From Coast—Mr. and Mrs. Grove were here Sunday to visit rela meeting at Idlewood park where there Frank Logan has returned from a fives. | will be more conveniencles. trip to the coast. They visited at There is a family tree, and all re- Newport, Seaside and other points Betty Anderson Back—Miss Bettv ; gA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A | £