The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 21, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY JU N E 21. H*2H
Pttbllahed Every Thureday a t
Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by
T hese linotype m achines have a habit of w ith­
holding letters som etim es th at are disconcerting.
But here is on»* we noticed in one of E ugene’s
new spapers th a t seem s to u s m ore rig h t th an
w rong: "Then* a re two live em bers on the school
board from the west side." One or tw o of th e
m em bers on th e Eugene school board have been
live em bers for a s fa r back as we can rem em ber
Camp Clataop. Oregon,
June 17. 1928
I (eel that In Juatlcv tu II»* Unnni
Entered as aeeond ciana matter, February 24, 1903 at the
We rem em ber one equally as good that o e- Company that I hhnuld write you •»
poatofflce, Springfield, Oregon
— I curretl in a new spaper on which we were em ploy­ letter in regard to the Hlamleroii»
ed. T he editor in a ¿leanup cam paign w rote a talk that we hear la going the round*
One year In Advance.—..... >L«5 T hree Months
76c stirring editorial in which he declared th at “All of Springfield. II la true that when I
Blx Months _______ . . ____>1.00 Single Copy _
the windows on Main S treet needed w ashing." got down town ut 4 A. M VaUler and
" T he linotype changed the subject for him by Hinson hud five of the men In Jail
T H U R S D A Y J U N E 21. 1928
— dropping an *’n ” in windows and th e editorial »>n the charge of sh ootin g fire­
read "All th e widows on m ain street need w ash­ crackers. I inillied lu lid y took steps
to have them released as w e were
to have breakfast at once and en
H erbert Hoover, th e republican nom inee,
train for here nt 6:80. Valller wanted
•hould be the next president regardless of whom
T h ere a re those who criticize Hoover because to take the entire company In but 1
th e dem ocrats nom inate a t H uston. His nom ina­
tion w as th e result of a g reat popular dem and he does not express deep seated opinions on protested so vigorously (hat he desist
r a th e r th an any political doings which usually issues. They say th a t it is impossible to And out i*»l. I called the recorder up and talk­
dom inate national conventions. In every sta te how he stan d s on anything. This is especially dls- ed to him. He called Valller and
Where the people had a direct chance to express concerting to the politicians. It leaves them up ordered the five released. As a
street com m issioner Valller Is ex cel­
¿heir opinion, w ith the exception of w here th ere in th e air.
H oover believes in action ra th e r th an words. lent, but as a police olttcer the town
w as a favorite son, Hoover won by overw helm ing
And when he s ta rts out to do a thing he does it. would be far better off If both he and
m ajorities.
H oover's nam e w ent to th e convention support­ Nobody w onders w hat he is doing because he does Hinson were relieved. The men say
ed by m ore than sufficient delegates to nom inate it in an aggressive and decisive way th a t is u n d e r­ that he cam e up to them with a pistol
him and he was nom inated despite the efforts of stood. T he co u n try is full of people who have out and threatened to shoot them If
politicians to stem th e tide which resulted in a opinions to express but sh o rt on m en of action In I they n»n They warned to arrest
jublic places.
Sergeant Hendernon aa he stepped
g re a t landslide on the first ballot.
out of the door of his own home.
la th is sta te w here Hoover lived and w ent to
Their actions were more that of ch ild ­
school th ere can be no doubt but th a t th e people
T he Society of Am erican M agicians held its a n ­
w a n t Hoover. And it should be to O regon's bene­ nual dinner in New York recently. None of them ish old men than anything else I tan
think of.
,, m
. ore
, th
... an ever
. . before,
__ th .. a t Hoover
... .. be elected. icould figure out a way to m ake th e speakers dis-
And as for the ta lk 'th a t we were
H e is fam diar and in sym pathy with th e problem» a p p e a r'
all drunk even Including m yself I
of the w est and is in position to give us g rea t aid.
refer the origlnutor of this talk to M.
W hile H oover h as been a world figure fo r m any
years, in a w ay he is our favorite son and will
Seven C ongressm en took an e ig h t-h o u r d irig i­ H. Huutly, H. J. Cox and Jeas Smlt-
ble trip in New Jersey th e o th er day. We d o n ’t eon who were all in Huntly's place
su rely be supported to th e end.
th in k this is the first tim e a C ongressm an has while we were eating.
H. E. M AXEY. Editor.
L ast y e a r 2,354,643 people visited th e N ational
P ark s. This year, ow ing to an earlier opening
o; the season, plus th e annual grow th of popular­
ity, a t least 3,000,000 visitors a re expected.
T h e y ’ll get m ore th a n th eir m oney’s w orth,
especially if they will keep aw ay from th e con­
gested au to cam ps and strik e off for them selves
In to th e bypaths and trails beyond sight and
Bound of th e crowd.
A great m ajority of these to u rists m ake a round
of the N ational p ark s in w hat is know n as the
N ational P a rk circuit. T he value to th is country
in m aking a national park o ut of th e T hree
B isters region would be im m ense. While not a
m ajority of these travelers visit all th e parks the
m ajority visit m ore th a n one. T he S isters region
a new park would resu lt in th is section gettin g
th e lion’s sh are of th e travelers for several years.
• • •
W hoever th e b u tch e r is th a t throw s bones out
to th e dogs alm ost daily m ay be im bued w ith a
Jtir.dly spirit tow ard anim als b u t he is th o u g h t­
less tow ard his fellow men. It is not uncom m on
to see th e stre e ts of our city clu ttered up w ith the
bones of anim als and th e law ns of residences
deco rated likewise. T his of course is not only
u n sightly but unhealthy. T hese bones covered
w ith flies, and having unp leasan t odors are a
n u isan ce to residents who m ust get rid of them .
T h is tow n isn’t so small as som e people th ink it
|s . L e t’s discontinue th is practice.
• • •
gone up in th e air!
It seem s to me thut the attitude of
a great many people there Is not
Tw elve pounds of candy for each inhabitant what it should be towards the com ­
are used yearly in th e United S ta te r, says a recent pany. It brings approxim ately >2600
report. No doubt m any m others will th ink these a year Into the town, most of which
Is spent there.
It also provides a
sta tistic s too low by far!
two w eeks vacation for th ese men.
' • • •
Of course they dork while here, but
H arvard conquered Yale in the first "brain it Is such a change that It Is alm ost
b a ttle ” in intercollegate history. We w onder a vacation.
We stand very high with both
w here th e contending team s got the am m unition.
brigade and rvetlinental headquarters
for efficiency. g»x>d conduct of men.
T he P rince of W ales has tak en up aviation. It and an unusual record for drill at-
seem s to us th e P rince h as sailed th rough the air ( ^mlani-e Of course I realise that,
now we are at peace a soldier Is con
• • •
stdered no good but let war com e and
. . .
P resident Coolidge has picked a W isconsin we would again listen to all that old
cam p for th e sum m er, w here he will fish for every­ bunk that is alw ays dished out when
the boys go and that Is so soon for­
thing but th e nom ination.
gotten when peace com es.
Yours Very Truly.
A m an c a u g h t stealing $120 said he needed the*
m oney to get “ tools to cra c k a safe.” A nother
1st Lieut. 162nd Infantry.
Som e speakers rave about the m ajority of the
people not know ing w h at th e y ’re voting for but
w hen the votes are counted th e m ajority are us­
ually on the rig h t side. Surely this disapproves
th e theory. Usually th e speakers do not konw
w h at they a re talk in g about.
• • •
If you expect your hom e tow n to su p p o rt you,
you Bhould help support it.
• • •
Som e of the fa ste st autom obiles a re those
parked along th e highw ay.
poor victim of circum stances!
• • •
They have th re e horns on autom obiles in Vene-
' zuela. Som e of our sm a rt boys could have a
good tim e in th a t country.
• • •
A 276-pound boy, who recently rnn aw ay, has
been found. T he poor fellow had no place to hide!
,1 « tmm *. , 4r*eei««.
«■•» a»
3 ** i see, o• » ■ ' • ——
Cf«»ei am) 5lapd«rd O»l
SesxHfStBtl.M r*»k«4
»• Mu iw»«k
r o l l R A I.»—Carbon papar In large
sh eets. Mx89 Inches, suitable fur
m aking treeing«. The Newa Office.
Springfield Stops
The sch ed u le 'includes three north­
bound and three soiilhbound Iraltis
T he northbound trains are: No 1«
(fin gi at 4:27 a m ; No. 32, 3:80 p
m . No 8. 3 6« p. m
Southbound trains are: No 31,
6 46 a m ; No 7 (flag), 3:30 p m ;
No. 16, I fiagl, 9 3.3 p. in
~ Kills 'em dead
O ne Tube
with Blade
Shaving Cream
T eacher: •‘Can anyone tell me Un­
meaning of the word collision ? N>
i one knows? W ell, It is when two
• things come together unexpectedly.
Now. can anyone give me an ex-
ample? All right, Johnny, what Is
i ¡t?-
Editorial Comment
The proportion of retail business done in the United
S tate by the chain stores is indicated by an analysis of
the distribution census recently taken In eleven
cities published In a report Issued by the D om estic Distri­
bution Departm ent of the Chamber of Commerce of the
United S tates.
The proportions of retail sales, aggregating >4.224,109,-
100 for the eleven areas, done by the chain stores are, in
Atlanta. 30.66 per cent; Baltimore, 22.44 per cent; Chicago,
37.13 per cen t; Denver, 19.52 per cent; Fargo, 6.34 per
cen t; K ansas City. 17.88; providence, 20.55 per cent; San
Francisco, 22.57; S eattle, 19.55; SpTlngfleld, 111., 18.00:
and Syracuse, N. Y., 28.72.
For the eleven cities the average amount of retail busi­
n ess done by chain stores was 28.72 per cent.
The average annual sales per establishm ent for the
eleven cities were >37,743 for Independent stores and >85.-
726 for chain stores.
A generl Invitation to Hprlngfleld
residents to w itness the aiiuual review
of the 23rd brigade. Oregon National
tluard. at Camp Clatsop next Satin
»lay has been received at th»* cham­
ber of com m erve offices here from
Leo It Merrick, secretary of the
Astoria chamber of com m erce
big review starts at 1 o'clock In III»»
All national guard units In the state,
num bering som e itium men. will take
part In the review In which every
type of m odem warfare .will be de
m onslrated
Actual warfare tactics
w ill be shown More than 60.000 peo-
ple may w itness the dem onstration
from a natural am phitheatre
Springfield guardsm en at the camp
will participate.
A m etropolitan paper m ade a grevious erro r
rec e n tly when it printed “L andlady Slays H o st”
as a headline. It should have read. “Landlady
S laps H ost,” but we think th e e rro r is excusable.
T h e w ay th e new s has been going in big cities,
no doubt the force of habit misled th e typo­
g ra p h e r !
• • •
Essentials for
The June Bride
13c Lb
MEDAL, «¿0 F t, J 5 C Lb.
PLY HAY ROPE .. 3 0 c Lb*
A W hite Gold E ngagem ent
Ring, A W hite Gold W ed­
ding R ing and W hite Gold
F ram es o r M ountings for
her glasses.
Dr. Ella C. Meade
O p t o m e t r is t
No 14 9 Ave. W est
E u g e re, Oregon
Wright ® Sons
.... —
C y /t/fd e r *
C r a r r /(s A a ff
Our method of regrlndlng would
not be tolerated If It did not
bring the highest kind of re­
sults. We know the way to get
maximum advantages out of re-
grinding. Try us to-day.
Arrange All Travel
Details Here
JT J£et your local Southern Pacific'^
agent help you plan your trip. JJ
Avoi»i hurried choice and rushed buying. Buy your
ticket, arrange all travel details, leisurely in your own
home town. Your local agent is a travel expert. Talk it
over with him. He knows—
How to get most fo r you r tra v e l funds
R E L IN E D ................... » 8.00
How you can see and do more by selection of various
routes. W hat trains carry through sleepers direct to your
destination. Money saved by buying roundtrip tickets.
The convenient baggage size and other details neces­
sary to enjoy travel.
Pembrooke & Moritz
Southern Pacific
"W e Serve to 8ave"
^ C Y L IN D E R
«-C Y LIN D E R ..................... »18.00
824 Pearl St.
Phone 843