T im e Again to Be C areful with Your Cam p Firea THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAH GET SCHOOL POSTS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 21. 192f Rocks a t R iv e r I J Hit Heart la On th* Right, Yf Wrong, Sido! | T e ll Long S to ry Many Specimens of Shells and Sea Inhabitants found at New Bridge Site Neither Hat Any Opposition At Election, Although Names of Home time between «bout two unu Three Are Written In By eight million year« ago Hprlngfield Friends; Total Vote Is 72. hail a icreater flood control problem Board Member 68. Clerk 70. than the Willamette river provide» ttpringflidd voters bad little choice «( Ihe pull» last Monday when they elected a member of the board if education to »erve three yearn and a school elerk for a one-year term Dr. W It Pollard, for the former office, and William U. Hughe» for the poaltlon uh elerk. were vlrltlitlly the only candidate» for the two place». Their numea were the only one» ap­ pearing on the ballot. Official count allowed thut only 72 people went to the city hall to cast their Ballots, Thia waa a lighter poll than hna b e e n registered for a similar election for some time, It waa atated. one» In a while In the preaent use Then a aea covered not only the alt« of thia city hut moat of the valley as well. The hlatory o f rock» deciarea this, II waa asserted today by unlveralty geoloslsls who examined specimens of »holla and rock» uncovered hy operation» nt the new highway bridge, similar formation» had been found prevloua to thia time which told al­ most the »nine atory. According to hr. K. L. Packard, "The People’« Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN N U M EBR 21 7 « 7 0l X „ | r a 6 « E l O B E EXTENDED 80 FEET Jury Holds $10,000 Asked for Too Much; Raises Original Ante of Commission Highway Commission Order* Another Pier Put In Instead tannage» in the aum of >4000 were awarded O. C. Thurman and 'wife who of Fill For Approach On East were sued In circuit court laat Week Side of River; Move Will Aid by the state highway commission to In Control of High Water. Dr. Fred Lin d cnb crg cr of B erlin U n ive rsity iv shown examining lose L. N avarro o f Los Angeles, 23. whose heart is on the r'g h t side instead o f the left He has caused a Hurry among doctors and scientists. The rest o f h it organs are perfectly norm al and hi.« mis­ placed heart doesn’t bother hint a hit condemn the right-of-way for the Mc­ Kenzie highway leading through their The new McKenzie highway bridge premises at the end of Main street. under construction across the Wil­ The suit gTew out of refusal of Mr. lamette river here will be 90 feet and Mr». Thurman to sell their pro longer than the original plans pro* perty for >3700 which they were of­ vided, It was announced this morning. fered by the state board and the coun­ The new span will cover the siougtl ty. >10.000 which ------, was re- that runs down the Springfield side of ... They_asked -------------- . ------- ---------- fused them. It Is pointed out that | the river and into which the city : they will receive leas than the origin- I sewer empties. It will obviate a deep i al offer of >3700 since they must pay 1 HU and provide more waterway In attorney's fees and costs of the trial case of flood. Local people who are The ^ury which tried the case fixed familiar with the flood conditions on I the value of tae land transversed by this side of the river are of the opin­ the bridge rlght-of'way at >2000 and ion that a All >would have washed out i damages resulting from condemning in high water. ! the land at >2000. County Court Protests At the last meeting of the state C. P. Barnard, county Judge, stated ! that members of the jourt are well highway commission, the member« of the Lane county court appeared satisfied with the verdict. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman are given to request on behalf of residents Of several months to vacate the pro­ this section that another span be put perty where the old livery barn Is in the bridge and that the idea of a fill he abandoned. At that time mem­ located. bers ot the court were not given much Jurors In the case were Sally Dins- satisfaction. 1 more, A. L. Whipple, Cora E. Comp­ Engineer« for the commission visit­ ton. Leonard Stephens. Lyda Me- , Cowan. Chance Dwigans, Alta Saun- ed here this week, however, conferred ders. Stanley Baugh, Maude Bryan, with O. Lindstrom, contractor Io charge of the Job, and decided to re­ Eller Barker and Alfred Creasey. commend that a change be made be­ | J. M. Devers, attorney for the high­ fore the work progresses any further. way department, and Gordon 8. Wells, The commission granted the change deputy district attorney argued the case against Fred E. Smith, Thur­ and ordered the plans altered. This will mean another pier added man's counsel. to the four which were to have form­ CAMP FOR CONSTRUCTION ed the foundation for the bridge. Al­ though the improvement will be unlveralty paleontologtat, clam and »nail »hell» have been found In the I •‘rd rock at the river. The little “hlmala llvwd In a aea which existed * --------------------------- I lA>JZTO-»'vTCn.i In the oligocene period when the N in n i Written In Of the 72 votes cast Dr. Pollard Ihree-toed horse waa running wild In received «8 for the nlhce nt director. **”’ John IJay valley In eaatprn Ore- Two voters wrote In the name of K,,n Thia waa aeveral million year» Harry Htewart, who wan not a candl- ***n- (eologata estimate HIGHWAY SITUATION TREE OF PARADISE. i date, one complimented C. K. Whea- Heventy-flve different species have I TO BE DISCUSSED AT OLD CITY LANDMARK. ton -with a vote and another wrote »» f*r found In the rock here ! Tom Hwarta* name In. Mr. Htewart Hhark teeth have also been found In CHAMBER MEET HERE FELLED THIS WEEK had considered running for the of- ’h" rock. Thia Indicates ihe pre» 1 -------- A "resident” of this city which flee If Hr Pollard had not taken the "nr" of «hark» In the waters. Evl- 'Ju"‘ wh«t la holding up construction Job, hla friends aisled. dence of the existence of a sea urchin of co*Bt highway, and Improve-j has for the past 55 years witnessed Mr. Hughes received 70 votes for ha" ***° been discovered Moat of "**"*• on the McKenzie and Wlllam- the many changes which have achool clerk. Although II W. Hmlth. ,he specimen« found Indicate the eMe highway» will be the objective! marked the progress of the com­ Incumbent, was not a candidate, he presence n< »hallow water fish. | ot ,he meeting here thia evening of munity has fallen. During thia half a century and waa given one vole. He has served Poealllzed wood In the rqck shows ,he **®ne county chamber of corn- more a Tree of Paradiae has stood two terms consecutively. : that a foreat once bordered the sea raerce. The Lane county court has been In­ at the northwest corner of Second Officials of the election were—John A considerable volume of volcanic Ketela, Hr.. L. B Thompson. Mabie ash also shows that an active volcano vited to attend the meeting at which and Main streets. One by one its companions were hewn down to Tyson. Judge. Hattie K Myers, dark, exlated In the region of what ta now Springfield will be the host. Moat of the voting took place early the Cascade range which waa then It haa been announced that the make room for one thing and an In the afternoon and returns were not In existence. county chamber will organise in an other until only the one tree wan available long before the hour aet ! effort to aercure funds from the state ! left. And now it haa fallen. The tree for the dosing of the poll«. highway commlaalon to complete the CREWS TO RISE SHORTLY | CHURCH AT PLEASANT was cut down thia week to make Experience Valuable l coast road and do repair worn on the creased very noticeably. HILL T O CELEBRATE way for construction work on Lum A canrp to provide for 200 men will The new clerk bdleves he la In a two other highways in the county In the meantime rapid progress Is position to render good service to the BIRTHDAY ON SUNDAY Just what the action of the county Anderson's new service station al be established this week near Lea- reported on the structure here. that corner. burg where the new city power plant school board acting In an advisory chamber will be tonight depends on Cement work ahead ano and con- r, " ..in is i b going anean It wasn't so long ago that a pair rapacity. Hla office --------------- aa clerk requires The choir and orcheatra of __ the the consensus of the gathering, ac­ h ,. , T “ J ’ tr*Ctors are «»okihg forward to the of giant oaks were cut down in the built, according to J. W. McArthur, hla attendance at each of the meet- Springfield Christian church will take cording to J. K. Shelton, president, arrival of the structural steel which middle of the intersection of water board engineer. Inga of the board and he la given s l’"ri ,n ,h,‘ »eventyelghth anniversary who ...... will „... be „„ in ... the tllBlr chair they are already prepared to string Second and Main in order that voice In the dlacuaalona although he Program at the Pleasant Hill church The meetlnK op,,na at ^ 30 o.c,ock H ie camp will be built in two out ready for use when piers are pavement could be put down. has no vote. Mr Hughes served Hunday afternoon The church of which with a dinner Ip the chamber of com sections, it was stated. Bunkhouses poured and se t The 56 rings on the tree showed A three year. a . a member of the board. » •» w A BIWBs'I, pastor la the , merce A pro FOUR-L MEETING IS SET LANE COUNTY WILL BE in the warehouse at Eugene, will buy Kenzie bridge on July 1. nates. * services of the day Is also In the even­ ADVERTISED IN SOUTH the residence being built at the cor­ Dr. D. H. Peoples, a member of the At the meeting held laat Friday FOR NEXT MONDAY NIGHT ing when Ihe Epworth League will bi ner of Tenth and B streets. Bend club, was here last Friday to evening Mr. Olson reported on the In charge. The program for the even I The state chamber of commerce confer with Springfield and Eugene Regular meeting of ‘the »prlnglleld recent meeting of the Willamette dis­ Ing has not been announced. Sunday* will open an office In Los Angeles, t REPORTS ON PORTLAND club members regarding plans for the chapter of the Loyal I-eglon of Log­ trict council In Junction City recently. school Is at 9:45 o'clock and Rev. proposed picnic. was announced this week. MEET HEARD BY O. E. S. Gabriel Sykes, pastor, speaks at 11 ger» and Lumbermen will be held next Another meeting of this gorup was The Idea of the picnic originated at Mr.fiday evening, Il w hn announced to­ held In Albany yesterday. Mr. Vasby, ---------- „ vasn.v i F > “n® county and the rest of Ore- o'clock on the subject. "The Fifth I the district convenlton held recently. day. Mr. Huntly, Mr. Larson, Mr. Gravos i Kon W,R be advertised when this of Reports of the recent convention of Word from the Cross.” pworlh | Thp mpfi(|nK w)|| h(, kn fhp w o and Mr. Olson were named to attend fice iB °Pcne90 has been paid to exhibit to the California office when Roberts and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton at­ Three Springfield girls will appear and will probably be brought up again •late on the Indebtedness tinder which It Is opened. I^tne county products tended the session which was held ,n In the recital to be given by pupils of LEGION AUXILIARY WILL next Monday, It was said. the post has been laboring for some and a scenic view twill be shown. conjunction with the state lodge meet­ Reuben Charlyle Goffreiere at the Me- SEND DELEGATE TO MEET time. The post has a piano for sale Morran and Washburne auditorium In ing of the Masonic groups. Club Has Garden Party which will further aid In clearing the The meeting Tuesday began with a Eugene Saturday evening. The American Legion auxiliary nt WELL WATER IS PUMPED debt. Margaret Jarrett, Barbara Barnell a meeting last night nominated a dele­ Members of the Kensington club 6:30 o'clock dinner. This will be tre 125 GALLONS A MINUTE gate and an alternate to the state con- gathered at the home of Mrs. Clar­ last session of the lodge until this fall and June Berg will play numbers on the recital. ^vt-ntlon to be held In connection with ence Chase at Chase Bardens last One hundred twenty-five gnllons of PLANS ARE COMPLETED Several Springfield people plan to Perkins Buys Station the legion meeting In Medford August water are being pumped each minute Friday to enjoy a garden party. A FOR BIG ANNUAL PICNIC 2-4. from the two wells at the Mountain , one o'clock picnic started the after- Roscoe Perkins of Springfield has attend the recital. Mr. Goffirelere Mrs. Bernice Van Valznh was nomi­ State» Power company plant Into the All plans are complete for the an- * noon'« program. The dinner was purchased half Interest in the service has a large number of pupils here. nated delegate to the convention and city water mains, according to W. C. nual picnic of the Methodist brother- served on the Chase laiwn. During station at Thirteenth avenue and Jewelry Shop Closes Mra. William Vasby alternate. hool at Swimmers' Delight next Tues ,be afternoon the club members were High streets, Eugene, recently con­ MrLagan, steam superintendent. A called meeting of the auxiliary This IS about one-fourth the total day afternoon and evening, It twng re taken on a tour of inspection of the ducted hy J. E. Rogers and Joe Spur­ The Jewelry store of A. F. Hoyt at has been announced for July 9 at 3 amount of water required by water ported by committees this week. greenhouses. lock. Mr. Spurlock was the partner 323 Main street was closed this week. p. m. In the chamber of commerce consumers, he said The wells were The picnic will start as soon after­ to sell his Interest. The station at Stock of the store iwas removed from rooms hy Mra. H. E. Maxey, prealrient. only recently put In use after some noon as members, their wives and Returns from Trip—-Mr. and Mrs that place was constructed by Lum the building. Mr. Hoyt, who has Io elect delegates for this convention. 17 test wells had been drilled. families can arrive on the plcinc Glen Riddle returned Sunday after a Anderson who ran It for a time. Mr. been in business here for a couple of After summer weather conditions grounds. A dinner will be served two-week vacation trip and Mr. Riddle Spurlock has not announced his years, did not announce plans for his Orest 8hop Moved—The Archam are prevalent thorough tests of the between 6 and 7 o'clock in the even­ resumed his duties in the First Na­ future business plans. future business activity. benu dressmaking shop, formorly water will again he made to determine ing. tional bank. They went first to Moc- loctaed at the corner of Second and the number of bacteria. Figures on Mexico People Here—Mr. and Mrs. T h e outdoor program Includes cow, Idaho, where they visited Mr. Returns from Portland—Mr. and Main streets In the old First National the summer tests will be compared horseshoes, swimming, baseball and Riddle’s relatives and returned by U. G. Stowell of Tiajuana. Mexico, Mr§. John Winzenreid returned Wed­ bnnk building, has moved to the up with winter samples. The tests look other sports. William Pollard and way of Portland. Driving from there stopped here Monday enroute to Wet- nesday from a trip to Portland, New- stairs of the Stevens building between forward to drilling of several more Howard Hughos are In charge of the to Newport they spent several days asklwln, Alberta. Panada. They are herg and other points where they wells. program. Third and Fourth on Main street. making the long trip by car. have visited for the past few weeks. on the beach. J