'i THURSDAY JUNE 14, 1928 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX ¡S P R IN G FIELD PEOPLE AT SPRINGFIELD PASTOR IS MANY POSITIONS OPEN Davtrtaon brothers have h«'gun the LUM BERMEN SIGNING UP LINN COUNTY REUNION summer run at their sawmill, west of ON PROGRAM AT TURNEH IN W EST COAST BODY IN U. S. C IV IL SERVICE Prli evllle. with a crew of nearly 50 Several S( rlngtleld people are at­ Progress in enrolling lumber mill Rev S E. Childers pastor of tha The United States Civil Service men employed and eight trucks bring­ ing logs from the McKay watershed to operators of this district In the West Commission announces the following Springfield Christian church, has an tending the 4lal annual reunion of the ('oast Lumbermen s association is re­ open competitive examinations: Gar Important part In the state convention l.ltiu County Pioneer association Jun-i the mill. Brief Resume of Happenings of Sparks from a passing locomotive ported as a result of the meeting of dener. Veterans' Hospital No 72. of Christian churches to be held in IS to 16. Tha reunion la beta, held In (he Brownsville park the Week Collected for caused a fire that damaged several the association In Eugene Saturday Helena. Montana. 31600; Telephone Turner beginning July I Yesterday was Albany day, lialay . i hundred acres of land north of Her- n,<1” rhe directors of the West Operator. Veterans' Hospital No. 69, The local pastor wl I deliver the Pioneer day and Friday la Sons and Our Readers. Tacoma, Washington, 31140; Store miston last week It de.troye,! a ham Co“ »t «“"’• * ‘»t‘on and the new secre principal evening adureasea during Daughters day An old time fiddler* and hay derrick and considerable al­ tary manager. Colonel W. B Greeley j keepers at Veterans' Hospitals at the whole conference of church work conteat, prominent speakers, ball met with Willamette Vulley associa I Fortland. Oregon and Walia Walla, The International convention of Na­ falfa hay. ora. kames. wrestling and other sports are tlon at the Osburn hotel. ' Washington, 31330; E n g i n e e r i n g turopathic physicians will be held is He will be absout from his pulpit on the program for the three days To defray the expenses of advertis­ Draftsman. Bureau of Reclamation, GAME AGAINST OAKLAND Portland. July 11 to 14. Presentation of Queen Rebekah ta ing and promottou of West Coast Ellensburg. Washington, 32040; Senior hero on July 1 and 8 hut will return POSTPONED BY SHOWERS isood the Lumbermen's association Engineer. Bureal of Reclamation. for the July 16 services During Ills ouo of the features of tip- runlun. The state convention of the P. B. O. _____ absence on a vacation trip In Cali­ sisterhood closed Its annua! meeting Rain Sunday caused the baseball ts ’ *«« “P billion Ellensburg. Washington, 32400; En­ IB Corvallis last week. feet. Mills come Into the association gineering Department nt Large, Ju­ fornia and at the Turner convention. Vital Statistics Given—Hix births 4 game against Oakland to be postponed Claude Neely of Eugene, director of and three deaths tire reported in For the secot.J time thia year the indefinitely. Springfield twirlers were 1 on the basis of 10 cents per thousand neau. Alaska. Portland, Oregon. Seat Albany Garden club put on a flower scheduled to meet the southern team feet cut. It is hoped to raise 37OO.OOO tie. Washington, Indian Irrigation Ser­ mualc In the local church, la lu the Hpriugtleld during the nioniu of M a y , pulpit. according to Dr W II Pollard, regis­ show at the city hall last week. in a return game on the local held. a year this way to promote the use of vice, Itllltags. Montana. Blackfoot. West Coast lumber and combat* the Idaho. Wapato, Washington; Llght- trar. Gold mining operations are getting There was Just enough rain to cause ! house Service, Portland. Oregon. Ket- Inroad being made on the business by O W NERSHIP OF HUNTLY under way all over Baker county, and , the Oakland players to decide not to CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. K m art wood substitutes. ! chlkan. Alaska; Reclamation Service the outlook is the best in years. i come for the contest. STORE IS NOT CHANGED on prices on plalea and other work. U In Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Wash William Vasby, manager of the ! A- C. Dixon, manager of the Booth- Wind uprooted an old tree near Til­ Ington. A trunshetlou whereby the owner­ lamook Sunday and killed three val­ Springfield team, announced that the | Kell>' ‘■««'Pany. Is one of the directors Pcstoflk-e clerks and carriers« at ship of the Hutitly delicatessen store C A LL FOR SCHOOL W A R R A N T S in the West Coast association, which uable cows belonging to Alfred Bo game would be-played but at an Inde­ is holding a series of meetings in Ore­ Cofvallla. Oregon; Ealr'ianka. Alaska, at 428 Main a ired was lo «•hauge Springfield Oregon, June 14th, 1921. finite date. Until the Brattata school quiat. gon and Washington In the elTbrt to Great Falls. Montana, Havre. Mon­ from M B Hnutly to Mrs Letter NOTICE IH IIKHEBY GIVEN. That A tw ostory frame building at the diamond is reconditioned the field on Increase the membership. tana; Libby. Montana. McMinnville, Boaserman and Mr* L J Crow was Hchool District No. 19. of l-ana eoun corner of First and Howard streets Fifth street will be used, it was an­ Oregon; Mullen, Idaho; North Port­ not completed. It wua announced thia ty, Oregon, will pay Mt the office of in Newberg was destroyed by fire nounced. land, Oregon; Parma, Idaho; St. week by Mr Huntly. the Dlatetd Cierk, at hla residence FIRES IN OREGON COST early Thursday. Helens, Oregon; Whitefish. Montana; * Although the prospective purchaa on Weet I) »1 . House No 389, Hchool LESS IN 27. SAYS CHIEF Wotalburn, Oregon. Mrs. Roy Thomas died at Myrtle MR. AND MRS. HALLECK era made an Inventory of the store Wirri r.ts up to nttd Including No. Further Information and appllca- ' with the present owner, the deal was 2-330 Interest celts« a after June 18th, Point on the date of her 35th birth­ HONOR GUESTS AT PARTY Fires in Oregon in 1927 cost some Hon blanks may be obtained from the day. Her mother also died on the 11» Sign.-,I. j 33.819.791 less than tn the previous secretary of the Ixu-al Civil Service not completed and Mr Huntly will date of her 35th birthday. It W HMITH. District Clerk It continue the business hlmaelf. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Halleck year, it was reported by Fire Chief i 1 ..... Walter Meacham of Baker is in who are leaving soon for Honolulu j e88P Smitson who returned from the Board at the Postotfice In thia city charge of a drive to raise a 315.000 were honor guests at the home of Mr. state fire chiefs' convention in Marsh FAST GROW TH OF YOUNG prise fund for the Redwood highway and Mrs. I. N. Endicott Tuesday field last week-end. marathon, beginning June 14. DOUGLAS FIR IS SHOWN evening. Fires cost on the average of 3907 Those attending the party were: per fire, 313.997 per day. 3574.89 per Start of bus service between Co The results of ten to fifteen years' quille and Portland, over the Roose­ Mr. and Mrs. Halleck. Mr. and Mrs. hour. 39 58 per minute or 16 cents per m-vasuremt-nta on second-growth Doug­ velt highway, via Reedsport and William Fuller of Los Angeles, Mr second during the past year, it was las fir of western Oregon an«l Wash­ and Mrs. Harry Brownfield. Eugene. | reported at the conference. Drain, was announced laat week. ington are now available. These are Mr. and Mrs Wayne Clover, Mr. and w. E Nusbaum. fire ch ief of Eu- The Royal Anne cherry urop in given ta a report In a recent "Journal Lane county will be better than last Mrs. Henry Hansen. Mr. and M rs., gene, was elected president of the of Agricultural Research,''—the offi­ “ tvhara »attinga a ra g ra a ta» t Endicott and June Clover. state fire chiefs' association Mayor year, notwithstanding the late cold Cards formed the major diverstoo A. L. Williamson and 8 M Calkins, cial technical organ of the United rains, said C. E. Stewart, county fruit 942 Willamette 8t„ Kugene, Oregon. States Department of Agriculture. of the evening city attorney, attended the convention inspector. Thia report, by Walter H Meyers. and asked that the m eeting be held ta The govenment will establish a four Shopper« Are In— Among the busi­ Eugene next year They failed to get Ir the result of studies by the U. 8 ' months' tabor bureau at The Dalles ness visitors here yesterday were: Forest Service. Among the topics j The community will pay for one ' Mrs. Dumong Myer, Camp Creek; the meeting by a few votes. discussed are cubic-foot and board- month’s salary and the government Mrs. C. A. Wetxell, Marcola; Mrs W. foot volume and volrme growth. ' PORTLAND CONTRACTORS for three. mortality of trees, diameter growth, L. Rausch, W alterville; O. H. Smith, Golf fans of southwest Oregon are Dexter; Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Stewart, GET EUGENE POWER JOB and tiumber of trees In each diameter class, for stands of different ag> a. waiting with interest the opening of Natron; Roy Love, Jespar. A. Guthrie and company of Port tnd The plots were establiahed In forests Westmoet golf course, near Coquille, Swimming or wading— whichever will built the new power plant of the 38. 60, 54. and 72 years old. All show the most westerly links on the Pa­ it j*— isn’t fun unless you have a Former Residents Visit— Mr. and EJfigene water board at Leahurg Con­ a remarkable gm ath of approximate­ cific coast. bathing suit you like— our new ones Mm. T. E. Griffith and son, Verne, are tract for the dam, canal and power ly 170 to .300 cubic feet, or 1100 to Operation of the Burns brick plant visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed ere inexpensive. began this week under the supervi­ Robertson. The family resided here houae. was awarded to the Portland 2000 board feet for each year sincej firm last week. The bid accepted the measur<*menta started This Is of sion of A. J. Hoover of Portland. It Is until two years ago when they moved course for the most rapid arowlnt | planned to manufacture 200,000 brick to Prineville. They will return to was for 3L029,230. It Is not known yet Just how soon period in the life of the forest, (ta j thia summer. their eastern Oregbn home Friday. the work will start. The complete rery good land the average Ila meter May closed with the Columbia river project will cost about a million and Increased one Inch every three years; salmon pack far below normal and Wright In Portland— W. C. Wright. a half dollars. It Is the biggest pro­ on good land, one tach every live very disappointing. The yield ran Springfield hardware merchant. Is ta ject ever undertaken by Eugene. years; , and on fair land, one Inch 60,000 cases short of the production Boys’ and girls’ suits come in plain Portland attending to business mat­ Contracts have been awarded to sev­ every six years. Copies of the report in May. 1927. and fancy patterns— some with gay eral companies for machinery for the may be secured from the Director, ters. Farmers of Jefferson county believe power house and dam, C. A. McClain, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment stripes and a belt. they will harvest in 1928 one of the superintendent of the water board, re­ Station, Portland, Oregon. best wheat crops in recent years. Merchant Is Visitor— Roy Brewer, ported. Both fall and spring wheat is looking merchant of Kali Creek, iwat a visitor unusually good. here yesterday. Former Residents Visit— Mr. an l Commencement exercises in Port­ Mrs. U. 0 . Stowell, formerly of Wend­ land high schools will be held this ling, who have been living in southern Undergoes Operation— Mrs. A. F. week. Diplomas will be presented California for the past six months, 1360 students, of whom 573 are boys Flowers of Creswell underwent a were here Tuesday. The are enroute i major operation in the Pacific Christ­ and 787 are girls. to Alberta, Canada, to make their ian hospital Tuesday. home. 6eorge Fish Round, soldier, writer, teacher and minister, died last week at Canyon City, aged 88. He served during the Civil war as a chaplain in the confedeiate army. Sheep owners driving their bands from Raker to beyond Smnpter for summer grazing have suffered severe losses from some form of poisoning within the last few days. Marshfield was decorated gaily last week for the eighth annual conven- ' tion of Oregon Fire Chiefs, which was * held there. More than 200 chiefs and , firemen attended the convention Two baby deer found near Coquille , by four Coquille boys were brought to town where members of the sher­ ATURDAY morning will be too late! it it high in quality! iff's force helped fe"d them milk from a whisky bottle through a nipple. Nyssa celebrated the start of work I f you like bargains, if you have ahvays promised on the Irrigation project to be built yourself an Electric range, NOW— this minute— is by the government. Water sports, a the time for you to get it. No matter what time of baseball game and aviation stunts the day or night it is, if it’s before midnight Friday, were among the features of the day. June 15th, phone our office or our manager at his Following a meeting of growers held home, if necessary, and tell him you want your In Salem recently, contracts were j . signed whereby canners agreed to pay Hotpoint now! 5 cents per pound for loganberries <1 delivered at their plants this season. Small in size but a giant in value, this beautiful One hundred and fifty-seven eighth grade pupils in the Tillamook county We have iust completed arrangements which enable automatic electric range combines most of the out* schools were awarded common school use to offer local motorists the lowest cost tire mileage ever standing features of larger and more expensive diplomas last week, according to G. obtained. models hut at B. Lamb, county school superintend­ OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST Coin’ Swumnm’ Boys ’n Girls? Be Sure You Hare a Bathing Suit Ready Cotton Suits, 98c Wool Suia, >1-98 ONLY T H IS UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE INTRODUCTORY OFFER MT LL BE WITHDRAWN FRIDAY NIGHT IS Announcement ent. The Tillamook county fair will be held September 12 to 15 and the sec­ ond day, September 13, has been set aside as Grange day, the grange hav­ ing charge of the entire program that day. The Medford city council has passed I an ordinance, to go into effect in ten 1 days, and aimed at the business dis- 1 trict especially, prohibiting any per­ son from sweeping dirt or refuse, or placing litter of any kind into a street or gutter. Kenneth Annin, age 8, of Leneve, Coos county, hud a narrow escape from death recently. He became wedged in the center of a hollow stump and was held there for two hours before workmen found and ex- 1 tricated him. With a fresh new stock of Goodrich Tires at special, low prices, you can now make your tire investment here and be assured of the utmost economy in tire mileage. Goodrich Tires need no introduction . The Matchless Silvertown Cord and the Radio Cord have a service reputa­ tion built on unsurpassed quality. e i Do Y ottr h t lika having a Maid at no t Drive around and let us show you how your tire bills can be reduced with Goodrich Tires at our special prices. Wm. Rodenbough Garage 533 Main Street Springfield Phone 95 Cooking IB TH E LOWEST PRICE EVER SET ON A FU LLY ENAMELLED AUTO M A TIC ELECTRIC RANGE! a You’ll have to wait a long time before a» splendid a value presents itself. Do you know about our attractive cooking rate? x, When you select your range — ask about the rale! And don’t wait another minute. M ountain S tates P ower C ompany