Yl H’HSDAV JUNE N. I»28 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Community News THURSTON ■y Bpscisl Correspondants UPPER WILLAMETTE PAGE FIVE SON OF LOCAL PEOPLE NEW HIGHWAY ROUTE HURT IN MILL ACCIDENT PLANNED IN VALLEY Cascade Project Argued a v Needed Outlet; Several His­ torical Spots Shown Along Journey from O I d Oregon City. Fifteen alulleni» were graduale i It llayes nil em ploye of H i p Pacific Telephone »ml Telegraph Company from the I’lenaiiut Hill highschool last uf I’nrtluni). 1» iworklng over the 22 Friday night' June 8. Music for the in i i i i - i i i wus w u a furnished i u i ii m ill'll n y i (hi, nu nimeni > i-menl hy telephone Hit,' itii,l till the phonas on i .th eatre led hy Mrs L I) Uarmlre l ( D illa n L. Madsen, In The Hun the Thtlistiitl line, to nm. the trouhl« -C l... u .. I . . . . . . . . . . . ,__ I l day l u v ( O )r« > ir,iii 1« „ I regonian) The Nuhitutory ....... was given i... by » Dori« whl, h (»u ses the rottr »ml sia lic Silverton, or»-, June 9— Dr. P. a . llylanil. t'luHM History hy Vena Aw Frank < umphell hud the in I »for brey, V alldlctory by Gerald Kahler, Isiar, president of the new Cascade tune l<> have ii pltrhfoik tun Into hl» unit the C lass W ill hy Curl Linton. H ighway association, which Is spun h>ml Tuesday iittertioon while help A song hy the girla' quartet consist- soring the proposed Oregon City hit- John Edmlaton haul Ituy. A song hy the girls' quartet was Hpringneld sta te highway, reports Mr unit Mr» bain Morgan »ml Mr. another m eeting of the assocla n ru irtt-ifrii fTOIPRIlur !•< a that • — -- — « well received Professor K. . F K. unit Mr» Churle» Taylor litive been DeCow of the U niversity of Oregon ,,on lw,n ,,M t”' 1'1 ’A" middle of this • njoylng a visit from their daughters — . the . . . Commencement ml month. At this tim e the various corn- delivered untl »Inter» »ml fumlllea the iw»l dress choosing as his subject "The mil tee heads will give accounts of week Mr. and Mr» Miller Hull and finding» One com m ittee. Dr. League of Nations" Diplomas w e r e ! grutidsoti front Touehet, Waablngton. given out by chairm an. Harry Sh elley ! L*,ar »tales, Is at work gathering data uml Mr uml Mrs. Laa W ilson uml to the follow ing. Carl Linton, Vina on tlw Population of the country which three daughters from W ashtucna, W infrey, Lyman lin k e r . Lucille thl» P">P<**ed highw ay will tap. . W ashington. uml Mr». George Furger- W alker, Paul Harden. Thelm a M e-! «oinm lttaa “ l»o I" gathering Inform » »on. Colville, W ashington Peek, Gerald Kahler, Vena A w trey. j t,on on th« P»y«>ll of thia country. Arthur Foster, who hu» attended Emery Hyland, Doris Hyland. Harold j 11 *" s i e v e d that the payroll will ...... ' ' ........ ........... .. .........| O. A. C. at Corvalllu the pa«t year Humphrey. Ikinuld Humphrey, Donald Kahler, Kahler. Vida Win -I ! “* a« ts Miss Virginia F ry of S eattle Mr. water in the Junction City country Mathew» are on a motor trip to Loa Chleriy It would latird Is a son of Mr and Mrs. P. H during the winter Angeles, C alltoftila to visit Mr«. Laird and Is now un employe of the U p a rich part of the valley which Beulah Wright, their daughter and General Motors company. They III for the most part Is thickly settled slater. Another make their home at Spokune, Wash but has no direct outlet. Roy Kdml«(on 1« building a new cow reason given by the association for Ington. »hed. 26 x SO feet. Mrs M cKensle ana son. K enneth 1 * h W * ‘ y «• ‘“at It The latdlea AM held a sliver lea left for Oakridge last week. 1 * ° “ w «*»* “ ’««'1st. a shorter route last Thursday at the home of Mr« ftl* and Mrs. Brooks and fam .ly ' fcU‘ en,> *° f,° r,,and * John Kdmlaton They are giving an Rural Olatrlet Revealed Ire cream social next Friday evening left Saturday for Astoria where they will make their home In the future. 1 For “ n )o n ‘‘ ¡»ho flnds It Interesting at the Thurston hau Uie proceed» Mr. and Mrs W ill Moore of Lorane ! U‘ 1““ 're the h"rd highw ays of mo- go Into the piano fund. rinenltu ___ _ • » dernlty and for a a__ few a. hours ratnbl Mr and Mrs Dave W eaver and aon‘ former residents or Pleasant Hill left along the byways of old, the proposed Roy, from Oakland, (kdlfom ta. ar­ last week for a trip through Y ellow ­ Cascade highway offers, even now, a rived Sunday night for an extended ston e park by auto Miss Opal Moore m ost Interesting drive. It follow s the la working In the telephone office in vlalt with relatives here. Kugene Frank Moore *« taking old Oregon-California trail the first to charge of W ill Moore’s ranch In his go south from Oregon City to Cali­ MISS MARTHA CARUTHERS absence. fornia. It was over this road that Mr ai and Mrs. A. J. Phelps have pur-1'h“ “J . " ,rave,ed ,O ,h e C“ ‘- WEDDED TO LEO TENNIS Mr. in sed a 1B2H F ord tn u r ln e e . r A,-. J0™*“ *'* ” fleld" UecordB »how that chased a 1928 Ford touring car. A> More than 10 guests attended the In 1819 W illiam Barlow ano the Jam es com [»in led by their Ztwo children wedding last Sunday afternoon of party or. drove to Call- Robert snd Kvlyn, they motored to , Duval , Holman P»riy