THURSDAY JU N E 14. 1 !>2H very thick. MANY MOTORISTS CROSS The road, (hough somewhat rough M c K enzie pass S unday III «pet«, 1« In a generally good «hape. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County, Orason, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. K MAXEY. Editor. Em«' red as seeunil class matter. February 24, 1903 at the postoBce. Springfield, Oregon MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Owe year in Advance-------$1.75 Three Months _ ___ 76c ke ■ti Months .............$l.t>0 Single Copy ----- THURSDAY JUNE 14. 192S WILL LUMBER STAND OR FALL L um ber, th e principal product of O regon and W ashington w hich is retu rn in g 60 cen ts o u t of every dollar brought into these sta te s, is in need o f stre n u o u s prom otion and ad v ertising in th e fu tu re if it is to hold its own. In th e last 20 years lum ber consum ption per capita has fallen off over 30 per cen t while wood su b stitu te s have in ­ creased over 200 per cent per capita. (Continued from Page 3» ) your protest, becnuae I think I should j always now be a little afraid «lone. Hut the real reason - ” her voice I vibrated with fooling—"1« that then WAR TALK I Olive, who »«veil me for you, who A G erm an leader. Dr. l*anl O estrelch, declared made It possible for ui»> to understand th a t Am erica aud England will c e rtain ly be to realise my own true love; that driven into wav They will both woo G erm any then Olive can be your -can he out— for an ally, and la this way G erm any will rise in beet man.” th e council of nations. And so It was that O lee-vay, com­ We have had autoiig o u r ow n people m en who monly called Olive, rwho speaks no predict th a t w ar is c e rtain . T hey say th a t hum an language km.-, n to civilised man, who n a tu re cannot be changed and th a t w ar is Inevi­ eats fat pork with his Uniters and tably due to ensue. (anoints himself copiously with scent- Lloyd George say s. In every c o u n try It is j>ui i , ,-,x-oaniit oil «mi turmeric, stood DR.FRANK CRANESAÏS Several hundred motorUU went over Mi-KonAe pc»» last Sunday, it w « m report« I by Spi im tll. hl people who drove Io that phuc. There wm Iota Of truffle up the highway deeplle the fog. Although there »«» rain In tlila vicinity there wa» ue preulplt» Mutt from I-oat Creek ranch to ttlue river. At the summit the fog wa» of th e b u sln e sso f the fighting stuff to work out a up wlth Johll T, th„ plan for defense against all conceivable enem ies. I lllen, (lf clvlllgatll>n They gloat over th eir efficiency and, like every Thornton could not give hl» heat inventor, yearn to put th eir m achine to a test, man a «tick pin for Olive »elilom Ifs until possible w ar soon becom es likely and a ever wears a shirt. likely w ar g radually glides Into th e Inevitable.” Rut he could sec that the Islander ' From tim e im m em orial n a tio n s and tribes have got Ponape Uurke'a swift schooner. 1 so u g h t to " p ro te c t” them selves by increasing thr Lupe-a-Noa. trusteed for the i A few years ago the w estern lum ber m an u fa c ­ th e ir arm em ents. A considerable portion of the brown man's protection by the Ain-; tu re rs thought if ever the tim e cam e w hen they press is urging the United S ta te s g rea tly to in­ ericau mission and the Japanese , could dom inate the lum ber m ark et th ey would cre a se arm am en t on sea and land in o rd er to navy, and manned by an already have "th e world by th e tail w ith a down hill pull. ' " p ro te c t” itself. eager and worshiping crew. Due to c u ttin g o ut in o th e r regions th e tim e has T here never w as a nation th a t could so protect T H E ENO com e w hen th e w est coast predom inates in wood itself. Greece tried it, and Rom e and Spain and but tim es have changed and the lum ber industry G erm any and Russia, and they all fell. Is not so good as it w as a few y ears ago due to T h e best protection for a nation is for It to POLLARDS RETURN FROM th e increased use of wood su b stitu tes. form som e kind of com bination w ith o th er n a ­ BIG CHURCH CONCLAVE tions which public sentim ent will endorse th a t T he W est Coast L um berm en's association has shall abolish w ar a s a final arbiter. Methodists pa veil the way for the s ta rte d on a stre n u o u s cam paign to advertise and T h e m ost hopeful sign today is th a t people nr« Republican national convention bv ,um ber and ex^ c t? rh . $Jni«o finding o u t th a t w ar not only co sts them m oney using the big audltoriuip which Is tc“ OtH th is year. It proposes o and valuable lives, but destroys property and sets house the political gathering In the m ethods which have b rought wood su b stitu te s business general conference which has Just to th e front, several s ^ S le " la m ifa c tu re rs of * R wouW “ & gOfX, th |n g |f pyery boy girl which a re spending over a m u « J : In th e co u n try w ere com pelled to serve tw o y ears Dr. »mi Mr» w . h. pollard. who fo^ uc'’ Promotion- i „„,*»«««»««•< u n d er th e tu te la g e of arm y officers In co n stru c t- intended the big church meeting, re- T he success of th e. 7„. ' th 2 ing g re a t public w orks, such a s th e Boulder Dam turned to Springfield Friday evening venture depends upon the. and the M ississippi R eclam ation projects. ¡after be,ng gone aim««. . month sm all o p erators, of w hich t h e r e t a r e 50 or bO in Thei«e nQ o^ c d o n to univereal conscription The sso dH„ atea a, th,. church Lane county, to, cooperate and becom e m em bers f universal and if it is not urim arilv for the 7 7. 7 t - h h of the association. T he dues for this w ork is 10 » J “ a n i' ‘ . and P" U a ™> d 7 7 ? ’ " “ °r" r e n t« nor th o u s a n d board feet cut Due to th e I *)UrPose °* nKn u n K- lne8t noys anil g ir ts wouiu f(,rme(j „ mere handful In the big c e n ts per th ousand i Doaro eet • , , .„ be potential soldiers in case we w ere ever a tta c k - auditorium Dr Pollard th « fact th a t m any of th e sm all mills feel unable to “».„i_____ _____________ ,— ------„„.„v , »“«tonum, ur. eoiiard reported The y th is am o u n t and th a t in ThTpast* t h ^ h a ^ , ° T " ' pay en Door o rganizers th e outcom e of th e financ- n a tu re of a provocation near the apaaMera. platform. been poor o rganizers war to other nations. . „ ... „ ing th e plan is not assured. Som e w ay or o th e r we m ust give up our arm s ' *7 “r< *’‘re " B ut it is of th e u tm o st im portance to th e lum ­ and defer questions of in te rn atio n a l dispute to i > “r ' ay" iey "pent ber m an u fa ctu rin g industry, to business and gen­ som e o th e r a rb iter th a n class nationalism . i 7 Knott.. . eral prosperity of Oregon and W ashington th a t One hopeful sign is th a t plans of peace are j " *' " ““ *• Artaon*« and this prom otion plan go forw ard vigorously— openly discussed in in te rn atio n a l councils. T h e , ’ n ' e* " Los Angel«-« for otherw ise the dem and for lum ber is going to fall late Pan-A m erican C ongress w as full of peace | ",x The two d ,y " ,hey off instead of stre n g th e n and the price will qon- t a lk I ’n 8“n Franclgco were extremely tinue to be poor. And peace talk in g brings peace, ju st as w ar . fo wh,ch has been troubling him for fo restratio n , th e lum ber of th is co u n try is going th e efforts of peace th e b e tte r will be our pros- BOn>e Mme. None of them gave him to be all c u t off. O ur chief resource will be gone pects. much encouragement, he said. and th e sta te will have go tten little profit in r e ­ tu rn — barely o p eratin g expense in m any cases. EUGENE BAND WILL And while th e price is so poor fo r lum ber, private en terprise is not going to u n d ertak e refo restra- PLAY AT COUNTY PARK M U N IC IP A L P L A N T S S H O U L D GO ON T A X RO LL tion. (Corvallis Gaxette-Times) • A program will be played by the W ith proper advertising and wood prom otion, j inferior products will not be used so extensively ft' Because the Ignorant and the spiteful people of Port Eugene Municipal band In the East in place of lum ber, th e m a rk e t will stre n g th e n land voted down a plan to merge the two power caoipanfet Park at Eugene, Friday evening, June until lum ber can be m an u factu red a t a profit and of that city and thus rwluce the cost of electric energy, 15, as its third concert. The band will play every Friday evening dur­ th e ind u stry can be p erpetuated in the no rth w est ; and alw ays be th e leading enterprise. T he public Portland may lose a $6,000,000 Industrial plant that iwants ing the summer and their concerts will w atch w ith m uch concern th e efforts of the to locate there, and which would employ 250 men. The will be worth attending by music plant may now go to Tacoma because of a cheaper electric lovers. Prof. H s McCurley. who has lum berm en to organize th e industry. current. Tacoma has a municipal plant.—the most advant­ Editorial Comment. An A ustralian flew hom e from th e United S ta te s last week. Probably if all these av iato rs who w ant to cross th e ocean on wing w ere tak e n to som e o th er co u n try they would be m ore su c ­ cessful flying hom e th an aw ay from hom e. e e « One man tells how he got his s ta rt by picking up a pin. It was a diam ond stick pin and he sold it for $1000. e « e We bet th a t th e Italia crew th in k s th e fellow w as “all w et” who w rote the song ‘ I t’s nice to sit on a cake of ice.” • e e Laugh and th e world lau g h ts with you; weep and your m akeup runs. • • • ^ U ^ ^ jo o ir^ o o H jlK ^ v o rk s b o t^ ^ a ^ ^ G. 0. f'. Convention Highlights piloted so many high school hands to ageously located for cheap current of any plant in the state recognition, is the new director. world either privately or publicly owned In addition, it Following Is the program: pays no taxes. The P. E. P. company alone pays out In ! March, “From Tropic to Tropic" taxes to Portland and the state of Oregon as much money ' Russell Alexander, in taxes as the entire revenue of the Tacoma plant. On«- t Overture, "Mazeppa" ... Franz Mahl 1 of the much needed laws in this state Is one that will j Waltz. "lx»ln du Bat" g. Olllet 1 place all such property on the tax to II b the snme as other j Overture. "Poet and Peasant” property. Nobody should be more Interested In this kind ' of legislation than the farmer. If the municipally owned , ...................... - .... .............. Fr. v Suppe' Characteristic Novelty. "On the property of Oregon were on the tax rolls, It would raise g p Goldman state valuations enormously and thereby lower the amount : Bunt ! Valse, “Fascination" Frank H. Grey! of taxes levied on farm property. All thin property. In­ American Fantasia. "Gems of Stephen j cluding property that municipalities and counties have takes over for delinquent taxes, should be Immediately ' Poster” ............... Theo. M. Tobanl I placed on the tax rolls, not only that it might bear Its Just . Overture. "Sky Pilot" A. M. Laurens * Star Spangled Banner. « burden of the cost of government, but that It might not be forever a burden on other property and other Industry TRAIN SCHEDULE which it is now in unfair competition. If to this were add­ Springfield Stop« ed the valuation of the churches'and lodges In the state, to ! The schedule Includes three north-, say nothing1 of the several dollars worth of intangibles, ; bound and three southbound trains. I the tax rate in Oregon would be materially lowered. The northbound trains are: No. 1C (flag, at 4:27 a. m.; No. 32, 2:30 p. I By Albert T. Reid m ; No. 8, 3:56 p. m. Southbound trains are: No. 31, i 6:4« a. m.; No. 7 (fla*), 2:30 ft m .; No. 16, (flag,. 9:33 p. m. It wan re|«»rted. Mr «tel Mr». II E. Maxey drove to the edge of the lav« «ml rviturned by llelknap Spring«, turning around there on gocouut of the heavy fog. Qlrl Injure« F m g « r — The «mall duughler of Mr». Hurry Hhanan was I trea ted Hundny a fter «he had mashed her linger In a door. FLY KILLS 'em dead SPRAY Al harUwfW«. •$««««• ••••! dmggiHe. tJll lu«* h -* *••**•»»»• r A .k « i in k it« ur nieanure we receive. o H w t v U m T h East Broadwny Street to try to give m ore th an ___ Qv. SlurmcmW Bloody L V L S IG H T Suite *31 M iner Bldg. SOLC Eugene, Oregon, A, Telephone M2 A ny trip East can be a Circle Trip — i f you go via Southern Pacific, through California and circle back o ver N o rth e rn lines. This summer g a more for your travel funds. No mat­ ter what your eastern destination go one way, return another. You can see the whole Pacific (.oast and much of the United States at only slightly higher fare. First to ( ahfornia overthe spectacular S hasta R< >UTB. Enjoy cosmopolitan San Francisco, Los Angeles, H o lly ­ wood, San Diego,—world-famed beaches and resorts— can he in the enchanted circle of your trip east. From California, go eastward over any of the follow ing routes, w ith choice of routes returning via northern United States or Canadian lines. The Sunset Circle **•*..>• Round the rim offclte U nited States. F irst on the "Sunset L im ite d ,’' famed round the world, via El Paso and the old South to quaint, romantic New O r­ leans. Then by rail, or at no more cost (meats and berth included in your rail fare) enjoy 1(M) golden hours at sea to New York by Southern Pacific Steamship. I he Golden State Circle RELIEF FROM CURSE a n ,° F CONSTIPATION A Battle ( reek physic?«, says, "Con stlpation Is responsible for more mis- ery than any other cause.** But Immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Orderlies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the system Into the lazy dry. evacuating bowel called the colon. I he water loosens the dry food waste and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. From Los Angeles to Chicago "Golden State Lim ited” in its 6 l 1/^ hours, spreads before you the historic Southwest; a glim pse o f O ld M exico at J .„;c z , 5 minutes from F.l Paso? Thence to Kansas City, Chicago & m idw ’-st points. 'The Overland Circle Ktop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at the nearest Rexall Drug Store— (Adv.) N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G Notice Is hereby given that the un­ dersigned Amanda May Pinkstaff. ex ecutrlx of the will and estate of Mary J. Landrlth, deceased, has filed her final report therein and the County . « Lane Coun,F. Oregon, has set Friday July 6th, 1928. at 10 A M at the County Court Room In the court house at Eugene for final hear-' Ing therein and nny objection should .be filed or presented on or before or at said time. Dated and first published June 7th 1928 AMANDA MAY PINKSTAFF, Ex- ecutrlx. WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney J. 7-14-21 -28: JI.5: From San Francisco follow the Overland Trail of '49, via Lake Tahoe, the scenic Sierra, to your Colorado or Utah destination. O r direct to Chicago on the "San Francisco Overland Limited*," in 611^ hours. Low Roundtrip Fares Summer excursion fares on and after May 22. Return lim it October 31. Stopovers anywhere. Your choice of routes. Let your local agent help you plan your trip via S ou th ern P acific CARL OLSON, Agent V