I THURSDAY JUNE 14, 1028 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS las sifted Ads FOR SALES—Carbon paper In large ■beets, 26x39 inches. suitable for making iraelnga The News Offlce PAGE THREE Red Hair and Blue Sea At the tree Olive stood among un­ N O T IC E TO C R E O IT O R 8 N O T IC E OF SALE Notice la hereby given that the un easy guards, hands bound behind deralgned haa been appointed Admin- O F G O V E R N M E N T T IM B E R him, feet tied, noosing hemp drawn latrator of the Estate of Willie Emery, deceased, by the Court of Lane Coun­ General Land Office, Washington, O taut across its limb. C., May 10, 1928. ty, Oregon AU peraona having claima “Look at him—yer rope round hla against the said eatate are hereby Notice la hereby given that subject notified to preaent the same, properly to the condltiona and llmltatlona of neck," Burke reproached. "Waiting, verified, to the underalgned at the the act of June ft t iso n .. . vi.V ofllc. of Well» A W ell., Bank of Com- 1 and p,,riuant fo d,îpiî.m e„t«l r e « l i ' poor sucker, for y't’set him free. Thia mere« Bid«.. Eugene. Lane County, j tlo n a o f April 14 t• Umber on the following land» will for you. But when It comes yer turn?” date of the flrat publication of this be »old June 25, 192», at 10 o'clock a. He laughed with brutal Insinuation. FOR HALE—One 17" s 22" Ann Arbor , NOTICE! OF SHERIFFS SALE < 1 notice. FOR SALK W OOD She could scarcely form the sourds. •'Columbia" Steel hay Imler. Used EXECUTION OF FORECLOSURE Date of the flrat publication May m. at public auction at the U. 8 Izind But at last she gt.aped out: "Let— Old Growth Fir. Becond Growth Fir. office at Roseburg, Oregon, to the throe aeaaona Ready to run. Priced Notice la hereby given that by vlr- 24. 1928 Oak, Ash. AU lengths. Phone Spring to aell. W I, McLagan, T an gen t.- ‘tu® of aD execution and order of aale HAROLD J WELIJ», Administrator highest bidder at not leas than the ap­ him—go." praised value aa shown by this notice, , 1» forecloaure laaued oat of the Circuit WELLS A WESLLS. Attorneys. SeM 104. tf. Olive knew not the iwords but ha Oregon. sale to be aubject to the approval of knew theslr meaning. “Never!" he J 7 ■’ Court of laine County. Oregon, on the Ma 24 31: Je. 7-14-21: the Secretary of the Interior The ,, J. Z I 21»t day of May. 1»28, In a ault where- TAINTING and Kalamnlnlng In all 11« uviri iiB'W'e “* *** * ®treet' | In on March 6th, I»28. in aald court, purchase price, with an additional cried. “Tell her—tell her she shall N O T IC E O F A N N U A L branch«». Reduced Prlcea. Roy Springfield Furnished or unfurn­ Kathryne L. Wayland, plaintiff, re­ aum of one-flfth of one per cent there­ not give herself for me.” SCHOO L M E E T IN G Koch Call 125-J. covered Judgment agalnat defendant«, ished, Inquire at above addreaa. At this moment, however, there NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to of, Wring commissions allowed, must Alva A. Rice and Mary M Rice, for the legal voters of School District be deposited at time of aale. money rose from the outskirts of the crowd, J. 7-14. to be returned If aale la not approved the »urn of *350000 with Intereat No. 19, of I/ane County, State of Ore­ S E P T IC T A N K S — **** r ^1~L~ NT cl T ij J--r.--.-j-.-_-_ __- . thereon at 8% from February 0th, gon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL otherwise patent will Issue for the a startled warning. “Zapanee. . . . Ready for you to Inatall A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E 1926, and for the further aum of MEETING of said District will be timber, which must be removed with­ Zapanee, he com e!” Fof family of live — *21 00, Eugene Burke, with an oath, snatched up IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF THE *600 00 aa attorney fee», and In which held at Springfield City Hall; to begin in 10 years. Bids will be received For family of eight — »2« 00, Kugene STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOIt ault the defendant» C. E. Shumway at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M on the from citizens of the United States, his binoculars. Three boats from the associations of auch citizens and cor­ TH E COUNTY OF LANE IN PRO- I “ n,i K Shum way recovered Judg- third Monday of June, being the 18th Sewer Pipe. Well Curbing. Drain Tile porations organized under the laws Okeyama were already close. Rlflea ment agalnat thp »aid Alva A. Rice day of June, A. D. 1928. BATE and Chimney Block» In re Eatate of Henry Wllllama, de and Mary M Rice for the aum of Thia meeting la called for the pur­ of the United States, or any State, bristled. EU G EN E CO NC RETE P IPE CO. *942.79 with Intereat thereon at 8% pose of electing One Director to serve territory or district thereof only. Up­ While the others ran, Ponape Burke ceaaed. Notice la hereby given that I, M ike from March 30, 1920, and for the aum Three Year», and One Clerk to serve on application of a qualified pur was carried only a step or two by chaser the timber on any legal sub- of *100 00 aa attorney fee», which Hogan, the underalgned, nm the duly N O TIC E TO CR EO ITO R S One Year, and the transaction of busi­ division will he offered separately be the aclmal instinct of selfpreserva- Judgment» were enrolled In the office ness usual at auch meeting. Notice la hereby given that (lie un appointed, qualified and acting admin of fore being Included In any offer of a I tlon- Then he stopped, started on, the County Clerk of Izine County, Dated thia 5th day of June, 1928. deralaiu‘d I*. J Bartholomew haa latrator of the above entitled eatate; ATTEST: R. W. SMITH, District larger unit. T. 3 N . R 2 W . Sec. 3, turned back. been appointed iidtiflnlatrutor of the that all peraona owing the aald Eatat Oregon, on March 6th, 1928, and NW>4 NEU , yellow flr 600 M, red flr i eatate of Zlhu Ih-nny deceaaed, hv any debt or obligation »hull pay the ! wl,l * l " ' ‘ eatate , ment», Intereat and attorney fee», and red cedar 60 M, T. 15 8., R. 6 W , 8»c' , Inadequacy of its expression. J. 7-14; ngnlnai aald catnie will preaent aame wmch.wa i « " r u in g coats, by the sale of the fol red flr 350 M, none of He snatched forth the revolvers. He duly verified aa hv law required to of i i i v n t i i > » m v ' i t .?» v »', m i ", »'»W -I *l,w ldK described real property, upon the timber on these sections to be 1 ».„„m fnr h„r v „ m i » i i i h„iv the underalgned administrator at the W illa m e tte Mir. r us, ' “ ,,-ry' 71' ¡which I have heretofore duly levied, SUM M O NS »old for less than »2 25 per M for the I battle for her. Yea, kill h.tif l.aw office of Whitten Hwafford, 316 » iimiiHH(*> Eugene. Orernn. 1 tr»-w,t ■ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE yellow flr and »1.50 per M for the a do2en o i those Japs. But—to what Tiffany Bldg . Eugene, Oregon, on or within six months from the »late of STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE red flr and red radar. T. 11 S.. R. 1 i avail? Fighting or no. he'd lose her. Beginning at a point 1061.5 feet before alx innntha after thia ilute. the flrat publication of thia notice, COUNTY. t4 SW14, yellow flr "I can’t go on without you,” ne Weal of a point in the center of the Ralph W. Moaburg, Plaintiff, Vs., Dated and flrat published June 7th. which la June 14. 1928 385 M. red flr 725 M, white flr 50 M. County Road known aa the River 1921 MIKE HOGAN. Administrator. Mabel Velma Moaburg, Defendant. T. 8 8., R 2 B„ Sec 31, SW>4 NE>4, burst fortr, “and they won t let me P J. BARTHOLOMEW. Adminis­ II E SLATTERY, Attorney for Ad Road, which point la North 8 To Mabel Velma Mosburg, defend­ red flr 2700 M. 8E«4 NWU red flr 1850 go on with you. But If I can't live, degrees 4 0 mlnutea W e s t 1.77 ant: trator. Eatate of Zlba Denny, De­ mlnlatrator. M. NWU SE’4 red flr 2600 M, 9WI4 I can die—»with you.” chains of a point 49 02 chains ceased J. 14-21-28; Jl 512: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 8EU red flr 1600 M. NE>4 SW14 red He broke into the old laugh. East o f t h e Southwest c o r n e r OF OREGON; WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney You are hereby re­ flr 1925 M, SEU SW<4 red flr 1550 M, of the L. E. Davis Donation Land quired to appear and answer the com­ The boats, as one frantic glance J 7-14-21 28: JIB: T. 10 S., R. 3 E„ Sec. 1. Lot 4 yello Claim No. 42. In Township Seventeen plaint filed against you in the above 8 U M M O N 3 flr 420 M. none of the timber on these ¡ told hl8 T*cti«n. were still too far to „ ___ I GT) South of Range Four (4) West of entitled suit within five weeks from to be sold for less than *1 50 aid. The natives all had fled. Only S U M M O N S COURT OF THE I the Willamette Meridian, running the date of the first publication of this sections _ __ per M for the yellow and red flr and Olive remained; bound hand and ORBOON FOR LANE i thence North 360.3 feet, thence West »"mmT ,.n a ‘" T'V In The C ircuit Court of the State of flT«..WeeV . / rO,ni ’ 1 0 < l • * the“white K t .' T. 16 S„ Oregon, In and for Lane County. , , n. ! 84 feet, thence South 360.3 feet, thence thia 7th day of June, 1928, and if you r i w .. Sec 27, NE<4 SE’4 red flr foot, the rope from the noose drag­ Donald W. McKinnon and Pearl Mc­ Lida Scoggln, Plaintiff, vs., Ray Scog East 84 feet to the place of beginning fall to appear or answer for want looo M T 10 M R l w q . , vi ging across the limb above. gin. Defendant I all In Lane County, Oregon. Kinnon. hla wife. Plaintiff«, va. thereof the plaintiff will apply to said S E ^ red £ . s30 M cedar To Ray Scoggln. Defendant: Olive was writhing to sunder th«'’ Harry WaRer Ragan and Jane Doe Now, therefore, In the name of the court for the relief prayed for In said 50 M. 8W<4 SE>4 red flr 865 M. -ed Ragan, hla wife, Vivian Francea In the name of the State of Oregon: State of Oregon. In compliance -with complaint, which is for a decree of sennit cords which bound his rms Ragan and John Doe. her huaband, You are hereby required to appear aald execution and order of sale and aald court for the dissolution of the cedar 30 M. white flr 10 M. S E '4 Olive— blood dripping from wrists and Darell Wayne Ragan and May and answer the complaint flled In order to aatlsy aald Judgment, Inter­ marriage relation now existing be­ SW14 red flr 806 M. red cedar 15 M, torn In his struggle— hurled him self T 8 8.. R 6 W.. Sec. 7, NW>4 NWU Doe Ragan, hla wife, and alao all agalnat you In the above entitled ault attorneys fees, costa of ault and tween aald plaintiff and said defend­ red flr 1130 M. SW ’4 NW>4 r J flr against the madman. The concussion other persona or parties unknown within four weeks from the date of est. ant and for such other and further rosta. I will on Saturday the 1236 M, none of the timber on these claiming any right, title, eatate. Ren the flrat publication of this Summons, accruing 36th day of June, 1928, at the hour of relief as to the court may appear sections to be sold for less than *1.75 of hts bulk threw Ponape back. The or Intereat In the real eatate do» bullet which would have pierced equitable. The order directing the crlbed In the Complaint herein. De to-wtt, four week» from thia 17th day one o'oclock In the afternoon of said service of the summon herein by pub per M for the red flr, *1.50 per M for of May 1928, and If you fall to appear Palmyra's brain flew harmlessly Into the red cedar and »1.00 per M for the day, al the Southwest front door of fendanta. °i,» an?»W*'," /or w,anl Iherei.f the plain the County Court House, ln Eugene, llcatlon thereof Is dated June 6, 1928. white flr T. 2 8„ R. 4 E.. Sec. 35. space. and directs publication once each To Harry Walter Ragan and Jan» tiff will take a decree agalnat you for I^ne County, Oregon, offer for aale NE>4 SW ’4 green red flr 600 M. red The islander, by a supreme effort, Doe Ragan, hla wife, Vivian Francea the dissolution of the marriage rela­ and aell for cash, at public auction, week for five consecutive weeks. Date cedar 240 M, T. 18 S„ R. 7 W , Sec. 1, Ragnn and John Doe, her huabund tion now existing between said plain­ aubject to redemption as provided by of flrst publication Is June 7. 1928, Lot 3. green red flr 500 M, dead red snapped his bindings. He seized the and Darrell Wayne Ragnn and Mary law, all of the right, title and Inter­ and date of last publication la July 5, flr 300 M, Lot 4 green red flr 650 M. other. He crushed his master to I.... Itugan. hla wife, and also all other tiff and aald defendant and auch other est of aald Alva A Rice, and Mary M 1928 dead red flr 210 M. none of the timber ALTA KING, Attorney for Plaintiff. on these sections to be sold for less him like a gorilla. But the hand that persona nr partiea unknown claiming relief that to the court may appear Rice aa judgment debtors and of said held the revolver was yet, for the Residence, Eugene, Oregon. any right, title, eatate, Hen or Inter equitable. than »2 per M for the green »ed flr order directing the service of C. B. Shumway and L. E. Shumway J 7-14-21-28: J1.5: It flashed In. the eat In the real eatate described In the the The summons and *1.50 per M for the red cedar and moment free. and of Oeorge IT Bloomer as aubsepu- herein by publication Complaint and nlao described below thereof la dated May 16tb. 1928 anil j ent Ren holders, and all persona dead red flr. T. 29 9 . R 11 W., Sec muzzle pressed against Olive’s side. IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATP. The hand, gripped convulsively, direct publication oneg each week for »'burning by, through or under them or SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN 24, Lot 5. white cedar 330 M. yello O F O R B O O N : You and each of yea four auccesalve weeks. F O R EC LO SU R E O F T A X L IE N flr 300 M red flr 200 M white flr 40 forced the hammer up toward jtg f a u , any or either of them In and to said are hereby required to appear and ,__ IN THE CIRCUIT. COURT OF THE M, red cedar 20 M. Lot 12 white cedar i K Dale of flrst publication Mav 17th. premises. blow. answer the Complaint tiled agalnat 1928 STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 500 M, yellow flr 1450 M, red cedar PRANK ETAYLOR. Sheriff., you In the above entitled suit, within But now, astonishingly, all move- 20 M, none of the timber on this sec- COUNTY. A WINTERMEIER. Attorney By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. four week» from the date of the drat fnr C. Plaintiff, i Lewis I/aChapelle, Plaintiff, vs. Anna Don to be sold for less than »2.00 per ment ceased. Residence Eugene, Ore­ Ma. 31: Je. 7-14-21-28: publication of thia Summons, and If gon. Blackburn, and John Doe Black M. for the yellow flr, *1.50 per M for , Firing from a distance, someone you fall Io answer, for want thereof the red fir and red cedar. *1.00 per M . . . _ burn, her huaband, Defendants. M 17-24-31: J. 7-14: S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N for the white fir and »9.00 per had drilled Ponape Burke through hla the plaintiffs will take a decree IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1111To. * nna R|ackhurn. and John Doe agalnat you aa prayed for In the Com M for the white cedar. T. 16 S„ 1 evil heart. STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E , X "• plaint herein, adjudging and deter E X E C U TO R 'S N O T IC E R. 2 W., Sec. 5. S E ’4 N E 4 yellow fir j Bqt, alas, the steel bullet had no* mining that the plaintiffs herein are In the County Court of the State of COUNTY OF LANE. , THE NAME OF THE STATE 100 M. red flr 1200 M. SW ’4 NEU 1 8tODDed its a .» u 7 red flr 1100 M. hemlock 150 M. red j ltS T ° rk Perfo^ d- « had owner» In fee of the real eatat» Susan Campbell. Plaintiff, Vs., James , OF OREGON: You are hereby notl- described aa follows, to-wtt: lz»t one ’ Oregon In and for the County of - a »» of».' wrvarw a» 1 vea i trashed on through the body of the R Billings and ........... Billings, his ( fled that Lewis LaChapelle the holder cedar 70 M. SE’4 NW>4 red flr 1350 j Lane, In Probate. (1) block Two (2). Willamette heroic brown man who fought for her. 'Wife; Martha A. Lewman and E. E. j of Certificate of Delinquency num- M. rod cedar 50 M. nene of the tlm- Heights Addition to Springfield, In In re Estate of Alice Bean McGuire, Lewman, her husband; Nancy A. i hered 2103 Issued on the 13th day of her on this section to be sold for less The girl shreiked out, fell fainting. deceaaed. Ijtne Countv, Oregon; and that the Carner and Thomas Carney, her ! April, 1925. by the Tax Collector ot than *1.75 rer M for the red and And then, as these three lay there aald defendants and each and all of Notice la hereby given that the un­ husband; Leota M. Alexander and the County of Lane. State of Oregon. yellow flr and »1.00 per M for the red you have no right, title, estate, lien deralgned, Albert O. McGuire, haa ............. .. Alexander, her husband; for the amount of One Hundred Three cedar and hemlock T. 18 S.. R. 6 W, came a sound of hoofs, and a muddy or Intereat In or to aald premia»», or been appointed executor of the above Thomas A. Billings and Helen Bill- and 75-100 (*103.75) Dollars, the same Sec. 35. N E 4 9W>4 red flr 835 M. foam-flecked horse plunged up the any part thereof, and for auch oth«r nltltled estate by the above named Ings, his wife; Etta M Billings, a being the amount then due and delln- red cedar 14 M. none of the timber on , village path with John Thurston and further relief aa to the Court may Court, that all peraona owing debt» widow; William I. Smith and Cassie quent for taxes for the year 1923 this section to be sold for less than He sprang from hia saddle, flung to the aald eatate shall pay the same seem meet and equitable. 1. Smith, his wife; Nettle C. Christy j together with penalty. Interest and »1.25 per M. Thia Summons Is served upon you to me anil that all persons having aside the gun, caught the unconscious and ............... Christy, her husband; | costs thereon upon the real property WILLIAM SPRY. Commissioner. hy publication by virtue of an order claims against the said estate shall girl up in his arms. Ruby Barrett and Conrad Barrett. ‘ assessed to yon. of which you are the Ma. 31: Je. 7-14-21- of the lion G. F. Sklpworth. Circuit preaent the aame to me with vouchers her husband; Hulah M. Billings, owner as appears of record, situated Wren Palmyra Tree at last opened Judge, dated and died May 29. 1928, attached at the law office of my at and Billings, her husband: in said County and State, and particu­ her eyes, she gazed up at John Thurs­ directing that thia Summons be lorney, H. K. Slattery, 717 Willamette William Billings, single; and Jack larly bounded and described as fol­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE served upon you by publication In the Street, Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, Billings, single, and also all other lows, to-wlt: ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ton for a bewildered moment. Springfield Nnwa, once each week for within alx months froi the date of persons or parties unknown claim­ Side by side two bodies lay. The East half of the Northeast Notice Is hereby given that bv vir­ a period of four week». The date of the flrst publication of this notice ing any right, title, estate. Hen or quarter, the Southwest quarter of the tue of an execution and order of sale Palmyra snatched herself back » the flrat publication 1» May 31, 192R which Is May 24, 1928 Innterest In the real property des- Northeast quarter, and the southeast In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- from John , 8 |f h)g WELLS A WELLS Attorney» for ALBERT G. McGUIRK, Executor. crlbed In the complaint herein, De- : quarter of the Northwest quarter of cult Court of Lane County. Oregon. uurueu. H. E. SI/ATTERY, Attorney for Plaintiff»; Residence Hnd P. O. Ad­ fendanta. j Sec. 28. Tp. 17, South Range 4 East on the 29th day of May, 1928. In a “And It was you,” she cried rigid la »aid Eatate. dress, Eugene, Oregon. To Ruby Barrett and Conrad Bar-j of the W lllam eye Meredlan, In Lane su*t wherein on the 28th day of Mav, horror, “you who fired? Oh," she wall­ Ma. 24 31: Je. 7-14 21: Ma/ 31; Je. 7-14-21-28: 1 rett, her .usband; Hulah M. Billing» | County, Oregon. 1928. In said court The Pacific Sav­ ed. “I cannot, cannot bear that 1* an and ............... Billings, her husband; You are further notified that said ings and Loan Association, a Wash­ should have been you—you who killed I Martha A. Lewman and E E. Lew- Lewis LaChapelle has paid taxes on ington corporation, olalntiff. recover­ Olive." 'man, her husband; Nettie C. Christy said premises for prior or subsequent ed Judgment against the defendants "But. Oh, no, no, no, lady,” _ the __ ' and Christy, her husband; and | years, iwfth the rate of Interest on said Samuel E. Llhbv and Lnra E. Llhhv | James R. Billings and ........... Billings, amounts as follows: hla wife for the sum of »2077.34 and ' surgeon interrupted In eager reas- A « L A F * A . -» his w ife;—Defendants; -----------------------------1 I m 1924. Date paid April 4. 1925. Tax I cpnt interest the rate ..Tu . is ‘ C no* “°Z -----------------------------------------12% per thereon annnm at from JfUr of r 10 19?# gurance *nis native ' man IN THE NAME OF THE STATE | Receipt No. 10108, *85 23, Interest OPT A u n u m ir u iu u««i. t . ripnfi »1 Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving OF OREGON, You are hefehy re- 1925, Date paid April 13, 1926. Tax until paid, and for the further sum "' Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. qulred to appear and answer the com- Receipt No. 2255, *99.68, Interest 12%. o f *» no whirl, was a d v a n c e d fo r She looked at that form in shud- SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, 8peclal Attention plaint filed against you In the above I 1926. Date paid July 5. 1927. Tax search’»«: records, together with In dering suestion. WILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. to Obstetrics and Diseases entitled Court and cause on or before - Receipt No. 17,185, *102.77 Interest terest thereon at the rate of 10 pev "Bullet knocked him out a little,” OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE cent ner aeon-m from this date toveth four weeks from the date of the flrst 112%. of Children. explained the officer, "but it hit 633 Main Street publication of this Summons, and if i 1927, Date paid April 12, 1928, Tax er with the sum of *109 27 and in First National Bank Building Bucceesor to 8utton Transfer I you fall so to appear and answer, for j 7l" e,pt No' liM2, *108 08' Interest terest thereon at the rate of 10 ner i nothing to make this big man trouble, Springfield, Oregon cent per annum from March 6. 1928 He will be something like when the , want thereof the plaintiff will apph • SB(d ^ nnn Blackburn as the owner snd for the further sum of »190 00 »« prizeflvhter . »«eep ok to the Court for the relief demanded |ega| title of the above des- a reasonable attorney fee snd the , h‘ "* „ gets knocked l In said complaint, to-wtt : for a decree ^Ib« »! property aa the same appears costs and disbursements herein In the ; lne Jaw- WM. G. HUGHES adjudging and decreeing that the recor(, t an(j each of the other per sum of *15.60. which ’„dement w ss i At this flrst sentence Palmyra’s Hpe DR. W. N. DOW I plaintiff Is the owner In foe simple of sons above named are hereby further FIR I AN O A U TO IN S U R A N C E D e n tis t enrolled and docketed ’" the Clerk’s had parted In a gasp of relief Now i the premises described in the com­ notified that the plaintiff. Lewis La­ offlce of said court In ssM county on |n thp \ " p 1 re"®r' NOTARY RUBLIC First National Bank Building plaint and described as follows, to- Chapelle. will apply to the Circuit the 28th day of May. 1928 snd said , ’ th* ®®Ct ? * wa™red. closed Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon I wit; Offlee at Court of the County and State afore­ execution to me directed commanding | ner eyes dlkxlly, put out toward Thurs- Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. The West One Hundred Sixty- (180) said for a decree foreclosing the lien me In the name of the State of Ore-1 ton a grouping hand. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Evenings by Appointment feet of Lot Three (3- Block Twenty- against the property above discribed, gon. in order to satisfy said Judgment ggriwgffeld, Oregon John caught her to him once more three (23) Fairmont Addition to Eu­ and mentioned in said certificate. interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit gene. Lane County, State of Oregon; And you are hereby summoned to ap­ and accruing costs to sell th« to uphold her. His heart was aflame and every part thereof; pear within sixty days after the flrst following described real property, to- with the knowledge that that pathetic DR. N. W. EMERY And further decreeing thgt the de­ publication of this summons, exclu­ wlt: blind grouping had been for him; With fendants have not nor have either or sive of the day of said flrst publica­ Lot Seven (7) in Block Thlrty-flve her face upturned to his. appealing, O C N T IB T any of them any right, title, claim. tion, and defend this action or pay (35) in Gross' Addition to Eugene, close. Thurston, in that great yearn­ equity or Interest whatsoever in and ' (j,e amount due as above shown Lane County. Oregon. Sutton Bid» Rhone KM W. F. WALKER ing so long denied, could not resist; to the said real property, Or any part together with costs and accrued in- Now, therefore, in the name of the Reoldence Rhone 1B5-M thereof, and that the title of the plain- terest. and in case of your failure to State of Oregon, in compliance with would, despite the grinning audience, i tiff In and to the said premises he in , (jo RO. a decree will be rendered fore- said execution and order of sale and 8|>rlngfleld, Oregon i this suit forever quieted against the riOR|nK the Hen of said taxes and in ordor to sitisfv said Judgment, in­ have kissed her again and again. But Commander Sakamoto, of an defendants and each and all of them, rOsts against the land and premises terest, Rtto T-?ys fees, costs of suit snd accruing costs, 1 will on Saturday ever tactful race, was quick with a 228 Main St. Residence 126 C St i and that plaintiff have such other and above named. i further relief as to the Court may General Law Practice This summons Is published hy order the 30th day of June, 1928. at »he command which forced his unwilling 62 J 62 M | seem equitable. of the Honorable O. F. Sklpworth. hour of one o’clock in the afternoon This Summons is pub'ished once Judge of the Circuit Court of the of sa:d dnv. at the Southwest front men to the right-about: then chased I. M. PETERSON Full Auto Equipment each week for four successive weeks 8tate of Oregon for the County ol door of the County Court house, in the giggling villagers home with the Attorney-at-Law Lady Assistant 1 in the Springfield News, a weekly Lane and said order was made and Eugene, Lane Snnnty, Oregon, offer sword of a samurai. City Hall Building I newspaper of general circulation puh-J dated this 6th day of June, 1928. am, for sale and sell for cash, at public A burial detail had carried Ponape llsheil in I-ane County, Oregon, by ' the date of the flrst publication Is the auction, subject to redemption as pro­ Springfield, Ore. vided by law, ail of the right, title Burke forever away; Ponape, who had order of the Honrahle C P. narnard. 7th day of June 1928. ( County Judge of Lane County. Ore. I ^H process and papers In this pro- and Interest of said defenda. ts staked all—and lost all. j i,on, which order bears date the 16th ! »eedlng mhy be served upon the un- Samuel E. Libby and Lura E. Llhhy. FRANK A. DE PUE “And whon,” demanded John of j day of May, 1928, and the date of th • derstgned residing within the State his wife, and L. M. Travis. Inc., a Palmyra on the third day after; "and A T T O R N E Y A T LA W first publication of this Summons la , of Oregon at the address hereafter corporation, and ail persons claiming when shall the wedding be?” bv, through or under them or any or May 17. 1928. j mentioned. N O T A R Y P U B LIC JEW ELER "The wedding," ordained this girl, POTTER A KINO, Attorneys for ! WELL8 * WELLS Attorneys for either of them in and to said premises FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff.. Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office plaintiff. Residence and P. O. Ad- "piuat take place before we leave the Sutton Repairing o»Specialty Springfield, By BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. Address, Eugene. Oregon. | dress, Eugene, Oregon. Island. I insist, for one thing, despite Building Oregon Springfield, Oregon M. 17-24-31: J. 7-14: j j. 7-14-21-28; Jl. 6-12-19: Ma. 31: Je. 7-14-11-28: (Continued on Page 4) ,BPYINGIHtSniMfi.< B U S IN E S S 6CT RESULTS; D IR E C T O R Y m CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors D. W. Roof a mm m m m m