P age two Tl 11 KS DAY JUNE H, l!>2S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS M oh aw k Youth Shot TURKEY MEN DISCUSS THREE SPRINGFIELD Earl Humphreys, 10-yeurold son of MARKET ASSOCIATION STUDENTS GRADUATED Mr. and Mrs Floyd Humphreys of BIG INCREASE SHOWN FROM U. OF OREGON Advisability of organizing a Isme "The greatest mountains are yet •(> Poole* Have Guest — Mrs. Alice county turkey raisers association will ,. Ml** Milligan Here— Miss Belle , you can conquer them he conquered; Milligan of Walterville us here visit- Elliott of Lebanon is the guest of be investigated us a result of a meet- I The greatest sermons are yet to be Mrs. Charles P. Poole this week tag friends Monday afternoon. ing of turkey men ueld Tuesday after- 1 preached; you can preach them. W e j noon The association would deal Putnam In Salem—Lee Putnam Back From California—Mrs. Vivian principally with marketing problems, are staggered when we think of the discoveries which adventurous science went to Salem Monday to attend to Bailey and daughter, Echo June, ar­ it was stated. has made during the lifetime of on« business matter*. rived from Crescent City, California, A committee was named to canvass Tuesday evening after visiting there the situation, confer with Douglas young man. Yet the greatest dis Visit* Friend* Here — Mr*. Roy cuveries are still to he made; you can county turkey raisers who are form­ make them." This was the (heme of Howard of Cottage Grove was a visi­ for some time. ing a similar organization and report tor here with friends last tweek-end. the graduation uddress by Dr Jesse Rodenbough Has Birthday—About at a later meeting. The committee Jasper Shopper Her*— Mrs. Harry 30 friends of Mr. and Mrs. William consists of C. W. Godlove. motor route R Kellems, noted evangelist, given Mullen of Jasper was here Sunday on Rodenbough held a surprise party B; H. A. Stoneberg, Coburg; L. Chris­ before 560 students who received de­ grees at the fiftieth annual commence­ Tuesday in honor of Mr Rodenbough’s business. tensen. Eugene; Harvey Handley. Eu ment exercises at the University of birthday anniversary. gene motor route C; H. A. Pontius, Oregon Monday, June 11. Stacey* Have Daughter—A daugh­ Creswell route 1; R R. Gibson, motor te r was born to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. W a llo w a M an Here— Mr. and Mrs. Three Springfield student*. Mabel Stacey at their home in Walterville Authur Bushman have as their guest route A and E. W. Eyanson, Lorane. C. Roof, ThVIma E. Sweeney and Carl L. R. Breitpaut. extension tlpeclailst this week T. Shell of Wallowa. Ore­ Monday. L. Rice, received degrees at the ex­ gon. Mrs. Bushmau is a daughter of at O. A. C. discussed murketlng In ercises. Mabie lloof graduated with Attend Lebanon Fair—Mr. and Mr*. general and told of the turkey market­ Mr. Shell. Charles P. Poole and *on. Curtis, at­ ing system used by raisers In Idaho a Bachelor of Arts degree In English Thcltno Sweeney received u Bachelor tended the strawberry fair in Leba­ Astoria Woman Viaita—Mrs. C. A. and eastern Oregon. non last week-end. Burlinghame of Astoria is visiting Eleven of the 30 raisers at the meet­ of Arts degree in history and Carl her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ing Tuesday reported that they are Rice received his Bachelor of Arts Marcola Man Here—Among the out- Mrs. John Bushman in Eugene this arising 8000 turkeys to market next degree in physical education. of-town people here for medical at­ week. fall. The same raisers had only 3680 ' Mingling with the graduates of this tention yesterday was J. W. Wade of year were two from the first clast, turkeys last year. Marcola. Visit Mr*. Gorri*— Miss Maude that of 1878. These were Mrs Ellen Qorrie, Elery Pay and Dan England, Condon McCormack. Eugene, and George Poole Visits—George Poole all of Portland, were visitors over the WONDERS OF NEW YORK Judge Robert 8. Bean. Of Mill City was here last week-end week-end at the home of Mrs. C. I. DESCRIBED I N LETTER y Rev. Herbert 8. Johnson, '87, son FROM C. E. KENYON, JR. visiting with his parents, Mr. and Gorrie. of the first president of the Unlver- Mr*. Charles P. Poole. Some of the wonders of New York a**y. delivered the baccalaureate ser- Goes to Tillamook—Harold Poole Returns to Globe—Mrs. Ada Hurl leaves Friday for Tillamook where he as seen through the eyes of a western- mi’n Sunday morning at the Methodist butt returned to her borne In Globe will be in charge of the Roy Hinkle er are described in a letter received church at 11 o'clock. Rev Johnson last Saturday after spending a few funeral business for the next few this week by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ken­ also delivered the baccalaureate ser­ day* here recovering from a tonsil weeks while the regular proprietor Is yon from their son, C. E. Kenyon. Jr., mon Just 30 years ago. In addition to receiving their who has gone to that city to make his enjoying a vacation. operation. bachelor degrees, seven students urere home. Returns from Lake—Pratt Holver- Knee Is Injured-Blames Orem of There Is so much to see In New awarded honors for outstanding •on returned Monday evening from Springfield route 1 was here for medl- York that it Is disturbing to know «cholarshlp during their college car- Creacent Lake where he has been cal treatment Wednesday after he there Is so little time to see It all. ®*r8 The’r ar® Julla Braunlnger. Eu visiting his brother, Roy Holverson ■ had Injured one of his knees while The letter in part follows: <'*“«• En«ll8h department; Maxtn« and family. ¡ working In a sawmill. The Injury was “I have found Naw« York extremely Koon- portland- ; Alice South- ' not serious. Interesting. 1 think you would have w)c*t- Milwaukie, English; Marjorie Shopper* Are In—Among the Tues­ to live here for years before you Horton. Eugene, physical education; day shoppers were Floyd Root, Mo-1 Masons Raise Kessey—Dwight Kes could ever have a very thorough Ruth Newton. Klamath Falls, Journal­ hawk, R. V. Wyatt, motor route C, i a®y was SlT«“ the third degree Tues- knowledge of the city. Manhattan ism; Margaret Jackman, Eugene, Mrs. E. J. Fegles, Marcola. C. R. da7 evening when the Springfield Island is extremely interesting. It romance languages; and Lyle M Vea- Masonic lodge convened in the I. O. O Bylvester, Walterville. F. hall. A committee of the Order of Is here that all the big skyscrapers i,e ' Por,*and- romance languages, are situated. Wall street, famous Wit- Vieit Uncle Here—Mr. and Mrs. the Eastern Star served a banquet. world over, is one of these little nar­ SPRINGFIELD DELEGATES Homer St. Clair of Texhoma, Texas, arrived here Saturday evening to w i,l Go to Florence— Mayor and j row passages scarcely four blocks AT PORTLAND SESSION visit his uncle, J. W. Cowart, before Mrs. G. G. Bushman plan to drive to ( long, packed with people, aqd two Florence Sunday to look after pro- ; cars can barely pass each other In continuing on their way north. Six delegates from the Masonic perty which they have there. They ' the street. At the end of the street lodge and the Order of "the Eastern Returns to Oakland—Mrs. S. S. may later go to camp Clatsop to a t-j and in the shadows of towering g tar are attending the session ot the Hunt and grandson rwho have been tend visitors' day of the Oregon Na- buildings. Is the lovely and quaint visaing at the J. E. Lindsey home left tional Guard which .s encamped there ! old Trinity churt-h with its tall Masonic grand lodge in Portland this week. for their home in Oakland, California, steeple. Mrs. C. A. Swarts, Mrs. Arthur« Monday. Mrs. Hunt is Mrs. Lindsey s Lot Changes Hands—Mrs. Bertha ’ “Fifth avenue is another Interest­ Roberts and Mrs. Clark E. Wheaton. mother. K- Lowry of Eugene Tuesday sold a ■ lot on the corner of Water and E ing street, but it Is interesting In a 11 members of the Cascade chapter Second Street Graded—Rains early streets here to Harold I. Stewart who 1 different manner than lower Broad- o . E 8.. and Ira M. Peterson. Sidney In the week aided Street Commission- will build a residence there. The deal way and Wall street. It Is here all V. Ward and John F. Ketels of the er George Vallier in getting Second was made through the W. W Walker the wonderful shops are located. As Masonic lodge are In Portland for you proceed up Fifth you come to the session. street from Main to the bridge in realty company. Central Park where a large part ft shape. The street was graded and They will also see portions of the leveled. Scout Leaders Visit-*—The Boy Scout the wealthy people of New York live. Rose Festival program. As you look down the street as far leaders council of the Springfield Nice on Full Time—Ira Nice, half- troops visited a regular session of as you can see are large beautiful time clerk at the Springfield postof- Eugene troop 6 on Monday evening, homes and apartments. These apart­ flee, will be employed full time while The council is now making plans for ments rent all the way from »3500 Walter Gossler is attending the Ore- scout activities here during the month to (.35,000 a month." gon National Guard camp at Clatsop of July. The letter also describes a visit to beach. the Metropolitan art museum which I Gets Teaching Position — M is s Mr. Kenyon says is a place beyond Return to Coast—Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Evelyn Walker, daughter of Mr. and xÁ- accurate description. Crow of Reedsport returned to their Mrs. W. W. Walker, will teach in the tBBB ' home Monday after visiting in Spring- school in district 22 eight miles south field for a number of days. Miss of Eugene next fall. The local people WIVES WILL BE GUESTS AT CHAMBER GATHERING Violet Bosserman and Miss Crow ac- drove to Monmouth Sunday and companled them to the coast to spend brought Evelyn here. She has been Wives of members of the Spring- • week visiting. attending the state normal school field (-’»amber of commerce are in­ and graduated thia year. vited to attend the session of the i • Motorists are Cautious— Motorists Lane county chamber which Is to be 50 Hats, values to »7.85, for »1.98. driving through Springfield during the ! held here Thursday evening. June 21. past few weeks have been law-abid­ A dinner will be served at 6:30 in Dresses »16 95 values, at »9.95. ing and cautious, W. R. Davis, traffic the chamber rooms here. officer, reported today. No violator J. E. Shelton, newly elected presi­ 8TH AVENUE HAT SHOP has been reported at the city hall for dent of the Lane county group will at least two weeks. preside at the dinner and business 12 8th St. Vvest i meeting which is to follow. The road j Moving to Springfield—Mr and Mrs. Eugene, Oregon situation in I>ane county is to be dis­ Glenn C. Radabaugh are this week cussed. T. J. Flippin, Jr., has been We Give 8. A H. Green Stampe moving to Springfield. They will live i named permanent secret?ry of the in the residence at 115 Sixth street country organization. Just completed by W. A. Taylor. Mr. Radabaugh is employed by the Spring ' FOUR LOCAL GIRLS GET j field News. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentle no il III Ilice home Good home cook lug and nice com fortable roBins. Home prlvlleaea. Cull 13» J. Mohawk, was taken to the Pacific Christian hospital Tuesday after he Jie accidentally discharged a gopher guu into his right hand Fully '>0 shots were taken from the boy's hand when It was dressed at the hospital Or. E. T. Helms C h iro p ra c tie and ■ la d r o - T h e ra p y Specialising la V acatio n School End* P a ln ls s * and Bloodless Rem oval of laiNt meeting of the religious vn< > tlon school conducted by the Calhotli church under the direction of Rev Tonada 1». P. Curley iwus held yesterday v ____ morning Forty children have been 16lh year In Oregon practicing. enrolled III the classes uuder the Phone 201» I mice 1237 Ferry HI direction of the Catholic isistor woo Eugene reports a successful school. W. A. Hall the Shoe Doctor’» UFER E R V I C E OLE A V I N G A N I T A R I U M I C K HOES FOR 333 Main Street Not just repaired but R E B U IL T Real O I L We art» glad to recommend our oils to our customers. We sell only the best. Our oils have body and the quality that insures perfect lubrication under all conditions. Buy Gas and Oil here and be safe. “A ” Street Service Station 6th and A Streets- -Springfleld, Ore HAVE YOUR MOTOR REGROUND 4-CYLINDER 6-CYLINDER 4-WHEEL-BRAKES RELINED $12.50 $16.00 $8.00 J ELECTRICAL BRAKE TEST | | WHEEL ALIGNMENT TEST | PEMBROOKE & MORITZ H24 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon You’ll be pleased- Prepared by uh In all manner of tempting com bina­ tions of flavors and syrups Eggimann's Ice cream Is the most tempting you can Imagine. You’ll smack your lips In perfect estacy over a dish of our Ice cream. Oh Boy! Icy Me too. In all flavors. F G G IM A N N ’S "Where the Service is Different” AWARDS AT HONOR COURT Announcing the opening of the lar­ gest, most com pletely equipped optical ofjice in Lane counti]. Eight years of progress and grou?th; eight thous­ and satisfed customers;— demand neo» and larger quarters. L oo k for the big elec­ tric spectacles, opposite TheM cM orran &TL?ash- burnemainenti j. Mq success is due to serui c e,.—o J t e n w hen others fa il D r R o ija lG ic k OPTOMETRIST 821 W illa m e tte HL, Eugene ; 2 .» » » .* »-• * » > » > » » » «_• More Band Men Sign Up — More i names have been added to the roster ’ of the Springfield band, it was re- | ported this week by Harold K. Phil lips, manager. The band was formed two weeks ago. Prof. Andrew Landles, who will direct the new organization I is now In Canada on business. Four Springfield Girl Scouts re ceived merit badges at the big court of honor session held In Eugene Tues­ day evening. Adaline Perkins, Evelyn Harris, Barbara Adams and Doris Chase wpre among the scores of girls to receive awards for work they have accom­ Petersons in Portland—Mr. and ! plished since the last court of honor. Mrs. I. M. Peterson went to Portland ' Eva Ixmk has recently been chosen yesterday where Mr. Peterson will ! bugiar of the Springfield troop. Mrs. attend a meeting of the Masonic i Paul Basford accompanied the Spring- grand lodge. They will return here field girls to the court of honor ses­ ! today to prepare for a trip to the east : sion In Eugene. which they will begin eitner late this I week or early next. Shop Hire Saturday—Among the shoppers here Saturday were the fol- I lowing; Mrs. Cralger, Wendling; Satn-uel Todd, Walterville; Jamas Orem, Donna; Mrs. Sam Fawver and daughter, Harrisburg; James Blakley and brother, Elva, Wendling. Occupy New House—Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Philips moved Monday to the i new five-room house on A street be- j tween Sixth and Seventh which was I completed last (week. W. A. Taylor I is the owner of the new property. Pete Herrington supervised the con struction of this house and one other adjacent to it as well as repair work on the older residence at the corner of Sixth and A. RAINS ON COAST HALT HIGHWAY OILING WORK Rains in the coast country have delayed oiling work on the Corvallis- Newport highway and as a conse­ quence similar work on the McKenzie highway behween here and Walter­ ville will be held Sp, it was announ­ ced from the office of Raymond Walsh, resident engineer of the state highway commission, this morning. Although the rain did not extend to the interior In the volume It bath ed the coast country, the downpour was enough to halt oiling operations entirely at that place. It Is not likely that the work here will be started within this month, it was stated. WILL BE BREATHLESS WITH EXCITEMENT WHEN YOU READ EDISON MARSHALL’S THRILLING MYS­ TERY AND ADVENTURE STORY OF A BEAUTIFUL GIRL — A GREAT DETECTIVE A PROWLING TIGER \ MYSTERIOUS MURDER The Tiger Trail Starts in Next Issue of the SPRINGFIELD N EW S I