PAGE EIGHT TH U R Sr T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS “ Your «acred wont to free Olive FIRE CHIEF ATTENDING MISSIONAR unharmed (also (lie oth ers), mid I wHURCH BIG AUDIE M EETING AT MARSHFIELD give m yself up. lie shall not die for uie If you prom ise, cull loudly yes " A m lssiou aii play, "A W illing Fugi- S irlim lield Is represelileii at the llurke uttered a crow of victory sta le convention of lire c h ie f s in a ls tlva III Japan," was present»«! before Whlrliug toward that point from slon al Marshfield this week .less a large audience al Ihe Baptist church which he conceived the note Io have Smltapn. local chief, was sell! Wed Bunday evening The play wus spoil tvine, he pat his hands Io his mouth nesday to lake pari In the conference. sored ay Ihe m em bers of Ihe World and shouted: "No. no. N t)!!" Ih-uhlems of handling file and Are Wide tiuihl of Hi» church and i«aa A glad cry rose on her lips. But i shoulder against the g irl’s support, CHAPTER XIII. Then he clutched the boy by III» hazards sre discussed when chiefs directed hy Mrs. C hester Chase she suppressed It. drove from her I lowered hts g la sses, turned his head Burke had spoken of the brown wrist. "Show me where." Memla'rs of the cast were Ina from evsry seel Ion of the sta le get face the exultation form ing there I to speak to her. m nn'i a rrest His revolver m enaced; tile m es­ together with represeiilallviut of the lluhbard. Yernlce Hawke, Ruth Carl Her own salvation, this man's life. I Bui Palmyra was gone! M eanwhile. O live had tired of his ; ton. Miriam Klee, Lilia Zkohry. leather sta le lire m arshal's office depended on her caution. | At Burke's order the crew, load sen ger began io cry. enforced hath. Under the m uzzle of the big weapon Frost. Hazel Cofelt. Dorothy (lakes, Mr Hmttaon has been a delegate to The brown man opened his mouth tng rifles, began to go through the ’ Slow ly Olive began to move down the conferences during the past three Violet (lakes, Dorothea Beavey. Marin stream Scarcely did the leaves that and spoke aloud in the native tongue thatches. Fortunately for Olive. Pon at Burke's anger And he saw thut years that he has been chief here . Cofelt. Dalton llorton and a number if ape rem ained iy the open, bawling out hid his head »««m* to stir as they —direct to Martin his own people wavered. At last j sm alt children Olive's expression was that of com m ands and Im precations The skirted the hank, blending with the therefore, he raised a trem bling Church Night Friday But. though he search, u nsystem atic, w as still sin , , , leaves of the background Past form al politeness. The Bible study class of the C hrist­ Iow an a group A id L u n o h s o n H e ld Sentry Number One. past Number had seem ed to address the white man cere, for. though som e of the brawn *'l**.*lj (hatches ian church will hav« charge of the Two Finally a friendly turn of the he had not done so. What he hail seanven grinned be,Und the white The boy lialtelngly brought Ponape church night program to be held In | T hirty m em bers of (he centrsl divi- men's backs, none would have dated course and he could rise, dripping, said was this: Burke to a hut "In mere," lie j the church parlors Friday evening at i slon sm l 11 m em bers of (he north d ivi­ "Men of the village of Tanapal. pass the girl by. Yet the quest cover- and run for the suspected mangrove ered s o'clock T his will he m e last church sion of (he latdles Aid of Ihe Central listen here unto me. The high lady ed the islet without result. trail. Burke sprang under, dragged Ills night until fall Members o f thv* Presbyterian church of Rugena were It was when Ponape Burke had Trotting through the mud. he had Palm tree shall be saved. I speak the guide with him The house had been Loyal W om en's class will serve re entertained si the home of Mrs C I). stopped, com p letely at a loas. that a neared the outlander village. Then, way." Wllsor. Emerald H eights Tuesday searched before. It was em pty now. fresbm ents. Olive was continuing in the tones m essen ger cam e running from the hearing his name, he stopped, whirled afternoon The form er division acted The man's scrutiny took In every around, encountered one Taruk'. a o f courtesy, looking at Martin but Lupe'-a-Noa, The schooner could not aa host to the other group A regular detail. Then he turned und the boy MISS THELM A LAWSON IS member of Ponape Burke's crew speaking direct to the villagers In he got out. Diving, the natives had m eeting and social tim e follow ed a w as In real danger Suvage Irritation Taruk'. sm iling affably, emerged from a sen ten ce he appealeu to their found under the nose two of the lone WED TO WAYNE ELLIO TT i I o'clock luncheon • had all but overborne any sen se of | the thicket and the tw o shook hands cupidity, to their fear of the Japanese, hexagonal rocks from the ancient consequence. Miss Thelma Lawson, daughter of Olive slipped into that house third Then, without alteration of voice or wall. Suddenly Burke's ey es opened wide. I F rsad srlek t Buy Housa— Mr and Mr anil Mrs P, II. laiw soii of this He would have been aghast to from the land's end H e crouched, manner, he added for the interpreter. he leaped to the center of the house. I city, wus married Io Wayne Rlllolt of Mre. K R. Freaderlck are rem odeling the central support hiding his face. "Make w ords unto him. Any thing know that John Thurston had dis- stared up at the bundles of stiff bark Jasper Inst Thursday evening. The a dw elling house ar 730 B street which A glance showed the tide was m ov­ that shall m ean nothing and have a covered the v essel; hud reached her cloth, guve one a prisl with the re­ cerem ony was performed by B e y . I hey recently purchased. The Inter­ before the working party and while ing out. He could not await rein pleasant sound." volver. Gabriel Hi kes, pastor of the Methodist ior la being repainted und papered The Interpreter had got the idea her watchman was Irresponsibly ab­ forcem ents. From within there came a gasp of church, nt the home of the bride's tills w eek. They will move to the Opposite. Palnvyra s t i l l leaned o u t came a flood of com plim ent to sen t; had, in the brief interval of- pain residence as soon as Ihe remodeling parents which the white man made crude forded, made good use of his engln- against the post. Martin behind her. Palmyra tree had lost the blttbr Follow ing ih e cerem ony a buff-*t work la rouipleled response,. condescendingly amiable, eering skill. With a block and tackle the seated natives in front. fight Ponape Burke at last had w o n . supper was servnd. And so under the very nose of the and a light spar from the schooner, Then Olive, staking all on Burke's “Y'ahall see Olive hanged." h e said. CALL AND BUM Dr. N. W. Emery The couple left im m ediately for an . ... . . ,, absorption, strolled out from shelter, unsuspecting Martin, alm ost within Thurston. In a few m inutes, had un- on prices on p lates and other work. V autom obile trip Io southern Oregon. ____ ,. grinned brihzenly into the ey es of hearing of Burke. Olive worked out done a labor at which slaves must t Tanna. They will make their home nt Jasper the startled sentry, entered that side h is attack. hav” sw eated for days. He had We sp eela llle In Wwlsa brarlet He dragged her toward the tree. where Mr Klllott has a farm. And Ponape Burke him self gave the tumbled tw o of the sto n es off the . . . . . . . , . of the prison house where the na­ wnlch repairing. Hoyt's 331 Main Bt . . . . . . ____ ,. tives grouped. U nobtrusively, he signal. Springing up now. he bawled wal1 *n ,° the canal. The Pigeon would against teeth; the traitorous boy dropped am ong them. across to his m ate; “Ahoy.—ahoy not «gain until the month's highest ahead, self-im portant, unneourged by Haven't them dam' kanakas Hdes cam e to lift her over, N either the girl nor her guard noted there! I have taken a long tim e lea se on new and larger quarters at any sen se of guilt. A figure broke from among the h is coming. A native more or less got the Pigeon out yet? Give a hail 921 W illam ette street, Eugene. (N ext door to the W estern Union (T O BE C O N T IN U E O ) meant nothing. the moment y'sight her. T hese Japs men- went bounding along the path office and directly opposite .McMorrnn and Washburn«*’« Main en ­ toward the outer point, carrying In But as Palmyra waited, with down is maybe up t'som ething.” trance). Here I a n Installing the lineal, moat modern and com plete TW O CHURCHES W ILL He leveled his binoculars again up- Hs arm s a heavy burden. cast gaze, her fingers w orking aim optical office In I a(.hooI at 9 4 S Epwort„ MAKES ICE CUBES—FR EEZES D ESSER T I r K For lying there in the hat. veil and |.e a gUe at 7 o c iock - T h„ C()nfldpnr„ HOES raincoat was no Palmyra Tree. It was of j „ alla ,n r h rla „ an lx)Ve-- tb„ aub. — KEEPS FOOD COLD a big roast pig. | ject of , bp mornjng ae rn,on to he de- 3 3 3 M a in S t r e e t Ponape Burke turned a savage face 1 Uvered by the pastor, Rev. Gabriel from this greasy pork to the man who Sykes. Not just repaired but REBUILT had tricked him his prisoner. Then j Regular services will be held at the an oath and a Idugh struggled for Bible Standard m ission and In the sim ultaneous expression For th e r e .' Springfield Catholic church Mrs. Pa- bloody, desperate, stood the bronvn Hagan Is pastor of the former church man Olive. and Rpy D p Cur)ey (h paator of , b(. The w hite man's features were con- ' Catholic church. torted. "W here Is sh e?” he demanded S ervices will open at the ( hrlstlnn LASTS A LIFE TIME Olive clamped his lips shut. church at 8:45 o'clock with a s o lo hv 4-CYLINDER It had been Burke's sudden d escen t j W ilma Haack. At 11 o'clock Claud SEE IT DEMONSTRATED AT TH E upon the four houses which p reclp it-, N eely of Eugene will d eliver the «,-r 6-CYLINDER ated catastrophe. The v illa g ers, I mon Jack Danner Is the leader for 4-W HEEL-BR AKES RELINED grown overconfident, had thought he Christian Endeavor (which Is at 7 would not look there again Olive, i o'clock. At the even in g church service having seen the m essen ger from the at 8 o'clock, the church orchestra. Pigeon of Noah, had assum ed erron- directed by E. E Morrison, will play 414 Main P h o n e 1 1 -J eou sly that the schooner was ready; several selections. The choir will that Ponape, seizing the girl now, j sing “The Radiant Morn Hath Passed ; could sail at once. In desperation j Away." R ev Mr. N eely will preach ELECTRICAL BRAKE TE S T the brown man had snatched up the [ Rev. 8 E. Childers, pastor, is In south W HEEL ALIG N M EN T TE S T hat, veil and raincoat; thrown th ese ern California, enjoying a vacation. about the pig—cooked to send to the fea st down the coast. GROWERS WILL TALK R unning toward the outer end of 824 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon •TURKEY AT M EETING the Islet he had hoped to draw off Burke and the crew, so the villagers Marketing of turkeys will be d is­ could rush Palmyra shoreward to cussed al a special m eeting of turkey safety. He would hold the pursuit by carrying the pig Into the sea; grow ers of Lane County which will perhaps him self escape If Ponape be held In the Chamber of'C om m ercc Next to 1. O. O. F. 77 E. Broadway, Eugene, O regon feared the sound of firing. But, on<> rooms of Eugene at 2 P. M. on Tues- m isstep, and he had been caught be­ day. June 12 according to (). g, fore there w as tim e to get the girl Fletcher, county agent, who has ar­ ranged for the m eeting. L. R. Brelt- away. H ence it was that she herself, peer­ haupt, extension specialist In agri ing ten sely out. saw Olive led to the cultural econom ics of the Oregon "w here savin gs are g r e a te s t” ma! tree, h is w rists bound behind him. Agricultural college, will be the prin­ cipal speaker Hnd will d iscu ss m arket­ 942 Willamette St., E u gen e, Oregon. She saw the m aster In vehem ent demand for her surrender; Olive ing plans used by cooperative associa­ tions of turkey grow ers In eastern shake his head In defiance. The villagers, crow ding round Oregon, Idaho and elsew h ere. Red Hair *»» Blue Sea By STANLEY P. OSBORN Dr. Roijdl Qick I c y B a ll R E F R IG E R A T O R W. A. Hall the Shoe Doctor’s No Ice to Buy Costs Nothing to Operate HAVE YOUR MOÏOR F ¡EGROÜND ! $12.50 $16.00 $8.00 Springfield Garage Free PEMBROOKE & MORITZ WILLIAMS’ Self Service Store Why Pay More Than Self Service Prices? Footwear For the Entire Family « mmm 98c to $4.98 7000 Pairs to Choose From Parke's guards, waited In con stern a­ tion. Ponape turned to them “If you would save this man's life—speak." But Olive, pale yet unflinching, be­ sought their silence. T hey would have been glad to have this w hite woman off their hands and Olive free. The Japanese could not punish their yielding to force. They w ished to yield —but the will of this one being held them fast. Unnoticed, a boy hud wormed Into the crow d, a bit of paper folded sm all In his hand. Ills purpose wan to to ss the note so Ponape should g<-t It, yet not know -.h en ce It came. But the urchin blundered. As the m es­ sage left Jils fingers, Burke saw The w hite man snatched up the paper, unfolded it. HAROLD POOLE NAMED COMMANDER OF LODGE Harold Poole Is new council com ­ mander of the Woodmen of the World lodge here as the result of the sem i annual election held at the m eeting Tuesday evnlng. H has been an ac­ tive member of the lodge here since com ing from Lebanon early th is year. Other officers named are: Jam es Trotter, advisory lieu ten an t; Wlllnlm Cox, escort; F. Brown, w atchm an; W. K. Barnell, sentry; M. A. Noet, re­ elected m anager. Other officers hold their offices during the entire year. Mr. Rice In South— M. A Rice l.( spending a few days In Medford a t­ tending to business m atters. New Ideas In Wash Suits For Little Fellow» of 2 to 8 Year» Lively suits for the active junior boys. New and unusual color-ef­ fects and fabric combinations, in Oliver Twist and sport models. Staunch and durable Cham- i bray, Jean, Peggy and Khaki. Cut full and roomy for comfort and longer wear. ; 1 the little style- touches. Stock up now for Spring ,-)■ ' »se low prices— 98c to $2.98