1 PAGE FIVE TI IK SPRIN GFIELD NEWS immunity News B y S p a c ia l Correspondant* Three members »1 Hi» Springfield pO«t Ilf Dpi l*a(B('S (if tfe« O. A H Will m and Die uniiunl » la in < oiivi tillnn In Ruasbttrg June 27 to 2». Il * “ » In fa n t Bon B u rle d ably have resulted in her acquittal. beginning o f one o f the most E. K Schrenk, Mr. Harrta and Mrs. The Infant »on of Mr und Mr« Rü­ Clement. Inez Eyler. Virginia Hanson, T h e complete story o f the events amazing hum an dramas ever gen« Hood of Mnrcnla. horn nt the lone Rhodes, W illiam Case, Hugh Andy Olson have all been busy har leading up to het dreadful crime, hei enacted. trial, imprisonment, eventual parole, OoHhen aanitarlum June 4, died short- D oolittle. I.«e Hart, Clark Parrot and v estin g their straw berries. E. B and the glorious success she is now In prison Gretchen performed Tinker Is now harvesting gooseberries. ly after birth mid wa« hurled In the Wuync Tullefarro. making o f her life, is entitled “O t l her duties in utter silence; noth­ Early cherries are beginning to repen. la u r e l HUI cem etery here June 5. The Mr. and Mrs Ray Baugh and family o f the Slums" and ap­ ing interested h e r ; ------------------------ t'harle« I* I ■dole chufiel conducted ure planning to leave uboul June ¿1» D G. Linton marketed the first ones CHARLES POOLE GIVEN pears in July True Story Magazine— now she kept to herself- P a rtia l Contents the aervkw for a motor trip to W yoming and last week. POST IN STATE CROUP on sale. D on't miss it! an outcast branded Thing« N o W o m an Nebraska for about three months The com m encem ent ex ercises of the Can Stand for life. Jasper Man Injured—Joe Jam es of Tunc in on the True Mr. and Mr« Ray Baugh and family. Pleasant Hill high school w ol be held Th ry e Love« Charles P. Poole. Springfield mortl Story Hour broadcast M en Arc Like T h a t Jasper wan treated here Mnnduy after Mr and Mr« John Edmlaton and «on. In the gym nasium Friday June 8 at 1 clan, was named on the state board T h e n M a ry T b a Sia T h a t Found itery Friday night over he had fallen from the scaffolding of Jumea, motored to Elmira laat Hun 8 o'clock. Prof. K. E. He Con of the of directors of the Oregon Funeral Howard came co the H im O u t IF O R and the Colum ­ T h e M arriase Bargain an engine while working In the wood* day. und «pent the day at Jim Max­ U niversity is to g ive the address. risen to teach. Her D irectors and Embalmera association b ia c h a in , q P. M . I Flared w ith a Boy's can went out to the and severely cutting hla aralp. w ell's where Jumea Calvert'« family Love at the convention held In Portland Eastern StandardT one. little daughter o f the — a n d s e v e ra l hud met to enjoy their m other « birth last week. U ndertaking men from all STATE MISSIONARY HEAD o th er stones S U M M O N S day. At noon they spread their lunch < parts of the state attending the meet IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE In the grove and enjoyed a big feed TALKS TO LOCAL GROUP Ing. 8TA TK OF OREGON FOR LANE | with hi * vent I gallon w of lc® erfant. T he Springfield concern conducted COUNTY A m issionary program at which by Mr. Poole was given an "A-l” rat Ralph W Moahurg, Plaintiff. Vs., i Thin fam ily Including grand children Matiel Velma Moahnr*. Defendant I and great grand children numbers 52 Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Eugene, state Ing for the next five years as a result To Matiel Velma Moahurg. defend­ hut all were not able to be present. president of Chrlstaln church m ission­ of Mr. Poole and bis son. Harold, at A t A l l N e w s s ta n d « —o n ly ant ary so cieties, was th e speaker was tending the 10-day em balm ing school Mrs. Jam es Hill entertained a IN THK NAME OF THK HTATK held at the home of Mrs. E. E Morri­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re number of friend« Tuesnay afternoon Members of the qulred to appear and anawer the com ­ wtn-n they m et to give Mlsa Erdlne son last even in g plaint filed ngalnat you In the above i Caruthers a shower. Hhe Is soon to three division s of the Springfield SPRINGFIELD FOLKS entitled ault within five week* front Christian m issionary so ciety attended. the date of the first publication of thl« ' become the bride of I*eo T ennts of A progrum of readings and music summon«, to-wlt: five week« from I Creswell. this 7th day of June 1»2*. and If you M isses Mildred Price and Marjorie furnished the entertainm ent for the fall to appear or anawer fo r . want (Irani motored to Corvallis W ednes­ evening. Several m em bers assisted thereof the plaintiff will apply to »aid Mrs. Morrison in serving refreshm ents day to help move their b ro th ers, court for the relief prayed for In »aid com plaint, which 1» for a decree of Perry l*rlce and Jay Grant, belong to the group *ald court for the d issolution of Dir Inga 'hom e. The boys nave attended marriage relation now existin g b e­ O. A. C. the ph*t year and th is Is the To Attend Rose Show— Among the tw een said plaintiff and «aid 'efend Springfield people who will attend the ant and for such other and further final w e e k Mrs Margaret Campbell who has annual rose show In Portland ure Mr*. relief KN to the court may appear equitable. The order directing the been In Eugene for som e tim e re­ Peter Nelson anil Mrs. Katie Brunntte service of the summon herein by pub who left W ednesday morning They llcatlon thereof 1« dated June 4. 1928, turned lionu- last Saturday. Mrs Marthu McKinney from Cali­ w ill visit with friends »-bile there. und directs publication once each seeek for live con secu tive W e e k s Date fornia arrived last W ednesday for an of first publication I* June 7. 1928. extended vtall with relatives here RELIEF FROM CURSE and dale of last publication Is July 5, Next Sunday. June 10, th ere will ■«' 1D2H OF CONSTIPATION a children's day progrum at the ALTA KINO. A ttorney for Plaintiff. A Buttle Creek physics«-., says, "Con­ R esidence, Eugene. O r e g o n church. J 7 14-21 28 Jl 5: Mrs Arch Bhough, who has been stipation Is responsible for more m is­ seriously 111 for several days la Im ery than any other cau se.” S U M M O N S F O R P U B L IC A T IO N IN But Im mediate relief has been found. proving. We have in stock a th o u san d and one th in g s you F O R E C L O S U R E O F T A X L IE N Clyde Hart left last W ednasday for A tablet called R exall O rderlies has need in y our hom e. Fresh, sta n d a rd m erc h an ­ IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE been discovered. T his tab let attracts STATE OE ORROON FOR LANE Alaska. dise, household rem edies, candies and cigars. Mrs. Pearl Shipley from Salem was w ater from the system Into the lazy COUNTY Fresh goods, fair prices. T he drug store you 11 Lewis Lal'ha pells. Plaintiff, v* Anna In Thurston for Memorial Hay. dry, evacuating bowel called the colon Blackburn, snd John Hoe B lack­ Mr. und Mrs. Neal McMahon who The water loosen s the dry food w aste learn to depend upon. burn. her husband, D efendants To Anna Blackburn, and John Hoe resided here 30 years ago arrived And causes a g en tle, thorough, natural Bbn-kburn, the above named defend- from eastern Oregon last Phursday m ovem ent w ithout form ing a habit or “ "iN THK NAME OF THE HTATK anil are loklng for a ranch expecting ever Increasing the dose. to make their home here again. Stop suffering from constipation. OF ORROON: You are hereby n oti­ Mrs. Jack Hiller and Miss Lucille Chew a R exall Orderlle at ntghL N ext fied that Ix-wls laiChupelle the holder of C ertificate of Delinquency num­ W ilson drove up from C orvallis last day b rig h t Get 24 for 25c today at bered 2103 Issued on the 13th day of Sunday, with Miss H asel Edmiston the nearest R exall Drug Store— (A Jv.l April. 1925. by the Tax Collector of as she w as returning hom e from St. the County of Lane, S tate of Oregon for the amount of One Hundred Three H elens, where she ha* taught the past and 75 100 (»103 751 Hollars, the sam e year Mrs H eller returned to Cor­ being the amount then due and delin ­ vallis on Tuesday. Miss W ilson will quent for taxes for the year 1923 spend several days here. together with penalty. Interest and costa thereon upon the real property asaeaaed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated UPPER W ILLAMETTE In said County and State, and particu­ _ _ _ _ _ i larly bounded and described as fo l­ low s. to-wlt: Rev W. A Elkins of Eugene, pastor The East half of the N ortheast quarter, the Southw est quarter of the of the Pleasant Hill Christian church N ortheast quarter, and the southeast gave the baccalaureate address to the quarter of the N orthw est quarter of 15 graduates of the P leasan t Hill Sec 28. Tp 17. South Range 4 East of D ie W lllauu-tto Merrillan. In Lane high school last Sunday night at the church. He em phasized to the young County. Oregon. You are further notified that said folks tin fact that as graduates from THE R ESTAURANT HE LUXE L ew is LaChapelle has paid taxes on said prem ises for prior or subsequent a high school they awed a debt to Tem pting d ish es courteously served their parents, to the com m unity and years, with the rate of Interest on said In our model restaurant never fall to to their country. He uilvised them not umountH us follow s: low in price as 1924. Date paid April 4. 19-5, la x to think that the world owed them a delight our custom ers and the sm all ATURDA Y morning will be too late! R eceipt No 10108. »85 23. Interest 12% amount of the check at the end of the it it high in quality! 1925, Dute paid April 13. 1926. Tax llvln-g but to rem em ber that they m eal is alw ays a pleasant surprise. owed the best In them to their coun­ R eceipt No 2255. »99 68. Interest 12% For good, 'wholesome and nutritious 1926 Hate paid July 5, 1927. Tax try. “ But how can you pay this If you like bargains, if you have always promised R eceipt No. 17,185. »102 77 Interest debt?” he asked, "it Is not a precunl- food do not fall to patronize this yourself an Electric range, NOW—this minute i» place. Go a s far as you please and ,_ 1927. Dnte paid April 12, 1928. Tax nry debt. Be yourself, do not copy the time for you to get it. No matter what time of you could not fare Detter. R eceipt No. L942, »106.08. Interest those around you, the country needs the day or night it is, if it’s before midnight Friday, Individuality. Think th in gs out clearly 12%. Said Afinn Blackburn as the owner com e to your own conclusion and June 15th, phone our office or our manager at his of the leg«: title of the above d es­ Stick to what you think Is right until home, if necessary, and tell him you want your cribed property as the sam e appears of record, and each of the other per­ you find out for sure It Isn't right. Hotpoint now! sons above named are hereby further Be p ersistent, hang on. when you Let the notified that the plaintiff. L ew is La­ think you can't hang on any longer ch a p elle. will apply to the ( lr ult Small in size hut a giant in value, this beautiful Court of the County and State afore take another hold and stick to what said for a decree foreclosing the lien you are doing. Rem em ber you will automatic electric range combines most of the out- against the property above dIscrIhed. not be paid In m oney for every thlnR ’ nnd m entioned In said certificate. you do. Every person ow es service to j standing features of larger and more expensive And vou are hereby summoned to ap­ his com m unity and country for which models hut at p e a r within sixty days after the first publication of this sum mons, exclu- he Is never paid. H elp tilin g s to pro­ slve of the dn} of snid first publics gress. Be broad minded, get a broad THE LOWEST PRICE EVER SET ON Don. nnd defend this action or pay outlook on life, study all sides of It, the amount due ns above shown, A FULLY ENAMELLED AUTOMATIC together with costs and accrued In­ study people, and travel, travel all i ELECTRIC RANGE! terest. nnd In case o f your failure to you can." do so, a decree will he rendered fore- Mrs. L. I). Gnrmlre and son. Elbert, Do Your Cooking H osing the Hen of said taxes and expect to leave for Portland to Join You'll have to wait a long time before as splendid i<» like hzvlng a co sts against the land and prem ises Maid at no cost Mr. Gnrmlre as soon a s the graduat­ S A N I T A T I O N IS O F a value presents itself. F I R S T IM P O R T A N C E I. p « b l l . M by o r ,l-t ing exercises are over. Joe and John of the Honorable O. F. Sklpwortli. Gnrmlre left for Portland when public In the home where there are children. Do you know about our attractive cooking rate? Judge of the Circuit Court of the I school closed. And sanitation begins and ends in the S tate of Oregon for the f ounty ol Mrs. J. A. Phelps, primary teacher bathroom, which Is the best reason Ij,n e nnd said order was made and When you select your range — ask about the rate. dated this 6th day of June, 1928. nnd at. P leasant Hill, ex p ects to attend (Why your home should be equipped the (late of the first publication Is the sum mer school nt Normal. JJiss Belle with modern plumbing fixtures. Pro­ And don't wait another minute. 7th day of June 1928 Olsen w ill keep house for Mr, Phelps mote sanitation and safeguard your All process and papers In this pro­ and the children In her absence. health by having us Install now the ceeding mny be served uponi the un­ 8upt. E. E. Kilpatrick nnd Mrs. Kil­ kind of plum bing fixtures you have dersigned residing within the State MOUNTAIN S T A T E S P O W E R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ of Oregon at the address hereafter patrick entertained the seniors of the admired In other hom es. Plensnnt Hill high school at a ban­ m entioned. W ELLS A W ELLS A ttorneys for quet Monday night In their home at P laintiff R esidence nnd P. O. Ad­ P leasant Hill, Thoso present at the dress, Eugene, Oregon. R97 M A I N R T . banquet w ere Gerald Kahler, Donald J. 7-14-21-28: J l. 6-12-19: Her Dreadful Past C J u ly Out Now! True Story We Give Green Discount Stamps T H IS UNTSUALLY ATTRACTIVE INTRODUCTORY OFFER T V 1 L L B E ’W I T H D R A W N FRIDAY NIGHT la Drop-In Cafe Maid ÀÀÀÀÀÀAA r W. N. LONG 5 IE 3'