Tl H’USDA Y JUNK 7. H»2S THE SPRINGFIRIJI NEWS AGF FOUR PROHIBITION PICTURE MISS HANNAH SHIDLER ENCOURAGING CRIME BY PSYCHOPATHIC LAWN PARTY PLANNED BY WILL BE SHOWN HERE VICTIM OF MENINGITIS ROUTE KENSINGTON CLUB GROUP The prohibition picture, "Lest Wo An ard en t advocate of crim e suppression, said Mias Hannah Shidler, graduate of Published Every Tbureday at th a t a fte r listening to a distinguished m an speak ' a lawn party and a covered dish Springfield high school III l#27, died ! Forget" wilt he shown In the Method Springfield. Lana County, Oregon, by on t h e subject of psvehopahy for an hour, he luncheon are planned tor the next In Chicago last Friday following an 1st church of Hprltighelil on Sunday T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS cam e x to the conclusion th at w hat th e l e a r n - j - meeting of the K enslgni.m club which attack of spinal m eningitis evening. June 10th at N’Otl I' M Ill's X a u iv x» x aav » — — ----------- .. try . - — .-11 ills ».«„ audl- ii I will ... ». ,leb, ... ............... the home of Mm. n K. c. M .«..vH... . I »„i B-Antiomnn wiis reallv in g to tell H. A X B Y , Editor Mias Shidler form erly lived with ' picture Is being show n to large audi­ It ■---------- ;------- v.hruarv 24 i»03 at the ! enee ence w as th is a m an «• w ho kills re n c e Chase. it wan at w at as a m a psychopath t a paycinqxn.ii ....... ...... : cla .....- , .. announced --- her parents, Mr and Mrs. Porter ence» in all parts of the nation second class matter, Fe y - | 1 you and , a fte r he i,,,a h as anno done it It savs says he could not o,., the hint laat session aeaalon of of the the club club at at the the Shidler in Springfield She wils giudu Is said to be a true atory of the e f­ poatofflee. Springfield. Oregon help it, and th en proves it by an expert. T his ¡home of Mrs W illiam W right laat Mi- ated from the local high scfitstl w ith, fects of the liquor Irattlc upon two incident probably explains to a large extent why j day afternoon The next m eeting will honors last year lle r parents now fam ilies living In the middle west M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE . . • . ..76c crim e is so prevalent in Am erica. C rim inals arc a be at In connection with the show ing of I o'clock. year In Advance......... 1175 Three Month. live near Marcola. _..kc Mm. D allas Murphy and Mrs. given every possible loophole to evade th e c o n se ­ M o n th s........ ............. .......>1.U<) Single Copy ~ Her father was enroute to Chicago j the film an address will be delivered Charles P. quences of th eir acts. • • Poole — - won — prises ----- In the when new s of her death reached her ■ by a representative of the league THURSDAY JUNK 7. t»-*S F irst, a large precentage of them are never i gam es held last week. The follow ing R esides her father and mother six- { There Is no adm ission It la re­ captured. Second, w hen c a p tu red th ey a re never i mem bers were present Mrs c . A. leaves two brothers. Dou and Earl, quested that children under Sixteen STATE NOW SAVING MONEY years of age be accompanied by and convicted. T hird, w hen convicted even for the t swart». Mrs Hurry W hitney. Mrs T he R epublican ad m in istratio n of s ta te J * " » " * m ost serious crim es, they are too often pardoned M*ry Keaaey, Mrs s ♦ Wright. Mr», both of Chicago and a sm ull slater sit with parents or other adults. who lives at home is show ing a g reat deal of econom y w ithout o r given light sentences. ! Anna Knox. Mm. J J. N o t . -Mr» The funeral will he held In Chicago, j At 11:00 A. M an Interesting pro­ sho u tin g about it from th e housetops. T he per Too m uch of o u r legistlation is of a restrictive^ Dallas Murphy. Mrs c P. Poole. Mm with Interment (here also, the parents hibition address will be delivered In cap ita cost of ru n n in g th e s ta te c h a ra c te r aim ed at*law -abiding citizens, on the j A J Morgan. Mrs John Henderer. the Christian church here. th e F ierce «D em ocratic adm inistration w as $39. th eo ry th a t th is will reform th e cro o k s or cause i Mr8. Lawrence May. Mrs Clarence stated. U nder G overnor P a tte rso n it h a s , ^ T h t r e th em to obey th e law s. T his is childish reason- ch a se . Mrs w . c . Rebhan, Mrs w K ner m onth l-ast m onth it w as only $-0- T h ing. Crim e today in th e cities is a n organized J Burnell. Mrs. J T Moore. Mias Edna are now over 700 prisoners in the penitentiary. Swarta and Mrs W illiam Wright. a rX W r °d epartm ents of s ta te ^ e r n m e n h ^ s a — r ------------ oi. s ta tbl S, t practically T he m ore com plicated law s we get. th e easier -------------- Service is th«- first consideration at tills station. \A e re show ing econom y. It w >‘“ »1 \ inder its they a re to evade and the less th e individual elti- | JE S S SM ITSON WILL BE just as anxious to help you get the th in g s we give free every dep artm en t has been i n n i n g „ d e fic it ! yen’ feels he can cope w ith th e situ a tio n . Delays D C rr .D nFD TEMPORARILY as to sell you gasoline and oils An autom obile to run rlgli budget this year and “ » ^ g c u t ’S o m e vexatious and ultim ate conviction alm ost ! RECORDER TEMPORARILY , should luive the correct am ount of pressure In the tires left by the F ierce ^ f h a p s ' im possible, due to fo rgetfulness and th e endency am i a ra d ia to r full of w ater. We look a fte r these things Jess Sm ltson. ch ief of the fire de down. f ItIh May th tm e good ork • out th l a t ¡to over . look . the , facts , ,ts connee tln g th e crim e with dOWn'o J c to U ^ a n w d 0ciUes°wiU And connecting w ith ( wj„ condutt ,he „m.e of th e m om ent you drive up. We h av e m ig h ty good g a s too G e n eral give» m o re " ...... - ..................... ■ ■ m e u ltim ate trial. «-tty recorder In the place of I. W hat .the co u n try needs is m ore enforcem ent p d(irlng (h<> |a(u r.# ab#ence m iles p er gallo n . T ry us and you'll co m e back a g a in anil oes all the tim e. of fu ndam ental laws, m ore c e rta in and m on (o (( waM again. • o • zwtd » r u n « ? N "FO R G ET IT ." speedy punishm ent, and m ore a s s u r a n te - * week by Mayor o a . Bushman A • ir e o f lieople have called upon u s express- ( convictions will be secured am i se n te n c es s e n » « ( council has not taken official Springfield. Ore THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS • - - a. 1— a ... t ' » i I I I i 11 (1 l o Ill’ll We Like to Serve You “A ” Street Service Station ¥ & '! « l.e r .X r S S le ” 'h e " S lu n iln io re a r.u a l 3 Ehigene" « a , th e feverish brain w ork B ureau. of som e fanatic. W hile our fn en d s would have ------ u s answ er it in the caustic language we h a v e , been fam ous for in p ast controversies we prefer pu n ish ,n en , Mr. and Mrs. Peterson w ill go to Portland on June 13. return here June 15 and leave for the east by train on une 16. T h ey plan to be gone a month, visitin g In T enneasee. South Carolina. W ashington D. and other U ’in light^of E ditor T u g m a n ’s good will article on Springfield a few w eeks ago and his talk be­ CAPILLARY ART ¡place«. _________________ ___ fore the Lions club, we do not believe he m eans anv uari«. to w u Springfield tp .- f ,_________________ - Art is com ing under th e influence of dem o- TW0 a u j o S COLLIDE ON any harm even if he m ust accept responsibility fo r th is ill tim e anonym ous letter. ¡craey. I jasper ROAD- NONE HURT W e prefer to th in k th a t in the ru sh of collecting jn fo rm er tim e th e g re a t a rtis ts painted only J 1 and publishing a daily new spaper he h a s had one fo r ch u rch es and rich m en 's palaces. occu p an ts of two autom obiles nar slipped over on him by this slan d ero u s f fanatic. a n a tic ., S s ta y w as intended to adorn royal royai co c o u t.™ )y lnJury gunday af(er. ta tu tu a r ry rts , otherw ise if he had considered using th e le tte r a 'a n d th e m ansions of the opulent and th e private , noon when ma<.hln<.a m achines drlVBB driven by by A A. R Il . . • - _______ u n v n r t h » w r i t p r ’s s i g n a t u r e . a r V « o h lP R . I __ ........................ ~ _ .. all it would 1_____ have been over th e w riter's sig n n atu re p a t b rk p s n of th e nobles. ! Ruthven and W. K. Barnell collided N ow adays s ta tu e s are being e r e c ^ d Isi p u b lic , „ ,hp JaBp<)r near h„re O ur advise to everyone is “ forget it." places w here even th e m ost hum ble and o b stu re The Ruthven car w„ <.„«1« This is th e seaso n for th e house to house ped- person m ay adm ire them P ictures a re h u n g in | 8 nel(I and lhe Harnell car dler The m an who goes from house to house , m useum s w hich have th e ir free days w hen the , „ |ta (llre(.tlon w ith inferior products sold a t high prices or on publi th is com m unity m en he ne works, w orss. o th e r a rtis ts or e n e ra u , pain cv»» v | I occupants were not injured , alth()Ugh although He lands his su ck ers and th en goes his w ay re- sa in ts and archbishops. G radually a r tis ts dis- up joicing. T he m oney these peddlers ta k e out of covered th a t th e com m on life ^ e peop e to n - ( Mr narnpll K (.nr w>g px Springfield each year is considerable. rained suhjects quite as in te restin g and pictures- Th< front an( wheel(| T he hom e-tow n m erc h an t sta k e s his rep u ta- qUe as th e lives of th e m ore favored. broke„, thP rad.ator and hood tion and his success on his record for fair and m “ te ra tu re D ickens m ade quite a n > n n ^ demollBhed and lh(. b„dy> ,wi«tcd honest dealing. He is in business every day and w hen he tu rn e d his pen tow ard th e obscurt and th ere is n othing elusive about him. hoiks alwav J o w ly . . » « m n im No blam e has been placed for the know w here to find him w hen they w ant a c o n tn - \ \ e all w ant to he rich, of course, and fam ous, * ent p j i n xa«x? . . . ___ _______ i Ho»- fin o o r c b least a i t a and n d lo low w e est s t and provides him e n te rta r ta in in m m e e n n t t, I end there had It not been for the rah rain , i ____ flexible m an she can w rap around her fingers. w hich h ereto fo re w as fo r th o se only how could on Saturday. Among the books w ith unhappy endings are pay from a dollar up for a seat at th e th e a tre s Marriage Licenses Issued For th is reason is ap p ears th a t the m oving check books. During the last week marriage lie picture industry, restin g as it does upon th e ap- If you burn your bridges behind you be sure preciation of th e whole public, is firmly settled I enaes have been Issued by the county I clerk to the follow ing . Fritz Böhm». you can swim. ______________ and is in line w ith dem ocracy. an o v e c t-iia mtiKRn, rnixu XJ> wungz..«. I TH E FUMBLE FAMILY Katies Has No Sense of H um or and C ecelia Maggs, both of E u gen e. I Ted Brown and Beulah terla n , both .... ' . ot A shland; Jam es Keenan. Beattie, la n d Irene Stout, Enum claw; Charles j Bower« and Hazel Yenne. both of Eli 'g e n e ; Urban Toney and Pauline Nap-1 I per. both of Elm ira; C hester Olson I and Eula Richmond, both of E u g en e;' I Harold Jensen and Leone Briggs, both of Eugene; Jesse Baker, Eugene, and Frances E. Morss, C resw ell; and I t9s Ice Cream W eather T here is n othing so refreshing as good Ice cream d u r­ ing hot w eather. It both cools you off and is a real health food for hot w eather. p u rest ingredients. E ggim ann's Ice cream Is m ade of the We have lots of it in all flavors and put up to su it you. T he Icy pie Is a hit with the youngsters We have plenty of kinds to tickle the palate of the older people, too. C G G IM A N N ’ S JLB "Where the Service Is Different" Offices— 831 Miner Building. E ast Broadw ay S treet W hat can speak louder than w ords? when abused. T he eyes Qv SftatnanWnioodv O P T O M K T P IS T Suite S31 M iner Bldg. L V L S IG H T Eugene. Oregon, S P E C I A L I •» Telephone 362 By DUNKEL — ........... SHE'S A L L SAŸ? YOU TALK U t 'i v e GOT A L&TT&ß W&QE- FDOM , V C O N G 'B O U T \> \A M AN FU LL O P «4 MV Ç|< ,2.D 0£Ü TW y~SH E: ÇAYÇ OUR LITTLfc- N&PUEA/ O S C A ß 12 GETTlN' THAT RID V E A Q lN yH O M E B ß E V ! VHAT THE CARPET O U T /lS WRONG ABOUT SO VILO IN THE- UOUÇE" THAT WE |Ç HAVIN' THE CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery on prices on platea and other work, tf A Packard Or A Ford? Back of your Telephone T elephone service is essentially a co m m u n ity enterprise backed by national experience. Almost every community on the Pacific Coast has at least one telephone exchange. And each exchange has its staff of hom e tow n fo lk s-m e n and women who are your neighbors, who attend the same clubs and social gatherings, patronize the same stores and daily assume their responsi­ b ilities as interested citizens ot the place where they live and serve. Back of your telephone too is the cumulative experience ot halt a century ot research and de­ v e lo p m en t-c o n tin u o u s and concentrated sffort to im prove the telep h o n e art. T h u s from the Bell Laboratories and all of the twenty-four oper­ ating com panies of the Bell System , telephone service in everv community benefits by new in­ ventions and the discovery of b etter ways to do th in g s—all m aking for the highest standards in lephony now known. T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany BELL SYSTEM One Policy - Ont System • Universal Service f