PAGE THREE t f l R SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 7, I!l28 Good Westhsp Praised—Sam Bar­ Lebanon People Visit— Mr and Mr». tholomew, who was here Tuesday »a Glen Arehart of Lebanon Halted rela­ Sprlngfiald Stop« The schedule Include» three north- tive« here and In Eugene thia week. hualneas, ha» a word of praise for the Mr». Arehart'» parent», Mr. and Mrs. present weather conditions which are HA u rid and three southbound train». The northbound train» are: No. Hi I. E Murphy, live In Eugene and tar , adding vigor to the growth of bis (flag) at 4:27 a. m .; No 32, 2:30 p. brother, Dallas Murphy, 1» manager ot truck garden» near here. the Gray Cash and Carry store here. m.; No. 8, 3 56 p. m. N O T IC E OF SALE Southbound train« are: No. »1, N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S 6:46 a. m ; No. 7 (flag), 2:30 p m.; OF G O V E R N M E N T T IM B E R Notice la hereby given that the un General Land Office, Washington, O. No. IS, (flag), 0:33 p. m. deralyned has been appointed Admin­ C., May 10, 1928. istrator of the Estate of Willie Emery, Notice Is hereby given that aubject deceased, by the Court of Lane Conn to the conditions and limitations of FOR B A LE— Carbon paper In large ty, Oregon All persons having claim i . the act of June », 1916 (39 Stat 2161 sheets, 26x31 Inches, suitable for against the aakl estate are hereby and pursuant t0 departmental reguUk notified to present the same, properly I tlon» of Apr„ u l924 (50 L D 37g) m aking tracings. The News Ol FOlt HALE One 17" x 22" Ann Arborj UNBREAKABLE WATCH CRY8- ¡in " * ? ; « » m « ««ron ow , FOR SALE W OOD office ol Wells & W’ells, Bank of Com­ be sold June 25, 1928, at 10 o’clock a. TEA C H ER S* E X A M IN A T IO N S "Columhia" Steel hay haler, lined TAL8—Fancy shapes and regulars, merce Bldg.. Eugene, Lane County, The regular semiannual teachers' m at public auction at the U. 8 i-and three seasons Ready Io run Priced Hoyt’s Cash Store. tf. Old Growth M r, Second Growth F ir. will be given In the Oregon within six months from the office at Roseburg, Oregon, to the ( le t . Ash. AU lengths. I*bone Spring W L. Me Lagan, Tangent, County Court Room, commencing dst* ot the flrBt publication of this highest bidder at not less than the ap­ to sell Leave on Long T rip Wednesday, June 13, 1928, at 9 A. M notice fli Id 1*6. tf. J 7 11.1 Oregon. Date of the first publication May praised value as shown by this notice, Mr and Mrs. J. F. Nadvornlk and and lasting for three days Teachers sale to be subject to the approval of Street. ' daughters, Mildred and llattte and who rare for a schedule showing the 24. 1928 PAINTING and Kal»o»n1nlng In all It» FUR RENT—House at 246 ( The HAROLD J WELL». Administrator the Secretary of the Interior lime on which hour the subjects come son, George, left Tuesday morning for purchase price, with an additional branches. It educed Prices. Roy Springfield. Furnished nr unfurii W E L IÆ A W E S L L 8, Attorneys. Dickinson. N D . the family home ofl**Çh »Jay can secure It by writing to sum of one-fifth of one per cent there­ (shed. Inquire at above address. Ma 24-31: Je. 714 21: Koch. Call 1Z6-J, 1 K J. MOORE. County School Sup- of, being commissions allowed, must Mrs. Nadvornlk'» relatives. They erlntendent. J 7 14 be deposited at time of sale, money went In car over f li»- M< Ki-ozb- pasa N O T IC E OF A N N U A L S E P T IC T A N K S — Ma. 31: Ju. 7: to be returned If sale Is not approved, SCHOOL M E E T IN G LOH I —Lineman s Hell. < Umbers and They will stop at Boise, Idaho, and Ready for you to Install otherwise patent will issue for Ihe 3 U M M O N 8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to timber, which must be removed with­ It. the Yellowstone National park. They Pliers Bewar'd. Call 58. Fof family of live — »21 00. Eugene the legal voters of School District Bids will be received expect to be gone for five weeks Their In The Circuit Court of the State of No. 19. of Lane County, State of Ore­ in 10 years For family of eight — »28 00. Eugene N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N from citizens of the United States, Oregon, in and for Lane County. gon. that the ANNUAL SCHOOL son, Charles, will conduct the tailor B< wer Pipe. Well Curbing. Drain Tile ( Publisher.) Donald W. McKinnon and Pearl Mc­ MEETING of said District will be associations of such citizens and cor­ shop during their absence. NO. 014815 and Chimney lllock». Kinnon, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. held at Springfield City Hall; to begin porations organized under the laws Department of the Interior, U. S. Harry Walter Ragan and Jane Doe at the t our of 2 o'clock P. M. on the of the United States, or any State, E U G EN E C O N C R ETE P IP E CO. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT ORS Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Ragan, his wife. Vivian Frances third Monday of June, being the 18th territory or district thereof only. Up­ Notice Is hereby given that the t on application of a qualified pur­ May 3, 1929 E IG H T H GRADE E X A M IN A T IO N ^ * Ragan and John Doe. her husband, day of June. A. D. 1928. chaser the timber on any legal sub- NOTICE Is hereby given liiat John j derslgned I*. J Bartholom ew has and Darell Wayne Ragan and May This meeting Is called for the pur­ The regular uniform eighth grade C. Humphrey of Jasper. Oregon, who. been appointed administrator of the division will be offered separately be­ Doe Ragan, his wife, and also all pose of electing One Director to serve examination» will l>e given on Thurs on May 3, 1923, made Homestead estate of Zlba Denny deceased, by fore being Included In any offer of a other persons or parties unknown „ Three Years, and One Clerk to serve larger unit. T 3 N . R 2 W . Sec. 3, day and Friday. June 7 • 8. 1928. Entry. No 014815, for Lots 1 A 2, Sec the County Court of Lane County, ela'nitng any right, title, estate. Hen One Ypar and thp transaction of busi­ Question» for conditioned pupils will tlon 20. Township 18 S . Ilange 1 West, Oregon, and all persons having claims NWU NEU . yellow fir 600 M. red fir or Interest In the real estate des­ ness usual at such meeting I»- sent Io each district without any Willamette Meridian, has (lied notice [against said estate will present same 140 M. red cedar 20 M. T. 2 N., R. 3 cribed In the Complaint herein. De­ Dated this 5th day of June, 1928. application therefor. Failure In more of Intention to make three year Proof, «luly verified as by law required to W . 8ec 21. SW14 9E14. red fir 550 M . fendants. ATTEST: R. W. SMITH, District Ilian two subjects and In Geography, to establish claim to the land above »h» undersigned administrator at the red cedar 60 M. T. 15 S., R. 6 W . Sec. To Harry Walter Ragan and Jane Clerk. Physiology »nil Oregon History are deairlbed, before E U Immel. II. 8. U w office of Whitten Swafford. 315 Doe 35, NE>4 NE%. red fir 350 M. none of Ragan, his wife, Vivian Frances W G. HUGHES. Chairman Board of presumed to take these subjects over the timber on these sections to be Eugene, Oregon, on the Tiffany Bldg . Eugene, Oregon, on or Ragnn and John Doe, her husband, Directors. «Kain next year unle»» application 1« CommlssloiD-r. before six months aftpr this date. sold for less than »2.25 per M for the 15th day of June, 1928. any Darrell Wayne Ragan and Mary J. 7-16: luade for the questions Dated and first published June 7th, Doe Ragan, his wife, and also all other yellraw fir and »1 50 per M. for the Claimant names ns witnesses: K J MOORE, County School Sup red fir and red cedar T. 11 S., R. 1 Samuel Vincent. William G Palms- 1928 persons or parties unknown claiming N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G crlnlendent. P. J. BARTHOLOMEW. Adminis­ any right, title, estate, lien or Inter­ E . Sec. 27. NW U SW>4. yellow fir teer. Lawrence Walker, Fred Wallace, Ma 31: Ju (: Notice is hereby given that the un- 385 M. red fir 725 M. white fir 50 M , trator. Estate of Zlba Denny, De­ est In the real estate described In the all of Jasper. Oregon. ceased impiaim aim uamw. derslgned Amanda May 1 T. 8 8.. R. 2 E.. Sec. 31. SW ti N E U , Complaint and aim» also u«muii»m» described below: HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. WHITTEN »WAFFORO, A ttorn« IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ecutrix of the will and estate or Mary red fir 2700 M. 8 E ^ NWU red fir 185* N O T IC E o f SHERIFF'S HALE ON Non-coal. J 7 14-21 28: J1.6: OF OREGON: You and each of you J Landrlth. deceased, has filed h r M. NWU SE% red fir 2600 M. 9W H M. 10 17 24 31: J.7: EXECUTION IN FORECIXJHcRE SE>4 red fir 1600 M. NE>4 SW14 red are hereby required to appear an 1 final report therein and the (Co n Notice Is hereby given that by vlr N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R 8 fir 1925 M. 8E% SW«4 red fir 1550 Jf, answer the Complaint filed against Court of Lane County Ore«°n- tue of un «locution and order of sale SUM M O NS Notice Is hereby given that the un- you In the above entitled suit, within set Friday July 6th. 1928. at 10 A M. T. 10 S.. R. 3 E.. Sec. 1, Lot 4 yellow In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ four weeks from the date of the first at the County Court Room in th fir 420 M. none of the timber on these cuit Court of lame County, Oregon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ____derslgned Mervln B Harris has been sections to be sold for leas than » 1 5 * on the 8th day of May. 1928. In a suit STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE , appointed administrator of the estate publication of this Summons, and If court house at Eugene for final hear- per M for the yellow and red fir and you fall to answer, for want thereof mg therein and any objection should wherein on the 3rd day of May. 1938. — ' ~ Harris, deceased, by of Vcranlca B C O U N TY . In said court Charles N Barnard re­ Lida Scoggln. Plaintiff, vs., Ray Srog- tha County Court of Lane County, the plaintiffs will take a decree be filed or presented on or befofe or »1.00 per M for the white fir. T. 15 S., R. 1 W.. Sec 27, NEU 8EU red Hr covered Judgment against the ds Oregon, and all persons having claims against you as preyed for In the Com , at u id time. gin, Defendant. Dated and first published June 7th, 1000 M. T. 19 S.. R 1 W.. Sec 31, fendsnts A ». Myers and Ethel B against said estate will present same plaint herein, adjudging and deter To Ray Scoggln. Defendant: „ __ &E14 SEVi red fir 630 M, red cedar Myers for the sum of »190 00 together In the name of the State of Oregon: duly verified as by law provided to m lnlnr that the plaintiffs herein are 1928. with Interest thereon at the rate You are hereby required to appear the administrator at the Law Office of owner» In fee of the real estate! AMANDA MAY P1NK8TAFF, Ex­ 50 M. SWU SEQ red fir 865 M. --ed cedar 30 M. white fir 10 M. S E ‘4 of 8 P«r cent per annum from the and answer the complaint file! Whitten Swafford. 315 Tiffany Bldg. it escribed as follows, to-wll: Ixit one ecutrix. block Two (2). Willamette WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney. SW>4 red fir 805 M. red cedar 15 M , 17th day of December. 1927; the fur against you In the above entitled suit Eugene. Oregon, on or before six 11) T. 8 S., R. 6 W.. Sec. 7. NW>4 NW1$ J. 7-14-21-28: J1.5: Heights Addition to Springfield. In ther sum of »149 04 together with In months after the date of this notice. red fir 1130 M. SW>4 NWt4 r 1 flr Lane County, Oregon; and that the teres» thereon at the rate of 8 per cent within four weeks from the date of 1235 M. none of the timber on these per annum from said 3rd day of May, the first publication of this Summons, Dated and first published May 10, 1928. said defendants and each and all of N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S sections to be sold for less than 81.75 MERVIN B HARRIS, Admlnlstra- you hare no right, title, estate, lien ! 1928. ns taxes; and the further sums to wit. four weeks from this 17th day Notice is hereby given that the un- , per M for the red fir. »1.50 per M for or Interest In or to said premises, or of »10000 attorney fees and »13.73 of May 1928. and If you full to appear ‘ ,or ___________ thereof, _____ and ___ for _________ such oth-r derslgned has been appointed ad’“ ’’1 the red cedar and »1.00 per M for the WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney any part costs, together with Interest thereon or answer for want thereof the plain and further relief as to the Court may (gtrator of the Estate of Walter Dixie white fir T. 2 S„ R. 4 E.. Sec. 35. at the rate of six per cent per annum tiff will take a decree against you for j for the estate seem meet and equitable. 1 Ellison, deceased, by the C nuntT NE*4 SW>4 green red flr 600 M. red from said 3rd day of May. 1928. which the dissolution of the marriage rela M 10-17-24-31: J.7: This Summons Is served upon you Court of I»ane County. Oregon. All cedar 240 M. T 18 S.. R. 7 W . Sec. 1. Judgment was enrolled and docketed In tlon now existing between said plain- 1 by publication by virtue of an order | persons having claims against said Lot 3. gTeen red fir 500 M. dead red the Clerk's office of said Court In sail tiff und said defendant and such other j N O T IC E OF F IL IN G OF F IN A L I of the Hon. G. F Skipworth. Circuit estate are required to present them fir 300 M, Lot 4 green red fir 630 M , county on the 3rd day of May. 1928. relief that to the court may appear ACCOUNT Judge dated and filed Mav 29. 1928. • with the proper vouchers to the un- dead red flr 210 M. none of the timber and said execution Io me directed equitable. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE dtreetlng that this Summons be derslgned at the law offices of Po.ter on these sections to be sold for less commanding me In the name of th« The order directing the service of STATE OF OREGON FOR served upon vou bv publication In the * King at Number 961 W illamette than »2 per M for the green >-ed fir Slate of Oregon, In order to satisfy the summons herein by publication • LANE COUNTY said Judgment. Interest, taxes at thereof is dated May 16th, 1928 anil In the M atter of the Estate of Jack Springfield News, once each week for street in Eugene. Oregon, within six and »1.50 ner M for the red cedar arid n period of four w eeks The date of months from the date of this n°l*ee. dead red_ fir. T. 29 ».. R 11 W., Sec. torney foes, costs of suit ami accru­ direct publication once each week for Rodman, deceased. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 10th i 24. Lot 5, white cellar 390 M, yellow thè flrsf puhllcation ls Mav 31. 1928. ing costs to sell the following d es­ four successive weeks. N otice Is hereby given by the under flr 300 M, red fir 200 M. white fir 40 WELLS A- WELLS Attorneys fo- day of May. 1928. cribed real property, lo-wn; Date of first publication May 17th. «Ignt-d administrator of the above Plaintlffs; Residence and P. O. Ad- JAMES FRANKLIN ELLraON. Ad­ M. red cedar 20 M. Lot 17 white cedar 1928 named estate that he has filed his The south half of the northwest ministrator of the estate of Walter 500 M. yellow fir 1430 M. red cedar dres«, Eugene, Oregon. (’. A WINTERMEIER. Attorney (Inal account In snld estate, and that quarter sec 7. Tp 22 S . Rang.- 3 W 20 M. none of the timber on this sec­ Dixie Ellison, deceased. Ma. .31: Je. 7-14-21-28: for Plaintiff. Residence Eugene. Ore­ the Hon. C. P. Barnard. Judge of said of th»- W M . Lam* County, Oregon, POTTER AND KING. Attorneys tion to be sold for less than »2 00 per Court has fixed Thursday June 7th. 1 gon together with the tenements, heredi­ Estate of Walter Dixie Ellison, de- M. for the yellow fir, »1.50 ner M for M 17-24-31: J. 7-14: , 1928. at ten o'clock A M. as the time - SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N taments and appurtenances thereunto the red fir and red cedar. »1.00 ner M IN T1IE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE cea8ea for the hearing of objections. If any for the white fir and 89.00 per belonging and appertaining and tre M. 10-17-24-31; J.7: to said final account and to the settle- I STATE OF OREGON FOR THE M for the white cedar T 16 S., rents thereof. E X E C U TO R 'S N O T IC E COUNTY9 OF LANE. R 2 W , Sec. 5. SEU NE^i vellow fir Now. therefore In the name of the In the C ounty.C ourt of the State of ment thereof. SUM M O NS ELMER ROBERTS, Administrator. 1 Susan Campbell. Plaintiff. Vs., James IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 100 M. red fir 1200 M. SW U N EU Stale of Oregon. In compliance with FRED E SMITH. Attorney for Ad- J R. Billings and Oregon in and for the County of Billings, his said execution and order of sale and 8TATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE red flr 1100 M hemlock 150 M. red mlnlstrator. Lane, In Probate. cedar 70 M. SEt4 NWU red fir 1350 ■wife; Martha A. Lewman and E. E. In order to satisfy auld Judgment. In­ COUNTY. M 3-10-17-24-31: Lewman. her husband; Nancy A .! J. S. Watkins. Carrie Watkins and M. red cedar 50 M. nene of the tim­ terest, taxes, attorney fees, coats of In re Estate of Alice Bean McGuire, deceased. earner and Thomas Carney, her 1 Clede C. Addleman, suit and accruing costs. 1 will on Sat­ Plaintiffs, ber on this section to be sold for less than »1.75 per M for the red and husband; Leota M. Alexander and Notice Is hereby given that the un­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON urday. the 9th day of June. 1928. at Vs. Verona F. Daniel; Henry yellow fir and »1.00 per M for the red Alexander, her husband; ! the hour of one o'clock In the after dersigned, Albert O. McGuire, has EXECUTION OF FORECLOSURE j L. Peek and Mary Peek, his cedar and hemlock T. 18 S., R. 6 w , noon of said day. at the southwest been appointed expeutor of the above Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- | Thomas A. Billings and Helen Bill- j Ings. bis wife; Etta M. Billings, a , wife; Ja.mes F. Peek; Charles S6.«■ Inter „L. ,iln w . all of the right, title nnd nod mter- ,„,r o(g«B«r»l ..imnlatinn circulation nub pub secutlve weeks in the Springfield News, a newspaper of general circula­ I cat. of snld Alva A Rice, and Mary M. ! )|ghpI - - íame County, Oregon, by I Rice as Judgment debtors_and of said on,p(. 0 the Honrable C. P. Barnard, tion, published in I^ne county, Ore- C. 8. Shumway anil L. E. Shumwav County Judge of Lane County, Or« gon In conformity with the order af and of George B. Bloomer as subséqu­ gon, which order htnrs date the 16th tuc Honorable O. F. Skipworth, Judge ent lien holders, and all persons day of May, 1928, and the date of th • of the above entitled Court, made and claiming hv, through or under them or | flrg( publication of this Summons is entered on tne 9th nay of May, 1928. Date of publication thereof Is the 10th anv- or either of them In and to said i Mav 17. 1928. premises. POTTER * KING, Attorneys for day of May, 1928. I». L. R A Y , Attorney for plaintiffs, FRANK E.TAYLOR. Sheriff.. ! Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office Postofflce Address, Eugene, Oreiion. By BEULAH BR1NNICK. Deputy, j Address, Eugene, Oregon until paid, and for the further sum of »7.00 which was advanced for searching records, together with In­ terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from thia date togeth­ er with the sum of »109.27 and In­ terest thereon at the rate of 1 0 per cent per annum' from March 6. 19Z8, and for the further sum of »1901)0 as a reasonable attornoy fee and the costs and disbursements herein In the sum of »15.60. .which Judgment wa» enrolled and docketed In the Clerk« office of said court In said county on the 28th day of May. 1928, and said execution to me directed commanding me in the name of the State of Ore­ gon. in order to satisfy said Judgment, interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs to sell the following described real property, to- WLot Seven (7) In Block Thirty-five (35) in Gross' Addition to Eugene, Ijrne County. Oregon. Now, therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon, in compliance with said execution and order of sale and In order to satisfy said terest. attorneys fees, costs of suit and accruing costs. I wIB on Saturday the 30th day of June, 19-8, at the hour of one o’clock In the afternoon of sa d day, at the Southwest front door of the Covnty Court house In Eugene. Lane Sounty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash, at Pu auction, subject tq redemption as pro­ vided by law. all of he right title and Interest of said d^ en(,a. ^ Samuel E. Libby and Lura E. Libby, his wife, and I,. M. Travis. Ine, « corporation, and all persons claiming by, through or under them or any j > r either of them In and to said premise*. ETtANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff.. By BEULAH BRINNICK. Deputy. r Ma. 31: Je. 7-14 21-28: M. 17-24-31: J. 7-14I M. 10-17-14-31: J.T: I Ma. 31: Je. 7-14-31-23: j