A gain to Be C areful with Your Camp Fires TWfciW i Y - F ir r il YEAR VOTERS 10 SELECT SCHOOL OFFICIALS SPRINGFIELD NfcrtC Tim ber R esources S u pport for C ity T w irlers Sought Included in D a ta A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TO W N NUMBER 22 RPRINOFUBLD, IA N E COUNTY, OKKOON. THURSDAY JUNE 7, 1928 ROY STEARMER HURT SERIOUSLY AS AUTO IN GEAR PINS HIM "The Peop.e's Paper" STOCK RIVER HERE FOR LOCAL ANGLERS; 9 6 0 0 RAINBOWS LIBERATED WELL WAFER GOES UFO GIFT MAINS A tank truck load of 9,*00 Rainbow Itoy Hti-armer, 111 year-old y *1' County Industrial Survey I 3 Springfield Nine Will M e e t trout were liberated here Monday in school student, son of Mr. and Oakland Team Sunday; the Willamette river by the State Reported Progressing; W H. Htearmer, was aerlously In­ Game department. The liberating of New Supply Cut In By Power Twilight Games Set Lumber Is Studied June 18 Set as Date for Annual jured at HI o'clock yesterday morning the fish here and other places this Company On Monday; Pumps School Election; One Board when he was pinned between two earn Whether Springfield Is to have a Spring marks a new policy of the Progress In the Industrial survey of Lifting 125 Gallons of Water Member And Clerk Must Be on Main street near Fourth latne county being conducted by the baseball club this year depends on the kame commission to plant llsh In the a Minute; Liquid to Undergo He was cranking an Overland car school of business administration of Interest shown by townspeople, Wil­ streams farther down from the moun­ Named; No Candidates Have belonging to Mrs Frank W Kantock the University of Oregon for the liam Vasby, temporary manager an­ tains and also the planting of larger Tests During Experiments. Announced as Yet. 1 2061 H arris street, Kugene. which the chambers of commerce of the county, nounced this morning preliminary to fish. Have you noticed anything differ­ the game here Sunday against Oak wii» reported thia week. Springfield alaclora twill choose one 1 owner hud left In gear. The trout liberated here were from ent about the taste of your drinking When he saw Mrs. Kantock at­ land on (he Fifth Brest diamond. new member for the board of educa­ three to six inches long. When they It will be possible to make a com­ tion and the school clerk for the din- tempting to crunk the car herself .(he plete aurvey of the county, wo’k on So far the team has had little sup were turned loose In a little stream water this week? trlct «1 the annual school election to youth proffered bis assistance. He the project ao far Indicates, Prof. A. port, the manager said. The team emptying Into the river at the George If so you have been drinking from be held June IK »ate for the elec­ stepped In between Mrs. Kantock's L. Lomax, who la In actual charge of Is composed altogether of local play- bonds farm south of town It was one of the two wells cut, In by tha tion wan set at u meeting of the hoard machine und a truck behind which It the university work, stated ers who deserve the support of their evident that these flah were of a slxe Mountain Sta'ee Power company this was parked Monday evening that they could make their own way. week. Work on the survey began April 1. home town, Mr. Vasby believes.. When the motor started is crushed Ko far It has centered around Eugene, The two wells at the power plant In a game against Oakland last It has been found in the planting of Voting will be In the city hull The polls will I m - open from t o'clock to him ugulnst the rear of the truck. He Cottage Grove, Springfield, Junction Sunday a close contest resulted In a small fry In the past that the larger here, were added to the water supply 7 o'clock In the evening All residents sustained s fractured hip bone, a City and the Florence-Cushman vici­ 6 to 4 victory for the Oakland nine, per c-enlage of them die when put out on Monday, it was announced by W. Springfield was short two regular to shift for themselves In the cold j c. McLagan, steam superintendent 3t of this city may vote, whether a pro­ piece was broken from the spinal nity. - , column and his leg was badly lacer­ City planning, city xoning, building players, but even then the game was river water after being raised In a j the plant, perty holder or not ated His attenolng physician report­ codes, housing codes, public projects, hotly contested throughout, one team pond, Although they will not furnish all The new hoard member will be ed the Injury as extremely serious. the water, the well will provide about bonded Indebtedness, taxes, public having the advantage and then the It is hoped that many of these ► lacled for u term of three years Mrs. Kantock stated that when the service utilities, education, business other until the final Inning told the trout liberated here will remain In one-fourth of the water consumed, Mr. The clerk will serve one year. hoy volunteered to crank the car she concerns, building and construction tale. this section of the river. There are McLagan stated. An air life compres­ W (I llughee, present chairman of told his to wait until she put It out and banking are among the things to Lineup Is Given many fishermen who go ont in the sor is pumping 125 gallons of water the board. Is the retiring member He of gear. Khe repeated the warning be covered. I xm - s I players on the team last Sun evenings or cannot go long distances , into the city mains. This will be con- has served three years, »be last your several times, she said. Khe believes Questions Sent Out day were: McPherson, catcher, Huck to fish. It la those people who the j tinned throughout the summer aa as head of the group Itoy Carlton Questlonalres to determine the pur­ Harper, pitcher; “Doc” Munn, first game commission wish to favor by more or less of an experiment. It was he did pot hear her. la now senior member and will be The condition of Itoy Htearmer was chasing power of the community, base, Don Bettis, second base; Hugh planting In the lower river according stated. the chairman Bacteria Count Made aomemhat Improved this morning, ac­ average rentala. number of employes, Cowart, short stop; Don Palmer .third to Commissioner Ben Dorris. Most Sm ith I* Unoppossd After drilling some 17 test "rella cording to hla attending physician. slxe of payroll and other questions base; "Shorty” Meats, left field; ! fish heretofore have been planted tn D. J. Beals Is the other member of He rested fairly well last night and are being sent out to merchant* In Ormel Redding, center field; William the mountain streamc. near the plant, the company finally the hoard for the coming year early this morning. II was reported Eugene as an experiment In gathering \ ashy, right field. A few changes The gamP commission has a new , put down the tkro holes now In use R W. Hmlth Is present school clerk, He Is being cared for at the home of data. If the plan Is successful the will be made In this lineup this week tank truck ^tilch will hold eight or Teats of water taken from them were questions will be sent to the other having served In lhal capacity for his parents at 666 I) street The team will play a practice game , ten thousand of these large fish. It made over a period of many month». , municipalities In the county. several terms. He la expected to seek against the Booth-Kelly twilight has a hose attachment and when It Results have Invariably shown that reelect Ion. Survey work during the next few team tomorrow evening. Those who is backed up to the river bank the although there is a stxeable count of 11 LOCAL SCOUTS ARE weeks, will center around lumber re­ wish to try out for the game Sunday fish are liberated In two or three harmless soil bacteria, there la no No candidate has yet announced SIGNED UP FOR CAMP; sewer bacteria count. sources. Lane county Is the most may play In this game. himself for either the school board or minutes. Every precaution will be taken In SESSION BEGINS JULY 9 heavily Umbered county In the state for clerk Schedule for the twilight league Is The fish liberated here are from the . checking on the bacteria, Mr. Me- i with the largest amount of lumber. Mrs. Elsie Pollard, who opposed i virtually complete. Games will start McKenzie trout hatchery. Other ship-1 B gat<, Thp WBtPr fileter, M r Smith In two previous elections. | KlpTen 8pr,n«"P,d Oregon has been designated as the next week. Pour teams are now ments of the larger fry have been an(J choIorlnBted u order t0 ,n. Slated today that she will not seek »?«••«. troop 11 and other from kpy , u t , for B forest tBX inquiry to signed up for this league. They are liberated at Row River. Fall Creek gure a purp gupply the position this vear. The contest troop 12' havp >'P f" r “ »* “ • i M conducted by Dr F. R. Fairchild the Booth-Kelly team, the high senool and branches of the McKenzie river ,f thp pxpertment thi„ RUmmer «a between the two candidates was heal ,,ual -" ‘'»mpment at camp Lucky Boy ; , hp npBr fu,urP Thp work of Or team, the married men's team and a this spring. successful. It Is probable that other ed In the former elections. I ” Bhw RI*Pr' • » Fairchild will assist greatly in the Wendling team There Is yet room wells will be author xed and drilled. Aldrich, scoutmaster of the former iumfier survey. for two more teams, Mr. Vasby said REPUBLICAN CENTRAL Judges and a clerk for the election troop. Ta.te of Water Better I - were selected by the hoard Monday A permanent manager for the city COMMITTEE ORGANIZED The chief Improvement noticeable Boys who will bi- In the camp for ( C O U N C I L T O DISCUSS night. Judges are John Ketels, Hr., team Is being sought. Mr. Vasby has : -------- will be the taste of the water, It was two weeka beginning July 9 are: Mra. W P. Tyson and 8. C. Wright been manager only until someone! One of the largest meetings of Re- pointed out. J. E. Simmons, bacterl- BRIDGE LIGHTING AT George Mason, Wlaton Bacus. Billie and the clerk Is Mrs Hattie Myers MEETING NEXT MONDAY volunteers to assume this responslbl- publican county precinct committee- ologist at O. S. C., has reported the Wheeler, Gordon Wright. Lloyd Alli­ They will preside at the polls and men ever held since the advent of samples analyzed as exceptionally son, Carl Adams. Everett laijole. fount the ballots. the present primary system occurred good. With a discussion of the lighting of Robert Mdaigan. Earl Wheeler, Dor­ B.-K. Awards Contract Saturday at the county court house i Although it has no connection with the new’ bridge as the only Item out­ LUMBER INDUSTRY TO man Chase, Ralph Hughea. side the regular routine of business, In Eugene. The republican central the new -water supply, workmen at Submitting a bid of $700 for 200 Other names will lx- added tn this BE CHIEF TOPIC A T committee organized for the year the power plant were busy this week cords of wood delivered, the Booth- list before the camp sturts, It ,s ex the Springfield clyt council will con­ MEETING ON SATURDAY with about 60 delegates from as many, reconstructing a condenser sump. vene next Monday evening. Kelly Lumber company won the con­ peeted The wooden structure being replaced (’onnellinen will talk over the prof different precincts in the county. tract for iignln supplying the school Boys from all parts of lame countv fer of the state highway commission What's the matter with the North­ It '»as not only the largest meeting houses a supply of water used for here with fuel. The 200 cords will will gather at the camp In three two- to lay the conduit for the bridge. west lumber industry and what are held for some time but was the first cooling the big pumps which are con- he divided among the three schools. week periods where they will have a Springfield must provide the wire, the lumbermen going to do about It? j ,hat a ,arg{, numbpr youn* mpn j 8tantIy at :WDrk. No other company submitted a bid. regular routine of acoutlng. This will be the main topic of dis-, took part in. Dr. M. C. Morris, of Hundreds of gallons of water art lighting fixtures and globes, the com­ The local dealers have taken the con­ i Keoutmaster Aldrich will accom mission voted at a recent meeting cussion at a meetitng of lumbermen. Eugene, was reelected chairman by used each day in keeping the pumps tract each year on account of the bid pany the Springfield boys to camp, A report of the lighting committee including presidents and managers of acclimation. and C. H. Sedgwick, of cool. This water is used for this pro- which Is considered by the board aa which will be In charge of scout lead- on proposed new lights In the Sunny­ some of the biggest sawmill opera- Creswell, was chosen secretary. Joe • cess and later flows back into the mill extremely reasonable. era-of this county. Boys will pass' The claims for the post month were (pl,,R for Bdvancp ln rank and mer„ side addition Is also scheduled for the tions In the Northwest, to he held at Koke. Eugene held his position as race, except that which evaporates a* the Osburn hotel at 6:30 P m., Satur- S(Bte committeeman, by a vote of 2* steam. meeting. allowed by the hoard. badges. ............ ........................ Monthly claims w ill be allowed and day, June 9. Invitations have been | O 22 over S. S. George, young men's I The teaching staff of Springfield the regular run of business transect­ sent by the Willamette Valley Lum­ candidate. John Hobbs, of Eugene, j LOCAL GUARDSMEN TO schools Is now complete with the sign- CHARLES P. POOLE IS ed. I. M Peterson, city recorder, will bermen's Association to between 300 lost to H. E. Maxey, Springfield, Ing of four more con tracts. It was an­ GO TO CAMP CLATSOP clean up all old business before he and 400 lumbermen in the Willamette young men's candidate, by a vote cf NAMED PRESIDENT OF nounced by A. J Morgan, supervising valley and along the southern Ore­ 100 PERCENT STRONG leaves for his vacation, he said. 19 to 36 for congressional committee­ principal. LOCAL LIONS ORDER gon coast to attend the meeting and man. Glenn Cole, grndnale of Albany talk over some of ihe lumber industry Headquarters company, 162nd lb- Although much interest was shown Officers of the Springfield Lions SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY college, iwtll tench English and direct problems and suggest remedies with ln thp „rganjmtlon meeting and con- j iantry, Oregon National Guard, will IS SOLD BY HANSONS about 15 officials and tdustees of the s|derable rivalry resulted there w as' go to Camp Clatsop 100 per cent the high school hoya’ glee club and ; club were elected for the coming year orchestra. May Hewes, graduate of j st a inciting of the club last Friday West Coast Lumbermen's Association. , abgolute harmony of purpose In per- strong this year, according to an- Bale of the Springfield Steam Laun­ the University of Oregon, will teach . noon. Representatives of the West Coast , fecting an organization to advance nouncements made this morning oy Charles P. Poole was named presi- dry to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. AVftt of nialheniHtlca and science In the high I association, led by Col. W. B. Greeley, ’ the Interest of the candidates for af- Lieut. Tom Swarts, commander of the school. Maurlne Lombard, of Spring dent of the local group. He has been this city and "Tex" Anderson of Port­ formerly chief forester of the United i flee at the general election. { Springfield unit. land, iwws announced last week end. field, a graduate of the University o'f1 an a< :,lvp membp’' <’* ,bp club Two commissioned officers and 25 States, and now secretary-manager of . Oregon, will teach high school Eng ’>«•'« »‘«»rtly before Christmas ( Mr. and Mrs Henry Hanson, who men will make the trip to the beach the lumber association, will tell lum- CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS llsh and girls' gymnasium classes nnd has served on several Important J have conducted the business here dur- bermen of this section of plans of camp where more than 3000 militia­ __ j ing the past few years, haye not made Leonard Mayfield has signed his con­ committees. the reorganized association to' put the i ™ BE CONDUCTED HERE men will be in camp between June IS Other officers are: W H. Adrian plans for their future activities other tract to coach the athletic teams and 27. it was stated. The camp la lumber Industry on a permanently Civil service examinations for ap­ located between Astoria and Seaside vice-president; F. B. Flanery, aecre- than a vacation at the mountains or again next year. profitable basis, and ask for their proximately 60 positions are open to and ,g about # half-mile from the 1 tary-lreasurer; Dr. W. C. Rehhan, at the coast. ! lion tamer; W. K. Darnell, tall twist-j The new owners may make criticism and counsel. 1 Springfield residents. It was announ- beacb BAND REHEARSALS TO I ced this 1 week by Walter Gossler. er; G O Rushman, W. C. McLagan J changes In the future, hut will use the The' local company will entrain at i secretary of the Springfield civil ser­ 5:30 a. m. June 13 for two weeka of nnd Hurry M. Stewart, trustee. ' building at the corner of Main and SPRINGFIELD VETERANS BEGIN IN NEXT THREE vice board. R ; Reports on the district Lions meet Mill streets for a time yet. They have training where soldiering learned dur­ WILL ELECT DELEGATES WEEKS. SAYS MANAGER K j ing In Salem recently were given by resided here for some time, although Persons desiring to enter the open ing the winter months will be put in­ , . ! severul members who attended. 11. i they spent the past year in Eugene. Two delegates to the stale conven competitive tests may obtain informa- to practice. Rehearsals of the newly organized ' E. Maxey was official dolegute to the I , tlon of the American Legion to be J “ on and BPPl««tlon blanks from Mr One of the big events of the camp Springfield hand will begin lit about FORMER RESIDENTS ARE held in Medford August 2-4, will be O°88ler at the postoftlce here. > jg vigitors- day on June 23 when more three weeks. It was announced today hualness session. ----------------- 7------- I HERE ON BUSINESS TRIP elected at the next meeting of the Thp P«8“ l°n8 °Ppn include technl- , han 30 Qoo v,gltorg are expected to by Harold K. Phillips, manager. H. J. COX NOMINATED 1 ------- Springfield post which Is scheduled ia ' and K> nt ral positions in almos , v^pw jbp brigade demonstration In Prof. Andrew Landie" of Eugene, FOR MAYOR; RICHMOND Mr “nd Mrs n s Jordan. formerly for June 16, It was announced today 1,11 branche8 of ,he service from Eng- wb(cb two regiments of Infantry and who Is Io direct the local organiza­ , of Springfield, are here looking after by Jack Larson, commander. Alter- i ,,sh ‘papb’a* “» Bdentiflc aid in para- one artillery battalion will participate. tion, Is now In Canada. He will be OUT FOR COUNCILMAN buitlnpaa intPrBRl8 They iwere called nates will also be named in the event | 8it°i°Sy- Springfield company was represent­ three for about three weeks yet. Upon ,,, , i here by the sudden death of Mrs. Jor- one of the delegates cannot make the i ed by the full membership last year his return rehearsals will begin. The name of H. J. (ox will brotbpr Robprt of trip. Springfield Is allotted two otfi- LOCAL GUARDSMAN BACK ’ and won high commendation from of- A room will be secured for the prac­ placed on the ballot In ’bpJ ‘en«r"’ j Harrisburg, last week Their home clal representatives at the convention. FROM FORT IN GEORGIA fleers at camp. tice and the band men will get togeth­ election In November. F'riends have Is now In Raymond, Washington. -------- Those who will go this year, which Fifteen new members have been er once a week for Instruction. nominated him by petition for the ' Mr. Jordan was formerly in the con­ added to the post here and $90 of Sergeant F. R. Griffis who has spent includes the entire enlistment, are: More than 30 men are signed up office of mayor. tracting business here, having built A petition with enough names to a number of Springfield residences. the Indebtedness removed since the the past four months in military train- Officers, First Lieut. Tom Swarts. already. Leaders are urging that ing at Fort Benning, Georgia, return- ' commander; Second Lieut. Walter present officers were elected. more youths of high school njte Join put his name on Ire ballot was cir­ He was owner of the Willows room­ ed to his home here Monday. j Gossler; staff sergeant. Trubert Hend- the hand whether they have ever culated this week by 1). (). Fisher and ing house now conducted by Mr. and erson; sergeants, Charles Scott, Representing the local unit of the others. played an Instrument before or not. POSTAL RECEIPTS CAIN Mrs. W. A. Hemenway. Ethmer Griffis, Belvin Doane, Kenneth Oregon National Guard, he attended Mr. Cox has been active In civic It Is expected that a hand of from TEN PER CENT IN MAY the Infantry school. His work con- Dillard; corporals, Orval Eaton, John 50 to 60 pleeeH will be built up here affairs here for a period of years. He EASTERN STAR DINNER ' slsted in communications and intellf Cooley, Hartford McVey, Donald Bet­ and that this organization will render served on tho city council nnd later tis. Austin J. McPherson; privates of A net gain of 10 per cent over May ppncp instruction. His enlistment In WILL BE LAST MEETING 1927 is shown ln the cash receipts for )bp cornpany here was extended dur- first class, William Cox, Richard Har- a groat aid In advertising tho city by as president of Ihe chamber of com­ merce. He will accept the nomina­ Its activities In this county. j A dinner to be held June 19 will be the Springfield postoffice for the same lng h|g gtay 1n the for, and hp w„ i! pole. Elmo Long, Ell Miller; Privates, tion. his promoters assert. month this year, according to F. B. aRa|n assume his duties in the cm- Orval Cantrell. Willard Case, Hugh Ills name 1» now added to a list [ the final meting of the Springfield Hamlin, postmaster. Cowart, Horace Huckins, James Man- pany here. Lodgemen are Surprised of several others who arc being, lodge of the Order of the Eastern waring, Bert Tomseth, Edwrd Tam* Postal receipts for May 1928 totaled He Is the son of Mrs. Georgia Members of the 1. (). G. F. lodge favored. Amonjf them are C. O. Wil­ Star, It was decided at a regular meet­ seth, Eugene Walker, Lester Knuse, $640.54, the report shows. Griffis. ing of the group Tuesday evening. received a surprise last night when son, H. J. McKlin, and Lawrence May. Alfred Townsend, Samuel Bettis. Although the preceding month was The dinner will be held at 6:30 50 Rebekahs walked In on tho meet­ Another petition nominating Sam Station Gets Paint—The Mutt and a little under April of 1927. a net o’clock and will be followed by. a ing. The latter lodge kept their visit Richmond as a member of the city Undergoes Operation— Mrs. G. H, 11 secret until they reached Ihe lodge council was also clrclualod tills week. business session and program of en­ gain of 3 per cent Is Indicated for Jeff Service station at the corner of Turner underwent a major operation Second and Main streets received a the first five months of this year as tertainment. doors where the Odd Follows were In It has sufficient signatures tn place Meetings of the lodge will be re­ compared with a similar period In new coat of paint yesterday after- ln the Pacific. Christian hospital Mon­ regular session. An Informal social his name nn Ihe ballot. He lives in day morning. ! noon. 1927. the Valley View section of the city. sumed In the fall. hour was enjoyed,