nice, ltarnes. Elisabeth Johnson, Mar Pengra sang "At Dawning" and "Oh Jorle Jolltff. Florence May, Marjorie ’ Promise Me." Mrs Pangra played Moon. Mary Moore, Mabie Siemsen. I the aceomoanltuent and the wedding Ruth Stewer, Opal Morris, Alto Dar- mandi Refreshments were served b> row. j Miss Kathryn Vedepohl and Miss 1 Fifth B— Jack Lindsay, Mildred Vertilce llawke. List For Whole Sem ester and Morgan. Margaret Jarrett, Shirley [ The young couple left after the. For Past Six Weeks Given; Smith. Jean Louck. Jimmie Phillips, j ceremony for Kelso. Washington. Good Work Is Shown Fern Chambers. Marjorie Johnson. where Mr. Tobias is engaged as a Margaret Wheeler, Sanimie Gott, «Irli engineer for the Warehausec Mure than 100 names are on the Grant Brownfield. Fern Fisher. Nor­ Timber company. honor roll tor the term and the pas’, man Richmond Marian Thompson an weeks at the Brattain school EUGENE POWER PROJECT F ifth A—Kenneth Cox. Lvsle Met Semester honor roll for the high 1 calf. Leonard Moon, Ray Bmlth, Allen IS STARTED TH IS WEEK school was also issued this week l*npils at the Brattain school on the ' Sneed. Anton Vchytil, Kenneth Walk First step In the Eugene Water honor roll tor scholarship during the er, Essel Adams. LaVarne Pugh. Lena Board power project begun Inst week last semester are: ' Stafford. Lora Thurman. Lallorla Fourth B— Barbara Barnell, Flor- Waiker, Lila Longiuere. Edna June when 60 men were put to work clear­ ing the right-of-way for the canal ence May. Roland Faros worth. Severson. Although work on the canal will . Fifth B— Margaret Jarrett. Mildred sixth B — Pearl Williams. Echo Morgan. Jack Lindsey. Helen Davis. Tomseth, Faye Stratton. Elsie Beals. not 8,“r* for “ while, C. A Met lain. Olga Hrynchuck, Evelyn Gormley. I p u en Cox, Hope Darrow, Clair Had- superintendent of the water board. I F ifth A— Harlan Duncan. Arthur |ey Ludie Godsey, Irvin House. Melba stated that a number of men were out Pengra Jr., Allen Sneed, Lois Johan* Lowrey Mae Plckell. Verlin Posey, of iwork and It was thougnt advlsab'e ten. Edna June Severson. ! Jännitä Seamans, Mary Smltson. to get the right^>f-way cleared before Sixth B— Vivian Runte. Pearl Wli- jjruce Squires. Dick Wright. Glen the contractor gets on the Job. Bids for the canal work will be Wetxell. Mary Vchytil. Hams. opened on June 5. A number of con Pupils having perfect attendance 1 tractors will bid for this piece of, for the year: POPPY SALE HELD HERE work. Mr McClain said. Several have ' First—Wayne Wetxell. SUCCESS. SAYS CHAIRMAN already been al the site making tp Second— lima Wetxell. Jimmie Orr estim ates for their bids. Third— Kenneth Brownfield, Mar­ Annual poppy sale of Uie American garet Meek, Helen Nichols. Eugene Legion auxiliary was successful this -j-^ y L O R MAKES REPORT Phillips. year, it was reported today by Mrs. Many Students on Year’s Honor Roll I man Wedding guests wi re vir- a SENIORS HOLD ANNUAL ' J. Hehnelsky, mother of lb» brld t; BREAKFAST LAST WEEK Mrs. J Ksrkl. Mrs. J T Jobiislnn. L o c a l B o y» G ra d u a te Seniors of the high school dined together for the lust time Inst Satur­ day morning when tin- annual upper < .ass breakfast was held The graduating student* gathered un the school ground« whntn tfcW prepared their breakfast and had a Iasi social visit Members of the girls' league of the high school honored their advisor. Miss Frances Hodge, iwllh a gift for the work she has done for the organi­ sation during the school yesr Just I ended. I MRS. BRAZAEL AND M. A. POHL WED AT ASTORIA Astoria; Mrs lluntly, Max I’ohl, Mr ami Mrs William I'obl and Maxwell Alonso Pohl. Junior and 11111« Vir­ ginia Lee Pifiil Mr. Pohl la un electrician on the U. B .4 Algonquin Aatorla Evening Budget, May 16 Both Mr and Mrs Pohl ara well known hire, Mrs. Pohl lived here for some time and recently Mr Pohl was associated with M II lluntly in the laller's Isikery ami restaurant business. GAS MADE HER CROSS. CAN'T EAT OR SLEEP "When I ale I would bloat up with gas. I couldn't sleep, was cross and The mrarlnge of ¿Irs Marie ilia nervous. Adlerlka has given me real xael of Springfield and M A I’ohl relief."— Mrs. M Meyers. Adlerlka relieves stomach kms and was solemnised at 7:30 o'clock l»*l evening al a prettv home weddiut al sourness in I KN iiilnules Aitlug oh the I’ohl residence ou Franklin a v e-.B iiT H upper and lower bowel. It re- >t I moves old waste mailer yon never nue Itev. Dan Thui stun. I as' the First Baptist church, rend th-’ thought »ns in your system. I-el Ad- ! lorlka give your stomach nml bowels ceremony. The bride wns attended by Mrs a HEAL cleansing and see how much M 11 lluntly of S- rtngfleld. sister of belter you feel. It will surprise you the groom, and Max \\ Pohl was liest Flattery's Drugs Store F ourth— S 'c p u e u Rice, Opal M o rris . ON COTTAGE GROVE MEET H. E Maxey, president of the auxili­ Bernice Barnes. ary. who was chairman of the sale. Fifth B— Marjorie Johnson. A meeting of the Springfield chain , Members disposed of all of the 875 F ifth A— Easel Adam s, L a Verm poppies sent here for sale. The paper her of commerce featured by a small i Pugh. Kenneth Cox. Ray Smith. (lowers are made by disabled veterans attendance of members was held lint I Sixth B— Mary Smitson. Glen Wet­ ' in the hospitals throughout the coun­ Friday. xell, Clair Hadley. Echo Tonuseth. W. A. Taylor, a delegate to the ' try. They are sent throughout the Ellen Cox. country just preceding Memorial day county chamber of commerce, who at- Honor roll of the last six weeks, and’ the funds'received are sent "to "the » »«*•“ «* •» th“ organisation scholarship: last Thursday, reported on the bus! crippled veterans. First— Violet Steele, Ethel Ellison. ness of that session, stating that the Margaret King, Marlin Darr, Ken­ next meeting of the Lane group will William Halsey and Curtis Price. MRS. M. A. POHL. RECENT neth Ables. be held here. I Springfield boys who will be gradu­ Second— Muriel Tyson, Ruth Rich­ BRIDE IS GIVEN PARTY I W. C. Wright and J. A. Seavey, ated from the Oregon State College ardson. Leland Neher, Bobby Wetxeil, delegates from the local chamber, Honoring Mrs. M. A. Pohl, a recent also attended the Cottage Grove m eet­ on June 4. Marie Briggs, Jane Phair, Leroy Wil­ liams. Edgar Trotter. Rose Ogden. bride. Mrs. M. B. Huntly entertained ing. Walter Gossler, secretary of the Mary Lansbery. Margie Mulligan. Bar­ at her home at miscellaneous shower Springfield group, attended a meet- j TWO SPRINGFIELD BOYS party last Thursday evening. ARE 0. S. C. GRADUATES bara Nealon. l lng of secretaries in the Grove last Third— Frances Keeler, Eugene Invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs, Thursday afternoon at which a con — Springfield la represented by two Phillips. Ivan Anderson: Mr and Mrs. W. H. gtitutlon and by-laws iwere drawn up students In the graduating class of ( Fourth B—Barbara Barnell, Flor­ Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peddi- for the county chamber. 1938 at Oregon State College Curtis ___________________ ence May. Ula Weight. Roland Farns­ cord. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Miss Price and William Halsey are among worth. Opal Morris. Elisabeth John­ Constance Rebhan, Dr R. P. Morten HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS those receiving degrees at the annual sen. Mr. and Mrs. William Roden- son. LEAVE ON LONG VACATION commencement exercises June 4. Fifth B — Jack Lindsey. Evelyn bough. Mrs. R. Thatcher, Alice and Mr. Price and Mr. Halsey have , Gormley. Olga Hrynchuck, Helen ' George Thatcher. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. I Davis, Mildred Morgan. Margaret Jar-! Schnetzky. Mrs Alma Cowden, Mr. I Teachers of the high school were earned degrees of bachelor of science this week preparing to make an In forestry. They are among the 17 rett, Jimmie Phillips. ' and Mrs. W. I. House. Mr. and Mrs. Fifth A—Kenneth Walker, Frank ' Charles Jordan. Mrs. Josephine Johns ‘>’t'xlus t0 the,r homes throughout the oven being graduated in forestry this i year. Aside from completing their lin Wardlow, Allen Sneed. Roy Smith and Mr. Patrick. | ,ta te - , , Johansen. , . j may . beautiful ... , Miss Catherine Tinkham will go to regular work, Prtre aftd Halsey have i Harlan rw Duncan, Lois Mrs. Pohl __i received .. „ B— „ Pearl , Williams, Echo gifts. v«...i to be oixth Music --.a and _ conversation were Corvallis _______ __ with . . . her „ parents dur- also taken an active part in campus ' ing the summer. Miss Frances Hodge affairs. Price Is a member of XI Tomseth. Verlin Posey. Vivian Runte. , followed by refreshments will attend summer school at the Uni- Sirma Pi. national honorary society ' Brace Squires. Honor roll of attendnace for last JESSIE SIMONSEN WEDS m Ore*O„ , Mi’ ’ J ’*“*'"* ,n and of Pi Kappa Phi. ' six weeks: « c u o o l o vvcuo Miller wl„ go to Salen), ,o bp w|th | goc|a| frHlernlty. MERLE TOBIAS SATURDAY her parents and Miss Lydia Osgood' ______ First—Violet Steele, Louise Sinnar, ______ will spend the summer in Albany Republicans to Meet Lorraine Squires. Ethel Ellison. Mar-! Mj„ Jeggje Simongen wag marrW Miss Grace Potter plans to attend , Meeting of the Lane County Repub­ garet King, tumor Endicott. Walter Merle L Tobias Saturday w u iiu i f t0 o \ 1 o p I h I. rT * r « K ia a l last oot U n fn r /ln o _ 1.1 _ _ _a _ school In s~\ Oakland. California, _ and lican central committee has been Laxton. Marlin Darr, Harold Trotter, evening at a pretty wedding at the Leonard Mayfield will go to Glad­ called for Saturday, June 2. at 2 Roland Mattison, Kenneth Ables. home of the groom's parents, Mr. and stone. Miss Clara Wagner will go to o'clock In the Lane county court, ac­ Second— Mary Lansbery, Marjorie Mrs. L. A. Tobfas. Corvallis and Miss Lois Spencer to cording to James K. King, secretary McPherson. Barbara Nealon. Rose The double ring ceremony was Eugene. A. J. Morgan and Oscar of the central committee. Ogden. Jane Phair, Teddy Wright used. Rev. C. H. Blom of the Baptist Gladdlsh will remain here, Springfield committeemen are C. E. Irma Wetzell, Ruth Richardson. Mur­ church officiating and Master Roger j * . . . ■ Wheaton, Charles Kenyon, M. B. iel Tyson. Elmer Pickell, Donald Wayne Tobias acting as ring bearer. SICKLY BOY, 7, GAINS Huntly and H. K. Maxey. House. Wilbur McPherson, Jimmie The bride was given in marriage by -|5 LBS; FATHER HAPPY w Orr, Earl Stevens, Edgar Trotter her uncle, Andrew Simonsen of Port- --------- Alvin McBee. Cecil Collingwood. . land. She wore an orchid georgette “My boy, 7, would not eat. I gave T h ir d — Billy Burnett. Ralph Hick crepe dress trimmed in rhinestones, him Vlnol and the way he eats and man, George Nadvornik, Eugene Phil Bhe wore orange blossoms and car- plays now makes me happy. He galn- lips. Robert Richardson. Roy Steele. rled a shower bouquet of Cecil Brun- ed 15 pounds."—J. F. Andres, Scott Wright. Harold Goddard. Em ner roses and aweet peas. Her only Vlnol Is a delicious compound of cod 1 ergon Ables, Lois Deeds, Mary Fritts, attendant was Mrs Kenneth A. To­ liver peptone. Iron, etc. The very Jennie Jackson, Frances Keeler, Ruth bias as matron of honor, who wore a FIR9T bottle often adds several Keeler, Myrna McKinnon. Juan Strat- frock of orch’d georgette trimmed in pounds weight to thin children or tan. Maxine Smltson, Lois Wilson. satin ribbon. adults. Nervous, easily tired, anemic Maxine Vallier. Dale Carson, Earl Kenneth A. Tobias, orother of the people are surprised bow Vlnol gives House, Kenneth Brownfield, Helen groom, acted as best man. Little new pep, sound Hleep and a BIG ap­ Nichols. Thomas Herron. Marjorie Jean Pengra was flower girl. petite. Tastes delicious. Ketels Drug Fourth B— Barbara Barnell. Ber- Preceding the ceremony M. Norton Store. DEPENDABLE EIJEQLASS SERVICE Dr. Rowell G ick OPTOtnEl BIST—tUtaiQMT SPECIALIST 878 IVillamelte St Phone 820 Jaat one thin^—bat 1 do it nqhl EUGENE “ u/here aavinga a re g re a te t t 942 Willamette St.. Eugene. Oregon. Ribbed, Knit Underwear Light Wtxg.d, Cool for Summer, Button-at-Shoulder The white, plain knit cotton union suit, shown at right, meet« every requirement (or serviceable summer lu ll cut (or s u i i i i u c i underwear. u in iv i ' comfort. At— 9G c j The fancy knit, mercerised cotton union ,uit, at left. i. offered in wb » and colored pattern.. Full cut. Lx- ccptiona 1 value at— $ 1 .4 9 You Should Use BLUE BELL ICE CREAM WILLIAMS’ SELF SERVICE STORES N ext to I. O. O. F. Because 77 E. Broadway, Eugene, O regoi W hy N ot Serve Y ourself an d Save? It is lousands of our regular customers are saving money on their purchases by buying the onern Way. Everything is displayed so you can make your selecteions easily and you dir not hurried into buying something unsatisfactory. Our prices are substantially low- er by using ttiis system. Extra clerk hire is passed on to you. — THE EASIEST DESSERT MADE FROM SWEET CREAM PRIZE WINNING ICE CREAM A REAL FOOD NOT A LUXUARY F ootwear BETTER FOR CHILDREN THAN CANDY RICH IN THE ESSENTIAL VITAMINES “DAILY FOOD” NOT A SUNDAY SPECIAL For the Entire Family 98c to $ 4 .9 8 Buy From Your Dealer Over 7000 Pairs to Select From AND EVERY PAIR HAS AN AB8OLUTE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION OR A NEW PAIR FREE. YOU CAN ALWAYS SAVE MONEY AT THIS STORE ■«M P