TIIV IlH hA Y MAY 31. 1U3K. IN EAST PIER OREGON STATE NEWS | CEMENT OF NEW BRIDGE TO BE OF GENERAL INTEREST POURED THIS FRIDAY PAGE FIVE TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS TOWN AND VICINITY Henry'Korf of Sisters were here with Kranklln of Jasper » » • » «usine«« i visitor here today. friends Wednesday. Albany Folk Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Bushmans Have Guests— Mias < Ha­ William Imrllng ami daughter, of Al­ ste Burlingame of Astoria was a house llulf of the cement for the number Creswell People Hara— Mrs. Leod guest of Mr and Mrs John Bushman bany, former residents of thia city, Louks In Creswell— Mr. and Mrs. one pier of the bridge under construc­ Jennett and daughter of Creswell In Eugene this week. She is a sister were visitors here Memorial day. M r. Fred Look went to Creswell Sunday Brief Resume of Happenings of Darling was manager of the Moun­ tion here will be poured Friday morn­ to visit with his parents. were visitors here Tuesday. of Mrs Bushman. tain State Power company office while the Week Collected for ing, It wa« announced today by O. Goes to Portland—Roy Smith went R e turns to P o rtla n d —- M rs. ffoy residing here. Spend Week end at Beech— Mr and Lindstrom, of the Portland contracting Our Readers. ' firm who Is In personal supervision Mrs C McPherson spent the last to Portland Tuesday for a few days White returned to her home In Port­ business trip. week-end Ut N ew po rt. land Monday after spending several | of the Job. I MeM weather «ml « him« crowd With iwork going full blast and a days here visiting with her parents, Rtbhana Have Visitors—Dr. and Visit In Belem—Mr. and Mrs Ray Kre«t<:«l til« annual strawberry iB ittb ' largo crew of men busy, much pro- Mr and Mrs. W. H. laiinbert. Raker of Wendling and Mr. und Mrs. Mrs. A. L. Wlndon and children of I gross has been made since the con val hebl In Roseburg last week. Henry Adrian spent Sunday at Salem , Seattle are visitors at the home of Chiropractic and Tacoma People Here— Mr and Sirs. Dr. and Mrs W. C. Rebhan this week. Haines* loth annual staiupiile In the tractors broke the first soil here a Eleetra-Therapy Kenneth (Bill) Girard of Tacoma are Visit Relatives — Mr and M rs.1 n «ll hl« «»iiit 1» eastern Or««on, the little more thau a month ago. Mother Is Visitor— Mrs. S. 8 Hunt here visiting relatives. Mr. Girard Pier number one Is on the east Arthur Pengra and children spent the I 'Specializing In ilnlvn ii»r th« »how being June 1 «ml 3. hank of the river und Is one of the ; pusi week-end visiting friends and re- of Oakland. California, mother of Mrs. Is the son of Mr and Mrs. Carl Girard Approximately 4ot> members of the Painless and J E Lindsey, Is a visitor here for the of this city and Mrs. Girard la dautb- four .big piers which will support the Bloodless Lion»' club ulti'inlfd the »tut« lonven- superstructure of steal and concrete I lui Ives In Handover. next ten days. ter of Mr. and Mra J E Lindsey tlon belli In Buletn laat Friday and Removal of Portland Visitor Hare— Mrs. Lulu j which Is to span the river. T on sils Bon Is Born— A son was born to Mr Flanerys are Hoste—Mr. and Mis Saturday. ' Lester of Portland was a week-end In the meantime workmen are rush­ A cl»»» of 73 waa graduated from ing to gel the forms completed for the guest at the home of her mother. and Mrs. A. H. Roberts of Eugene al Andrew Campbell and daughter, Ala- 16th year In Oregon prectlclng. their home Sunday morning. They dlne of Amity and Mr and Mr«. A. W Maker high aobonl laat week. I I . M. other uistln piers and the smaller sup­ Mrs Mary C. Magill. Office 1237 Ferry 8t. Phone SOM are well known here. Thornton of Dallaa vlaited over the Broadbent. superintendent of achoola. ports which will be foundation for the Natron People Hare— Mr and Mrs. Eugene past week-end at the home of Mr. and present! d the diploma«. approaches . Vern Stewart, former residents of Here for Bummer—Claudia June Mr Lindstrom estimates that Jhe this city, were visitors here from Moore arrived here Tuesday from Mrs F. B Flanery. The mill levy for the Jackson coun­ ty fair carried by 10S7, allhouch the concrete work will all he completed Natron last week end. Bandon to spend the summer with her rote waa adverse In the towna of Ash­ and that steel work will begin about grandmother. Mra. John Burris and Here from Monmouth—Miss Ida her aunt. Mra. Merle Casteel. July IB. With no difficulties the land, Jacksonville and Eagle Point. The I. O. O. F grand lodge, which whole bridge 'Will be completed before Cox. who Is attending the state nor­ mal school at Monmouth, spent the Leave for Coast— Mr and Mrs. Otto concluded Its elate convention In Christmas he believes. Pumps are being kept busy to w eekend here visiting with friends Smith and children left Tuesday for 30 New Hats, regular values up to »7 60 on Sale Roseburg last week, selected Medford empty the holes where the cement and relatives. Garibaldi, near Tillamook, to visit S a tu rd a y only at »3.75. Large and small head size». as (be site of next year's assembly. foundations will be poured. The con­ with Mrs Smith's slater, Mrs. Henry Small and floppy brlme. Complete line of Matrons Al P a rk in s Stops — AI Perkins of The agricultural department bill car­ tractors are not experiencing as much Hats. Portland, former resident of Spring- Castan. ries an Item of »10,000 annually for difficulty with the river as they had Just received a new shipment of Silk Dresses In field, stopped here Sunday enroute to the crop rotation work In Umatilla Eugene Man Hurt— Burl Arthurs, an expected, Mr. Lindstrom said. all the new colors. Values to »15.05. our price $9.95. county, according to word received Bend on a business trip. employe of the Eugene Water board We give 8. A H. Green Stamps from Senator McNary. Visit In Corvallis— Mrs. Kathryn on the construction work at Leahurg, BROTHERHOOD TO HOLD The five district high schools of was treated for an Injury here Mon­ 8th AVENUE HAT & DRESS SHOP ANNUAL PICNIC IN JUNE Duncan, and son, Harlan, Miss day afternoon. He fell iwhlle at work Wallowa county this year will gradu­ Doris Braat und Miss Clara Wagnor 42 • 8th . A V E . W E S T , E U G E N E . OREGON ate 41 boys and 4J girls, the largest spent the week end visiting relatives and a sharp rock entered bis hand, Annual picnic of the Methodist number of graduates In the high causing a severe cut. Brotherhood will be held some time at Corvallis. school history of the county. In June. Il was announced this morn D aug h ter ts Born— Mr. and Mrs. L. Eugene's first anual spring flower Ing Plans for the big outdoor event M. Gossler, motor, route B. are the i show was held last week, The exhi­ are yet to be completed A committee parents of an eight-pound daughter bition was sponsored by the Eugene will be named to make all necessary born Sunday morning at the Pacific Garden club and several hundred ex­ arrangements. C hristian hospital. hibitors competed for prlxes. The picnic will be the Itnal meeting The Eastern Oregon Developing of the organisation until next fall Former Residents Back— Mr. and company, holding company of the East­ Laat year Eugene and Cottage Mrs. Ike Webb and children moved ern Oregon Light A Power company, Grove brotherhoods were Invited to here Saturday from Cottage Grove. la planning the erection In La Grande participate In the picnic which was They were formerly residents of this of a »12.000 brick sub-station. i city. They will reside In a residence held at Swimmers* Delight park. a Walter Ott, 1«. son of the president a l the corner of Eighth and E streets. of the Umatilla Project Farm Bureau, RUTH MclNTYRE HONOR Leave for California—Mr. and Mrs has been declared winner of the Union GUEST AT SHOWER PART Y Russell Godilu/ii and children left Pacific scholarship for boys' and girls' last week-ehd for Los Angeles. Call- club work In Umatilla county. Honoring Mias Ruth McIntyre ■ fornla. for a trip of a month. They Rainbow trout eggs to the number whose marriage to John Halsey will will also visit in Mexico before re- , of 6.000.000 have been taken at Dla occur this month, a mlscellaneons turning to their home here. mend lake during the past two weeks, shower party waa held at the home of and S.OOO.OOO more are In »Ight, ac­ Mra T F. Bennett this week. Mrs. F. Goes to Colorado— Mrs. Walter I cording to Superintendent Matt Ryck j O. Bennett was Joint hostess. I.lpes left Sunday morning for Mount j man. Those present mere Miss Beth Rise, Colorado, to visit her parents, Corn planted near Dayton last week Johns. Miss Hattie Trlnka, Mrs. Arnie Mr and Mrs. Robert Armltage. Her , 1» up and has a good healthy color. Nelson, Mrs. Stillman George, Mrs. eight Bisters and her grandmother ‘ All other growing crops are thriving R. M Day. Mrs. Gladys Collins, Mrs. will be there for the family reunion. I Strawberries are ripening and being J H. Griffith, Mrs. M Anderson, Mrs. Gosslers Go Fishing— Walter. Ken- i marketed now. They are large and I. D. Imrlmer, Mrs. I. M. Peterson, neth and Lawrence Gossler went on ! well developed. Miss Sybil Carney, . Miss Melba a Ashing expedition last Sunday, j The Rogue river valley entrance to Mellon, Miss Dorene Larimer, Mias 1 They put In their boat at Deerhorn on , Crater Lake park It open to within Edith Eaton. Miss Lucille Richmond, the McKenxIe river ano fished down three miles of Anna Spring camp. II Mins Ruth Bettis, the two hostesses to Myers Park without rmich success. I Is expected to have the entire high­ and the guest of honor. they reported. way cleared of snow to the rim of the il THE Model T Ford is still a great car. It led the motor Here From Washington—Louis Jor­ lake by June 22. REBEKAH LODGE HEARS industry for twenty years and it is used today by more people dan arrived from Toppenish, Washing­ Raker's city commission hat ap REPORT ON BIG MEET ton. yesterday for a few days visit proved on first reading an ordinance than any other automobile. More than eight million Model at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. E taxing the Pacific Telephone A Tele­ Reports on the recent grand lodge T Fords are in active service in city, town and country, and graph company 2» cents per month session In Roseburg were made at a Uynp He came by way of Redmond for each of Its poles on a street 01 meeting of the Springfield Rebekah , over the McKenxIe pass. His mother, many of them can be driven for two, three and five years and Mrs. Nellie Jordan, will return home alley In the city. lodge Monday evening at which of vlth his for a visit. even longer at very small up-keep expense. The flBhlng boat Wolverine, report fleers for the ensuing half-year were ed missing from Coos bay for two elected. Guardsmen are Here— Captain Vin­ The cost of Model T parts and of necessary labor is weeks and thought to have been lost, Mrs. Stella Findley was elected cent Diaz of Salem and Sergeant Leo has arrived at Newport with the first noble grand of the local lodge. Other i Vaughn. Instructor station at Eugene, unusually low because of established Ford policies. catch of halibut that hat reached that officers named were: Carrie Jarrett, paid an official *4sit to Headquarters New fenders, for instance, cost from £3.50 to £5 each, port this season. vice-grand; Genevieve L ouk , record­ ! company, Springfield unit of the Ore­ Mrs. Alma Carpenter, an ixpor ing secretary; Alice Ixirah. treasurer gon National Guard last Thursday with a labor charge of £ l to £2.50. Tuning up the motor lenced trained nurse, will open a hos evening. The newfy appointed major and replacing commutator case, brush and vibrator points pltal In Condon. She haa purchased PETERSONS WILL LEAVE of the 162nd was scheduled to visit, the Fltxmuurtce place on Mnln street but other business kept him away. costs only £ l, with a small charge for material. Brake shoes JUNE 10 FOR TRIP EAST and will have the place fully equipped can be installed and emergency brakes equalized for a labor for use as a hospital. Ixiavlng about June 10, Mr and j Jay C. Richards. 8. son of Clarence Mrs. I. M Peterson expect to take an charge of only £1.25. A labor charge of £4 to £5 will cover Richards of Cove, died last week from extended trip to the east this sum I the overhauling of the front axle, rebushing springs and spring a gunshot wound received while hunt mer. They will be gone mote than a ' Ing ground squirrels His older brother month. perches, and straightening, aligning and adjusting wheels. fired the fatal shot but did not know According to the present plans they that Jay waa near him. The labor charge for overhauling the average rear axle will go by train over the central Every Morning! Linn county Is having Its first ex route, by way of San Francisco, Salt runs from £5.75 to £7. Grinding valves and cleaning carbon Drink it while it's perlence with oiled roads, four miles Lake City, St. Ixiula and make their Bubbling of the Linn county market road be first stop In Charleston. South Caro­ can be done for £3 to £4. tween Jefferson and Scio, In addition lina. They will then go to Washing- A set of four new pistons costs only £7. For a labor charge to sections of the Mills Clty-Lyons , ton, D. C., for a brief visit and then road, being oiled lust week. to Tennessee where they will visit of £20 to £25 you can have your motor and transmission More than BOO persons attended the Mr. Peterson's mother In Knoxville. annual Marlon county Jeraoy show , They will return over the northern completely overhauled. Parts are extra. held at the state fair grounds In Sa­ route, stopping In Yellowstone Na­ All of these prices are approximate, of course, because the lem. There wore approximately 76 tional park. Mr. Peterson, iwho Is entries, with Professor Knott of Wash city recorder and city attorney has cost of materials needed will depend on the condition of each Ington Stale college acting as Judge. been granted leave of absence by the car. They show, however, the low cost of putting the Model Stage service to Reedsport, two city council. busses each way a day, starting June j T Ford in shape for thousands of miles of additional service. IB, was announced by Gorst A King, A meeting of the Tualntln Valley • See the nearest Ford dealer, therefore, and have him operators of Intercity bus lines In Growers’ association wus held ast North Rend, Marshfield, Englewood week In Beaverton, at which was estimate on the cost of re-conditioning your Model T Ford. and Charleston. The Coast Auto lines decided not to attempt to barrel Is a refreshing efferves will put on stages from Coos Flay to berrlea locally Ibis year, as it was so He will tell you, in advance, exactly how much the complete cent laxative that really connect with the Reedsport-Drain line late before arrangements could be tastes good. in early summer. job will cost. made. Growers will perfect a stronger During the hot summer The Joseph H. Albert prize, given organization next year earlier in the days a teaspoonful of annunlly to the Snlem high school sen season and plan to burrel berries in Rcxall Laxative Salt In a lor adjudged to have made (ho greatest Beaverton. little cold water will cool advancement during the year in char­ Lariat artists have a new sport at the blood. acter, service and wholesome Influ­ Klamath Fnlls. following the example Regulates the bowels. ence, wus awarded this year to HayeB set by Joseph 8. Kirk, who at Klamath Makes you feel fit. Beall. lake lnssoed a pelican. Tho big bird With 87 county breeders exhibiting was drawn Io shore From the captive s stock and with entries of higher qual beak were disgorged a number of fish. Ity than ever before, the fourth an­ Seagulls swooped down to snatch nual spring Jersey cnttlo show of the from tho water fish tho pelican drop­ Linn County Jersey club was held in ped. The pelican was released and Albany last week. One hundred Jer charged hack Into tho lake, where he aeys were entered. recovered a part of his meal. f a t a U Sion - - • ) Dr. E. T. Helms Saturday Specials! Years of Service m Model Expenditure of few dollars may enable you to get thousands of miles from your old car Laxative Salt 50c Flanery’s Drug Store 77141 F ord M otor C ompany D etroit, M ichigan t »