T11T I IS I ) A Y MAY 31. I '1-* TI1K S i’IUNGFlEI-D NEWS PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thu reday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H . E. M A X E Y , Editor. M eectind class matter. February 34. 1Í0S at the poetofllce. Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E year In Advance____ f i « M on th.______________ Il.tX) Three Month. Single Copy - __7fic ___fic THURSDAY MAY 3L IftjjL MAKB T H E SCHOOL BUDGET NOW M anv d tp school d istricts in Oregon a re m ak ­ ing budgets fo r the com ing year s **Pendl’;"® * now ra th e r th a n in November. A nother y e a r t u w ould be a good practice for Springfield to adopt, T o m ake a school budget a fte r half of the school y e a r h a s been u n d e r w ay and all expense« con­ t a c t e d has alw ays seem ed t o u s t o b e nonsense. Laym an called on th e budget board h av e no discretion as to th e expenditure school funds, th is having been m ostly done m o n th s before th e m eeting is called They ta n do little m ore th a n sign the figures before them . T o m ake a budget in Ju n e for th e school year i com m li.ee and th e school b o a r d a .c le a n S a te to s ta rt w ith. It also enables th e public to , , resnonaibiUty for increasing or curtailing 1” » “ operation of .h e school svstein. B efore any expenditures a re m ade bot th e board and th e public would know how m uch m oney is available for school use and w hether th e six per cent lim itation m ust be exceeded. OREGON FR U IT GROWERS SALEM DOES THINGS B ER SELE IN V ITE D TO FEDERATE W’e have just retu rn ed from a to u r of S alem 's industries. O utside of Portland sh e has the Oregon fruit grower»' organ isation , g rea test a sso rtm e n t in O regon, and they are a ’l have been Invited to Join »ttullnr or- of a m agnitude any city could well be proud of. gan laatlon . lu «Il » ectlo n . of the coun­ T here a re eight canneries, tw o linen mills, paper try to form « nation«! federation to mill and paper pro d u cts plants, m eat packing work for Improvement of econom ic plants, tile w orks and num ero u s oth ers condition* o f the Industry. They have How did Salem get all th ese plants when o th er been asked to »end representative» to cities of Oregon have fallen down on the Job. Did the proposed national conference, re she wait until som ebody shook the industrial port* Clayton L. Ixtng. extension C h ristm as tre e ? Not Salem , she built them h e r­ i-.peclHltat In horticulture at the «tale M anufacturing, transporta self. Salem cap ital Is in nearly every one of her college Industrie's and consequently they are a part of tlon. labor and otrer problem* of na her Industrial life, and hacked by her people. tlonal »cope are to be discussed. Econom ically sound leglstlatlon la Salem people have faith in th eir city w hich helps h er to p rosper w hen tim es a re not so good else- necessary for betterm ent of the fruit Industry, according to officer* of the where. Cities th a t w ait for industries to com e to them Indiana Fruit Grower»' «»»nclatlon, » h o «re sponsoring the move. S ec­ m ay wait in vain. B ut cities w hich build their ow n a re not only su re of developm ent hut they tional problem« are usually hnudled a ttra c t outside cap ital w ithout even req u estin g it by state organisation», but national to com e. O regon cities th a t desire Industrial legislation needs thy attention of a larger group, they hold. developm ent m ight well em ulttte Salem . N atio n al representation would be T axing citizens eligible to vote and w ho do not. seem s to have som e m erit even if the schem e is not new. W hen the tow n of Province, R. 1 .was organized in 1633 a resolution w as adopted fininfl each citizen a shilling who did not tu rn out to the tow n m eetings a fte r w arn in g s had been given. T ouching a m an ’s pocketbook will get responsive action w hen everything else fails. A A Eotjlmann» at H .rrlib u rg— Mr and Mi» C. F. Kggltnann were In H anl» burg last Friday on business. Return» from Roseburg—Mrs li acres of grain in fo u r and one-half t h o u rs Used to ta k e g ra n d fa th e r and all th e boys iTweek t o ^ o i h £ k i n gd of a job T ruly th e ¿ a r m ­ ing industry m oves w ith th e re st of the world. T E A C H E R S ' E X A M IN A T IO N S . H ouse, stre e t, porch >rch a and n d g ard en frockt frock« a t a price th a t O regon will m ake h er g re a te s t p rogress w hen Thp regular sem ian n u al teachera' le coat of m aterial* ri scarcely cover» the aterial» aloi aloue, individuals, ch am b ers of com m erce and business exam inations will be given in the P rince McBride of M anchester w ins t h e f u r - co n cern s no longer devote all th eir tim e and¡ in ­ County Court Room, com m encing lined b a th tu b fo r en durance piano playing. $1.29» $1.69» $1.95» $ 2 .9 8 te re s t to th e developm ent of th e ir ow n localities. W ednesday. June 13. 1928. at 9 A M. pounded the keys fo r sixty-five consecutive hours. T he opinion is th a t of R. A. Booth of Eugene, and lastin g for three days. Teachera who rare for a schedule show ing the T he real heroes a re those th a t listened. citizen of O regon since 1858. th e year he was tim e on which hour the subjects come bom . resident a t som e tim e of virtually every sec­ each dav can secure It by w riting to j i E J MOORE. County School Sup- 1 a soventv-vear-old beggar, found to be w orth tion of th e s ta te and one of th e m ost influential erlntendent. m en in th e com m onw ealth. $25.000 refused a free b ath . Evidently he felt he Ma. 31: Ju. 7: SU M M O N S “T h e re h a s been dem o n stratio n enough th at h a d done enough cleaning u p ' JUNE JULY AUGUST th e com m unity d oesn’t grow aro u n d one center, In T h e C irc u it C o u rt of the State of O r e o o e . in and fo r L an e County. E ugene B usiness College S um m er School will be orgnized It is said on good a u th o rity th a t 65 cen ts out of «aid Mr. Booth. “T his is especially tru e of O re­ Donald W. McKinnon and Pearl Mc­ M onday, Ju n e Four, with our reg u la r corp» of teacher» In gon, w here th e re a re th re e n a tu ra l topographical Kinnon. h is wife. Plaintiffs, vs. every dollar banked w est of th e C ascades com es charge. divisions w hich require an in terch an g e of p ro ­ Harry W aiter Ragan and Jane Doe F o r inform ation address Ragan, h** w'fe. Vivian Prances from lum ber. » • • d u cts for th e ir prosperity.” - O r e g o n Business. Editorial Comment • • • Wash Frocks Sum m er S chool O ut N ation uses 110,000.000 cords of fuelwood a year. T his m ean s ju st one cord to each m an, w om an and child in th e.c o u n try . C O L D C A L C U L A T IO N Charles H. Senff was a director of the A m e r lc n 8 «W r Refining Company. N ot long ago a rem arkable coU ectlor of paintings which he had brought together were »old No tow n ever becam e g rea t by its people pat- public auction. ronziing mail ord er houses.. The new spapers in recording th eir sale said o f a Valas- quex which went for »53.000: "Mr. Senff Is understood to H undreds of people who a re objecting to the w ay th e country is run failed to vote a t the recen prim aries. * » • Som e candidates fare w orse in th e hands of th eir friends th a n under t h e j e e t of th e ir enem ies. have paid »6.000 for it In 1892.” H alf a doxen persons to whom the Item w a . read, said in effect: “W ell, that's a good w ay to get rich. uy pa n - ings by fam ous artists and hold on to 'em. The sixth dug np a table of compound in terest and said: ■T™ . »«’ ««< ■’ » « « • “ * “ “ " ”T , ” n J q n . r t . r l , Mr J« » O ' "»’ • ” T he politicians who ta k e the middle of th e road usually get run over by the band wagon. money with perhaps more certainty. And what was true of the painting Is true of many other X s io n V Many o f the sto ries of g reat profit, m a I n ™al estate becom e com m onplace when put to a little cold Burial cask ets used annually in the S ta te s require 102,000,000 board feet of tim ber. / zip Political Baltes In The If'ootk c ir c u la tio n — N ation's B u sin ess Magazine. Rv Albert T. Reid n aran and John Do», her hu -h -n d. and Parctl W avne Ragnn and Ma* D"o Ragan, his wife, and also all other persons or parties unknown clalm 'n e anv right, till". estu te. lien or Interest In the real estate d es­ cribed In the Complaint herein. Do fendants. To Harry W alter Ragan and Jan" Doe Ragan, hi* wife. V ivian P ra n ce. Ravan and John Doe. her httshand. and Darrell W ayne Ragan and '<«rv Doe Ragan, hl* wife, and also »11 "‘her persons or parties unknown cln'm lne anv right, title, estate, lien or inter­ est In the real estate descrllw-d I- 'h e Complaint and also described h«|ow- IN T H E NAME O F THE STATP OF OREGON: You and each of you Rre hereby required to npoear an 1 answ er the Com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit. wUhln I fonr w e e k , from the date of the first ' publication o f this Summ ons, and If i vou fall to answ er, for w ant thereof the plaintlfTs w ill take a decree against vott as p r.ved for In the Com plaint herein, adjudging and deter­ m ining that the plaintiffs herein are r.wners In fee of the real estat" described as follow s, to-wit: (sit one (1) block Two (21. W lllsm ett" H eights Addition to Springfield. In Lane County. Oregon: and that the said defendants and each anil all of you have no right, title, estate. Hen or Interest In or to said prem ises, or any part thereof, and for such other a n d further relief as to the Court may EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE 992 W illam ette St. Eugene. Oregon A. E. RO BERTS. P resid en t T elephone 666 Motorists Headquarters Every convenience is here th a t goes w ith a first class service statio n refit room s for ladies and gentlem en, free air and w ater, free a n d snappy service for all your needs. GENERAL GAS? T H E B E S T-IN TOW N OILS? TH E R IG H T KIND FOR YOUR CAR LEE TIR E S ANO TUBES? TH E BEST You'll Find A R eal W elcome Here “A ” Street Service Station 5 th a n d A S tr e e ts - Springfield, Ore - Office.— 831 Miner Building. East Broadway Street by publication hv virtue of an order of the Hon. O. F S k tn w o rth . C lreii't Judge, dated and filed May 2ft. 1928, directing that thia Summon* be served upon you by publication in the S pringfield Nows, once each week for W ELLS A W E L L S A tto r n e y , fo- P laintiffs; R esidence and I*. O. Ad­ dress, Eugene, Oregon. Ma. 31: Je. 7-14 21-28: l wo eyes are a l l you get. M aking eyes w on’t get you a n y th in g but trouble. D i SfurnuuiWHloodu O P T Q M f c ~ g i S T •- L V L 5 I G H ' 8 u lte 831 M in e r Bldg. <• -i_ C I M I â 7 Eugene, Oregon, T elep ho ne 362 The man who invented— Ice Cream Soda sta rte d som ething. Now it Is th e favorite national drink. N ow here is it b e tte r prepared o r served, or m ade of purer m aterials th a n a t E g g im an n ’s. We also have delectable sundaes, frappes, fruit drinks, and everything to tickle the palate and down th a t th irsty feeling. W e’rfi inventors ourselves, and have on o u r list of con­ fections som e very novel ice-cream com binations th a t will provide new thrills.