PAGE THREE THR 8PRINOFIKI-O NEWS THURSDAY MAY 31, 1Ö2K, TRAIN BCHKDULC Springfield Stop* Tip' echedul» Include* three north bound and three aouthbound traina. The northbound train» are: No 1C (flag) at 4:27 a. m.; No. 32, 2:30 p. m. ; No. 8, 3'66 p m. Southbound train* are: No. 31, I 6 46 a. m.; No. 7 ifiag), 2:30 p m.; 16, (flagi. 9:33 P m. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Notice I* hereby given that the un derslgned has been appointed Admin­ istrator of the Estate of Willie Emery, deceased, by the Court of bane Coun- ty, Oregon All peraona having claim* against the *ald estate are hereby nodded to preaent the same. properly verified, to the undersigned at the office of Well» £ Well*. Bank of Com inerce Bldg., Eugene. I-ane County, Oregon within stx month* from the date of the first publication of thl* notice Date of the flr«t publication May 24. 1923 HAROLD J WELI-9. Administrator WELI-8 A WB8LL8, Attorneys Ma 24-31: Je 7-14-21: Watchman la Injured— W. K Sum­ mer, night watchman at the Booth- Kelly mill fell and Injured hla aid» John Lloyd substituted Ia*‘ ""»«« for him while he was away from th» mill. N O T IC E OF SALE OF G O V E R N M E N T T IM B E R General Land Office, Washington, D. C m May 10, 1928. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitation* of the act of June 9, 191« (39 8tat. 218), sheets, 24x39 Inchee. suitable tor and pursuant to departmentalj-egula- I tlona of April 14, 1,924, (50 L D 37«), m aking tracings. The News Ol the timber on the following lands win FDR HALE—1919 Maxwell. Almost STRAWBERRIES FOR BAL®—Pick IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE be »old June 26. 1928, at 10 o’clock a. FOR SALE WOOD them yourself. Price »1.26 a crate New Rubber- »26 00 See car at Mill STATE OF OREGON FOR m at public auction at the U. 8 l and N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S LANE COUNTT I furnish boxes nnd carriers, you Old Growth Fir, Second Orowth Fir, and J Street»— B. A. Farnsworth. NOTICE Is hereby given that the office at Roseburg, Oregon, to th» Elsie Hilda Carter. Halntlff. va. bring y e ili. washtuh* or something M. '4 17-24-31: __ j highest bidder at not less than the ap­ * D ak, Ash. All length*. Phone Spring Charles Harrison and Mabel E. undersigned have been appointed by praised value as shown by thl* notie«, ‘he County Court of I-ane County, Ore- fltkl 104. if F o il . - \ I . F o i l KENT Modern 6 - | to put them In. Corner 9th and G Reese, Defendants. to be subject to the approval of streets, Springfield. To w n• ■ i I 'I h o h 188 W M21 ;i Springfield, Oregon, May 28th, 1928 tne relief «Bmunded In said cvmplaint, ent the same duly ' t , in 10 years. Bids will be received For family of «Ight — »23 00. Eugene NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 11». f ir judgment against you lor the proper vouchers to said administrators from citizens of the United States, N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N sum of »(,(( with Interest thereon at the office of Harris. Smith & Bry- Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, Drain Tile associations of such citizens and cor­ School district No. 19 of Springfield, (P u b lis h e r.) tha porations organized under the law* Oregon will receive at the Office of from Feb 1. 1928, at six per cent, »on. 210 Broadway and Chimney Blocks. NO. 014815 the sum of »50 as an attorrey's fee Oregon within s i x f r o m the of the United States, or any State, the District Clerk or through the EU G EN E CO N C R ETE P IP E CO. Department of th * Interior, U. 8. Mall, sealed bids for the supply of and the costs of this suit, that the date of the first publication of this territory or district thereof only. Up­ Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, wood for the different school build lam e be declared a lien upon tne E14 notice. th'a on application of a qualified pur­ N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G Dnte of first publication of th » chaser the timber on any legal sub­ May 3, 1928. Inga In Springfield as follows for the of NE>4, N W 'i of NE%, and NE«4 of NOTICE I* hereby given Mat John NW«4 of sec 4. In Tp. 17 8. of Rg 3 notice Is May 3. 1928. Notice I* hereby glvnn that Miner division will be offered separately be­ school year 1923 1929 Wood to be de­ 8IG MOE, fore being Included In any offer of a It Wegner haa filed In court hla final <’. Humphrey o f Jasper. Oregon, who, livered by July 20th. 1923 Eighty- E. of tre Willamette Meridian, In I^ane County. Oregon, under a mort- KENNETH R. CHA8E, on May 3. 1923, made H om estead account ua executor of the estate of larger unit. T. 3 N., R 2 W . Sec. 3, five (85) cords at the High school. Entry, No. 014816, for I-ots 1 A 2, Sec ­ . a a v a n v At NWU NEU . yellow fir 600 M. red fir Philip A. Wegner, Deceased, and that Five (5) cords at the High school gage dated May 1, 1924. recorded May tors. 31 1924. In book 56 page 267 of the HARRIS. SMITH A BRYSON. At tion 20, Township 18 8 , Range 1 West, 140 M. red cedar 20 M. T 2 N . R S the court hua fixed 10 00 A M of gymnasium. Seventy (70) cords at ™,,S*,,ra4t®” W , Sec 21, 8W U » E li. red fir 550 M , June 3, 1923. aa the ttme wnen said Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice the Lincoln school. Forty (40) cord* niortgag.- re, ords of Lane County, torneys for„ M. a‘, 3-10-17-24-31: of Intention to make three-year Proof, red cedar 60 M, T. 15 8., R. 6 W , See. account at the room* of the county at th»' Hrattaln School. All to be Fir said mortgage being made by Charles to establish claim to the land above Slab wood, four feet long and good I Harrison to plaintiff, and that said court, In the court-Houae, Eugene, 35. NE14 NE>4, red fir 350 M. none of the timber on these sections to b» Oregon, will be taken up for examine described, before E o. Immel, U. 9. quality. 2(KJ cords In all. to be de- mortgage be foreclosed by a sale of said NOTICE TO CREDITORS Commissioner. Eugene, Oregon, on the tlon and allowance. All per»on* In­ llvered at the different buildings as mort „»«e-,. premlH„ aR provided — — =-....... — by , NOTICE Is hereby given that th* sold for less than »2 25 per M for th» 16th day or June, 192». terest'd In auld estate may appear at specified. hiw, for the satisfaction of - Mid — lien undersigned has been appointed hy yellow fir and »1 50 per M. for th» Claimant names as witnesses: The board reserves the right to re­ and that defendants be barred of all the County Court of Lane County. Orer red fir and red cedar. T. 11 8., R. 1 * »aid time and be heard. Ha*nuel Vincent. William O. Palma- E . 8ec. 27. NW)4 SW ’4 , yellow fir MINER R WEGNER, Executor. ject any and all bids. Bids to be In leer, Lawrence Walker, Fred Walluce, hy June 4th. as the Board will meet right In said mortgaged premises ox gon as executrix of the estate of 386 M. red fir 725 M. white fir 60 M , M. 10-17 24 31: cept the right to redeem from said Henry W. Chase. deceased, all of Jasper, Oregon. on that date to consider bids. sale as by law required and for other All persons having claims against T. 8 8 . R 2 E„ Sec 31. SWU NE%, HAMILL A CANADAY, Register. R. W SMITH. District Clerk. appropriate relief This summons Is said estate are hereby notified to P r e ­ red fir 2700 M. SE<4 NW14 red fir 185A NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON Non-coal. Springfield, Oregon. M 31: served upon you by publication pur- ent the same duly verified and with M, NW)4 SE»4 red fir 2600 M. 9W% M 10 17 24-31: J.7: EXECUTION IN FORECIAtSbRE suant to an order made In thl* suit proper vouchers to said executrix 8E«4 red fir 1600 M. NE% SW ti red Notice I* hereby given that by vtr N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S May 8. 1928, by C. P. Barnard, County a‘ th* w ^ ^ B u n d !^ E u g e n e ’ Sr 1925 M. SE>4 SW’K red fir 1550 i t , tue of an execution and order of tale T. 10 8.. R. 3 E.. Sec. 1, Lot 4 yellow SUM M O N S 3 ,h ln six months from^ths fir 420 M, none of the timber on these Notice Is hereby given that the un- Judge, that you be served by publish *on’ in forecloatir« Issued out of the Clr- nubllcatlon of thl* sections to be sold for less than »1 50 cnlt Court of 1-ane County, Oregon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ' derslgned Mervln B Harris has been Ing this summons for four weeks In Oregon. vri the flrBt P‘>»>llcaUon of Ml* per M for the yellow and red fir and on the Ith day of May, 1928, In a *ult STATE OF OREGON FOR LANK {appointed administrator of the estate the Springfield News, and that you the same within four weeks notice. «.»Mieatlew nt th l* wherein on the 3rd day of May, 1928, of Verenlca B. Harris, deceased, by Bnswer COUNTY from the first publlc.tlon thereof. It of " P«Wlentlon of th l. »1.00 per M for the white fir. T. 15 S . In »aid court Charle* N Barnard re­ Lida Scoggln. Plaintiff, v s. Itny iteog the County Court of I-ane County, R. 1 W.. Sec 27. NEU SE14 red fir U May 3. Executrix of 1000 M. T. 19 8., R. 1 W.. Sec 31, covered Judgment against the de­ Oregon, and all persons haring claims I . so first published May 10. 1928. gin, Defendant 8 D ALLEN. Attorney for Plaintiff. CORNELIA S CMA»ft, Exec fendant* A. 9 Myer* and Ethel H against said estate will present same To Ray Scoggln. Defendant: Residence and P. O. Address. Eugene. *»• ¿ » U te of Henry W. Chase, a*- SE*4 SE ti red fir 630 M. red cedar Myer* for the »urn of »190 00 together 50 M. SW U SE’4 red fir 865 M. red In the name of the State of Oregon duly verified as by law provided to with Interest thereon at the rate You are hereby required to appear the administrator at the I-aw Office if ° re,On' M 10 17 24 31- * HARRIS. SMITH A BRYSON, At- cedar 30 M. white fir 10 M, SE'4 of 3 per cent per annum from the and answer the complaint filed Whitten Swafford, 316 Tiffany Bldg. SW!4 red fir 805 M, red cedar 15 M , M 10-17 24-31. torneys for Executrix. 17th day of December, 1927; the fur agalnat you In the above entitled suit Eugene, Oregon, on or before six T. 8 S., R 6 W . Sec. 7. NW’14 NW14 ■* 3-10-17-24-31: M ther »urn of »149 04 together with In within four weeks from the date of months after the date of this notice. red fir 1130 M. SW>4 NWr)4 r 1 fir N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S tereet thereon at the rate of 3 per cent the first publication of this Summons, 1235 M. none of the timber on the»« Dated and first published May 10. 1928. Notice Is hereby given that the un- ' N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S per annum from aald 3rd day of May. sections to be sold for less than »1.75 has been appointed Execu-1 1928. ua taxes; and the further sum* to-wlt, four weeks from this 17th day MERVIN B. HARRIS, Administra­ derslgned per M for the red fir, »1 50 per M for »or » ,» »ne r-s»»w o» » a..»..u . 0 .0 ...0 0 .. Notice is hereby given that the un- tor of the Estate of Carlton Columbus i of »10000 attorney fee» nnd »1373 of May 1928, and If you fall to appear tor. the red cedar and 11.00 per M for th» Mvers. deceased, by the County Court derslgned has been aPP°lR‘*‘L costa, together with Intereat thereon or answer for want thereof the plain WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney of I-ane County, Oregon. All persona Istrator of the Estate of Walter Dixie white fir. T. 2 S.. R. 4 E.. Sec. J.r>. at the rate of six per cent per annum tiff will take a decree against you for for the estate. having claim« against aaM estate are Ellison, deceased, by tjj* • N E ^ SW>4 green red fir 600 M. red from aald 3rd day of May. 1928, which the dissolution of the marriage rela M. 10-17-24-31: J.7: cedar 240 M. T. 18 S.. R. 7 W . Sec. 1. hereby .t0 j f haT"ng claims against said Lot 3. green red fir 5 Ä Ä i ' « j . •» » •« » < a reasonable attorney fee and th» County Road known as the■ Rl •! ,n compia(nt, to-wlt : for a decree Beginning at a point In the South costs and disbursements herein In th# sum of »15.60. iwhich WM. G. HUGHES DR. W. N. DOW Ä . » No. . 51. Notifl enrolled and docketed In the C lerk# plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of 1 LanG claim K IR I AND AUTO INBURANC1 D e n tis t chains of a point 49.02 chain» ‘he, PrelP,*p" described in the com- cat,on 2084( 37 50 chains West of the office of said court In said county . o n First National Bank Building the 28th day of May. 1928. and said NOTARY PUBLIC East o f t h e Southwest c o r n e r plaint and described as follows, to- Southeast corner of said claim and execution to me directed commanding of the L E. Davis Donation 1-anrt wlt: Phono 43 8prlngfleld. Oregon Orties at Claim No. 42, In Township Seventeen The West One Hundred Sixty- (160) running thence North parallel with me In the name of the State of Or*- Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. East line of said claim 63.26 chains, gon, in order to satisfy said M g m e h t (17) South of Range Four (4) West of FIRST NATIONAL BANK feet of I-ot Three (3- Blnclt Twenty- ( thence Wegt 26 29 chains, thence Interest, attorneys fees, costs of suit Evenings by Appointment the Willamette Meridian, running BgHngflsId, Or* gon three (23) Fairmont Addition to E“; 8o,lth parallel with East line of said and accruing costs to sell tne thence North 360.3 feet, thence West m-nn claim 63.26 chains to the South line following described real property, to- S4 feet, thence South 360 3 feet, thence gene. » Lane County, State « of Oregon; East 84 feet to the place of beginning, and every part thereof; And further decreeing that the de­ thereof and thence East along said ^ L t Seven (7) In Block Thltty-flj« DR. N. W. EMERY all In I-ane County, Oregon. fendants have not nor have either or South line 26.29 chains to the place Now, therefore, in the name of the anv of them any right, title, claim, of beginning, containing 140 acres, (35) In Gross’ Addition to Eugene. OBNTIBT State of Oregon, In compliance -with Lane County. Oregon. Now, therefore. In the name of th Button Bids- Phon» 3OJ W. F. WALKER „ , d „ to - I . |„d«mo«t. n t.r , ot £ oWn » • '« '« S '« >“ ’ f i Jf™ ' " " , l State of Oregon, in compliance w th Residenci Phon* 1M-M said execution and order of sale and est attorneys fee», costs of suit nnd . .. , , Drpmi-eB be In the Willamette Meridian, a, » ruing costs. I will on Saturday the ! {Js'suR foreJer q u i e t i T w in s ? the and that the title of the plaintiffs In in order to satli.fy said Judgment. In­ Springfield, Oregon 30th day of June, 1928. at the hour of , (,pf,indant(( nn(1 paph Bnd all of them. said property Is good and valid, and terest. attorneys fees costs of salt and’a c ^ iin g costs I will on Saturday one o'oclock In the afternoon of said an^ jbat plnlntIff have such other and that you and each of you be forever X T o n W o c í X t l l ^ ^ 228 Main St. Residence 126 C 8t. day, at the Southwest front door of | further relief as to the Court may barred and enjoined from asserting General I-aw Practice any claim whatsoever in and to said 62 J <2M thé County Court House, In Eugene seem equitable. of laid day. at the Southwest front Lane County, Oregon, offer for sal« This Summons Is published once premises adverse to the plaintiffs. door of the C-ovnty Court house In This summons is served upon you I. M. PETERSON Full Auto Equipment and sell for cash, at public auction, each week for four successive weeks t ,„v»v by publication thereof for tour con- Eugene, I-ane Bounty. o ’’eKo,n' Attorney-at-I-aw subject to redemption ns provided by in the Lady Assistant Springfield N « * * . * . ^ e k ly ) g wppkR ,n , hp »pringfleld for salé and sell for cash, at public law all of the right, title and Inter newspnper of general circulation pub- City Hall Building auction, subject to redemption as pro­ est of said Alva A Rice, and Mary M. | j|shp(, ,n i ^ np County, Oregon, by News, a newspaper of general circula­ vided by law. all of the ««• tion, published In I-ane county, Ore­ Rico ns Judgment debtors and or said ' - - order of the HonraWe C. P. Barnard. Springfield, Ora. and Interest of said d^ e,}daiA" C. L. Shumway and L. E. Shumway County Judge of Lane County, Ore­ gon In conformity with the order of Samuel E. Libby and Lura E. and of George B. Bloomer as subsepu- gon, which order bears date the 16th the Honorable O. F. Sklpworth, Judge h . wife and L. M. Travis, Inc., » FRANK A. DE PUE of the above entitled Court, made and corporation, and all persons claiming dav of Mav, 1928, nnd the date of th • ent lien holders, and all person* entered on the 9th (lay of May, 1928. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW first publication of this Summons Is claiming bv, through or under them or through or under them or any or Date of publication thereof Is the 10th hv nny or either of them In and to said Mav 17. 1928. either of them In and to said premise«. N O T A R Y P U B LIC day of May. 1928. POTTER * KING. Attorneys for premises. JE W E L E R FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff.. L. L. RAY, Attorney for plaintiffs. Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office FRANK E.TAYLOR, Sheriff., Bv BEULAH BRINNICK, Deputy. Springfield, Sutton R e p a ir in g a S p e c ia lt y I Postofflce Address, Eugene, Oregon. Address, Eugene Oregon 7 Ma. 31: Je. 7-14-21-28: By 11EUI-AH RRINN1CK. Deputy. Oregon M . 10-17-S441: J.7: Building M 17-24-31: J. 7-14: Ma. 31: Je. 7-14-21-28: S p r in g fie ld , O r e g o n --------------------------------- , FOR SA LE—Carbon paper In U rge jg V S lN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ) : K CHAS. P. POOLE Funeral Directors D. W . Roof ',