THURSDAY MAY 31. I!>?K, THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO Red Hair and Blue Sea harbor entrance. As the two men urged her ulong she knew she must soon confront I'onape Burke. Yet It was with a gasp that, at a taming, she saw the leaf wall move and (lie man's fa"« come leering out. I.... .. useful, being new Io the beach. UPPER W ILLAM ETTE unknow n At the sea front the native men Fifteen sluilehls graduate from tlm lifted Palinyrii ai|d I’onape llurke and waded With lliem through the Ihlgli Pleasant Hill high school (his yeur They are Vina Wllifley, Vida Win deep water to the Islet fiey, Hurls II) land. Vena Awbrey, At the end of the Islet furthest l.uelle Walker. Thelma Mcl’eek. Bell.. "W ell, P alm le," be litte re d . "1 com e from shore. Potiapn llu rk e ordered Olson, Carl l.lntou. Herald Rubier, Ills p riso n er Into th e last th atch Sin back t'g ei my k is s ” Ikinnlil Raider. Auslin Mathews, “No!" cried the white man pasaion Hurrying her a,»ay. h e sita te d , gave th e nativ es one <|e The women, fearing Van might Her guards now for the first tlm > Kmery Hyland, jlarofel Humphrey. Van stared, incredulous, yet alarm­ ately. “No!" toon arrive, prepared to take their releasing her hands, the girl snatched spulrllig glance. She hated I hem for Paul llaiden and Lyman'Tlnker Tli. The officer shrugged again. th e ir cu rio sity , th e ir com plaisance ed. prisoner immediately away. forth her pistol and leveled II al him baccalaureate address will be given If Palmyra herself had been there, "1 got it straight," cried Martin She stooped, en ter.-! the house, «at He was dressed, absurdly, In the At first Palmyra thought thia lm "There's twenty of 'em or more- all she would have marvelled that Van gala attire of the Rainbow, even to upon a m at on th e psbhle floor. In r yhimlay alght al the Plea «ant mu possible. Christian church by Rev. W A with guns. And they're running her could remain blind to the sincerity of the cane. She had not orderdd. hack a g a in st one of the posts in III« Elkllia. CotllllK'lli ellielll exercises w ill But now she made a discovery. llurke Olive's purpose. for the Ihieliko Rocks." ‘Hands up!" hut ho had obeyed that circle th u t upheld the eaves Though the thatch was so notoriously As for the islander, he must have formu|a H,„„j thu, , r|nuli ,,Xpia|n,.d OF CONSTIPATION Several atudenla and Prof. Rllpal alongside. ! x» they moved forward again Hon- —the Ihiellko Rocks.” Bission window. A Battle Creek phyalclwu says. "Con "Jab him with an oar." ordered the up<> Hurke became Informative. Had rl.k worked all night Monday getting But at this moment here came John stipation is responsible for more m is And the mouth of that hidden path commander. Rut It la not so easy ,ytn< low here watting an op­ the Annual ready to be bound They ' ery Ilian any other cause." was no more than twenty feet distant. Thurston. He was jumping up to the to Jab with a long oar. | portunlty. This village was a good But Immediate relief has been foil nJ hope to have II ready Thursday or Until an alarm had been given the wharf from a boat. At sight of him Olive made a Judicious flent,, dived j not llke ,he r,.at of tbe laland— Friday of thia week. people would be unsuspicious. The Van's face lighted with relief. A tablet culled Rexall Orderlies hue back under the vicious thrust of the ' go dam> p|oua a kanaka wasn't sup The daughtera of IxMtls t In 1« are Instantly. Thurston began to throw French trader across the way had port oars, and splashed ashore. The | eVH„ amoke And from the been discovered. This tublel attracts .laying st ‘he ranch of ihstr unci«. locked up his place and gone out to off his white coat. water from the system Into the laxy sailors floundered close in wake. point, a man could watch the Okuyu "Olive? Nonsense!" Taylor Circle. and picking atraw breakfast. The native passersby were Inland the main road from the ma at anchor or get away, quickly dry, eval uating bowel called the colon “I tell you." Van affirmed shrilly, b« rrles for Harris. coming in detached groups. Palmyra's The water looaens the dry food waste beach was crowding in against the The Pleasant Hill picnic Wl’. he captors need wait only until no one "she’s in love with the damned kanaka river. Soon the fugitive must cross and unseen, to the hidden Lupe-a Nou. and causes a gentle, thorough, natural The one obstacle had been Olivo. June 9. was near. Then, closing round her, and he, he’s got her." movement without forming a habit or one or the other In the open. He But they had discovered Van's anti­ C H A P T E R XII. they could whisk her across, screen­ would be seen. He would be caught. pathy; planned to get the Islander ever Increasing the dose. Thurston thrust Van aside impati- FOUND— A Fountain Pen. was left ing her .with one or two of the ever Stop suffering from constipation. But. . . . i out of the way through him. Gratul In the church during graduation present umbrellas, raised either ent’y- “The Pueliko you say?” he de­ Olive did not eroaa the road. He ; toualy, Van had acted of his own ac- Chew a Rexall OrdeHle at night Next exercises. Owner may rtatm P«n against a shower or the equatorial mauded of the man Martin. duy bright. Oet 24 for 25c today at Across the road a horse stood sad­ did not cross the river. Nor was he 1 cor(j and nay for this udv. • ■ » I k ite I ran. dled. Thurston ran to It. Jerked the i cau«ht M erely-he disappeared. But almost at the moment of the He had lain all the while. In the reins free. Jumped Into the saddle •ortie there came an interruption. One The girl's father, returning at this ' river, down among the crowding , Of the old women, stooping down to By J* F- ( water plants, only his nose up for air j moment, came running up. SPRINGFIELD FOLKS glance out. discovered the girl’s father Normally the water, clear us dew. . “Rouse the beach." cried Thurston. and mother and Constance Crawford “You, Van—the gunboat. Martin—the would have revealed him But rain approaching1—already close. Panic' police. Tree—you to the mission. I'm • In the mountains, tropically copious, i FO R B A B Y snsued. If her captors had not been i had raised the stream out of its TOLD H i * for the Pueliko." OUR N E W 8ABV)DO N’T TELL dangerous before, they certainly were TH IW 6S 6 0 TO ,HE LOOKER He whirled his horse banks. Stained it earthly brown, dot »5 CÄYIN6 A L V /N O BODY t CROSS »o* I L IK E "Walt. wait. Thurston." Implored ; ted ltB »d'-face with moving leaf and , ■frtS T iM The prisoner would have screamed. the father. “Here, take my revolver." ' branch. heart ' / pop / Unconscously, she extended her lungs "Rouse the beach and follow," came 1 Meanwhile. John Thurston, putting to take in the necessary air. But, the answer, above the ring of hoofs. 1 *1*8 *>orse to a run, had soon neared on the second, that fibre cord cut deep For a moment the three stood, petri- the Pueliko Rocks. Into her flesh. A shoulder of basalt blocked the fled, staring after him. Then they Gasping, she was thrust under the ran. In different directions to carry view ahead. He clambered up. had almost reached the top. Then, startl­ Boequito net; thrown flat, head on out his orders. bamboo pillow. Two of the hags fol- Scarcely had they gone than two ingly, the whistle of a bullet. Thurston ducked behind a rock. lowed her Into the netting, sat pressed native men burst from the narrow against her on either side. These footway and crossed to the thatch. A "Meaning me?" he questioned. He raised his head cautiously. «Batched off her hat and veil, threw i few seconds later, with the old wo- over her a covering. men, they had rushed Palmyra over Bang! A leaf cluster came fluttering, Meanwhile the crone who had lured ‘he road and into the lane between the like a wounded bint to his feet. Across the road, opposite, a great her here had taken a machete and h'Sh blind wall and the salt-water We th in k a lot of the baby-—see th e thlngH we seated herself on the patch of grass mar8h, where there were no eyes to | Across the road, opposite, a great before the house. j 8ee sav® those of the crabs that ran al° tre® ” h" Van. “But "But my dear Mister." he said, said. | ' ready to answer solicitous Inquiry. "Somesing is — wrong. How c a n conceded. And any commotion of struggle which ° ' lpp have taken the young lady Regaining his horse he had galloped Bight catch the transient eye would when O1e«-Vay 1» locked up here safe b*Ck to ,hp road’ wlth th*8 turning be taken for a ronnd of that massage aboard’ But he satisfy me he Is only *Je^ ’ whp" hp pncount which is the native's cure-all.. afraid for young lady. He seems good ered the girl’s father and seven other Her captors had taken impish ad- So 1 ,et him K°- unless you, . . .• men. These were an advance guard vantage of that trait In human nature Van was *ga»t. "Absolutely, no!' Sailors from the gunboat were follow­ ing ln to scour the brush. which causes man never really to look he cried. “The lava caves," the father cried at a thing in plain sight. , Sakamoto shrugged. "As you say,’1 excitedly. “High In the mountains, She was Intensely alert. At the he conceded. of here. Unexplored ■lightest opportunity He gave an order and shortly ‘he ' Thurston. 1 nursl° 1’’ Inland ln opportunity she she meant meant toi to _____ „„ deck ! '"accessible; a terrible hiding place •cream, to fight. Since her escape j brown mna ________ appeared . on from Burke she herself had carried I Olive must have divined on whose My God. John, we ve got to head 'em ' off from the caves” a small automatic pistol. At the first demand he was held. Thurston told of the shooting. chance she'd use It. At sight of him Van s anomosity Thurston found what he sought— ' Now. however, she saw Van Buren flamed up. The white roan sprang Bntger approaching, and sank back forward. “What have you done with footprints. Native men almost never wore I again The others had not known. her?" he demanded. Then, trunlng to Van did know. : the Interpreter; "W'hat has he done shoes; then only shoes of cloth and rubber. But here. In the damp mould, But Just as the trio had strolled with her?” someone had ascended toward the aio away and the newcomer almost reach­ Olive seemed at a loss. ed the house, here, unexpectedly, was He shot forth a question, received tree, descended—wearing leather. Thurston examined the prints at the man Martin. He ran up to Van. his answer, burst Into a flood of en­ length. Then. "If I'm any sort of Excitedly he spoke. treaty. ‘‘Say. mister. . . . Your lady friend. “He say," repeated the Interpreter, Indian at all.” he commented, "this was—Ponape Burke." That red-headed girl." "he say turn him loose. He savvy f o r a distance Thurston was able Van drew back stiffly. “Miss Tree too much. Go look see. Find girl to ride. Then lava, clean washed, a is in this house,” he said. ‘ dam* too much quick." Martin was vehement. No, that she The Japanese turned questionlngly and three paths Intersecting at the water. wasn’t! Outlaw nat ves had her to Van. UST like the famous “ Two Black Crow«,” there are lot» of folk» wYo It was well for Palmyra that she could not known what difficulties her simply will not he pleased. Fortunately none of our customer» are of lover had now to meet. that type — hut even if there were a few we know that this newest HotpoloJ T he. bed of this stream, cast solid electric range would please them! , in one piece from nature's furnace, T.JIi would have provided a test for the North Woods skill of any man. And Think of it! A ll the very best features of larger and more expensive models In addition, Ponape Burke—If It were I have been built into this one range. I t ’s all white — easy to clean and keep- i he had taken pains to leave no mark, f-ater, he found footprints again- clean. It ’s fully enamelled — durable. I t ’s equipped with automatio oven shod and bare. Ahead large trees told of dry land. S tore y our c ar in a Fireproof Building and Avoid Risk. We temperature control. Thurston advanced stealthily, rifle have one of the best g arag e buildings in this p a rt of Ore- ready. The elevation took on an un­ ** • gone. Safe and handy to you. usual form. He recognized it, to his And here’s the big surprising fact about it: surprise, as an artificial Island; one of these ruined fortresses or tombs It's offered at the LOW EST PRICE ever set on a FU L L ENAM ETAED ranpi, built by prehistoric conquerors on OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O’CLOCK AND ALL DAY such islands as Kusaie and Ponafle SUNDAYS. and with a ridiculously low down payment. Could the girl be Imprisoned here? i Opposite, there rose a twenty-foot Can you afford not to get your Electric Range NO W — during I wall of basaltic columnar blocks. But. It was not at this wall that this Introductory Sale? John Thurston looked, j Lying under It, In what had been f,et your old range help pay for the NEW I either the canal by which these long f | stones were floated In, or a dock for the praus or JunkH of the conquerors, Ask about our attractive cooking rate was the schooner Lupe-a-Noa. When Palmyra’s captors hurried 1 A I her Into the footway they did not long continue in the dangerous direc­ ountain tates ower ompany tion of the Pueliko. Shortly they i turned Into a path that branched out Authorized Ford Sales and Service A ruiiuc J ; among the mangroves This path F ifth and A. Streets . . . Phone 49 P .S . Do it TO D A Y 1 | would bring them circuitously back to the sea at a point Just outside the AND By STANLEY P. OSBORN We Give Green Discount Stamps EVEN IF IT W A S GOOD I WOULDN’T LIKE JOT” 0 Storage! ONLY We Repair AU Makes of Cars E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. II M S P C Ì 4