T im e Again to Be C areful with Your Cam p Firea TW ENTY / i m i THE SPRINGFIELD NE'.'.': YEAH SCHOOL CAREER OF 3 1 SEH10BS ENDED H. K. Phillips Elected Manager of New Organization; Prof. Landles Is Director Largest Class Graduated From Local School; Baccalaureate With thirty men signed up an pros- and Commencement Exer­ partly« members, olfl<-era elected and j cises Held This Week; Rev. u director »elected, th«* Hprlngfleld Childers, Prof. Morris Speak. band got under way at a metillng ' Many Flowers are Exhibited at Show « » h x .IV I NEW SPAPER 4 A L IV E T O W N N U M B E R 21 HI’HINOEIEIJ). I-ANË COUNTY. ORBXiON. THURSDAY MAY 31, 192M, 3 0 Sign Up For Springfield Band "The People1« Paper" STATE STANDS ONLY PART BRIDGE LIGHTS Prize Winners In Annual Dis­ play Listed By Judges; Many Commission Agrees to Lay Con­ Outsiders See Blooms duit in New Structure Pro­ With plenty of flowers from which vided City Will put in Wires to choose. Springfield's annual rose and Fixtures and Light the I Show conducted last Saturday was a Bridge; Added Span Refused. . pleasing success, committees of the I Women's Civic club which sponsored The laying of conduit is the only ! the event, reported. expense the state will stand towaru | Those who handled the 130 entries lighting the new highway bridge I and the children’s parade in the even- across the Willamette river here, re­ ' Ing were complimented by the gener­ ports E. E. Morrison, chairman of the al chairman. Springfield Chamber of Commerce Prizes In the rose display were room Into the world of business In committee, who appeared before tbs Thirty names are now on the roster ajrarded as follows: highway commission at its meeting «xerclsee which ended with the com ut the band It Is expected liiat an Class 1, baskets of 12—First prize, Tuesday. The commission voted to m en eein en l program In thh Methodl r “ ^heduled for the luncheon pictures appearing in other columns I ,ud« ^ buMV .ectlon-M Ildred Ebbe, public service commission hearing at also made a short talk which the state lost its case has Lena Frlsell plaved the class march ' ,h" organisations did not last I "»»•Hlng of ,he SP«,i''Xfl«ld club Frb of thia issue. >.first; Elizabeth Bates, second. I day. caused members of the highway de­ and «he high .« h«x,l chorus sang. "The j • « * P-rlod of time. r «*■*<-< - > < •• — ___ The “ “G”* 1 wa8 not “ heauty race Kiddle cars—Barbara Jane Ketels, H E. Maxey, who attended as dele- gale from’ Vhe Sprtngfl7l7de"n. will ¡hut was based on the merit of t h e |flr|(t; Betty Jarrett, second; Gerald partment to criticise the city. Call of the Qypsv Trail." They were f The fact that the new bridge ts directed by Miss Grace Potter. Melba C H I L D R E N S D A Y T O make the report ¡pictures taken. Mr. Parr took many j Morgan. the main entrance to Springfield, Is Mellon was elected by the rinse to Baby buggy—Ruth Lee Robertson, Mr and Mrs. F. B Flanery. Mr. and , Pictures and other winners will have BE H E L D ON S U N D A Y ; later issne. first; Anne Phetteplace, second; on a state highway where there Is sing it solo, "A Bowl of Roses. Th" CHURCH SERVICES SET Mrs Maxey. Jack H en,lerer Dwight .* much traffic and will have two pedes­ faculty elected Ofa Luce to sing "On -------- ; Kessey, and G. G. Bushman attended Those whose pictures are published Anne Marie Gossler, third. trian walks on it. has caused the may receive a free enlargement by the Road to Mandalay.” Wlnlfrld Ty­ Children on Parade Children's day will be the feature the stunt night program Friday even- Chamber of Commerce and Lions cl«h calling at the office of this newspaper son played a piano solo, "Romance." st the Christian church Bunday, ac­ Ing. 'Springfield «was represented on Tricycle section—Billie Dawson, to take an active part In getting the William O. Hughes, chairman of the after June 4. Billie Dow. first; Margaret Klxer. structure lighted. cording to announcement of the ser­ thia program by a musical number hoard of education, presented the ; vices made thin morning. second; riettv Jane Endicott, third. by Charles Nadvornlk, violinist, and diplomas. The class then sang th« i Pastors of each of the other Bernice Neher, pianist. There were SPRINGFIELD HONORS | Auto Section—l>rothy Flanery, I C O U N T Y C H A M B E R T O farewell song I first; Dalton and George Horton, churche also announce topics for Bun­ eight numbers on tho stunt program. SOLIDER AND SAILOR M^ET IN SPRINGFIELD Those who receive«! diplomas are day. The award went to Tillamook which ' second. DEAD W ITH CEREMONY Elaine Archambeau, Dorotha Halley, Industrial section—Covered wagon, presented a bathing girl stunt. FOR NEXT SESSION At the Christian church the chil­ Theo Bartholomew. Sibyl Carnev. dren's program «will be held at the Velma Peddlcord. Lorane Peddicord, At the Saturday meeting Charles Flags were at half-mast yesterday Chester Chase, William Cox, Juanita Bunday school hour which Is 9:4« Swartz of Portland was elected dis­ Springfield will be the next meting I-ouisa Costden, Donna Jean Earnest, Crabtree, Kenneth Geiger. Harry Ger­ o'clock. All departments will parti trict governor and O. A. Tate of Port­ and heads were bowed as Springfield first prize; fanner boys, Rex a«d Rav place of the Lane county chamber if lach. Wilma Haack, Albert Harper. clpate In the program. At the 11 land district secretary over Eric Mer paid tribute to her soldier and sailor Stratton, second prize. commerce which held its first meeting Richard Harpole. Chests Hayden, o'clock service, Claud Nhcly of Eu­ roll and Robert Callahan, both of Eu­ dead and to the memory of all those in Cottage Grove last Thursday. The Comic section—Old man and' wo­ Gladla House, Isalene Kesler. Ikorenc gene will preach ln the absence of gene. The convention will be held who have died In honorable conflict meeting here will be on June 21. man, Dick Wright and Jack Lindsey, for this country. Larimer. Ofa Luce. Ruth McIntyre, Rev. 8. E. Childers who has left for next year In Tillamook. At the meeting last week. J S. first prize; Robert and Richard Rich­ The ceremony here under the direc­ Carl McKinnls, Hartford McVey, Visiting delegates were taken on a a month's vacation In southern Cali­ ardson and Scott Wright, second Shelton, head of the Eugene chamber, tion of the American Legion commit­ Melba Mellon, lain« Morris, Doris. fornia. Christian Endeavor Is at tour of state Institutions and indus­ prize; Out Our W’ay, Paul Irving. Earl was named permanent president of tee headed by Major M. B. Huntly Myers, Ix-Roy Nice, Bertha Paddock, 7 o'clock, with Ofa Luce as leader. the county unit. George O. Knowles tries Saturday afternoon. House, third prize. was declared a complete success. I*aul l*arker. Letter Patrick, Viola Clown section—Curtis Poole, first of Cottage Grove vice-president ang The evening services will feature Penselln. Authur Potter, Ormel, Red­ a musical program by the Walter I^ee The big parade through the busi­ prize; Robert Stark, Essie Adams T. J. Flippin, Jr., secretary of the E<*- TRAFFIC OVER McKENZIE ding. Elisabeth Rice. Margaret Sankey. ness district stilled the ceremony. and Robert McLagan. second prise. gene chamber, was named secretary Hawaiian stringed orchestra. Fea­ PASS STEADILY GROWING The Eugc’e I. O. O. F. band in uni­ A party of Washington tourists, and j and treasurer Ola Sayles, Wlnlfrld Tyson, Hilda ture numbers will be presented by Wagner, Annette Williams, Charlress A set of by-laws and a constitution Arlle Olatha and Ethyl Hickman A i Traffic over the McKenzie pass Is form headed the procession. Next i visitors from Bend. Astoria, Corvallis Willis came the Boy Scout troops and then and Eugene, as well as nearby com­ were adopted at the first official meet­ brief sermon will follow the program („creasing steadily. W. R. Davis. Grand Marshall Zack Klntzley and munities were present during the day. ing since the group was organise* At the Methodist church Sunday ; Springfield traffic officer, reported to- the speakers. The Ladles of the G. It Is estimated that 600 people saw some weeks ago. The organization O I L IN G C R E W S S T I L L school la at 9:45 o'clock and Epworth ; ¿„y A. R., the mayor and the city council is now complete, it iwas stated. League at 7 o'clock. The 11 o'clock B U S Y O N C O A S T JO B ; Each day more and more motorists members, Headquarters company Ore­ the roses. Members of the Siuslaw, Junction W O R K H E R E H E L D U P sermon topic of Rev. Gabriel Sykes, are venturing over the snow to the City, Springfield. Cottage Grove and pastor, is "The Second Word front th" other side of the mountains. Those gon National Guard, the American 29 EIGHTH GRADERS Legion post, Spanish American War Eugene chambers of commerce, the 1t will probably be a week or two Cross, or Christianity and the De­ who have come from the other direc­ Veterans and fraternal organizations PASS EXAMINATIONS; Lane County Farmers Union and tM parted.” The evening sermon suh- until stale highway crews begin the „ , , tion report that It Is not difficult to fnllwed and then came the school FORM FRESHMAN CLASS Lane County Pomona Grange are eli­ big Job of oiling the 12-mlle stretch | la The ( hrlsllan Philosophy of . cross the pass. The snow, they sav children led by A. J. Morgan supervis­ gible to membership in the county Life, or the Spirit of Love was dry and did not melt Into the ing principal. of the McKenzie highway between chamber. Three delegates appointed Twenty-nine eighth grade students Regular mass will be conducted at roadway and make It muddy and slip­ Springfield and Walterville. Rev. C. H. Blom, pastor of the Bap­ In district number 19, which includes from each of these groups form ths This announcement was made from (he Catholic church, with Rev. D. I’. pery. This partially accounts for the tist church, delivered an Impressive the Springfield schools, have passed official membership of the county Curley In charge. early opening of the pass to traffic. the office of Raymond Walsh, resident address at the Laurel Hill cemetery examinations, according to returns unit. Usual services will be held at the engineer for the state highway com­ where the ritualistic services were Just received from the office of E. J. Bible Standard Mission. mission, this morning. GLADYS INMAN WEDDED held. Moore, county school superintendent. SIX GIRLS FORM HONOR "The Quest of Life" Is the subject The crews and machinery to he The sharp crack of rifle fire In the Five pupils In this district were con­ TO H. MYERS SUNDAY of Fev,, C. H. Blom, pastor of the ROLL FOR TERM AT H. 3. used on the road work here are still salute by a detaclynent of the Nation­ ditioned. They will make np their busy on the Corvallis-Newport high­ Baptist church, for his morning ser­ Miss Gladys Inman was married to al Guard unit was followed by the work ln another examination to be Boys of Springfield high school way, It wns stated. The Job here la mon at 11 o'clock. Bible school will Horace Myers at the home of George notes of taps played by Henry Trlnka. hekl June 7 and 2, It was stated. must take their hats off to the girls. next on the list, but no definite date meet at 10 o'clock and B. Y. P. U. Is Carson here last Sunday morning a Boy Scout Those who passed the examinations Although this gallant custom la has been set for the completion of tho at 7 o’clock. At the evening service The ceremony was performed by Rev. "It Is a pleasure to act as head of a are: Eldon Ellison, Lloyd Frese, rapidly dying, when the honor roll for the World Wide Guild will present a present undertaking. (missionary play. "A Willing Captive ¡ 8' ®*' cb,,deM- PaB,or of the Spring- committee which works as the one Helen Knight, Eunice McFarland, the term was announced this morning, Gravel Is already distributed along field Christian church. Only a few did this year,” Major Huntly said. He Elva Moyer, George Smith, Maxine the boys had some bowing to do. the roadside nt various places be­ In Japan." A welcome Is extended relatives and close friends were pres­ extended his thanks to each member Swarts, Robert Telkamp, George The names of the six girls form to all who wish to attend. tween here and Walterville and Is ent. of the committee and to the various Thatcher, Elmer Thompson. Willis the honor roll for the last half of tho ready for use when the work starts. Both Mr. and Mrs. Myers have organizations iwhlch assisted In the Norris, Louis Shipley. Geraldine Wilk­ school year. They are: Myrna Bar­ It was previously announced that RIBS FRACTURED WHEN made their homes In this vicinity for ceremony Including the Boy Scouts, inson, Dennison Andrus, Margaret tholomew, Ruth Carlton, Dale Daniels. 1he oiling «will begin at Walterville COBURG MAN GETS FALL a numiber or years. They will live the school children, the speaker, Archer, Winston Bacus, Clyde Bosser- Irene Manley, Chesta Hayden and and come this way. East Main and In the vicinity of McKenzie bridge. churches and all other organizations man, Angela Brattain, Velda Carson, Wlnlfrld Tyson. F. M. Dowdy of Coburg iw«s brought Second street are scheduled to receive which participated. Doris Chase, Wayne Crider, Velma To get on the honor roll theM here yesterday after he fell from n another coat of oil this year. Band Thanked IS A L E N E K E S T E R W E D T O Johnson. Evelyn Harris, Jewel Helter- students made a grade of 95 per cent tractor on his place near Coburg and The Eugene I. O. O. F. band he brandt, Orval McPherson. Eugene or more in all subjects during the fractured three of his ribs. He was at W . B. C R O W , R E E D S P O R T JUNIOR CLASS WILL GET especially thanked for showing Inter­ Walker, Billy Wheeler, Junta May, year. a loss to know Just what caused him LEGION POST LOVING CUP to fall. He was treated at the office Miss Isalene Kester of Springfield est enough to come to Springfield Emma Trlnka. i after playing Just an hour before In This means that the freshman class BERNICE NEHER WINNER of a physician here and sent to his and William Beryl Crow of Reedsport the Eugene parade. By a margin of 24 points over tholr of Springfield high school next fall » wore married last Saturday afternoon homo to recuperate. OF MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP nearest rivals, the sophomores, the will consist of at least these 29 stu­ The amaill son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivon at the study of Dr. E. V. Stivers, Junior class of the high school this dents. If any of the five conditioned Bernice Neher, daughter of Mr. and Miller of Marcola dislocated his left pastor of the First Christian church TROOP 12 SCOUTS TAKE year won the Interclnss rivalry con­ puplts pass the second examination Mrs. J. A. Neher of Douglas Oardeiu, elbow In an accident at his home of Eugene. Miss Kester Is the daugh­ TESTS ON SUNDAY HIKE tests which have been running since they also will be a part of the first won the music scholarship for under­ Tuesday evening. His injury was ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kester and the beginning of school In the fall. classmen at a recent contest at tho Boy Scouts of troop 12 took a hike year high school class. was graduated from Springfield high nlao treated here. The third year class will receive University of Oregon. This scholar­ school Tuesday night. to Kessey hill, southeast of this city, the custody of the loving cup offered Two Oetopenarlans Camp — Two ship Is offered annually by Mu Phi Mlsa Irene Crow, sister of the last Sunday. Pollards Enjoy Trip—Dr. and Mrs. by the Springfield post of the Ameri­ Several of the boys passed second brothers, Albert and A. D. Gillette, Epellon, national honorary music sor­ W. H. Pollard are enjoying their visit groom, and Earl B. Knowles of Wend- can I.eglon. The Jrnlora won 33 and first class scoot testa in prepara­ one 80 and the other 84 years of age, ority. She Is piano pupil of John In Kansas City where they are at­ llng were the attendants. points, the sophomores nine, the The wedding dinner «was served tion for advance In rank at the court are camping out for 10 days. They Stark Evans, associate dean of th« tending the Methodist conference, ac­ eenlors eight and the freshmen five. are attending the Free Methodist con­ school of music. cording to a letter received by Dr. Sunday at Rice's cafe hare. Mr. and of honor session. The contests Included Student body Miss Neher la sophomore at th« N. W. Emery this week. The weather Mrs. Crow will make their home in Kenneth Dillard, scoutmaster, accom­ ference In session at Cottage Grove. membership, boys' and girls' basket­ there Is still eool, the physician Reedaport where he Is employed In panied the boys on the hlks, super­ Albert Gillette three here and his university and has recently h««4l ball. hoys' horseshoes, Langhteresque, brother at Halsey. pledged to Mu Phi Epsilon. vising the tests which were taken. the lumber business. writes. boys' snd girls’ baseball. e .. Monday pvenlng. With four y«-ars of school work be ,, Phillips wan named mun«g«-r.1 hind them, th« largest class ever »o N«al Pollard secretary ami John j graduate from Hprliutt. ld hlxh school Robertses, treasurer, Two more • . th« it... school ,t | ! nsembera of th« board was formally ushered • from, ,#U r of directora