PACK Kk»I IT MISS ABBIE TOMSETH IS WED TO WAYNE HAWKE erease»i JO pel cent over last spring's statistics, an examination of the reg iatrnr's tiles showed this week. Only 200 freshmen arc admitted eech year and these are •'hand pick­ e d - through a rigid system of on trance tests and character qualities tiona. Since W illamette's credits have been officially recognised as being on a par with those of the upper 200 uni­ versities of the United States, numer­ ous outstate students are making in­ quiries and. from all indications, it will be only by turning away those rating lowest that the oldest univer­ sity west of the Rockies can maintain its student body limit of 500. How Springfield Voted at Election NATIVE OF LANE DIES AT HUSBANDS TO BE FETED HOME NEAR CRESWELL BY LEGION AUXILIARY years. F allerai se rv ices v e r e bald in tn» J a s p e r ch u rch la st Hunday «U h In­ te rm e n t m th e W allace cem etery- T h e Charles I* Poole elisi» *1 of S pringfield « s s in ettari»» of arrangi- A native of laiue count, -Mrs Martha Plans for u dinner at which hus­ bands of member« of the American Wallace died at her home .nt route (Continued from Page I) l.egton auxiliary wlU he guest«, were Cre»well. last Friday at the uge of 41 tuent» County Offices J made at a meeting of the women's FOR COUNTY ASSKSihHt ■ group at the chamber of commerce 13 37 31 15 Frank Fay Eddy, ■ recently. 77 «7 43 44 Beu F. Keeney. The «octal meeting will lie on June FOR COUNTY CI.KKK 6 In the chamber room». The follow 86 53 35 • 47 W B. Dillard, I Ing committee will be in charge of J 4 30 19 33 E. U. Lee. the refreshments: Mrs. Bernice Van F O R COUNTY COM o USSIONEIL Valzah. Mrs Elmer Mnxoy, Mrs I). FOUR YEARS: M. Morse. Mrs. Tony Qravoe. Mrs. 4« 61 »6 76 William Vasby. Mrs I M Peterson Clinton Hurd. FOB C O U N T Y COMMISSIONER. and Mrs. D. W McKinnon. " w h e r e a a v in g t a r t g r e a te s t' The auxiliary will participate In TWO YEARS: 39 61 »7 67 celebration of Memorial day. taking a M 31. Anderson. »42 Willamette St.. Bug eiw. Oregon. part to be assigned by the general FOB COUNTY CORONER: 32 committee In chrrge of pirns for that S3 W. W. Branstettor, 1» 17 61 event W. F. Walker. 37 47 67 , Annual poppy sale will be conduct SCHOOL» SC PERIN FOR COUNTY | ed for two or thiee days previous to TENDENT: The name of C. O. Wilson has en JUNIORS-SENIORS DINE Memorial day. 70 46 67 37 tcred the list of eligible« for the office Edgar J. Moore, T h e M ost Popular Straw H at AT FAREWELL BANQUET of mayor of Springfield, according to Vera Todd Crowe. WILLIAM HALSEY WILL a current report on tho street?. Mr. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF: A Sennit it the all­ Featured by farewell talks by mem Wilson, who is manager of the Car- Lewis M Kletaing. 31 33 54 27 ATTEND MILITARY CAMP round hat (or bttsine.ts bers of the graduating class, the an­ bolineum Wood Preserving company, Earl E. Luckey. 43 50 21 42 nual Junior-senior banquet was held is being backed for the office by sev­ FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR: and g e n e r a l wear. William Halsey of Sprlugfleld. last Friday evening at the Eugene eral of his friends. He has been a P. M. Morse, ou »0 73 senior in forestry ut O. A. C. la one Light, cool and »tyli»h. 45 1 of 77 students taking advanced mill- hotel. resident here for several years and Democratic Nominations F ine co n cea led Donald Palmer. Junior, extended the has .been active in civic affairs. Mr. DELEGATES TO DEMOCRATIC NA 1 tary who will attend the It O. T < welcome of his class and Albert Wilson is a veteran of the Spanish- summer camp at Vancouver, Wash­ stitch, improved saw STATE TIONAL CONVENTION Harper responded for the seniors. American war. ington. June 16 to July 2« Halsey is edge, fancy or black AT LARGE: William Cox. retiring president of the 4 in the infantry unit. Election of the mayor will not take PRECINCTS 3 2 1 band Our f e a t u r e high school student body association, place until the 'general election in the All students taking advanced mill 9 10 12 7 Ashby C. Dickson. straw hat at— gave the farewell address for hts fall. Other candidates may enter the 9 tary are required to spend six weeks 9 11 3 Bert E. Haney, class. A. J Morgan, principal of the field in the meantime, it is pointed at summer camp. These students re­ 9 4 14 3 John Manning. school, also made a short talk in o u t 8 ceive remuneration from the govern­ 8 4 13 Hugh McLain. which he commended for the seniors 6 ment during the two years they take Among those who are prominently Daniel W. Sheahan. 6 5 7 for their achievements during their mentioned is Lawrence Mr.y and M. J. 7 advanced work. After «uccessfuily 3 3 H. G. Strakweather 10 school careers. McKlin. both members of the city Frank B. Tlchenor, 4 7 ' completing the course student« re­ 6 Musical numbers consisted of a council. Each is understood to have ceive a permanent commission in the 6 9 6 R. R. Turner. piano duet by Francis and Lena Frit- j backing if he chooses to run. 6 reserve officers corps if they wish it 6 4 Elton Watkins, ell. a vocal solo by Waive Peterson, j Mayor G. O. Bushman has announ­ 3 5 4 Louise P. Weber. a vocal solo by Paul Potter and a | ced that will hot seek re-election, but 2 TRENT BOY INITIATED 7 6 number by the Junior girls’ quartet. 1 friends insist that he will be asked W. A. Wood. 11 10 • INTO DRAMATIC GROUP George L. Curry. 4 to consider the race. 8 8 W. A. Delzell. MANY SEEK ADMISSION Chester Wheeler of Trent. Junior in FOR DELEGATES TO CONVEN­ Catch Many Fish— Jack Gorrle and TION. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL vocational education at O. A. C has TO WILLAMETTE SCHOOL Norman Anderson caught their limit been initiated Into Mask and Dagger DISTRICT: in spite of Willamette University’s of Salmon in the McKensie last Sun R. A. Harria, 7 11 chapter of National Collegiate Hay- 14 11 IF’ YOU DO NOT PLAY OK ILAVBNT AN INSTRU­ 9 era, which gives students training In severe entrance requirements, the list day. They also caught a number of O. Henry Oleen, 13 9 8 10 drkmatlc art A try-out Is held at the of applicants for next year has in- trout 11 13 W. H. Canon. » MENT SHE W. IL (BILL) OLSON AT 4 beginning of the college year In which 9 11 Daniel J. Fry. 8 - all students except freshmen may FOR PRESIDENT: 6 6 7 participate. If elected by the club's Thomas J. Walsh. 6 DEPENDABLE ETJEQLASS SERVICE ! Judges they become eligible to try out 3 6 Alonzo F. Workman. 1 4 2 ’ for college play«. James E. Reed, 5 11 Successful participation in a college 9 11 Alfred E. Smith. 4 1 production entitles them to active 4 membership in the club. Platform ex­ 3 19 12 Milton A. Miller. OPTOtHETSlST— EIJEStQHT SPECIALIST FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT hibitions are given and standard plays West Broadway. Eugene EUQENB 878 IDillantette St Phone 020 AND VICE-PRESIDENT: 1 presented during the year. Juii one thin«}—But I do it nqht 8 12 15 12 1 Carl C. Donaugh. 10 CAN'T TALK TO WIFE. 15 .7 7 Walter B Gleason. 11 10 12 10 N. W. Honevman. TOO CROSS AND NERVOUS 9 11 13 Manche I. Langley. 9 8 15 6 J. N. McFadden. « "Even my husband couldn't talk 11 12 17 13 to me, I was so cross and nervous. Robert A. Miller, 10 11 10 Vinol has made me a different aud 7 E. E. Brackney. 6 7 5 13 Thomas H. Comte, happy woman."—Mrs. N. McCall. Vinol is a compound of Iron, phoa- i GRESS: phates, coil liver peptone, etc. The 1 “ARE BETTER" W. C. Hawley 1 very FIRST bottle makes you sleep State Offices belter and have a BIG appetite. Nerv , FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: ous, easily tired people are surprised Ed S. Piper, 13 17 14 19 how QUICK the Iron, phosphater, etc.. | FOR STATE TREASURER: give new life and pep. Vinol tastes Thomas B. Kay. 1 delicious. Ketel's Drug Store. FOR JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT: George Rossman, 1 John L. Rand. ’ 1 - FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: William L. Levens, 12 14 15 18 FOR JUDGE OF THE CIRCUIT Saturday is to be the Banner Day in our Prosperity Cam­ COURT: 15 13 18 J. W. Hamilton, 12 paign. Come prepared to share in this Double Value 20 19 23 G. F. Sklpworth. 12 Dollar Day Event. 2 James T. Brand, 1 d I^wrence T. Harris. OVERALLS SHIRTS FOR REPRESENTATIVE: Men's blue Chambray Work Men's high back, blue denim L. L. Ray, Shirts, bib Overalls. X George Knowles, Double Value Dollar Day Double Value Dollar Day FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY: 17 12 20 Alta King. 6 18 9 7 John S. Medley. 8 MUSLIN SHOES County Office«: 36 inch unbleached or bleach­ Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps and Ben F. Keeney. 2 2 ed Muslin, free from starch. High-cut Shoes. FOR COUNTY CLERK: Double Value Dollar Day Double Value Dollar Day W. B. Dillard. 2 1 9 Varda for FOR C O U N T Y COMMISSIONER. TWO YEARS: SOX SHIRTS J. H. Moffett. 10 17 14 13 Men's Cotton Sox in brown or Men's Golf Shirts. Size 14 FOR COUNTY CORONER: black. only W. F. Walker, 4 2 Double Value Dollar Day Double Value Dollar Day W. W. Branstetter, 1 1 10 Pair, for FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN­ — THE EASIEST DESSERT TENDENT: HOSE Vera Todd Crowe, 2 HOSE Jatdies' Rayon to hem In ail MADE FROM SWEET CREAM E. J. Moore. 1 Lot Children’s end Misses' the »wanted summer shades. COR COUNTY SHERIFF: Hose. Black, brown and tan. Double Value Dollar Day Harry L. Bown. 6 15 13 19 PRIZE WINNING ICE CREAM Double Value Dollar Day 2 Pair, for Hugh H. Earle. 11 13 10 FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR: A REAL FOOD NOT A LUXUARY P. M. Morse, SUIT8 SUIT8 Boys’ Knicker Suits only. A One Lot of Men’s all wool BETTER FOR CHILDREN THAN CANDY TWO BATH HOUSES ARE large group from which to make Dress Suits mc.rk d at a price selections. Amcz'ng reductions that will surprise you when you COMPLETED AT RIVER RICH IN THE ESSENTIAL VITAMINES Make your selections early. see them. Don't miss this Two bath houses were completed opportunity only "DAILY FOOD" NOT A SUNDAY SPECIAL this week at the east bank of the river near the bridge. Boys from the manual training de partment of the high school under the direction of A. f Morgan, principal, built the houses, one for girls and women and the other for boys and men. The Women’s Civic club sponsored the movement. This club will pro­ vide funds to pay for the lumber used»I The boys and Mr. Morgan are giving | their services. Officers of the club have requested that Mr. Morgan and his students be publicly thanked for their work. wedding of considerable interest here last week-end was that of Miss Abbie Tomseth to Wayne Hawke of Balenv, a former resident of this city. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Peter Tomseth. who reside a short distance south of this city. She has been employed in the Kftfoury Brothers store and previous ly clerked in the Farmers’ Exchange. The wedding was at the Tomseth home last Saturday evening, .with Rev. C H. Blom, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating About 56 relatives and friends attended. Mr Hawke, who is employed in the c. O. WILSON FAVORED state house at Salem, returned to that FOR MAYOR: ELECTION city Monday Mrs. Hawke will Join TO BE HELD IN FALL him there soon. G e t U n d e r a S e n n it $1.98 Join the Band "■—ll Sherman Dr. Royal Qick & CÒ KING BAND INSTRUMENTS DOUBLE VALUE Saturday, May 26th You Should Use 1 $ 1 .0 0 2,or$l.OO 5 J QQ $ 1 .0 0 $ 1 .0 0 2 ,or $ 1 .0 0 ¿J. QO $ 3 .9 5 5 BLUE BELL ICE CREAM Because It is $ 1 .0 0 5 J 0 7 5 Buy From Your Dealer