THURSDAY MAY 24, 192«, THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS TRAIN SCHEDULE HERE D aug M .ro v i . i t - M r . D c. It? LISTED BY AGENT K nglanil ami children of West Timber PAGE SEVEN Red Hair and Blue Sea - ■ - and Ml»» Maude Ocrrle of Portland Up-to-date truln schedule for Spring- daughters of Mr» C. I. Gorrle, were (Continued from Page 6i field wa» announced this week by C arl; here with their mother last week-end. Several drops of rain fell. Olaori, agent for the Southern Pacific , -------- - 1 Van agreed. “But there’s a squall company here. NOTICE TO CREDITORS coming,'' he said. “I'll run b a k first The schedule Includes three north NOTICE Is hereby given that the f(>r ujnbre,|a|1 I hound and three southbound trains. underalgneo have been appointed by As he turned away she hesitated, The northbound trains are: No. tt the County Court of Lane County. Ore- (llag) at 4:27 a. m .; No. 32, 2:30 p .1 gon, as administrators of the partner unexpectedly afraid at being left ship estate of Henry W Chase, de- alone.. m.; No 8, 3:66 p. m ceased, and Big Moe, heretofore doing But as she moved forward a Japan- Southbound trains are: No. 31, business as partners under the firm 6:46 a. m .; No. 7 ((tag), 2:30 p. rn; name and style of Springfield Sand £ *"« policeman, saluting benignly, reas- Gravel Company. I sured her. And she saw every stew FOR SALE -1819 Maxwell, Almost LOST- Sunday night, either at Christ- No. 15, (dagl, 8:33 p. in FOR SALE WOOD r in r t iiT I’f.iiWT o r TUP All P*1'80118 ■»’ *“« claims agains» brought her nearer those two repr - Ian church, or between church and iw Tine New Rubber *25.00 See ca r a t Mill u t s t " , . r o o J u “ vim Hald *8ta“ ’ «n- hereby notlfleu to pres tentative» of the civil and the moral Old Growth Fir, Second Growth Fir, STATE OF OREGON FOR 7lg F street. Cameo Broach with aifd J Streets— K. A. Farnsworth. ent the same duly »*rl0ed I md with , ,aw wh)ch , anchPr h LANE COUNTY Oak, Ash. All lengths. Phon. Spring four diamonds. Valued as keep-sake. proper voucher» to »aid adminiatrator» ' . . . M. i* 17 24-31: Hilda Carter, Plaintiff, vs. at the office of Harris. Smith £ Bry-1 wharf- the Okayama and that l)u Ran Held 104. if. Return to Mrs. J. J Man waring. Elsie Charles Harrison and Mabel E son. 210 Broadway Building, E ugene., which la the latest, perhaps the last, FOR BALE OR RENT-M odern 6- Reward M24 Reese, Defendants Oregon, within six months from the I of the Morning Stars In which the PAINTING and Kalsurotnlng In all Its rootn bungalow Good terms Phone To the defendants Charles Harrison J ,'L'. a"r«t n u h i l c a t l o n o f t h i s ' ... flr,t put,ilcatlon « “ • , American missionaries have carried branches. Iteduced Prices. Roy 140-K after 6 o'clock M 17-24 STRAWBERRIES FOR HALE— Pick and Mabel E Reese; You are hereby da£ e Koch. Call 126-J. Ifcu, of fl„ , publication of this t*»« Word. them yourself. Price *1.25 a crate. summoned to answer the complaint fil, mi against jou In the above narred nO(|ci. j8 May 3. 1928. I The old woman’s house was not only N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N I furnish boxes and carriers, you SEPTIC T A N K S — cause and court within four weeks Hln u n ir I .. . (Publisher.) ’ PP* •' bring palls, washtubs or something from the first publication of thia sum-1 KENNETH R CHASE Adtnlnlstra- Ready for you to Install NO. 014815 mona and if >ou fall so to answer the tora ' ance. The thatches of thia Island to put them In. Corner 8th and G Fof family of five — *21.00, Eugene Departmsnt of tbs Interior, U. 8 plaintiff will apply to the court for HARRIS SMITH £ BRYSON, At- were rectangular, sharp roofed, sided streets, Springfield. For family of eight — *28.00, Kygene Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon tne relief di mandad In said c m p liln t, U)rnt,yg for administrators with woven tat. narrow doored. But May J, 1828.............................................. vlr, f< r judgment against you for the Sewer Pipe, W«dl Curbing, Drain Tile M 3-10-17-24-31: this hut was oval and open—vaguely NOTICE Is hereby given tnat John We specialise In Swiss braclet «urn of *5(5 with interest thereon and Chimney Blocks. the architecture of central Polynesia. C. Humphrey ,.( J»,psr Oregon, who ¡ watch w paIrlnr HoyV. 32, Maln Ht from Feb. 1. 1926, at six per cent, NOTICE E U G E N E C O N C R ETE P IP E CO. on May 3, 1923, made Homestead The girl stooped to enter, then drew the sum of *50 as an attorney's fee Entry. No. 014815, for Lota 1 & 2, Sec­ OF SALE O F R EA L P R O P E R T Y _______ and the costs of this suit, that the back in ___ one of those sudden appre- FOR BALK—Carbon paper In large tion N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R 8 20. Township 18 8 , Range 1 West, lam e be declared a lien upon tne E ‘/4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That . t h a t i ' l l h— L* ~ w n .« sheets, 16x3* Inches, suitable for Willamette Meridian, has filed notice Notice la hereby given that the un­ of NHU. NW’4 of NE%, and N E ’4 of by virtue of an order of the County pensions that still beset her. Who making traclnga. The Newa office of Intention to make three-year Proof, dersigned Mervln B. Harris has been NW !4 of sec. 4, In Tp. 17 8. of Rg. 3 Court of Lane County, Oregon, made knew where I’onape Burke would to eatabllsh claim to the land ubove appointed administrator of the estate I E. of tne Willamette Meridian, In and entered of record April 10th, strike? This house seemed safe; deecrlbed, before E O. Immel, U. 8. CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS Commissioner, Eugene, Oregon, on the of Veronlcu B Harris, deceased, by Lane County. Oregon, under a mort- 1928, In the guardianship of Julian F. might indeed be safer than the mle- _ . the County Court of I^ine County, gage dated May 1, 1924, recorded May Miller, a minor, the undersigned duly . NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That 15th day of June. 1928. ' 7 ' ' * Oregon, and all persons having claims 31, 1924. In hook 56 page 257 of the appointed, qualified and acting guard- Claimant names as witnesses: School District No. 18. of lame Coun­ __________________ _______________ mortgage records of Lane County,' |>n of the person and property of said sh e peered in; saw only three old against said estate will present same ty. Oregon, will twy at the office of Samuel Vlucent. Wllltam O. Palma- duly verified as by law" provided to j »aid mortgage being made by Charles minor, will on and after the 26th day women. No one could be In hiding, the District Clerk at his residence leer, laiwrenre Walker, Fred Wallace, the administrator at the Law Office of . Harrison to plaintiff, and that said of May 1828, offer and sell at private none approach without being seen. on West D. Street, house No 369. all of Jasper. Oregon. Whitten Swafford, 316 Tiffany Bldg. | mortgage be foreclosed by a sale o t said 8al*h^ , b[dder at*Eugene C[ l n e entered, advanced toward HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. School Warrants up to and Including Eugene, Oregon, on or before six mortgaged premises as provided by Oregon, all of the right, title »he central posts, glanced Interestedly No 2150 Interest ceases after May Non-coal. months after the date of this notice. 8atl8,act*on ot d J*e " and interest of said minor In and to around M. 10-17 24 31: J.7: 26th. 1828 " , • fnl.' c j j Dated and first published May 10. 1928. and that defendants be barred of all Signed. II. W. S M IT H , District Clerk right In aald mortgaged premises ex a ^ n n d iU d S one-half in- Suddenlr' something dropped past Ma. 24 MBRVIN B. HARRIS. Administra­ cept the right to redeem from said tereat V h ^ e in o w n r f ^ s°a”.d"m inor ^ r p ^ 8' *"d “ >e three ola .women SUM M O NS tor. sale as by law required and for other No Tw(,nty.t'hrPP (23) in Block hurled themselves at her. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE | WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney appropriate relief This summons is N Thirty-three (33) in the Amended So unexpected the attack from such STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE fO r the estate EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE served you by made publication „art nt o the: .v f 6’4’- , a" ° P*" COUNTY suant to upon an order In this pur- suit (F ^ ¿.I™,««» ¿ ™ e In L^ne „ County iV ’ nCh *’ thia* M 10-17-24-31: J.7: Notice Is hereby given that by vlr tue of an execution and order of sale Lida Scoggln, Plaintiff, v s , Ray Scog May 8. 1928, by C. P. Barnard,.County Kon ’ ’ , at almo8t the settlement's busiest and N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S gin. Defendant In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ That salo sale will take place at most public spot, that the girl was To Ray Scoggln. Defendant NOTICE Is hereby given, that the Judge, that you be served by publish cuit Court of lame County, Oregon In the name of the State of Oregon: 'undersigned has been, by the County Ing this Bumtnon« for four weeks In the law office of Alta King, 794 WU- caught unready. And before she could on the 8th day of May, 1928. In a salt the Springfield News, and that you lamette St.. Eugene. Oregon. ; move a muscle erv out. h er t h r e a t wherein on the 3rd day of May, 1823, You are hereby required to appear : Court of the State of Oregon for the answer the same within four weeks This notice is publish«*. In The comDr<, „ J J l In said court Charles N Barnard re­ and answer the complaint filed County of I.ane, duly appointed Ad from the first publication thereof. It ; Springfield News. Springfield, Lane I Dlpr 8ed a tPrrlb«e. choking cover««! judgment against the de­ against you In the above entitled suit , mlnlstrator of the estate of Carl Bos- Is so first published May JO, 1928. County, Oregon, first publication pressure. She fought for breath. Then fendants A S Myers and Ethel II rlth ln four weeks from the date of - serman, deceased and all persons S. D. ALLEN, Attorney for Plaintiff, April 26th, 1928. her arms pinioned, came relief and a Myers for the sum of *180 00 together the first publication of this Summons, I having claims against said estate, are Residence and P. O. Address, Eugene, I ALICE McC. MILLER. Guardian of fierce warning: "No 'peakey, no with Interest thereon at the rate to-wlt, four weeks from this 17th day hereby notified to present the same Oregon. j the person and Estate of Julian F. of 8 per cent per annum from the of May 1928, and If you full to appe-tr properly verified to me at the office ’peakey!” At the moment of the on­ M 10-17 24-31: Miller, a Minor 17th duy of December, *1927; the fur­ or answer for want thereof the plain of Prank Del’ue, »he attorney for the fa ll'h er guide, still behind her, had ------------------------------ | A p. 26: Ma 3-10-17-24: °o? ther sum of *149 04 together with tn Off w,„ take a decroe against you dropped round her throat a fibre loop, terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent the dissolution of the marriage rela N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S a brutal tourinquet with which she per annum from said 3rd day of May. tlon now existing between said plain­ this notice. Dated April 23, 1928 . N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S Notice Is hereby given that the un­ LESTER BOSSERMAN, Admlnls- 1928, ns taxes; and the further sums Notice is hereby given that the un- i could. instantly be strangled Into dersigned has been appointed Execu tiff and said defendant and such othe.- I trator. of *10000 attorney fees and ,13 75 FRANK A. DePL’E, Attorney for tor of the Estate of Carlton Columbus derKiKned has been appointed admin ! silence— or death costs, together with Interest thereon relief thnt to the court may nppear Myers, deceased, by the County Court iBtrator of the Eatate of W ater Dixi, | the estate. . st the rate of six per cent per annum equitable. of I^ne County, Oregom AU persons Ellison, deceased, by the County j order directing the service of 1 \p M Mil .".-10-17 24: Grove People Here— Mr. and Mrs. from »ahi 3rd day of May, 1928, which the The summons having claims against said estate are Court of L aje County, Oregon All by publication Judgment wag enrolled and docketed In thereof is dated herein N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S hereby notified to present the same, j pergons having claims against said C. M. Parker of Cottage Grove and May 16th, 1928 anil I the Clerk's office of said Court In sal 1 direct publication once each week for i Notice Is hereby given that, Alta properly verified, to the undersigned eKtate are required to present them her daughter. Mrs Vern Stewart of ,1... office ,.rto... of , . r V i - , 11.. e. n-..ii„ ii.,„i. i . e to the , . county on the 3rd day of May. 1928, King, has been appointed as executor at , the Wells & Wells. Bank ; witb ,j,e proper vouchers un No»l. successive w e e k s . were here last week-end on bust, and said execution Io me dire,ted four of the estate of Anna Bohlnian, d e-! of Coaunerc* Building. Eugene. L aw d esig n ed at the law offices of Po ,er ness. Date of first publication May 17th. I commanding me In the name of the King at Number 9bl WHum : | OMMd, by the l o u n ty Court of Lan>- County. Oregon, within six months State of Oregon. In order to satisfy 1928. C A WINTERMEIKR. Attorney County, Oregon. All persons having from the nate ot the first publication street in Eugene, Oregon, within six said Judgment. Interest, tnxes at­ for Plalntilf. Residence Eugene, Ore- j claims against said estate are re­ of this notice. . mf>ntbs from the date of this notice. ! ________________ N O T IC E TO C R ED ITO R S torney fees, costs of suit nnd accru­ gon. Date of first publication. May 3> " quired to present them duly verified Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 10th x—-r-rr- )a hereby given that the ing costs to sell the following des­ 1928. i as by law required within six months M 17-24 31: J 7-14: day of May, 192S. undersigned has been appointed by cribed real property, to w n : Date of first publication, Mayi tt from the 3rd day of May, 1928, to said JAMES FRANKLIN ELLISON. Ad- i «j,» County Court of Lane County, Ore- The south half of the northwest ! executor, at his law office 794 Willam­ HARRY L. MYERS. Executor. ministrator of the estate of Walter arn as esecutr’x of the estate of N O T IC E TO CO N TR A C TO R S quarter sec. 7, Tp 32 S , Range 3 W WELLS & WELLS. APornevs. ette Street, Eugene, Oregon Date of . Dixie Ellison, deceased , Henry W Chase, deceased. of the W M , lame County. Oregon, Sealed bids will be received by the ,)r(lt publication. May 3rd, 1928 M. 3-10-1.-24-31: POTTER AND KING, Attorneys ^11 persons having claims against together with the tenements, heredi­ City Recorder of Springfield. Oregon ALTA KINO. Executor. Estate of Walter Dixie Ellison, d e-; estate are hereby notifi«*! to pres­ taments nnd appurtenances thereunto up to 7:30 P. M. on the 28th day of M 3-10-17-24-31: SU M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N ceased. ent the same duly verified and with belonging nnd appertaining and tre May, 1928. for the grading and gravel IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE M. 10-17-24-31: J.7: proner vouchers to said executrix Ing of L street between 9th and 10th rents thereof. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE N O T IC E OF F IL IN G O F F IN A L at the office of Harris, Smith &- Bry­ Now, therefore In the name of the streets In Kepner's Addition to COUNTY OF LANE ACCOUNT SUM M ONS son, 210 Broadway Building, Eugens, State of Oregon. In compliance with Springfield. Or«"gon, said work to be IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Susan Campbell. Plaintiff. V s . James |j< THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Oregon, within six months from the said execution nnd order of sale and done In accordance with the plans I R. Billings and .......... Billings, his 8TATE OF OREGON FOR STATF OF OREGON, FOR LANE date of the first publication of this In order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ and speclflcations of the City En­ 'wife; Martha A. Lewman and E. E. LANE COUNTY notice. COUT’TY. terest, taxes, attorney fees, costs of gineer Bids to be opened at special In the Matter of the Estate of Jack Lewman. her husband; Nancy A. J. S. Watkins. Carrie Watkins and Date of first publication of this suit and accruing costs, I will on Sat­ council meeting at Springfield City earner and Thomas Carney, her Rodman, deceased. Clesie C. Addleman, Plaintiffs, notice Is Mav 3, 1928. urday, the 9th day of June. 1928. at Hall at 7:30 P. M May 28th, 1928. Notice Is hereby given by the under­ husband; Leota M. Alexander and CORNELIA S CHASE. Executrix of I. M PETERSON, Recorder. Vs. Verona F. Daniel; Henry the hour of one o'clock In the after- signed administrator of the above ...... ......... Alexander, her husband; »ho rotate of Henry W Chase, de­ Ma. 17-24: L. Peek and Mary Peek, his Roon of said day, nt the southwest Thomas A. Billings and Helen Bill­ named estate that he has ni'M his ceased. front door of the County Court House. ings. his wife; Etta M Billings, a wife; James F. Peek; Charles final account In said estate, and that HARRIS. SMITH A BRYSON. At- N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G In Eugene, Igine Cflunty, Oregon, of widow; William I. Smith and Cass'e the Hon. C. P. Barnard. Judge of said known tornevs for Executrix. B. Peek, s o m e t i m e s Notice Is hereby given that Miner Court has fixed Thursday June 7th. fer for sale and sell for cash, at public I. Smith, his wife; Nettie C. Christy M 3-10-17-24-31: | as Charles B Smith, and Ruby auction subject to ledemptlon as pro­ R Wegner has filed In court h»« 0«>«l i tpiV at tonT'ciock""A'°M*Jas'th e time and ....... ........ Christy, her husband; Smith, his wife; and all other un­ vided by law. all of the right, and In­ account as executor of the estate of : jop the hearing of objections, tf any Ruby Barrett and Conrad Barrett, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION known rartles who have or claim i terest of anlri defendants, A. S Myers Philip A Wegner, Deceased, and that Jo Rajj flna) account and to the settle- her husband; Hulah M Billings. FOREST EXCHANGE some title, estate, lien or interest tn the court has fixed 10 :00 A M of I m,,nt (beroof. and Ethel B. Myers, and of Stubbs and ......... Billlngts. her husband: No. 017920 the property described in the com­ Electric Company, a corporation and June 8, 1928. as the time wnen said i e j , m ER ROBERTS. Administrator, William Billings, single; and Jack Deosrtrrent ot the Interior, United plaint herein, Defendants. Walter A Woodward, and all persons account at the rooms of the county f r ED E SMITH. Attorney for Ad Billings, single, and also all "other To Verona F. Daniel; Henry L I States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- claim ing by, thru or under them, or court, tn the court-House, E ugene,; m|n|strator. persons or parties unknown claim- « in Aoril 20, 1928. any or either of them In and to aald Oregon, will be taken up for exsmlna M 3-10-17-24-31: I ing any right, title, estate, lien or Peek and Mary Peek, his wife; James NOTICE is herehv that • tlon and allowance. AH persons In­ premises. ------------------------------------------- ! Innterest tn the real property des- F. Peek; Charles B. Peek, sometimes „ »« •». given n, terested In said estate may appear at v.lT tC F DP «5HFRIFF g*T F n N I rr he(1 ‘hp complaint herein. De- known as Charles B. Smith, and Ruby on April 1» 1928* 0 , M Faulkner, ot Dated May 8th. 1928 T H K OF SHERIFF b SALE Smith and all other un- Ficber. FRANK B TAYUlR, Sheriff of said time and he heard. I NO EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ONI ' * nd£ ” ,"y SmMh. hi« wife- 0179, 0 Oregon, nn/Jpr- filed Act arp licw ^ on rch No. MINER R WEGNER, Executor. I-ane County. Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that by vtr l’yUsl» n I H^lnh V^ Billings some title, estate, lien or interest in 1922. (42 Stat.. 4651 to exchange »he M 10-17 24-31: M. 10 17 24 31: J.7: ! tue of an execution and order of sale r°n” ' Billings her husband the property described in the com- To» 1. Sec. 7 Tn. ,5 8 R 9 W . E * In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr-1 ‘ ” ",n* 7 „ “ , herein SWv4 NE»4 NE»4. HflHMHHHBSIHUi o ^ th e 0 --*“ 0 - L,D- p IN THE NAME OF THL STATE NWbi NE»., NE»4. BU• SEH NWH Classified Ads 6ET RESULTS, ’ B U S S I N E S S ■¡■H sasssE—Ese Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 633 Main Street Successor to Sutton Transfer WM. G, HUGHES FIR K A N D A U TO IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B LIC , Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Rooldonee Phono 1S3-M Springfield, Oregon General Law Practico I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hull Building Springfield, Ore. D . W . R oof J E W R L R K Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon D IR E C T O r y | i suit w rttary, low, nst the defendants Louis Joseph 1 NAME OF THE STATE titled Court and cause, within fou. ; S’PC„ OI? 12. against OREGuN, Io n are hereby re- w«**8 froJn . ^ e ^on sh;'’ 15 s - R a n « TO West. W M sen and Bertha X. Josephsen for thf j Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. of r »123.20 with interest thereon ' quire«* to ed'against appear and you answer the above com »cation summons, and If jou with,n fhp gi)IsHw NMiona, Forest, General Practice, Special Attention at™hef i t e “ofW«"¿eV P,alnt M in »hp the fail to to of so this appear and answer, answer _ ..... _ .......... o __ cent p^r‘annum ........... .. n .-tint filed against von in above fail so anpear and fot __ . . . __ _ ........ , ......... ........ _ .. ............... to Obstetrics and Diseases from the 28th day of July. 1926, until entitled Court and cause on or before want thereof the plamt: ffs w U. app.y fut frow. apT)roxlmatelv 5 acres with- of Children. paid and the further sum of »5C.00 1 * ”»■ ,»'<**’ from »he date of the first to the Court for the relief Pra« dJ « ‘ fn tbe Spc. lt B »4. Sec 12. I p publication of this Summons, and if In the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree »o g yj 3 Fa5,t Secs 4 to 9 ln- First National Bank Building . attorneys fees and for c. sts nnd dis and each of you have no , "gw »4. S?c.’ 10. NU NW%, i bursements herein in tho sum of you fail so to appear and answer, for that you Springfield, Oregon iU c.i JM erestiior_iestate^what; gpcR lfi , o. |n(,Iugl^ ' *34 50, which judgment was enrolled want thereof the plaintiff will applv r’fiht.iJ ever In or to the following described ! and docketed In the Clerk's office of | to the Court for the relief demanded Tp. 20 S . R 4 E . W M. within the .said court In said county on the 14th jn said Pomrlnint, to-wlt: for a decree reBe^nnPrngyat a point in the South' Ca^ d! 2 í “t.’on^J I ° rc_8L day of February. 1928, nnd said ex adjudging and decreeing that the .. “ \ Pelt« and "wife The mirpose of »his notice Is to al- DR. W. N. DOW ecutlon to me directed commanding r |alntlff is the owner in fee simple of "J ' ne. votlfi- Iow aI1 P*‘rs(1nR claiming the lands D e n tis t nie In the name of the State of Ore tHe premises described In the com gv sn C h a in s W e s t o f the selected, or having honn fide objeo First Nutional Bank Building won In order to satisfy said Judgment. pla|„t and described as follows, to- S ’ ’ ? , tions to such snniicat on. an oppon- Phono 43 Springfield, Oregon Southeast corner of said claim and funIty to flle , heIr protegt wlth the Interest, attorneys fees, costs and ac w it: The West One Hundred Sixty- (1601 running thence North ftjraltel with R p R, g t p r ap(y Receiver of the Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. crulng costs to sell the following des crlbed real property, to-wit: feet of Lot Three (3- Block T w e n t y - ' ^ 29*“ chains toence S ,"’PS La"d ° T * \ “ Evenings by Appointment All of Lot No. Four and that oart of three (23) Fairmont Addition (o Eli „r m R^churg. Oregon. Anv such protests rth of the . ' nprppp ¿ X c „ u X sta te of Ore««»' Sou,h parallel w,,h Eas: H2e ?£ f? ‘d "t objections must he filed In this of- Lot No. Three which lies north iugene to I erorv p^rt th e re o f i