THURSDAY MAY 24, l>2», PAGE PIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I - .'BREAK ABLE WATCH CRYS­ | thank votera who ao kindly aupported R«v<-titr<>n nlrplunf’D. ass<-rahl«d by WINTER WHEAT DOING TALS—Fancy shapes and regulara. I me for good government In the- pri­ tint Mh«ll Oil company, participated lu THURSTON W E L L IN OREGON mary election. Very truly, M. 8. Hoyt'a Cash Store tf- H u U'I i i ' m tira i air circus Inal weak A crowd nt more than 4000 persons In latteat adviene from the Eastern Barker." Harry Huuati who underwent an epech-il the planea and watched the , . . . . operation for appendlcltla some time! Oregon and Waahlngton wheat belt maneuvera. The plane, » .r e Invited. B,jl(! U) brou, ht I the effect that winter «rain STRAWBERRY CROP TO BE 6 .» k J ,. I . « , . . . . . . a. tc «• ( | | I a a a ltl. S P * I «» «• a/ * aa " a ■ a a c Brief Resume of Happenings of to Salem In connection with Friday's home last Halurday. «ever looked more promising than It LARGE, MERCHANTS AVER C h iro p rac tic and airport election. Mlaa Brlghlman la giving her aecond doea at preaent. Thia includee the E Ic c tro -T h c ra p y the Week Collected for E J. Ricketts. aaalatant atate engl day In teaching millinery to the Thurs- country from The Dalles eaatward. With the supply becoming more Specialising In neer of bridges, of Hulem. waa In Wald ton ladles on Thuraday at the home The Inland Empire received gener-' plentiful dalrly, local merchants pre- Our Readers. por» last week Inspecting the wagon . ^ r)| Ernest Bertsch. ! ous supply of molature during the diet that the crop of strawberries will Painless and bridge over an arm of Alsea bay on ; Thurston high school baseball team winter and early spring, thus fitting be good thia season. Blood leas The Willamette unlveralty etudes' the Alsea highway, and ordered new Walker laat Friday and the ground for a vigorous growth of Prices were lemarkably low here Removal of lioily haa elected Mlaa Francaa Mctlll- piling placed underneath to guarantee playw, , h„ team s there -The Thurs- vegetation to be sustained throughout tor the opening of the season for local Tonali« vra of Portland aa “song quean" tor safety to heavy loads A new bridge i <|r,B. tBam an(, the w alker boys* the ripening period. Taken In connec-. berries. It was said. the next year will not he built until next ysar. tlon with the serious wheat failure 8prlnacks are being taken out. , body officers for the coming year as thousand n e w refrigerator c a r s . ter Plumbers' association. follows: President, Clyde Hart; vice- —State Market Agent. Men's Outing S h o e s ,------------- .......................- ....... $ 1 .9 8 Coos bay lumbar and log ahipmenta and the road Is being rebuilt a lo n g a president, Haxel Russell; Secretary- , Men’s Ties 4 9 c and up T “ -------------------------------- different route In many places. to foreign and Atlantic conet porta treasurer, Leone Edmlatan; Athletic Barker Thanks Votera Crater lake insiead of Albany will manager, Francis Davis; Librarian,! w en 100 per cant higher for the flrat be the scene of the 1928 Oregon Edi I M ». Barker, one of the four candi­ five months of 1938 than during the j Irene Baxter; Surgeant at arms, Emily dates for nomination for representa­ torlal association meeting. It was de Fox similar period laat year. tive of the third district, today issued i Four blocks of street Improvements elded by members of the association’s In the latest styles in Blonde and Patent Leather priced at executive committee Wire communl- ' a statement thanking voters who sup­ that have been In course of construc­ JUMBO LEMON STAND TO ported him In the primaries. His $ 2 .4 8 * $ 2 .9 8 * $ 3 .9 8 * $ 4 .9 8 tion during the laat month In the resi­ rations from all of the executive com mlttea men consented to the change AGAIN DISPENSE DRINKS letter follows: "1 wish to heartily dence section of Dayton are almost j completed and ready for acceptance. ami also to changing the dale of mert The Jumbo Lemon which last year Ing to June 29 and 30 and July 1. provided thlrat quenching drinks for ■ The prune crop In Douglas. Marlon. With the recent building of a saw­ tourists and residents will be opened Polk and other prune growing count lea mill and box factory at Jacksonville, 36-inches wide in New Printed Patterns priced at this week. The big lemon will be ! will be a small one thia year, accord­ and prospect of Ibe opening of one of ing to Fruit Inspector Stewart, due to Its big mines . at the Midway service station in debtorlnon on the outskirts of . the located . . , a \ n n v y m u e o itu iie s b « a a g g a a in in s s t t t m h e e late rains during the pollination . _______ -- during the summer and autumn s t o c k and fixtures of the busi- old town Its prosperity will be In­ period. ness k n o w n as H alleck’s creased by the Immediate construc­ monlha B. Lachenmyer and H. Parsons are Grocery located at Fourth and Forty-nine high schools In north­ tion of a S& meat packing plant. House, street, porch and garden frocks at a price that western Oregon and southwestern Which will supply" a"'llnê'ô'f"TuU-her stand. Orangeade M a ln streets. Springfield. O n - scarcely covers the cost of materials alone, Waahlngton competed In the sixth an shops from Eugene in Oregon to an< I,’rnonade are made bF U8e °* a gon, must be presented within special machine. nun) Interacholaatlc track meet at Pa­ thirty days from this publica- $ 1 .2 9 * $ 1 .6 9 * $ lr 9 5 » $ 2 .9 8 Yreka. Cal Similar Jumbos have been placed t¡o n cific unlveralty at Forest Grove laal Several automobile, have made their , ajong the highway front here to the Saturday. way between Winchester Bay and extreme southern end of California, R. N. Emery and wife, with 10 chil­ laikeslde over the unfinished portion dren. 10 grandchildren and one great­ of the Roosevelt highway, according A rm y W o rk e r Pleased grandchild. celebrated their golden to reports brought to Reedsport. One For the past few days the Salvation wedding anniversary Sunday with a of the first parties to come through beach dinner at Muaxel Reef, near were forced to pry their car loose from Army, represented by Lillian Gray Mr Corntfck, has been In Springfield on North Bend. a deep mudhole, while other travelers the annual campaign for funds for The early high water In the Colum­ were forced to get teams to pull them Its work In Lane county. Mrs. Mc­ bia river has resulted In one of the out of the rut. Cormick reports a very generous res­ poorest spring Chinook salmon catches The city of Mount Angel has started ponse to her appeal and is well In years Hood River fishermen say the work of laying 2500 feet of water pleased with the kindly feeling toward they do not anticipate that fishing malne. IStM) feet of 8-lnch cast Iron the Salvation Army. will Improve any this spring. Do Ywr Ccokiug main on College and Church streets, I t , lih* In.Mf a A permit haa been Issued to the and 900 feet of 4-lnch on Sheridan FOR TRADE—Service station in Port­ Mod M M COM state board of control for construction and College streets. land. Oregon. Small house In Hills­ Conalderable of a nurses’ home at the state hospital trouble had been experienced with the boro for house in Springfield. See ▼ ▼ to cost »100.000 Plans for the struc­ light eteel tnalns In the past several owner. Phone 139-W. M24-31 ture are being prepared by Freeman years, which caused the city council NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON A Struble, Portland architects. to make the Improvement. EXECUTION OF FORECLOSURE Marlon county's highway construc­ Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ The Oregon caves were opened last tion program for the year 1928 In­ week for the summer season. Roads tue of an execution and order of sale in foreclosure issued out of the Circuit cludes approximately 37 miles of mar­ to the caverns are in excellent condk | court of lame County. Oregon, on the ket road and slightly more than alx tlon. widening operations having been 21st day of May. 1928, In a suit »here­ miles of pavement, according to an­ under way for the past few months | »n »•' »he 6th day of March. 1928, in said court Kathryne L. Wayland, nouncement by the county court. (overheard of Mountain States the other d a y ) Only a short distance remalqs to be plaintiff, recovered judgment against Sheep shearing on the D. Lynn Oub- done and the shovel will not be re­ the defendants Alva A. Rice and Mary aer farm near Dayton was completed moved until the work Is completed. M Rice for the sum of »942.79 with In­ Wednesday. 300 being sheared this The engineer In charge declares that terest thereon at 8 per cent per annum _ 4 HEN she was told the ridicu­ 5 season. Hand shears were used and there will be no Interference with from March 30, 1926 until paid, and the further sum of »100.00 attorneys one man sheared 60 sheep In one day. travel. lously low price of this beauti­ i fees and the costs and disbursements Fifteen cents a head waa paid for the j> ful new electric range, one of The building and grounds at Camp herein, which Judgment was enrolled work. Clatsop are tn excellent condition to and docketed in the Clerk's office of our customers quite naturally thought said court in said county on the 6th The state highway commission will house the Oregon national guard dur­ day that our manager had made a mistake. of March. 1928, and said execu receive hlds In Portland May 29 for ing its annual encampment there in tlon to me directed commanding nte ¡We’d print the exact price in this construction of a bridge over the Ump­ June, declared Major Jacob Shearer, In the name of the State of Oregon, In order to Ratlsfy said Judgment, In­ announcement but we re afraid you qua river on the Drain-Reedsport road sanitary officer of the guard, follow­ terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit at Scottsburg. Rids also will be re­ ing an Inspection recently. Advance and would think the printer made a mis­ accruing costs to sell the follow­ ceived for grading the Valley Junction details of men are expected next week ing described real property, to-wlt: take. It is the Irnvest price ever set on Beginning at a point 1061.5 feet section of the McMInnvIlle-Tlllamook to begin preparing the grounds for the an all-white, fully enamelled automatic highway. encampment and making all arrange­ West of a point in the center of the County Road known aa the Rive.- i range, Five cases of tick fever developed ments for comfort of the men, Road, which point is North 8 degrees V ; . - ,f X ' During the period May 16 to Octo­ 40' West 1.77 chains of a point 49.02 In the state last week, Dr. Frederick chains East of the Southwest corner D. Stricker, secretary of the state ber 1, It Is necessary to obtain a per­ This newest Hotpoint electric includes board of health, reported. There were mit before setting fire to slashings, of the L. E. Davis Donation !^»nd Claim No. 42. In Township Seventeen three cases of septic sore throat and forest land, grain or stubble, according (171 South of Range Four (4) West of the most desirable features of more expensive and larger models such as: three of erysipelas. Fifty-six cases of to announcement made In Salem by the Willamette Meridian, running Automatic oven heat control; fully enamelled oven; improved switches that smallpox were Hated aa were three of F. A. Elliott, state forester. Permits thence North 360.3 feet, thence West 84 feet, thence South 360.3 feet, thence can be obtained from any state fire can be turned in either direction; extra-strong door construction. typhoid fever, three of diphtheria, 26 East 84 feet to the place of beginning, of scarlet fever, 42 of meaales, 26 of warden or federal forest official. I he nil In I-ane County, Oregon, Influenxa. seven of whooping cough. law does not require a permit for Now, therefore, in the name of the 16 of tuberculosis, 21 Of pneumonia, 42 burning logs, brush, stubble or grain State of Oregon. In compliance with Do YOU know about our attractive cooking rate? execution and order of sale and of chlckenpox, 23 of mumps and one in small quantities not adjacent to said In order to satlsy said Judgment, inter­ forest land. ef Infantile paralysis. When you install an Electric range in your home you are placed est, attorneys fees, costs of suit and A small boy residing In Marshfield accruing costa, I will on Saturday the Never before In the history of Cove on our special cooking rate; not only does this permit of economy haa fruit of every kind held out such ent away 20 feet of the marine cable 23rd day of June, 1928, at the hour of glowing promise aa to quantity aa at across Coos bay and sold the piece one o'oclock In the afternoon of said In the kitchen but the same rate, also, applies to tbe lighting and I ole- j day, at the Southwest front door of thia lime and never was the weather to a Junk dealer for 60 cents the County Court House, In Eugene. other electrical appliances in the rest of your home. Ask about 4 to date finer. Orchardlsta and fruit phone communication with Eastside I«ne County, Oregon, offer for sale shippers see no cause ao far for doubt was cut off. Repairs will cost the and sell for cash, at public auction, it today! subject to redemption as provided by of fulfillment of the present promise telephone company »200. law. all of the right, title and inter­ Weather conditions have been Ideal Ths first fire of any consequence In est of said defendants Alva A. Rice. T h is Introductory Offer will be withdrawn in two weeks. the Slualaw national forest occurred for growing crops In the Wallowa sec­ Mpry M. Rice, C. E. Shumway, L. E. Tuesday, according to word received tion of the country during thg past Shumway and George B. Bloomer, nn l MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY at the office ot R. S Shelley, supervi­ week or two. Farming Is In full swing all persons claiming by, through or tinder them or any or either of them sor of the forest nt Eugene. The blase In all sections ot the county at this in and to said premises. was on South Table mountain, north time, with h considerable amount of FRANK E.TAYLOR. Sheriff, By BEULAH BR1NNTCK. Deputy. of the Alsea river In Lincoln county. the spring seeding of wheat on. P. S. Only #5 doMW Ma. 24 31: Je. 7-14-21: OREGON STATE NEWS ¡ OF GENERAL INTEREST Di.E.T, Helms BAND MEETING Monday Evening, May 28, 7:30 Danner Motor Co. Sales Room Men’s Oxfords Ladies Shoes To Whom it May Concern: Percale 15c Wash Frocks drusr YOU MISTAKES? vin; it ’ s too good TO BE TRUE!”