[ï TOWN AND VICINITY Paper Route, Gas Station Fill Spare Time o f English Professor Out of bed In time for the sunrise hours every day and measure* out Howard* Vl»it—Mr. and Mr*. Roy j. Perkin* He r* - A J Perkins and away over lonesome country j gas or cleans spark plugs at the lias- «*ni- down from Portland last FrWay. Howard of Cottage Grove were visi­ roads where only the rabbtta and ; Oil Inn out tu east Eugene on the tor* here Monday. ■e says he always votes at home. pheasants are up to meet him—such ' Pacific highway. “During school, 1 Bosaerman I* Im p ro ved — L e *te r is part of the contemporary history of work at the station whenever I lia»e Coe* to Corvalli* — Mi»s Clara Wagner spent the weekleud at Cor- Bosserman who was reported quite ill Kenneth Shumaker. Instructor In the time, and whenever they need me. • with lutluenaa last week Is said to he 1'nlverslty of Oregon, and now super- the Instructor said with a bit of Tallis visiting her parent*. greatly improved this week. visor of English A. Distributing lire pardonable pride, "but during the sum Visit in Grant* Pa*»— R H McNeil gou Journals to the farmers every- ‘ uier I work from nine to seventeen D riv e to Junction—Mr. and Mis. and Mr Fairbanks left Saturday for Enoch Stewart and children speui uiornlme- this Is only one of several hours a day." Grants Pass to visit with friends. In fact, there are few thliigs that Sunday with relatives In Junctlou Jobs Mr. Shumaker performs on the Keuueth Shumaker does nut know side, as a very efficient way of addin* Roy Cairne* Her*— Roy Calrnes of City. bow to do. In the summer of *24. he shekels to hl* income. Reedsport was here over the past Visit in Salem— Mr. and Mrs. C. O Each morning his paper route leads was "chief cook and bottlewasher" at week-end. Wilson and sons spent last Sunday him away into the country through a soolary camp at Sunset Bay on the Montgomery* to Mov*— Mr. and Salem visiting with the former’s Seavey's hop yard», and motor route : Oregon coast; and between times he Mrs. Fred Montgomery will move to mollu,r who lg j,, m a hospital there. B. on through Gastou, Pleasant HUI. has written u text book on the sub- Corvallis within the next few days. ( Trent, and Dexter, to Gustlna's mil*. ! Ject of English A. now ready for the Return to California— Mr and Mrs. Return* to Home—Mrs. Loyal Nor­ H. J Miller of Pasadena. California, All this before the student starts out publisher. When off duly. Mr Shumaker la ris who has been visiting at the returned to their home Monday after for his eight o’clock. On the home- usually found at his home on EmeraM warti stretch, he comes through Jas Walter Lipes home returued to her visiting here with Mrs. C. 1 Gorrle, j per. Natron, Springfield, by the Chase street, next to the tennis courts, per­ home at Westfir last week-end. Mrs. Miller's aunt. Gardens. Coburg, around on the east haps talking over plays with his wife, Oakridge Visitor Here Mrs. Loyal Former Resident* Hero— Mr. and bank of the Willamette by the poor Florence Couch Shumaker, who. for Morris of Oakridge was a guest o. Mrs. James Fox. former residents of farm and the County club, and then several years, has been popular In With her. he Mrs. Walter Lipes for. a few days last Springfield now making their home across Ferry street bridge, and home campus dramatics in Raymond. Washington, «j-rh^d to Eugene—a total of nearly eighty- laughs over the little tricks fate has week. few day* nine miles Anu all this before the player! him since he first came from Raymond People Here— Mr. and here last week to spend a Iowa six years ago in a Ford, and average person’s hmakfast. visiting with friends. Mrs. James Foster of Raymond. Wash­ Besides being a paper carrier, Mr. ' suddenly found hlntself—a chemistry ington. spent the week-end here visit­ Mr*. Kafoury Here— Mrs. Allen Shumaker puts on his trusty brown major—teaching In the English de­ ing relatives. Kafoury and infant daughter. Barbara, coveralls for a certain number of partment. —Oregon Emerald. have arrived from Salem. The family P o rtla n d V is ito r H e re — Miss M a ry Lyons of Portland is spending a few will reside at the corner of Ninth and FIVE BOY SCOUTS GET gays here visiting with her parents B streets. Mr Kafoury Is manager Italy's Fistic Hero MERIT BADGES BEFORE of the local store bearing his name. Mr. nad Mrs. A. P. Lyons. Return from Portland—Mr. and Mrs. John Winsenreid returned Monday from Portland after visiting with thelt daughter, Mrs. Joe Lemon, for the past ten days. T ill USD,W MAY 21. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS P .CE FOUR Will Visit Sneeds—.Mrs. Sadie Dye and son. Jimmie, spent last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sneed. Mrs. Dye and Mrs. Sneed are sisters. Mrs. Dye also visited relatives in Cottage Grove. LOCAL POSTAL CLERKS SPRINGFIELD CHAMBER MAKE GOOD AVERAGES WILL MEET ON FRIDAY Reports on the county chamber of commerce meeting Io be held In Col Inge Grove today will be heard nt a meeting of the Springfield chamber Erklay evening. A report will also he made on whut has been done about Installing lights on the new Springfield bridge under construction. At the lust meeting ol tin- chamber. E R. Morrison was ap­ pointed to gvt In touch with the state highway commlaslon to find out what could ho done about the mutter lie wilt give this report Friday , No other special business Is on the docket for the meeting, F II llamlln, pfealdent. stated. COURT; 3 ADVANCED Five Boy Scouts went before the court of honor last night to receive advancement In rank and merit badges. Ralph Hughes was advanced to the rank of star scout which means that he has attained five merit badges A badge for wood carving was also pres­ ented him last night. Robert McLagan was advanced from the rank of tenderfoot to second class scout. Earl Wheeler received a merit badge for agriculture, Billie Wheeler was advanced to first class and received an agriculture merit badge and George Mason was given i merit badges for flremanship and I wood carving. The court was presided over by W. i P. Tyson, scout commissioner, with 1 John Kctels, Dr W <’. Rcbhan, Dwight Kessey and II. E Maxey as­ sisting him. Friday and Saturday Specials Oldham, SchastM 's - S te sn isu te ss -[he louea ones kaue The three clerks of the W|>i lugllel I postoffice made an average grade of •is per cent In the “case examinations'’ conducted here this week by Chief Examiner tltt of Seattle. The clerk» were required Io pa«e the examination by plat-lag curtle re- presenledlng U3& poal office« In Hilt »lute In the propel- cu»e which con­ tains 60 separations. Two of the clerks got all bul one of the letters lu the right division and the other missed, only 7. The tesla «re given once a year. CALL AND SW« Dr. N. W. Kmerv ou price* on plate* and other work tf 25 Hats regular price up Io $5.50 at $1.95 Friday and Saturday. , SO Huts, regular price up to $7.60. tt $3.98 Friday and Saturday. These are all new Spring Hals, large and small head «lies. Narrow and flop py brim Now Line of Bilk Dresses Values to $15.95, our price $9.96. Blses 14 to 42. 8 th A v e . H a t & D r e ie S h o p 4! Sth Ave West. Eugene. Oregon We give 8. A H. Or**n Stamp« Florial tributes for Decoration Day Go To Lodge Meeting—Mrs. Sam Club Picnic Set—Annual picnic of Richmond and Mrs. Lee Putnam left ld H o Monday for Roseburg as delegates to the Needlecraft club will be held Mower* Ri»etik the language June 7. It was announced this week. the Rebekah assembly being held This will be the final social meeting of the h eart- they are supreme- there this week. t f the season for the club. Place for ly suitable for expressing the Food Sale Held—Members of the the picnic has not been decided. tender sentim ents of Decora­ Progressive 2& drill team of the To Join Husband—Mrs. Waiter tion Hay. Springfield Rebekah lodge conducted a cooked fod sale in the building form­ Lipes and children have left for erly occupied by the Newland store Harrisburg to Join her husband who is A h a tribute to the brave last Saturday. They reported many- engaged in construction work for the lAyrocxT soldier dead, nothing I h more Southern Pacific company. They will gales. U m b e rto I o rn a n i, h ea v y « eigh t appropriate than b e a u t i f u l ' live temporarily at the construction cham pio n o f It a ly , whose b o u t* Lodge Will Initiate — Springfield famp near Harrisburg. have never gone ove.r five rounds, flowers. members will t’ ke part in tna »nitta as he has disposed o f his opponents Second House Under Way—Work w ith in that lim it, has com e to tlic fe tfen ceremony of the Knight of the shores and w ill tra m in P h ila ­ The season ’s most beautiful Great Forest to be held in Eugene was started last week on the second d elp hia fo r his A m eric a n bouts. floral offerings are now avail­ new house which W. A. Taylor, local goon. Twenty candidates will be ini­ able for your choice. Decora­ tiated. with the Drain team putting merchant is building at the cornsr tion Day I h an appropriate dav of Sixth and A streets. The old resl- OILING OF HIGHWAY on the work . DELAYED; McKENZIE to decorate the graves of your HEALTH UNIT HOLDS • dence has been remodeled and a new beloved ones who have passed PASS NOW OPENED five-room house almost completed dur­ FINAL MEETING OF TH IS ing the past few weeks. The new on. • SEASON; REPORTS READ Oiling of the McKenzie highway be | house is to have four rooms. tween Springfield and Waltervllle has Shea Wins Prize— Harry Shea, been delayed. It was announced this Reports summarizing the work of former resident of Sprthgfield. and an morning at the office of Raymond ' the Springfield unit of the Lane conn- i employe of the Mountain States Walsh, resident engineer for the state ty health association during the pnst year were made at the final meeting ! Power company, won a $25 prixe of­ highway commission fered by the company in a public | Machinery which Is to be used for for the season ehld at the chamber speaking contest among its employes the work near here Is now in use on of commerce last Friday afternoon. Miss Beth Konkel. exectlve secre­ held at Albany recently. This was the Corvallis-Newport highway and first prize. His speech was on the crews may not get to the Job here for tary for the lune county organiza­ , topic, “Government in Business.” The a week or two yet. It was stated. Work tion. was a speaker. Next meeting of j contest was preparatory to a state­ was to have begun two weeks ago. the local unit will be held on the wide contest to be held in Portland but so far only patching of th* rough third Monday in September, It was decided. next month. places has been done. A large number of children of pre­ To better our shop service and to meet the up-to-date The McKenzie pass was opened TOMATO HINTS GIVEN BY requirements In modern motor car repairing we have in­ Wednesday and the first car went school age. especially those who will stalled a new K. R. Wilson combination machine to reface VEGETABLE SPECIALISTS «»rou«to driven t»y w. R. Wmg of e-ter school next fall, were examined and rebabbitt cylinders. We have also a new valve refaclng Bend, formerly Springfield Ford deal- at a clinic held Friday morning Miss Fresh manure is not recommended | er. This is the earliest date for open- Bess Williams, county health nurse, machine. for tomato plants, but If well rotted. ing of the pass since the highway was and Dr. Carl Phetteplace were In charge at the clinic, with members One of the several tints of It is often of great value, says A. G. constructed. lu st year the first car Our machinery and expert workmen can do the most of the local group assisting. went through on June 20 Although Cara Nome Face Powder Bouquet of the Oregon experinp-nt precise job of repairing on any make of automobile. We will blend with your com­ station. Commercial fertilizers such i there was not definite means of check­ guarantee our work. plexion perfectly! as a mixture of 300 to 400 pounds ec'd ing up on the situation, it Is under­ WRINGER BREAKS GIRL’S phosphate and 200 pounds of sulfate stood that several motorists are brav­ WE DO ACETYLENE WELDING ARM; WORKMAN IS HURT or muriate of potash, are often profit­ ing the pass from both sides of the And the powder will stay Open Evenings Until 10 o'clock and all day Sundays. able. Regular cultivation of tomato j hill. The four-year-old daughter of Mr. on until your want it off. Going Is expected to be rather and Mrs. Herbert Moon received a plants has shown increased yields and Fragrant with the en­ I better fruits over fields poorly culti­ rough for a time on account of the fractured arm when It became en­ trancing Cara Nome per­ snow and Ice frozen on the highway, tangled in a clothes wringer at the vated. fume. Irrigation is usually a good practice but the road Is passable. family home here Monday morning on the light sandy soils. Lack of , She stuck her hand in the wringer moisture often results in dry or bios- HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT while her mother was looking the j som-end rot. It is preferable to apply i WINS NATIONAL AWARD other way and the arm was broken water when the fruit begins to In- I -------- j beforwe the mother could reach her. i crease in size and to continue irriga- I Earl Wheeler, a freshman at the cbarl-s Hayden was brought here tion through the early stages or ripen- ; high school, has won one of the five 1 Monday with a broken nose which re- Authorized Ford Sales and Service lng. Running water between the rows national prizes In an essay contest suited from a limb falling li. his face Phone 49 Fifth and A. Streets . . . Is consIddVed a better practice than conducted by Current Science. as he was .working In the woods near f o c a l i Start sprinkling. It is best to avoid irri­ In a contest open to all schools of Waltervllle. gating when the plant Is first su rf­ the country, Miss Frances Hodge, In­ ing to produce flowers. structor In general science, asked her Cut worms are best controlled by pupils to write papers on prescribed By J. F. Katala SPRINGFIELD FOLKS the application of a small handful of subjects. She selected the best Of standard bran mash poison near each these and sent them in. plant at the time of setting out. A Returns show that Earl Wheeler, standard arsenate of lead dust (sold who wrote on "Oregon Forests,’’ was ready mixed under various trade one of the Ave prize winner*. names! is applied to repel the small The standard tests taken by the j black flea beetles which eat holes in biology and general science classes the leaves and often destroy the plant, conducted by Miss Hodge the follow­ ing results were shown: Biology, 10 high, seven medium, five low; general COUNTY CHAMBER WILL CONVENE THIS EVENING science, 16 high, 37 medium and seven low. First meeting of the Lane county Goes to Roseburg—F B. Hamlin, chamber of commerce since Its or­ D IN E C O N G E N IA L L Y A refined atmosphere and congenial ganization several weeks ago will be Springfield postmaster, made a busi­ companionship add much to enjoy­ held In Cottage Grove this evening ness trip to Roseburg on Wednesday, Springfield delegates to the county returning here the same evening. ment of even the simplest repast. When you bring your guests to this organization are W. A. Taylor, W. C. 8ldwellt Have Gueet—Mrs Johnson restaurant your Judgment is sure to Wright and J A. Seavey. Walter Gossler, secretary of the of Prineville Is a guest, at. the home be heartily approved. Our excellent cuisine, prompt service and reason­ Springfield chamber, will go to the of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sldwell for a Delicious sandwiches, pure milk, fine cofTee. able prices will please the most fasti­ Grove this afternoon to attend a meet­ few days. ing of secretaries from each of the dious. Foods of quality, appetizingly clean. Come to the organizations represented in the coun­ ..Leaving for Oklahoma—Mr. and ty body. The secretaries will draw up Mrs. Robert Cline will leave Monday fountain of health for a luncheon you’ll enjoy. a constitution and by lawB to be pres for Oklahoma where Mr. Cline has ented tonight. a teaching position. TONY GRAVO8, I Prop. Cara Nome Face Powder THE UNlYiRSAl CAR Let Us Service Your Car $2.00 Flanery’s Drug Store 77w E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. W e Give Green a rt Drop -In Cafe Discount Stamps