THURSDAY MAY 24. 1928, • THE SPRING FIELD NEWS T ---- . ette Valley Lumbermen's association JUNIORS WIN CONTEST SPRINGFIELD GIRLS TAKE T H E FORCE O F INTELLIGENCE Ilf which he I» execu tive seiretn ry AT BIG STUDENT PICNIC Thia organisation win* recently revived PART IN U. OF O. EVENTI More and m ore sh eer brain pow er is com ing In­ Published Every Thursday at to its own a s opposed to b ru te stre n g th . Tin* with the announced purpoae of ulding Juniors took Mml place In the Intel A number of Springfield high arhnol world has know n tim es w hen physical force dom i­ the lumber m anufacturers of the »al­ Sprlngfleld. Lane County. Oregon, by c la ss centeut» run off nt the minimi n ated both m an am i beast. T hose days a re gone. girls attended (lie high school play ■tiKlent body picnic of the high school ley In luurkellng mid other problems T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S Now everything is ruled by th o u g h ts in the m inds day held nt the university last Hal of the ImlUHtry. H. E MAXEY. Editor. urday m orning and afternoon The held Innt Frhlflv. More than 176 »in- of men. And th is Age of Intellect is having unexpected event w as sponaorad by the women's ■lent« mid toucher» gulhered nt Sw im ­ ktered aa aecond class m atter. February 24. 1903 at the N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S mer'» thdlght for the big plcnle. result*. T he old-tim e prize-fighter, uitd m any physical edueallon depart m eal. poatofflee, Springfield. Oregon T he Junior boy» won llrnl place. the Notice I» hereby given I hat the un The local girls participated In var o th e r old-tim e exponents of various sports, had ew lgncil tin» been nppolnled Admin M A IL S U B SC R IPTIO N R A TE only s tre n g th . T he prise-fighter with tin* largest ious gam es and sports At noon « ■entorn «econd. the sophomore» third d iKtmtor of III«' E s i l i l e of W illie Emery, One year In Advance $1.75 Three Months ..75v hieepts. longest reach, steadiest legs and the best ; ptente lunch wu« aerved. A social mol the freHhliK n Inst place In the deceused, by Hie Court of Lune t'oun M on th s_______________ $100 Single Copy punch w as the idol of th e populace. Now a prize­ swim fur nil the high achool und uni boaehall Ramen which formed the ly, Oregon All persona having claim« ngnlllHl I he »»bi exlate are hereby fighter is expected to have som e business s a g a c ­ verulty girl« w u i the filini event >f ch ief source of entertainm ent. T H U R S D A Y M A Y 24. 1928 tlth er event» are yet to be account uollfied Io present the »aim*, properly ity, and a good scientific know ledge of (he fistic the day. verified. Io the undersigned al the In all o rd in a ry cases we see in tu itiv e ly a t firs t view , gam e. The Springfield girl« reported hnv ed for before the yearly contest b e­ office of Walla A W eill, Umili of Coin In addition, we have com e to expect our tw een the i-lmme« 1» cloned. evbat is our duty, w h a t is the honest p art. In these cases, prize-fighters to know a little, even m ore (ban a in* a fine tim e during the day 1 merce B ld g . Eugene, Lane County. ¡Oregon within six month» from th» goubt and d elib eratio n is of its e lf dishonesty— B U T L E R . little ab o u t th in g s which belong to th e realm of H. J. Cog 1» Speaker , date of the fimi publication of thia art. FREE METHODISTS TO H J Cox, former president of the notice KING AND KING W itness th e com ing to th is co u n try of Italy’s CONVENE AT GROVE Springfield cham ber of commerce, 1 Hale of th e first publication Mav •1 l'l. 'S No doubt th e re will be som e confusion at the cham pion, U m berto T o rrianl. Not half as m uch w as the speaker before the luncheon , HAROLD J WEI.Id». A dm inistrator fuss Is being m ade about U m berto’s m uscles as Is Free M ethodiet of Southern Oregon 1 general election over the nam es of Ja m e s K. King, being m ade about his classical education. Um­ of the Eugene chamber laal Friday. WELLS « W ESLLS A ttorneys Ma 24 31 Je 7-14 St: successful candidate for th e republican n o m in a­ b erto is proud of being a deep stu d e n t of S h a k e ­ will hold their annual conference in I He told of the purpose of >he Wlllmn tion. and Alta King, the dem ocratic nom inee. One speare. H om er, and th e e n tire ra n g e of classic connection with their camp meeting«. Mny 31 to June 10. In the cam p' King will be disappointed and th e o th e r district re. ground» at Cottage Grove, owned by a tto rn e y th a t is certain hut th e public can be literatu O ur own Gene T u n n ey —w hom U m berto would the M ethodist church Thia la one pleased because there are tw o good m en running like to m eet In th e ring and as an opponent in an of the beuuty »pot» of Cottage Grove . *;„d ' T “ 2 s r * s s i r * “ 10 s s » — . . . , , __ . n » . and a large attendance I» expected JUNE JULY AUGUST Dames law enforcem ent w ill not suffer. uppercut but h as been a good re a d e r all o f Ma l i e A / ; i t l h l l or o f T he contest in th e beginning looks like a close and E ugene B usiness College S um m er School will be orgnlzed only a few w eeks ago addressed an audience p*, „ rac e . Jam es K. King, brilliant young trial law yer, M onday, Ju n e Four, with o u r reg u lar corps of te a c h e rs in of S hakespeare. - VMn<-ii«t win he in attend ance h a s the republican party behind him w ith a two of college stu d e n ts on r th e ” ” subject ' wls" " " " a rk s » '* " « '' .ch arg e. to one reg istratio n over th e dem ocrats. Alta For Inform ation address King, in p public life in LKHir Lane v county MI1K, long lo n e a figure UKurt* ill u u iiv H it-in u u m , a at i 1 ‘ , . . i i., . . . n » . . n t h n . l l n n i . n f « M lv lt v Columbia River conference and Rev Eugene a i d C o u ag e f i r o v . « « e ll an d favorably ! Ih.-fr V S ....... . ......... . « ........ know n both as a straig h tfo rw ard m an and an a t- | J t| w/ n)(1 T h i „ is a n aK,. Eugene Many o th e r , win he present. ’ T he fact th a t he d ^ v e l . ; “defTatTd i ! mime representing the S eattle Pacific »92 Willamette St. torney. A. E. RO BERTS. ITesIdent w here brain-pow er dom inates. I roll«**»* th e present district a tto rn ey a t th e election indi­ Eugene, Otregoii • • • T elephone 666 c a te s he has m any friends and political strength. IN MEMORY OF T H E W RIGHTS 1 , ” Rev. , T * A. ' he t W e soldiered in the sam e outfit w ith Jim m ie At K itty H aw k. N orth C arolina, a stone tablet | H„ who (o #Uen(1 H(g King in FYance and know him a s a capable, fair- of m ore th a n usual significance h a s been unveiled. ; )g Sev,.n(h str,.e( m inded young m an. alw ays willing to sacrifice for Houlh. Cottagi- Its inscription reads: Grove his fellow men. He w as a good soldier, he is a On this spot. Sept. 17. ¿900. W ilbur W rig h t, Rrw Mterta,nment rill lx* pro- good law yer and he would m ake a good d istrict began th e assem bly of th e W right b ro th e rs first I vld(Kl a tto rn ey . Isn’t it tough to find you h aven't a fte r you a re once out on ___________ O ur business relations with Alta King during experim ental glider w hich led to m a n ’s conquest j th e open road and not u place In Hight to get it. M ake sure! th e past five o r six years tells us th at he is capable of th e air. Before s ta rtin g on a trip, stop at o u r sta tio n uml get A little m ore th a n th re e y ears later. Orville FORCED TO SLEEP IN to fill th e office for which he seeks. No one can y our c a re all set for it. CHAIR— GAS SO BAD W right, n e a r th a t spot on th e sand dunes, first question his integrity, and his long experience in We specialise on supplying th e best oil and g u s for public office and th e practice of law in Lane co u n ­ flew a m otor-driven airplane. "Nights I sat up In a chair, I had m otorists, and give good, courteous, efficient service. T he flight lasted only tw elve seconds. ty will stan d him in good stead if elected. GENERAL GASOLINE AND OILS B ut th o u g h of sh o rt du ratio n , it c o n stitu ted the such stom ach gus I took Adlerika Both m en will w age clean and aggressive ca m ­ and n oth in g I cat hurts m e now. I first successful experim ent w ith a h eav ier-th an - paigns. Both have friends in both p arties who Bleep fine.“— Mr». Glenn Butler. will sw itch to th e ir support in th e general elec­ a ir m achine in th e long history of flying attem p ts. Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler- f»th and A S tre e ts . . . Springfield Tim e h a s vindicated th e W right brothers. tion. W ho will be elected no m an can say until F or m anv m o n th s a fte T th e first’fligh’t ^ f Orville " 1» relieve» hall A. B. See, fam ous elevator m a n u fa c tu re r and ch erish es th e m em ory of these g rea t pioneers. present the »ame to m>- with vouchers an ti-fem inist, h a s w ritten a book calling on men attached at the In.« office of n,y a t­ to revolt a g ain st the dom inance of w om an. T he A survey show s th a t in D etroit th e liquor in- torney, H. E. Slattery. 717 W illam ette m an should rule the hom e, he says, and the vote ¡(jugtry ra n k s second. T h e au to ind u stry is first Street, Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, O P ,O M F T P '* « T • » L V M H B M T S P L 'C • M -A six month« from the date of should be tak e n aw ay from wom en. Try ami p e rh a p s som e of th e m oonshine finds a read y within the first publication of this notice Suita S31 M iner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon, Telephone 382 Ke t m a rk e t as a s u b stitu te for gasoline. which Is May 24. 1928. . • • • ALBERT O McOVIRB. Executor H EL SLATTERY. A ttorney for A. B. See also holds th a t education should be a rem edy for insom nia h as been sent to Am- said Estate. confined m ainly to a th orough stu d y of th e alpha- erica by a Berlin scentist. It will never be needed Ma 24 31: Je. 7 14 21: bet. Evidently he w ants to p erp etu ate his nam e , jn Philadelphia. in the schools. Add sim iles: About as lonesom e as a tr a n s ­ A couple m arried fifty years w ere given a g reat a tla n tic flyer on his official welcom e tour. • • • S u m m e r and warm days quickly prove to th o se who m any gifts and a big p arty by th eir friends. They Since th e invention of th e radio Rosie calls ’em certain ly deserved i t ! know candy, what candy is best. Candy m ade for sum m er • • • sta tic -stics. • • • H arry Hershfield tells of a S cotchm an who will be good, no m a tte r how warm th e w eather. E ggim ann's An im provem ent in M exican-A m erican re la ­ w ent crazy try in g to shoot of a cannon a little at is g u a ra n tee d . Specially packed vacation boxes. tions is due toM orrow . a tim e. PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS •U Sum m er School EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Haveyou enough gasoline? “A ” Street Service Station SfcrmonVnillod« Enjoy the best candy made The Straw Hat Days Are Here GoM ' Hot days a re ice cream days too. fíy Albert T. Reid STfLAWS SHOW WHICH VAÏ T he . W ind B lows * Also icy pie! Com e to SHEET M ETAL C O N S T R U C T IO N E verything In »heel m etal work conies J within our province. Galvanized ' oaves trough, with all necessary ac­ cessories, quickly and econom ically installed. In fact, w herever there is a need for sh eet m etal construction, inside or outside your home, It will pey you to let us subm it an estim ate. W. N. LONG 527 MAIN ST. A Packard Or A Ford? E ith e r o r both, th e sam e in Bifocal lenses. T he Duo- S i in or K ryptoks? E ither will convey th e rays of light to th e eye and is b e tte r th an alw ays having tw o pairs of glasses. T h e Duo Site Bifocal is the perfection of Optical science. T h e K ryptok is a com ­ fo rtable lens for business o r pleasure. Dr. Ella C. Meade O p to m e trist WATTS OPTICAL CO. No. 14 f> Ave. West Eugere, Oregon F G G IM A N N ’S "Where the Service Is Different" Arrange All Travel Details Here JT j e t your local Southern l ,ac//ic'fl agent help you plan your trip. Jj t- ' Avoid hurried choice and rushed buying. Buy your ticket, arrange all travel details, leisurely in your own home town Your local agent is a travel expert. Talk it over with him. He knows How to get most fo r your tra v e l fun ds How you can see and do more by selection of various routes. What trains carry through sleepers direct to your destination. Money saved by buying roundtrip tickets. The convenient baggage size and other details neces­ sary to enjoy travel. Southern Pacific C A R L OLSON, Agent