T im e A ||*in to Be C areful with Your Camp Eirea THE SPRINGFIELD N t?: HPIUNOFIBLD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON. ANNUAL RUSE SHOW SEI FOR SATURDAY THURSDAY MAY 24, 1Ö2«, •‘ t K* People’s Paper” A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 20 PROGRAM COMPETE S ™ S 10 ® HOW SPRINGFIELD VOTED A T ELECTION FOR MEMORIAL DM . . . \ LIBERTY ON FRIOAY Sixth Came Out of Seven Taken I ... >h. .... , PORTLAND NEIGHBORS Against University Hight Line of March for Parade Map* Graduation Events a t H i g h of I-ans county, votefa of Springfield HERE FOR CEREMONY Fair Weather Causes Change of By Score of 10 to 6 „ . . » . a l - i r-_ realatered » tro n r p reference fo r '-a n d ! OF SPRINGFIELD LODGE Ped Out BY Committee; Cere- School Will Be Chief Feature registered »irons preference Date for Big Blossom Event; , _ , , w date» for national, »tale and county mony Starts at 11 o’ClocK Sprlngfleld high school baseball of Close of School Year; jfllcea at the primary election last Erl- Classes of Entries Listed By More than 200 member» of the ! With Parade; Rev. C. H. Blom . 1 player» are champion» of the Upper Junior High School to Gradu- dny Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge attended j to Be Speaker at Cemetery. Chairman; Judges Selected; , wl||BB|BtlB VB„ey hlllh ■chool league 34; Classes Convene Sept. 10. a tabulation of the votine tn the the Initiation ceremony held by the j Children Parade In Eevening. by virtue of a gene played yesterday four Sprlngfleld precincts »how» that gprtBgfleW lodKC u^t night when a . Final plan» for the Memorial day -------------- _ I In which the local nine defeated Unl- With the graduation exerclae» of the republican« almost unanimously porttand degree team put on the cere cejebrBt)on, Including the line of Hprtngflcld'» annual rose show w ill, yerB|ty blah achool of Engene. The the high »chool a» the feature event. fa¥or,^t Herbert Hoover for president nionia, work march and complete program, ware be hell t*¡unlay, »core In the Anal game waa 10 to tl the school year will officially end here an<1 (he ¥O«„ (he democrats went Portland. Eugene, Creswell and Co- announcend Hal D. Patton, Beatrice Gillette and Blanche Bates. 34 50 61 58 A meeting of all people Interested 1 Tape, by a Boy Scout, Edgar J. Adams, Donald Hawke will again act a» pitched their tents. Sunday morning 84 40 63 52 in the organization of a band here will i No afternoon program will be heM herald, announcing the approach of (^,Br,aR p pnoje. also a commltleman schools, for grading Returns will be Carl Bllrup, FOR PRESIDENT: be held next Monday evening at 7:30 «his year, it was decided by the c«M»- available In about lo ’ day». It Is ex­ the queen and her party of the troop, conducted a Sunday 49 5» 87 75 o’clock In the salesroom of the E. R. mlttee. Attendance at the afterno©» Special Invitation has been extend­ school class between 10 and 11 o’clock. pected. No special program la being Herbert Hoover, 2 Danner Motor company garage. 3 • programs In the past has been poof, held at this school, the principal Frank Lowden, ed to communities near here to parti­ The following boys were on the FOR VICE PRESIDENT H. W. Stanchfleld, executive secre- it was stated. cipate both In the rose show and In hike: Gordon Wright. Winston Bacus, stated. 6 7 tary of the national hand contest • Lieut. Tom 8warts. commander of the parade. Those near here who Mrs Ora Read Hemenway. prlncl- Wm. Grant Webster, 7 Donovan Montgomery, Melvin Foss. 'Hamilton Fish, Jr. 11 19 42 27 the National Guard unit here. Is t© have rosea may enter them together Irvin House, BUI Wheeler. Paul 29 35 45 36 year, was- here with Mr. Oleson. Band have charge of the forming of fM John H. Hall. with the Sprlngfleld rosea, said Mrs. Stnugh, Henry Trlnka, John Adams, FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT ; parade Chief of Police George Val­ Wheaton. Children who enter the George 8 Maaon. Lloyd Ellison. Wil­ AND VICE-PRESIDENT: over the country, he said. Oregon is uer. assisted by state traffic office«, parade will he welcomed by the local bert Naff, Boh Stark., Boh Mcl-agan. another will be determined by Friday 1 69 the most backward state In this re­ will direct traffic during the parad© 44 58 committees. when the pupils will be given their H. J. Warner, and Denny Anderson. 70 gard. he declared. In other states and the march to the cemetery. 89 57 4« Charles H. Carey. Commlttaas Listed report cards. 46 57 89 69 bands meet In state contests. It Is John L. IMy, Those In charge of the annual show ac R. B. Kuykendall. 46 57 89 70 probable that Sprlngfleld will parti­ TEMPORARY BRIDGE IS Include bealdea M r. Wheaton and U N IO N S E R V IC E S T O BE for the coming year Is virtually com­ Mrs. C E. Runyon. 46 57 88 68 cipate In the contest to be held In this Mrs. Mcl-agan: Registration, Mrs.' HELD BY CHURCHES ON plete, It has been announced by the COMPLETED; NUMBER OF FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CON- Maude Bryan. Mrs. I,. K Page; Mra. NEXT SUNDAY MORNING board of education. Applications by GRBSS: WORKMEN IS INCREASE® Walter Scott, Mrs. Carl Olson, Mrs. | the score are on file with the board 43 52 77 59 PARENT-TEACHERS UNIT Meda Catching, Mrs. Vina Mcl-ain,' U n io n services o f Protestant from people seeking positions in one W. C. Hawley. The skeleton of a bridge now 15 21 21 • James W. Mott, Mrs. David Saltzman. roses; Mrs. W. i churcheg the Methodist church at of the three schools here. CLOSES WORK FOR YEAR reaches across the Willamette rtvsf Offices State K. Barnell, Mrs. W W Walker, Mrs. [ o’clock Sunday morning was an- Schools will open again on Spetem- FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: BY NAMING OFFICERS at the west end of Main street her©. Ids Valentine, Mrs John Ketels, Mrs.1 nmlnred by pastors this morning In ber 10, It was announced today. Framework of the temporary bridff© 25 24 39 25 Hal E. H obs . William Rodenbough. parade. 1 g(y|ng their programs for Sunday: The Sprlngfleld Parent-Teachers as­ which Is to serve the workmen who ! H. H. Corey. 30 51 37 21 Mrs. Bernice Van Valzah will be In Rpy 8 E Chllders of the Christian SPRINGFIELD AND GROVE 15 15 16 sociation officially closed Its work for will erect the steel and pour the con­ • Tom B. Handley, charge of the Ice cream hooth at the cburch will pTbach the baccalaureate the year last Friday afternoon when crete for the big structure now undir WILL BATTLE ON SUNDAY FOR TREASURER: roae show. The hooth Is conducted 1 RPrmon officers for the coming year were construction, recalled the opposlt© 51 55 94 Tho». B. Kay, In order Io help defray expenses of other parts of the day's program In Because the diamond was not In side of the river this week. FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME elected. the show. ' tbe various churches follows: Mrs. Pratt Holverson was elected COURT: A heavy pile driver has put down Girl Scouts will assist In the parade : Meth„dist church:—Sunday school condition, the game between Spring 36 64 71 49 president of the organization to suc­ piling which will support the me© by acting as escorts for the smaller n( 9.4S # . j^wnrth League at 7 field and Pleasant Hill was called off George Rossman, 20 23 23 27 ceed MYs C. O. Wilson who has and machinery as the further opera­ í L. H. McMahan. children. p. m.; preaching services at 8 p. m., last Sunday. 40 46 82 60 served In that capacity this year. Next tions progress. : John L. Rand, sermon by Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pastor, meeting of the association will be FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL:' The crew at the bridge has bee© MOHAWK UNION HIGH on "Aristotle, or the Golden Mean '' Cottage Grove nine on the Grove I. H. Van Winkle, 41 61 96 71 held when school convenes next fall. enlarged to a considerable extenL Christian church—Sunday school M SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT field. More players are needed to FOR DAIRY AND FOOD COMMIS- ! Other officers elected were: Mrs. Some of them have been busy exca­ TO BE HELD FRIDÂY 0:30 a. m., In order that communion bolster up the strength of the Inca, W. W. Walker, vice-president, Mrs. SIONER: vating for the four piers which will may be conducted before the union 44 68 92- 66 1 Frank Deeds, secretary: Mrs. W. C. be the foundation of the new bridge. John D. Mickle. team. It 1» stated. Dr. E V. Stivers, pastor of the First church services; Christian Endeavor j M eagan, re-elected treasurer. Mrs. FOR JUDGE OF CIRCUIT COURT The stage of the river has been Christian church of Eugene, will give at 7 o'clock, Wilma Hanck leader; 3 54 80 61 1 Walker was secretary during the past 36 James T. Brand, favorable to the workmen. It had the commencement address at the p. nr Harold Richards, stfiger In the 5 ! year. 28 G. F. Sklpwonh, 1 been feared that the river would Mohawk Union high school Friday Kellems Richards evangellstc team In A program of Oregon numbers fol­ I J. W. Hamilton, evening. This Is the fourth annual 8ou|h Africa, will show pictures of for the twilight and regular games, FOR REPRESENTATIVE, THIRD ’ 1 ¡ lowed the business meeting and reach a flood stage this spring and the work of the group and tell of the commencement of that school. mothers oft he seventh grade pupils hinder operations to a considerable DISTRICT: it was announced. The rest oif the program Includes; experiences In establishing some of extent , Lynn S. McCready. 39 47 78 62 1 served refreshments. March, Mrs. Olive Mull; Invocation, the largest churches In that country The next step will be erecting the E. O. Potter, 41 67 93 63 Mrs. Poole la Hostess Rev. P. E. Findley; class history. | He will also sing. steel and pouring the cement for th© Style Show Staged S3 61 59 24 M . 8. Baker, Mrs. Charles P. Poole was hostesR Onleta Mnthews; class prophecy,! Baptist church—Bible school at Iff Girls of the domestic art classes big piers, It was stated. 35 60 67 66 Emmett Howard Gertrude Sorenson; eins» will, Roland ' o'clock ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 o'clock: at a luncheon Tuesday noon to 31 of the high school, under the direction FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, LANE Durst; "The Gypsy Trail,” girls , preaching service at 8 o’clock, gospel guests from Lebanon, her former Go Over McKenxie Past—Mr. and of Mrs. I. M. Peterson, presented a COUNTY: home. They were members of the chorus; salutation, Rosalie Wojniak; message by the pastor, Rev. C. H. Mre. William Stewart and children style show at the high school yester­ 38 22 33 James K. King, 17 valedictory, Lela Lybariy»r; "The Old Blom, special songs by the choir and club to which Mrs. Poole belonged 22 day afternoon. Sewing and fancy plan to leave toray for Butte, Mon­ 1 • In that city. After the lunch the Eugene V. Slattery, 13 a baptismal service. Refrain," selected elioni». 16 work which the girls have done dur­ tana, on a business trip. They wlB 12 28 J. Ben Hall, 6 afternoon was spent In conversation, Diplomas will then be presented n / ( Usual services will be conducted at Donald R. Husband, 16 17 29 24 ing the year were shown to parents attempt to cross the McKenale the principal and Rev. N. R. Work-, the Bible Standard Mission and the the guests returned to Ix*banon In the which Is reported open. and other visitor». (Continued on Page 1) evening. man will give tho benediction. Sprlngfleld Catholic church. V