THURSDAY MAY 17. 11*28 T H E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS PAGE EIGHT Red Hair Blue Sea MEMORIAL DAY PLANS VIRTUALLY COMPLETE; SPEAKERS ARE NAMED t ---------- Virtually complete plans for Memor­ ial day observance here were unnoun ced following a meeting last night >f the general committee headed by M belt, found It empty. The girl saw B Huntly. Palmyra's impulse on sighting this | He would ne—dead! “ w h ere savings a re g re a te s t The brown man pointed to the sand 1 that, in throwing his knife away, she seeking ship—for It was the Okaya llev. C. 11. Blom, pastor of the Bap­ 942 Willamette St.. Eugene, Oregon. ma—was to whirl around and atkOttM in the canoe—an island. T h e n he * had made her owu death certain, tist church, has been selected as extended his arm; the Island was But. instantly now. the savage ral the Joyful fact. In this moment all speaker of the day. Rev. Gabriel her new aversion for the brown man locate«!; there ahead and somewhere, lied Only for a second did paralyzing Sykes Will deliver the prayer of Invo­ was forgotten But. as she moved, the unseen, to starboard. Then he flat- discovery unnerve him. The shark had lution words froze upon her lips. They two. tened out his palm horisontally. laid all hut seised its victim. A moment The I. O. O. F band of Eugene will by this Intervention, were no longer his cheek upon it, attempted an ex- and action would be too late. But in provide Ihe music for the day and of time the man leap««! _ .. friends. From the steamer Olive planation of slumber, he closed his that , flash With Folded Scarf Band . . , . . f Pallas Murphv has been named to landed with his feet upon Ihe shark « , F I . . ___.. would fly almost as quickly as from eyes and began to snore. secure a quartet to sing numbers at Soon would this nightmare of wind , back. The Impact threw the monster the service in the cemetery. Here's a Leghorn Hat the Pigeon of Noah. Aboard the Imperial Japanese Gun­ and sea be ended. Soon would she , Into brief panic, that has a full quota of .... . . . .. i Only a morning program will be boat Okayama as it passed within be liberated from this rack of torture. I She tore at her dress; thrust out i , . style. Sand colored, oval ________ held this __ year The big parade will arm’s reach of the distracted girl and She could throw herself down In the knife. He snatched it: dived sunk crown and wide snap ! start, at 11 o’clock, ending In the ceme- then steamed on, was the ship's com­ never-waking slumber. (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) I tery where the principal service will brim. pany of the wrecked Yacht Rainbow Her hand stole toward the opening ’ be conducted. Gathered on the deck were all who of her dress and her Angers closed, Il has the new silk folded Zack Klntsley has been named mar­ best had loved Palmyra Tree in life. caressingly, over the handle of the PETITION TO SET LAND srarf band. All in all, an ex­ shal of the day Major Huntly and But though these swept the sea with knife hidden there. For Olive had OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS: ceptional bat and one of our F B. Hamlin will act as his aides their binoculars until their eyes could feature values at the low price given It back. L. ST. TO BE IMPROVED Tom Swart» will have charg« stand no more, none ever knew of— The topmasts of the Pigeon of Noah of the line of march In the parade. Even as the girl made piteous at Vacation ot >8 acres of Jand east of piowera wm be |n charge of the Am tempt to cast a mirror's ray across appeared. Olive snatchedi down sail the gulf. Commander Sakamoto was and mast. He lashed them flat. With Fifth street In the north part of town ,.r|,,an Legion auxiliary. Ihe Women's himself every- was aske«t by l*aul and L E. Basford ('(vie club and other women's orgatil turning to John Thurston with fatal a glance he assured thing aboard was secure. Then, ami others In a petition to the city cations. Boy Scouts will gather the decision. t],.w,.rs donated hv townspeople. The "Mv dear—mister." he said. "That paddle In hand, he kept their craft council Monday evening The pr >- Pvrty >» unimproved iwtth streets or Fnur-L and the W O W. lodge twill Ponape—he has catched the poor Miss to the hollow of the seas. But on. on came the top masts, the aUeyB and ,he «=»•'«» no clean up 'the cemetery and arrange Tree back again—very sure We gut benefits from being within the city for benches. the bird letter and that ruin all the topsails, rising against the sky. The limits. The petition was referred Kanaka's chance. For him to reach girl gasped in terror. On came the A Boy Scout will be named to plav to the street committee for Investiga­ this far unhelped, even if nobody sails, on and on. nearer and nearer, taps. School children will njeet nt a tion. makes some chase, would be a—too taller and more definite—more greatly place to he designated by A. J Mor­ The vaction of a stub street be gan and will take part In the parade. to be dreaded. , much." tween blocks 57 and 58. extended sur- Mayor O. O nushman and member« Wherefore. Sakamoto, put all to the And then, in this awful moment ° f Spr,n*fleW’ ato° a8ked b’r a tZ tbe clty^ouncll^vtll participate !n wrong by Olive's strategy of stealth without word or warning Olive , and deviousness, threw the Okayama sprang overboard. Palmyra uttered petition from property owners. This ,hp proKrum Thp Unna c,ub w,„ bp pr()V,(,p traBapor, a„ OB to thp northward and steamed forever out of a wail. After all he had braved, to street has never been used and runs nakpd the field of pursuit; never again to forsake her now? To seek his own into the river. Tue petition was re- cemetery pass within sight of canoe or schoon­ safety in flight? No! It was unthink­ ferred to the street committee. State traffic officer«, directed hy The council voted to improve er; deserting the girl in that hour able! Chief of Police George Valller. will L street from 9th to 10th streets on when white savage and brown closed And scarcely the unworthy thought. petition of the property owners. The attend to the traffic. in for possession of her body Complete printed programs will he Yalmyras knowledge of their than brown man 8 hana 8b° l UP street Is now unimproved and people course was so vague that she had not | gave one twist llvtng on it have a poor entrance to distributed over town, the chairman , announced. known whether they sailed the Sun- The next second Palmyra was flound­ their property. rise or the Sunset chain of the Mar­ ering in the water, the canoe capslaed. Merchants and others displaying With a stroke the savage reached JENNINGS TENT $H 0W TO ¡flags are requested to keep them at shalls. Olive unexpectedly dived. There an<1 ranght her by the hair. As PLAY HERE NEXT W EEK :half ma8, un" 1 Boon and ,bcn ra,a* Estimates Made Before W« S tart the Job was one plop of his toes at the sur- a kitten held in its mother s teeth, -------- I them again to fall mast. face and then she saw his outreach- »be ceased to struggle. With another Coming here after successful en Major Huntly again urged that peo ing fingers clutch a stone at the bot- stroke he recaptured the canoe, bot­ gagementa In southern Oregon and ' pIp hprp a„ „ , ,hp rommlttPP mak. tom. He brought his feet down and tom up. He put his foot on the out- ornja the Jennings Tent show , «. , . , - , , moved crouching as if he were rigger, tilted the hull so the imprison- Callfornia' th* Jennings Tent show ,ne ,hp c„iPhratlnn successful by at moved, croucning. as ir ne ere e will open next Monday evening for temllnv the nrnrrnm n.> .-nn.idnr« stooped on drv land, looking for some- ed air escaped. W ith one arm he bore , tending the program He < onslders _. down noon the canoe their rnmhlned I ’ , the service of much worth to Spring thing lost I down upon the canoe, their combined j *«eg» run in inis city. The stock company will present field Ijtst year accounts of the cele- A uthorized Ford Sales and Service She could see as well as if there weight, to sink it and control Its ‘ Phone 49 Olive was moving «o motion. The other arm held the girl. i bo,h conwdjr and dramatic produc- bratlon were printed In at least 20 Fifth and A. S treet« were no water. one side now The great clam was submerged, so that she choked and tions during the seven day showing different newspaper« and service here. men's magazines. lying immediately behind him, its up- fought for breath. The company has been in Spring- - per shell raised like a trap. She was on, on the Lupe-a-Noa indeed had field on previous occaglpns and the momentarily uneasy, then laughed come, nearer and nearer—but not too Suddenly, before she could realize near. Careening under its spread of, j shew . has . . won comment for the clean in it as she loked placidly on. he had said p had been unbelievably close an D'R Pr° U*’t 08 "FOR HONEST, PROMPT, AND STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW" shifted, stepped backwards. The trap and then, all unknowing, had flown 1 8 ra n^,ul> snapped shut across his foot. away. Ponape Burke, with his binoc- aD< p " company 18 Instantly, the brown body was con- u|arg, had glared straight over them n° W Q faD 8 aH8’ torted. A gush of bubbles silver ¡n his scrutiny of the more distant SPRINGFIELD TWIRLERS globules streaming upward from h’s gPa frantic cry. The girl uttered a shriek, TO PLAY PLEASANT HILL He placed the girl's hands on the covered her eyes. now buoyant canoe, returned Its gear. Why, wliy had she not warned him! The Springfield city baseball team She'd known the danger. , . . . will play its second game of the sea­ . ., . stooped for the more difficult feat of But as the girl lay, shuddering. son Sunday In a game with Pleasant . . . . . __ _ hauling Palmyra aboard when, startl- something wet touched her arm. Re- Hill. Whether the game will be play-1 . , . . ingly, he let go his hold with a gut- coiling with a easp. she found herself ed here or at Pleasant Hill will d e-' looking into the dripping face of the 1 tUa Crf ......... pent on the condition of the grounds - . brown man. which smiled pleasantly. i ! She turned frightened eyea over her “ at the Brattaln school which the i . reopened . . her _ _ „ she shoulder, then screamed. For there. When she eyes players have been working on since cutting the surface, a little Jet of knew that she had fainted. being given the privilege of using She loked at this creature, awed. spray rising from its edge, was an­ them. __________________ i He was alive, seemingly unharmed; other sail—the deadful lateen of a rather pleased with himself and her shark! (a ) Belief in prohibition and the enfo rce­ Uncles Death Learned — V. J. The man-eater was almost upon her. astonishment. Daniels, manager of the Loop pool m ent thereof. He drew the knife she had given Frantic, she turned her eyes to Olive, him and with a gesture or two made There he stood, for the first time at hall, this week received word of the i all plain. Olive had thrust the blade fa“>‘ His hand, with lightning In­ death of his uncle, H. W. Grimes In [ (b) C ourtesy to the public. in between the valves of the clam's «Hnct, had flown to the sheath of his Yuba City, California, on May 12. arnvn «ami severed th*» muncles that ~ snapped these together. (c) Disco urae m ent of prosecution not Having explained, he rescued the cocoanut shell, which was bobbing founded on su b sta n tia l evidence. away on the water, and prepared to dive anew When she understood, (d) Prom otion and rep resen tatio n of the thp girl cried out in protest. “Oh. don't, don’t try azain I, I cannot beat best in terests of th e people. it!” CHAPTER X. He divined her meaning, grimaced (e) Efficient and econom ical a d m in istra ­ C a n d id a te for hack re a ssu rin g ly. A moment later tion of th e office of D istrict A ttorney. he was once more crouched, holding to the lava floor. For an Interval the bubbles, came flying up. Then th<- an followed He placed the shell In the canoe, lift­ ed himself aboard scarc'-lv l'sted the frail craft from an even keel. The girl, still dizzy with shock, sat and stared at the cocoanut bottle that PRIMARIES, MAY 18 had brought tragedy so near. Olive, amused, presently picked it up and offered it. When she did not respond, CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR he raised the shell above his mouth, tilted ft until the contents spurted out | —and drank. Palmyra laughed hysterically. He had filled the thing at the bottom of the ocean a hundred feet from land. HE PROMISES A CLEAN, EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION Yet now he drank. She took the sphere when he offer­ ed It aBaln and tasted experimentally; sweet, fresh water; clear, cold as from a spring. The girl drank deeply. Then, hold­ ing the shell upon her knees, she sat for a long time, looking covertly at Vote 70 | X | Earl E. Luckey, for Sheriff. "Economical administra­ this brown being. tion. Strict enforiement of all laws without fear or favor.” He had all but given life itself that she might have the wate she craved. And he would have given life It­ (PAID ADV. BY DONALD R. HUSBAND, ATTORNEY, 860 WILL. ST., EUGENE, ORE.) (Paid Advertisement by Luckey-For Sheriff Club, R. A. Babb, Presi­ self had she taken his knife and not dent, James H. Baker, Secretary Treasurer, Miner Building, Eugene.) granted her own. By STANLEY P. OSBORN Stylish, Cool Leghorn Hats $3.98 Paint Your Car! Dress your Ford up for $10.00 W e Paint All Makes of Cars and Guarantee Our Work E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. INQUIRE OF SOMEONE WHO KNOWS His Character and Ability / Stand For — EARL E. LUCKEY Sheriff Donald R.Husband You Know Him Springfield is His Home Town DISTRICT ATTORNEY LANE COUNTY You Know He Means It VOTE 57 Donald R. Husband for Dist. Attorney