THURSDAY MAY 17, 1928 THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS No. No. No. PAGE SEVEN T R A IN S C H E D U L E Horo from Monmouth—Miao Ida I C A L L A N D HBB Dr. N W Emery Sp.'lngfisld Stops Cos, a student In th* otate normal >■ prices on platea and other w o r t tf school at Monmouth, waa a v isito r1 ■ Northbound IS __________________ I : I S f . M here last week-end with her parents, N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ________4 9 7 A. M Flag M r and Mrs. George Cos. 1« the undersigned has by order of the Southbound —-------------------- j County Court of the State of Oregon I B _________ 9:33 P M Flag 1 N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S ! for the County of la»ne been duly ap­ .......... 6:46 A. M 1 1 __________ pointed as executor of the estate of No. _ v a , , . w, _ .1. ■» i> i NOTICE Is hereby given that the . . _ , . . .. Coach Special for Klamath Falls un"• tor the satisfaction of said lien mlnorj wnI on a„d after the 2«th day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tion 20, Township 18 K . Range I West, should present the same duly verllled deceased and all persons - fthd *bst defendants be barrel cf all of jqja„ j ^ 2 8, offer and sell at private ’ to the administratrix nt the office of Willamette Meridian, has filed notice Herman, S D Allen, Hovey building. Eugene, of Intention to make three-year Proof, having claims against said estate, are I r»9fht In said mortgaged premises ex gale for ragh or for caah and credit NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON notified to present the same ’ cept the right to redeem from said jo tbe b|gbest bidder at Eugene, Lane ' EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE within six months from this date, to establish claim to the land above hereby Notice Is hereby given that by v lr described. before E. U. lmmel, If. 9. properly verified to me at the office | »«le »» by law required and for other County Oregon all of the right, title April 26, 1028. f Frank DePue. the attorney for the appropriate relief This summons Is and |Bterest of said minor In and to , to® of an execution and order of sal« FREDA VARNEY. Administratrix Commissioner, Eugene, Oregon, on the o , estate. In Springfield, Oregon on or j served upon you by publication pur the rea) property described as fol- ln foreclosure issued out of the Clr- 15th day of Jane, 1928 Ap 2«: Ma 3 10-17- 1 Claimant names as witnesses: before six months from the date of j suant to an order made in this suit |OWB being an undivided one-half In- cult Court of Lane County. Oregon, Samuel Vincent, Wllllum G I'alms- ! this notice. Dated April 23. 1928 May 8. 1928, by C. P. Barnard, County terest therein owned by said minor. on the 13th day of April, 1928. In a NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON I. I r' iii •- W u lk-r. Fi e-1 W .tlluce. LESTER BO88ERMAN. Admlnls- Judge, that you be served by publish Lot Noi Twenty-three (23) In Block suit wherein on the 14u day of Feb­ EXECUTION IN FoKHCbORv RE all of Jasper, Oregon. - trator. Ing this summons for four weeks ln No. Thirty-three (33) In the Amended ruary. 1928 In said court F. S. Bar- HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for the Springfield News, and that you Plat of Fairmont now a part of the low, plaintiff recovered Judgment Notice Is hereby given that by vlr ' the estate. Non-coal. answer the same within four weeks City of Eugene, ln Lane County, O re-: against the defendants Iz>uis Joseph tue of an execution und order of sale M 10 17 24 31: J 7: | Ap 26 Ma 3-10-17-24: from the first publication thereof. It gon. s®n and .,^ 7 » a _£ J °s®P"B®n tor the In foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- Is so first published May 10. 1928. That said sale will take place at suin o t »123.20 with Interest thereon NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 cull Couri of L a m County, Orecon 8 I) ALLEN. Attorney for Plaintiff, the law office of Alta King. 794 W ll-> at the rate of 8 per cent per annum on the 8th day of May. 1928. In a suit IN THE C IR C U IT C O U R T O F THE Notice Is hereby given that, Alta Residence and P. O. Address, Eugene, lamette 8t.. Eugene, Oregon. , frorP “ay ° t July, 1926, until STATE OF ORHOON. IN AND FOR wherein on the 3rd dsy of May. 1928, King, has been appointed as executor Oregon. i This notice is publisher In T h e ! Paid and the further sum of »50.00 LANE COUNTY. In suld court Charles N Barnard re­ of the estate of Anna Bnhlman, de- M. 10-17-24-31: Springfield News, Springfield. Lane j attorneys fees and for c. sts and dls- covered Judgment against the de­ Violet Lorange, Plaintiff, vs. Frank , ceased, by the County Court of Iuine - > County, Oregon, first publication. bursementa herein In the sum of I-ora ng»-. Defendant. fendants A. 9 Myers and Ethel II. COBBty, Oregon All persons having »34 50, which judgment was enrolled April 26tb, 1928 To Frank Lorange, Defendant: Myers for the sum of »190 00 together N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S : claims against said estate are re­ ALICE McC. MILLER, Guardian of and docketed in the Clerk's office of Notice Is hereby given that the un- ! with Interest thereon al the rate In the name of the State of Oregon, quired to present them duly verified the person and Estate of Julian F said court in said county on the 14th of 8 per cent |>er annum from the You are hereby summoned and re as by law required within six months derslgned has been appointed Execu- Minor day of February. 1928. and said ex­ 17lh day of December, 1927; the fur qulred to appear and answer the com i from the 3rd day of May, . 192S, to said ; lor of the Estate of Carlton Columbus ‘ "•c" Ap’ 9g. Ma 3.1047.24 ecution to me directed commanding Myers, deceased, by the County Court ther sum of »149 04 together with In plaint filed herein «gainst you In the j executor, at Ins law office 794 Willam­ me in the name of the State of Ore­ teresl thereon at the rale of 8 per cent above entitled suit and court within ette Street, Eugene, Oregon Date of ° f Lane County, Oregon All persons gon In order to satisfy said Judgment, N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S having claims against said estate are per annum from said 3rd duy of May, four weeks of the date of the first I first publication. May 3rd, 1928 interest, attorneys fees, costs and ac­ hereby notified to present the same, 1928, us taxes; and the further sums publication of this Summons, and if ALTA KINO, Executor. Notice is hereby given that the un- cruing costs to sell the following des­ of »10000 attorney fees and »13.75 you full to nppear, for wan. thereof, M. 3-10 17-24-31: prO.^ rl> tb2 dereigned""häs' b^n^äp^inf^d admin cribed real property, to-wit: at the office of Wells & Wells, Bank lgtra’or of , he Estate of Walter Dixic. costs, together with Interest thereon the plaintiff will take Judgment All of Lot No Four and that part of of Commerce Building, Eugene. Lnne Ellison, deceased, by the County Lot No. Three which lies north of the al the rate of six per cent per annum against you as prayed for In plaintiff's N O T IC E OF F IL IN G OF F IN A L County. Oregon, within six months from said 3rd day of May. 1928. which Complaint, to-wlt: fcr a decree of ACCOUNT . .. . .. - . ... Court of Lane County, Oregon. All County Road running from Eugene to Judgment wus enrolled anal docketed In the Court dlsaotvlng the bonds of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE from the aate ot the first publication onB having claini8 againgt said I Vida. Oregon, said lots Three and the Clerk's office of said Court In sai l muirlmnnv and granting to plaintiff of this notice. estate are required to present them Four being ln Section 28. Township STATE OF OREGON FOR county on the 3rd day of May. 1929, an absolute divorce from the defend­ Date of first publication. May 3. wUh {he proper voucher8 to , he un " ~ ’ Lane ---------- 16 ~ S. R. 2 E , W. M., in County, LANE COUNTY and said execution to nie directed ant, granting to the plaintiff the care In the M atter of the Estate of Jack 1928 dersigned at the law offices of Cregon, containing 43 acres, more or Date of first publication, Mayl tt commanding me In the name of the and custody of the minor children Rodman, deceased. & King at Number 961 WTillamette less. HARRY L MYERS, Executor. Stale of Oregon, In order to satisfy of tin- plaintiff and d e fen d an t, and Now. therefore in the name of the Street in Eugene. Oregon, within six Notice Is hereby given by the under­ WELLS * WELLS. At'ornevs. said Judgment. Interest, taxes at for such other and further relief as to signed administrator of the above months from the date of this notice. State of Oreeon, in compliance with M. 3-10-1.-24-31: torney fees, costs of suit and accru­ the Court may aeem Just und equit­ named estate that he has filed his Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 10th said execution and oredr of sale and ing coats to sell the following des­ able. In order to satisfy said Judgment, in­ final account in said estate, and that day of May. 1928. cribed renl property, to wn: This Summons Is served upon you the Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge of said N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S __ FRANKLIN ___ JAMES ELLISON. Ad terest. attorney« fees, costs of suit The south half of (he northwest by publication by virtue of an order Court has fixed Thursday June 7th, 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ministrator of the estate of W alter; and accru ng costs. I will on Saturday quarter sec 7. Tp 22 S . Range 3 W. of the Hon. J. T. Brand, Judge of 1928. at ten o'clock A. M as the time the undersigned, by order of the nixie Ellison, deceased the 26th day of May, 1928, at the hour of the W. M . lame County. Oregon, suld Court, dated and filed April 9. for the hearing of objections, if any County Court of the State of Oregon ________ POTTER AND KING, Attorneys ’ of one o’clock in the afternoon of said together with the tenements, heredi­ 1928, directing this Summons to be to said final account and to the settle lor the County of Lane has been duly Estate of Walter Dixie Ellison de- day. at the Southwest front door of taments and sppurtenances thereunto served on you by publication thereof ment thereof. the Lane County Court House In Eu­ applnted Administrator of the Estate ceased. belonging and appertaining and tre once a week for four weeks In the gene, Lane County, Orgeon, offer for ELMER ROBERTS, Administrator of Eva Mary McKInnls and all persons M 10-17-24-31: J.7 Springfield News, and that you rents thereof. sale and sell for cash, at public auc­ FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Ad- having claims against said estate are answer said complaint within four tion. subject to redemption as provid­ Now, therefore In the name of the ministrator. : hereby notified to present the same. SUM M O NS weeks from date of the first publica­ M 3-10-17-24-31: Stale of Oregon. In compliance with 1 properly verified to me at the office i n t h e CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ed hy law. all of the right title and Interest of said defendant Louis said execution and order of sale and tion thereof Date of first publication, 1 of Frank A. DePue. Attorney for the STATE CF CREGON. FOR LANE Josephsen and Bertha K. Josephsen, In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ April 19. 1928. I estate, ln Springfield. Oregon, within 8 U M M O N S COUNTY. atkins and his wlfe: w p Badgley, and all per- WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys, terest, taxes, attorney fees, costs of six months from the date of this j, g, Watkins. Carrie W IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE suit and accruing costa, I will on Sat­ Resident and P. O. Address. Eugene. Clede C. Addleman. Plaintiffs. ?°n8 cta‘ng by through or under notice. STATE OF OREGON FOR v iv h j v . . . . them or m or either of them in and urday, the 9th day of June. 1928. at Oregon, Dated April 18th, 1928. LANE COUNTY Vs. Verona F. Daniel; Henry t0 sa|d premises A. 19 26: M 3-10-17 the hour of one o'clock In the after­ THOMAS McKINNIS, Administra­ M J. McKIln and Civility 9. McKlin. FR * NK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Lane L. Peek and Mary Peek, his noon of said day. at the southwest his wife, plaintiffs, -vs- B. A. tor. James F. Peek; Charles County, Oregon. front door of the County Court House. wile Washbnrne and Mary Washburne, FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G In Eugene, laine County, Oregon, of known p y BEULAH BR1NN1CK. Deputy. B. Peek, s o m e t i m e s his wife, James L. Clarke and Ethel the estate. Ap. 26: Ma 3-10-17 24: Notice Is hereby given that Miner fer for sale and sell for cash, at public as Charles B Smith, and R uby' Clarke, his wife, and also all other j A. 19-26: M. 3-10-17 auction subject to redemption as pro­ R. Wegner has filed in court his final Smith, his wife; and all other un­ parties unknown who have or claim vided by lnw, all of the right, and In­ account as executor of the estate of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION known parties who have or claim some title, estate, Hen or Interest terest of said defendants. A. 8 Mvera Philip A. Wegner, Deceased, and that FOREST EXCHANGE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT some title, estate. Hen or interest in ■ ln the property described In the i and Ethel B Myera, and of Stubbs the court lias fixed 10:00 A. M. of No. 017920 the property described In the com­ complaint herein, defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Electric Company, a corporation and June 8, 1928. as the time wnen said Department of the Interior, United plaint herein, Defendants. To James L. Clarke and Ethel the undersigned administrator of the i W aller A Woodward, and all persons account at the rooms of the county States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ claiming hy, thru or under them, or court. In the court-House, Eugene, i Clarke, his wife; also all other par- estate of Samuel Davis Cairns, d e- 1 To Verona F. Daniel; Henry L gon. April 20, 1928. any nr either of them In and to said Oregon, will be taken up for examina­ ties unkonwn who have or claim some ceased, has filed in the County Court ' Peek and Mary Peek, his wife; James NOTICE is hereby given that 1928*" 17 M Faulkner" of tion and allowance. AH persons In­ title, estate, lien or interest In the Of the State of Oregon, for the F. Peek; Charles B. Peek, sometimes on" Apr"jj premises terested In said estate may appear al property described In the complaint : County ot I^ine, his Final Account as known as Charles B. Smith, and Ruby p-ishfr Oregon” filed an p licifon No Dated May Rth, 192R h‘ l N nTHF‘ N A M V w e TH Fe «TAnT y ' aSafd / w " 1 h,S ,*I,G = and. «‘her un 017920’ under the Act' of March 2oi FRANK B. TAYLOR, Sheriff of said time and be heard. IN THE NAMM Oh THE STATE has fixed Friday the 25th day of May, known parties who have or claim .qq, <5. . . e. y t »-.ehnn^e the MINER R WKGNER, Executor. bane County, Oregon O F OREGON: You are -hereby sum- 1928. at the hour of 2:00 o’clock P. M some title, estate. Hen or Interest :n r „♦ 1 «¿L? - ie q n 0 w p ir M. 10-17-24-31: M 10-17-24-31: J.7: moned and required to appear and nt the court house in Eugene, L a n e; the property described tn the com NEK NEK SWK NEK N E K . 9 K answer the complaint filed agn inst' County, Oregon as the time and place plaint herein NWK NFK NFK. F.V, SEK NWK. you In the above entitled suit and for hearing objections to said account IN i THE NAME. OF THE STATE ‘ NEK NEK SWK NEK. SK court within four weeks from the date • n„d for the settlement thereof. OF OREGON: You are hereby re NEK SWK NKK, SEK SWK NEK. a — „ „ g u g w t , s ^ .,4 NRU SE li’ of the first publication of this sum Dated this 12th day of April, 1928. ; quired to appear and answer the com notice that If you fail to appear and the estate of Samuel Davis C airns,! titled Court and cause, within tout SEK 8EK NWK. Section 12. Town- , weeks from the date of the first pub- shin 15 S.. Range 10 West. W. M answer or plead within said tim e,; deceased, ; I,cation of this summons, and If you within the Siuslaw National Forest, the plaintiffs, for want thereof, will | A. 19-26; M. 3-10-17 fail to so appear and answer, fot for the timber of an eouel value to be apply to the above entitled court for ' want thereof the plaintiffs will apply cut from approximately 5 acres with- the relief prayed for in their sa id ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ¡to the Court for the relief prayed fo r ’ in the EK Sec. 1, EK F-K Sec 12, complaint, to-wlt: FOREST EXCHANGE In the complaint, to-wit: for a decree Tn 20 S . R. 3 East, S«cs 4 to 9 'n- ■ For a decree herein, in and b y ' No. 017908 that you and . . each of you have n o 1 elusive. SW K. 9 pc 10. NU . . NWK- which w n ir n all au a adverse d v e r se c claims la im s of o i said u de- p - i . , , ■ .... . ♦ . * fendants and each of them in and to • Department of the Interior, United right title, interest or estate what- Sec. 15. and Secs 16 to 80. inclusive. 20 g.. R 4 E„ W M within the the following described real property . States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- ever In or to the following described Cascade National Forest. i real property: situated In Lane County, Oregon, to j gon. April 10, 1928. Notice Is hereby given that Ervin J Beginning at a poinj in the South The purpose of this notice Is to al­ Thirteen (13), and Fourteen (14) of Wledman. Executor and heir of Ellen Hne of the Abram A Peek and Wife low all persons claiming the lands selected, or having honn fide objec­ Block numbered One Hundred Two Wledman, deceased, of Ynchats. Ore- , N w 5h (102) of Washburne’a Subdivision of K°n- Application No. 017908. un- cation .084, 37.50 Chains West of the tions to such apnneat on. an oppor­ the Springfield Investment and Power dcr the Act of March 20. 1922 (42 Southeast corner of said claim and tunity to file their protest with the Company's Addition to Springfield, Stat . 4651. to exchange the SEK of running thence North parallel with R e g i s t e r and Receiver of the lame County, Oregon. — shall be !lot NEK of lot 4, NEK NEK of East line of said claim 63.36 chains, United States Land O f f i c e a t fully determined, and decreeing and ^^4 SWK of lot 4. SWK SWK thence West 26.29 chains, thence Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protests adjudging that the plaintiff's are the ' of ,ot 8®°- fi- TP- 1(1 S„ R 10 West, South parallel with East Hne of said or objections must he fllod In this of- owners of the above described real NW 1. NEK SW K, WK NEK NEK Claim 53.25 chains to the South Hne flee within thirty dnys from the date property; that the defendants have 'SW K . NWK SWK NEK $ ^ K . SEK thereof and thence East along said nt the first publication of th:i notice, no estate, right, title or Interest what- 8W K ! South line 26.29 chains to the place I w-hich first publication Is April 26, containing 140 acres, I 1928. ever in and to said real property o r ! s *4 SWK NEK SEK. SWK SEK Of beginning, ci nny part thereof; and also that the ' NBK SEK. and SEK SEK- Sec. 1, more (>r iesis, )n ____ ame county, ______ ___ State ' Non-coal HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. defendants and each of them he for Tp. 15 9., R. 11 West. W. M.. within Of Oregon, and being in Township Ap 26: Ma 3-10-17-24: ever debarred from asserting any th® Siuslaw National Forest, for ttm Seventeen South Range Four West of claims whatsoever ln or to said real j ber of an equal value to be cut from the Willamette Meridian, property or any part thereof, adverse ! approximately six acres within the and that the title of the plaintiffs In N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S to the plaintiffs, and for such other 1 EK Sec. 1, BK Sec. 12, Tp. 20 S„ i said property is good and valid, and and further relief herein as to the | R- 3 E-. Secs. 4 to 9 Inclusive. SW K. ¡that you and each of you be forever Estate of Belle Rhopp, Deceased: Sec. 10. NK NW K. Sec. 15. Secs. 16 barred and enjoined from asserting court may seem equitable. Notice Is hereby given that Marr This summons is published pursu­ to 20 inc., Tp. 20 8., R 4 East, W. M., any claim whatsoever in and to said E. Kelsey has been bv the County ant to the order of Honorable C. P. within the Cascade National Forest, i premises adverse to the plaintiffs Barnard. County Judge of lame Coun- The purpose of this notice Is to al- j This summons Is served upon you Court of the Rtate of Oreeou. In and low all persons claiming the lands i by publication thereof for tour con- for Lane County, appointed Executrix the last will and testament of Belle the 18th day of April, 1928. The first selected, or having bona fide objec- i secutive weeks tn the 9pringfield of deceased. publication of this summons will be 1 tlons to such application, an opportun- News, a newspaper of general circui t- Shoup, persons having claims against made on Thursday, the 19th day of Itv to file their protest with the Regis- ’ tion, published in Lane county, Ore- the All estate of said deceased are here­ Aprll, 1928 and the last publication j ter of the IT. S. Land Office at Rose J gon In conformity with the order of by notified to present the same, duly thereof will he unaue on Thursday, i burg, Oregon. Any such protests or ' tue Honorable G. F. Sklpworth, Judge stated and verified, at the residence the 17th day of May. 1928. and It will objections must be filed In this office of the above entitled I ourt, made and of A. E Wheeler. 710 L nw enee W. be published four consecutive weeks within thirty days from the date of J entered on the 9th (lav of May, 1928. •n Fugone. Oregon wHhin six months in the sp i inglleld News. the first publication of this notice. D ate ,,f publi« a lie n th e re o f is the lfltli »' inso I M. PETERSON, Attorney for beginning April 19, 1928. day of Mar. 1928. ’ * d ’’ MARv f KET,REY. Excentri«. "Ice Address, Spring Non-coal L. L RAY, Attorney for plaintiffs, A. E. WHEELER, Attorney. field, Oregon. I HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. Postofflce Address, Eugene, Oregon. ’ Ap. 26: Ma 3-10-17-24: A. 19 26 M. 3-10-17 | A. 19-28: M 3-10-17 M. 10-17-24-31: J.7: