PLANS FOR BAND HERE CHURCH NIGHT PROGRAM CANDIDATE WAS FORMER ARE BEING CONSIDERED SPRINGFIELD RESIDENT TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY 0 ■■ ■ ■■ A in v e i« il i II n I i supper mid a m is­ sionary p»K"«nt w ill ba fea tllfcs of iim "church night" piroKimu ut the i iiriHtluii church MiK'lul parlor» Fri­ day cvi-nlim Thu illuiior will bo at ii 30 o'clock »ml follow. iim program will Follow ing •' World Cull mission nry p«K*'ant ih<> following program will bo prohotilod; Balactloti, men's i|iiurn l c imposed of John Rohert»ou, W alter Noulon, Clndd Nacly, luiur- « club thl» afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Electro-Therapy P o tter in th e law firm of P o tte r , . _ Mr». C O. W ilson and Mr» Clifford A The report v covers the month <>t I team s played the Thurston team s on & King. A veteran of th e W orld Specializing In . . , the local diamond ihuraton boys' are Joint hostess«» for the party Aprl1' 1 W ar. T h l. show s great Interest and Im tpam #nd ram ,ra teanl which 1» to bo held at the former'» Painless and prove,nent. the Inspector points out in home. Bloodless won. 58 X Ja m e s K. King for The program for the afternoon will the report. Mrs. Minnie Thompson became III Removal of H eretofore considerable grade B D istrict A ttorney follow out the "kid" Idea, with ap­ Tonaila last Friday night and was taken to milk has Dairymen ha» been found. rounn. im irymen are pa(,|fl(, rhr)atian hospital where propriate game» and »tunts. (Paid A dvertisem ent Inserted by striving to improve the grade of their an operatlon for ap. 15th year In Oregon prectlclng. Jam es K. King-for-Dlstrict-Attorney Phone 2085 product It 1» stated. nendlrltls. Office 1237 Ferry St. 8 U M M O N S Club, Robert W. Earl, Secretary- People here feel that the plan fori Eugene. On Thursday Miss A gnes Brlght- Treasurer.) IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Inspecting milk In proving an asaet. man w ill hold a class in m illinery nt S T A T E O F ORBOON FOR L A N E , CO U N TY . the hom e of Mrs. Taylor Needham , Lida Scoggln. Plaintiff, vs., Ray fkrog EATS BIG STEAK AND under the auspices o f the Ladies Aid ' gin, Defendant. FRIED ONIONS— NO GAS society. T o Ray Scoggln, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: ....... Mrs. Laura Hadley, who under- ' DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE You are hereby required to appear Every tim e 1 a te I had terrible went a major operation at the hospl- i For and answ er the complaint filet stom ach gas. Now. thanks to Adler- ta) | n E ugene som e tim e ago, has ' against you In (he above entitled suit Ika. I eat »teak and fried onion» and recovered enough to be moved to the I within four w eeks from the date of LANE COUNTY home of her mother. Mr». Needham | the first publication of this Summons, feel fine."— Mr«. J. Julian. PRIMARIES, MAY 18, 1928 Just ONE »poonful A dlerlka relieve» to-wlt. four weeks from this 17th day of May 1928, and If you fall to appear gas and that bloated feelin g so that N O T IC E Am dry and favor im partial, fair prohibition law enforce­ or answ er for want thereof the plnln you can eat and aleep well. Act» on m ent. , tiff will take a decree against you for The Thurston high school w ill give the dissolution of the marrtHge rela­ BOTH upper and low er bowel and re­ Will give all business careful consideration and extend move» old w aste m atter you never a Benefit Dance Saturday night May C andidate for tion now existin g between said plain­ equal co u rtesy to all. thought wan there. No m atter what 19th at the Thurston Hall. Good I Paid A dvertisem ent by Alta King, Eugene, Oregon.) REPUBLICAN NOMINATION tiff and said defendant and such other you have tried for your stomach and music. G entlem en 50c. Ladle» Free relief that to the court may appear For bowels. Adlerlka w ill surprise you. equitable The order directing the service of Flanery's Drug» Store. the sum m ons herein hv publication thereof Is dated Moy 16th. 1928 and N O T IC E TO C O N TR A C TO R S direct publication once each week for LANE COUNTY four su ccessive weeks. Sealed bldg will be received by the I Now 4-room plastered house Date, o f first publication Moy 17th. City Recorder of Springfield, Oregon, Primaries May 18, 1928 up to 7:30 P. M on the 28th day of has fire place and hardw ood 1928 U A WINTERME1ER. Attorney May. 1928. for the grading and gravel floor in living room . Price Paid Adv— Eugene V. Slattery, for Plaintiff. R esidence Eugene, Ore­ Ing of L street betw een 9