T I IVRSDAY MAY 17. 11>2W THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FACE FOUR am rospen A Good Place to Park Free Gifts Drive your c a r up beside ou r store and gel out. (Merchandise Purchase Not Necessary) We have one surprise package for everyone who e n te rs th e store, as long as they last. Ju st say give us the advertised package. A w orthw hile package a s a to k en of ou r friend­ ship d u ring th e P rosperity C am paign. You d o n ’t have to h unt an hour for u place to p ark here us they do In larger elties, and worry about b e ­ Formerly Farmers Eichante SPRINGFIELD Interesting Items for Women SALEM PORTLAND Business has been good this year for Kafoury Brothers For th a t reaso n we a re p u ttin g on a PR O SPERITY CAM­ PAIGN in our th re e sto res. We w ant all the people to sh a re w ith us in o u r prosperity. We w ant to help you prosper with us by m aking it easier for you to till your w ants. U e e a r n only th e best nationally know n goods and during o u r pros­ perity cam paign o u r offerings will all be m oney savers. Come in and look o u r stock bver. We are alw ays glad to see you w h e th e r you pu rch ase or not. K afoury B ro th ers are reputable people. T hey have been th e leading m e rc h a n ts in Salem for 15 years. D uring th e P rosperity C am paign th e sam e policy and prices will prevail in all th re e stores. HOPE MUSLIN Free from sta rc h Muslin in th e genuine Hope brand usually selling for 25c. Prosperity Price — ---- ------------------------ BROWN MUSLIN M edium w eight free from sta rc h Brown Muslin. R egular 22c Value. Prosperity P rice...................... ................. .................. GINGHAMS G ingham s a re good th is y e a r a n d th ey do m ake a beautiful w ash frock. In th is lot som e sold for 60c per yard. Prosperity P rice.......... - ............. ........................... — REMNANTS O ur en tire sto ck of C otton, Silk and Wool R em ­ n a n ts, th o u san d s from w hich to choose. M arked at ’/ 2 the regular price. SUMMER FABRICS One lot of Y’oiles, D otted Sw iss, Rayons, Silk and C otton Crepes. V alues to $1.25. ----14c 1 1 ¿ O -C Prosperity Campaign Starts Saturday ?,rSr5L____ ______ 49c MAY 19th Doors Open 9 A.M. SUITINGS S u p e r-fa st C otton S uitings in all colors. V alues to 50c yard. Prosperity □ P rice.................................. - ............. - ...... w v U ing a rre ste d for fear you are parking overtim e. Women’s and Girls’ Shoes LADIES’ SHOES One lot of In d ie s ’ O xfords and Sandals. Val- use to $7.50. Prosperity Price LADIES’ SHOES latdles* high or low cut Shoes, broken sizes. Val- to $6.00. Prosperity <3* Price SATIN SLIPPERS L adies’ S atin 8Ilppera in m edium heels. V alues to $8.50. $1.49 •’> 1 1 sar* $2.49 ■ OXFORDS Boy’s Brown Glove Sport Oxford. Reg. $3.50. QQ Prosperity Price CHILDREN S SHOES One lot of C hildren’s Shoes. Broken sizes, val­ ues to $1.00. Prosperity Price C O Q Z/C Oar Policy is: “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED Worthwhile Offering« in Women’s Wear and other items LADIES’ HATS One lot of L adies’ H ats to close out. Y our choice. Prosperity Price ...................................................... SILKS A w onderful a sso rtm e n t of Crepes, Voiles, T a f­ feta, R adium and S atins. Values to $3.00. Prosperity P r i c e ............................... - .................................... 1 SILK DRESSES A new arrival of S um m er Silk Dresses. Val­ ues to $10.00. 25c 1 .. ....... ........ $5.98 HOSE L adies’ Hose, m ercerized co tton. R egular 35c. Prosperity OC- P rice.......................................................... tiUL HOSE R ayon Hose, reinforced heel and toe, e x tra long. R egular value 95c. Prosperity Price .......................................................... SILK HOSE L adies’ Silk Hose pointed heel. A very fine silk. Prosperity