THURSDAY MAY 17, 1928 À THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS _____________________________________________ PAGE THREW ' $9O°o COLOR TERMS paramount! Kull enamel Montag Jr. Buffet in the new colors: The modern trend to bril­ A Mello-Green liant COLOR In porcelain Canary-Yello enamel Is baaed on the Im­ Mao da-Red portant the consideration home-beautiful. of as well as white, gray or Santone, with all the new Improvements of construc­ tion and refinements of de­ sign. A low first payment puts it in your kitchen. You will agree with 11» thut in COLOR, quality of enuuial work ami nickeling, and In simplicity of rellmal design, no maker has yet surpass­ « G eneral M on tag R a n g e F eatures ed Montag. In all tin 1 M ontag model« Choice of four colors, gray or white. sh ow n will lie one that will p articu larly unit you r Idea Full enamel, steel and cast iron Ranges. of design and cost. Tin* A black Illustrations and white shown here Semi-enamel steel Ranges. Choice of high closet or modern Buffet shelf. cannot do Justice to the ranges themselves. You Choice of regular lid top or French plate top. »imply must sec them. Montag Ranges Excel Choice of size and price. Cast French oven bottoms, corrugated to eliminate danger of buckling, and PORCELAIN EMAMEL- ED, for cleanliness. To go Into the details of excellencies would be to cover the entire list of what a range should be— Electrically welded o ven-' top, back and sides, of T o n c a n rust-resisting iron. — excellencies o f baking and cooking results. A — -excellencies of fuel econ­ omy, Highest g r a d e materials throughout, including Armco iron. - excellencies and finish, Reliable oven thermomet­ ers on all models. o f design - excellencies of s t u r <1 y, long-lived construction, “ H o n e s t John Montag’’ construction. — excellencies of ease in keeping clean, — Made in the West. - excellencies of udaptubil- ity to quick service. The gas and electric plate at­ tachments a d d t h e s e modern facilities to Just the degree they are re­ quired at this time, for wo « m ! and coal are still the basic fuels for the good old-fashioned home-cook­ ing. / FREE Premiums A R ange ♦ Demonstration Sale If you are a householder, eome in and ask for your UTILITY WHETSTONE, FREE! There should be one of these In every kitchen for keeping knives sharp. Announcing a Montag Range demonstration Sale of particular importance AND EXTRA MERCHANDISE FREE W ITH May 19th to May 26th inclusive EVERY NEW MONTAG RANGE SOLD. A Seven-Piece Enamel Ware Cooking Set AN EVENT FOR WHICH PLANS HAVE BEEN AFOOT FOR MONTHS, WITH THE SOLE IDEA OF MAKING IT THE MOST OUTSTANDING AND HELPFUL DISPLAY OF RANGES YET HELD. Consisting of Tea Kettle, 8-cup Pedcola- tor, Double Boiler, Sauce Pan, Convex Kettle, Dish Pan and Sink Strainer. Your choice of colors, white, yellow, red or green, will be given FREE with each Range purchased during Sale. IN TRUTH, WE HAVE NEVER BEHELD SUCH A REMARKARLE LINE OF RANGES AS IS SHOWN IN THIS 1928 SHOWING OF MONTAGS. OUR AUGMENTED RANGE DEPARTMENT WILL BE FAIRLY ALIVE WITH THE SHEEN OF VARI-TONED ENAMELS AND THE GLEAM OF NICKEL —JUST AS WILL BE THE FORTUNATE KITCHENS WHERE LATER THESE SAME RANGES WILL BE FOUND. CONTRIBUTING TO THE FAME OF HUNDREDS OF “FAMOUS COOKS.’’ 4 Remember the dates Low First Payment secures a Montag during this event. Inquire about our special terms. Saturday, MAY 19 to Saturday, MAY 26 t Wright & Sons Full Credit for Your Old Range Unusual exchange value will be allowed during this demonstration. Take up this point with us. 4 I