A THURSDAY MAY 17, 1>2B « -• • • PACHE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pahllebed C vory T fcarw U y a l S pringfield. L an a C o u n tr. Ora««»!, b r T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S 9 H . E. M A X E Y . E d ito r. THE 8PRINGPÍHLD NHW8 1 . A .. C2J______ - -------------- -- - terday afternoon In the church par Engathaa Claee Haat A M A T E U R N IG H T T he Ja p an e se arm ed with m achine guns, serin: Members of Ih» Krgathea claaa of lora A regular monthly busines» Jänninpä T e n t Show grenades and higli explosives hurled by m odern the Methodist church entertained the and anelai meeting of Ilio elusa wu» »10.00 In P rit» » m ethods will m ake chop sucy out of th e china- women's dibit* « luss nt a ineellng yes conducted Friday night. May 35ih Jennin«« m en in sh o rt uredr. even if th e re are ”God only know s how m any of th em ." We Im agine th e wise Toni Show uffera Ton IMillare in enah prîtes to amateur» iwho can hui «. Chinamen will m ake peace rtght-nw ay quick. dance. plus musical Instruments, tall • • • Office»—831 Miner Building. Eaet Broadw ay S tre e t a story, or eiilertaln In any w iv First Frían $.'• oc, sccoiut pria« 53 00 third pr.ie 52.00 The -how will flush the'r it will be seen " a w riter on fashion advises the engagement here Sunday night and go wom en th is season. O nr advise is th at m en w ear (o Albany (Adv.) aa second class matter, February 24. 1*03 at the "D on’t hide th a t cherished bit of lace in the poatofflce. Springfield, Oregon scran hag. hut flaunt it in the high places, w here MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE year In Advance____ 11.75 Three M o n th s------- 75c f»« M onths______________ >1.00 Single C o p y ............... »c sm oked glasses if this it to he th e fashion. • • • THURSDAY MAY 17, 192S A Packard Or A Ford? T here a re im it atio n s of stre n g th e n in g m ark ets in lum ber, livestock ami a g ric u ltu ra l products Well perhaps we will have a good year yet despite T h e McKenzie highw ay is, and we believe al- th e coining election, w ays will be if properly preserved, noted for its E ither o r both, th e sam e •cenic g randeur. The chief value of this high­ in Bifocal lenses. T he Duo- way is scenic ra th e r th an a m eans of cross sta te S ite o r K ryptoks? E ither tra n sp o rta tio n . And while the la tte r ia im portant will convey tin* ravs of th e scenic value fa r overw eighs it, especially light to tiie eye anti Is w hen it is considered th a t n a tu re closes the pass b e tte r th an alw ays having from five to seven m onths out of the year. tw o pairs of glasses. T he McKenzie highw ay being a scenic highway it should he so constructed to give the best vision T he Duo Sit»* Bifocal is FA T to th e m any beautiful scenes—it should follow the perfection of Optical th e n a tu ra l co n to u r of the m ountain sides and T here used to be a line in a play th a t w ent. science. m ean d er around th e riv er's edge generally. The "Nobody loves a fat m an." T he K ryptok Is a com ­ ’’S traight a h e a d ” policy followed by th e sta te At least now adays no w om an w a n ts to be fat. fo rtab le lens for business highw ay dep artm en t on all its roads the last few T here is ju st one cause of fat, however. People o r pleasure. years, " should rem em ber th a t they never put a n y th in g ____ we feel, is a m istake on the McKenzie If followed out it can b ut m ake the McKenzie high- on their abdom en o r hips in th e way of fat th at way a speedw ay of little esthetic value to the does not com e th ro u g h th eir m outh in the way of to u rist o r o u r own n a tu re loving people. food. Optom etrist T h e co u n ty court and Lane co u n ty cham bers j j t j B n ice to talk ab o u t th ese th in g s anti It is W ATTS OPTICAL CO. of com m erce should consider th is question well iess hum iliating th a n to adm it th a t we eat too No 14 9 Ave. W est sod m ake th e ir wishes know n to the highw ay d e - : m uch. E ticere. Oregon p a rtm e n t before m ore s tra ig h t c u ts a re m ade The real c a u se of fat is th a t we eat too m u c h ____ th ro u g h farm lands o r cam p sites and sum m er a n d live too m uch a t ease. ------------------ " hom es on th e McKenzie river. If som e of th e ladies who com plain of too m uch r r V I H A I I • • * I obese tissu e would m ake a p ractice of tak in g th e ¡ 3 0 »*• D L l x n r t L L STRAIGHT* AHEAD ON TH E McKENZIE DR, FRANK CRANE SAYS Dr. Ella C. Meade pohn 't s ± - work « « t : cS “ — ™ “ s , S ’,» X , 1: " ! t'hh: lr ' 3 e ^ h i s » ” 0“ “ 1 i I" "J” ¿pi f-.’ e-, i ; j i, Do Viwr CotJúa¿ Wi t.k< he. Mg » MwJ •< •» <»< BEAUTY KNOCKS < A T YOUR KITCHEN BOORÎ E E P th at school-girl com­ plexion" an d sim ilar slo­ gans have fo r years been suggesting the wisdom and ease of preserving one’s good looks. Strangely enough the w orkshop o f the hom e— the k itc h e n — has been overlooked. i t offered at the lo w ­ est price ever set on a range o f this high q u a lity Isn ’t it silly how some people th in k ? Radios, cars, fashionable clothes BU T an o ut • of - date kitchen! The New HOTPOINT ALL-WHITE Porcelain Enamelled Electric Range Will Grace Any Kitchen! / F you plan to redecorate your kitch en , d o n 't overlook the most im p o rta n t thing. New linoleum , draperies and color schem e are splendid b u t don’t allow an obsolete range to jar the otherw ise harm onious plan. W ould you b uild a m odern garage fo r a one-horse shay? H Regardless o f your choice in color schemes fo r y our new kitchen, you m ay be sure th a t an all-white or w hite and black Electric range will not look out-of-place. I^ L Let e t: your old range i p e l p pay for NEW 1 O P f O M E T P lS T Suit» M l E Y E S IG H T M in e r Bldg. Eugen», Oregon, SPEC I T elep ho ne SÍ2 An Icy Pie - - T h a t’s the popolur ice cream portion with th e y o u n g ­ ste rs and m any oldsters also at Eggim unn’s. H uh th e sam e ice cream as th e well know n cones but can be e aten handier. No m usiness with on Icy pie none of it get» aw ay from you T ry one in any of th e various a sso rtm e n ts of Eggl- n ia n n ’s lee cream . A fter th at you’ll he un icy pie fan. r" I J G lasses m ay help. on a hot day. bench and sta rte d out to found th e C hrist- j T he candy habit grow s and grow s. is n religion. If he had listened to this criticism No b e tte r cu re for an enlarged abdom en can be | w here would th e world be? found th a n bending over a w ash board and no b e tte r cu re for piano-shaped legs th a n plenty of Tw o S cotchm en in sw im m ing disputed as to w alking. w hich could sta y under w ater the longest. They If we would get dow n to th e sim ple life anti co n tested th e point, th e one who cam e up first to move ab o u t m ore and eat less o u r figures would I buy th e w inner a dinner. B oth w ere drowned. show it. Som e Oregon cities knock each o th e r so m uch Exercise for the sak e of exercise is p retty hard th a t they both die industrially. to take, b u t exercise perform ed in the course of • • • o n e’s daily d u ties is not so hard. W e w ould sa y th a t th e Scotchm an who held One ought to a rra n g e o n e’s life as m uch as his w edding in th e back yard so th e chickens possible to w ait on o n e ’s self. T h e n ecessary ac- could get the rice w as m erely using good judg- tion of th e body in a tte n d in g to o n e ’s needs will j m en t in utilizing th e by-product of th e m arriage ■ have a g re a t effect upon o n e’s shape. business . » » ' I m et a m an in P aris som e y ears ago and when I asked him on behalf of a friend w here a good T h e m an who w rote “ A m em ber of E ugene valet could be secured he replied th a t he did not T erm inal com m ittee” acro ss a c a n d id a te ’s picture know about valets, as fo r som e y ears he had been posted a t the mill w as surely practicing irony. | try in g to see how m any th in g s he could get along — - seem s ” like • " •’ sarcasm instead j of an in­ wit hout and not how m any th in g s he could get. T h is subtile dorsem ent. We w onder who this w ag is. See how m uch you can do w ithout and a rra n g e | • • • I your life as m uch as possible so th a t you will ■ have to w ait on yourself and you will not have j office will know w hat his p arty th in k s of him. m uch trouble w ith y our figure. office will know w het his p arty th in k s of him. ! D on't m o rtg a g e y o u r fu tu re u n less you h ave good foresight. — " FGGIMANN’S JLd "Where Any trip East can be a Circle Trip .— i f you go via Southern Pacific, through California and circle hack o ver N o rth e rn lines. FOR District Attorney R e p u b lic a n P rim ary M ay 18. 1 9 2 8 TWENTY YEARS LEGAL PRAC- TICE. RESIDENT OF O R E G O N T E N YEARS. RESIOENT OF L A N E COUNTY THREE YEARS. NOT JUST POLITICALLY DRY. : BUT PERSONALLY DRY. To the Voters of Lane County, Oregon: We the undersigned farmers of Lane County, do respectfully endorse ; • I recommend J. Ben Hall, who Is a . ndldate for the Republican noml- nct.cn for District Attorney for thia county at the coming primary elec­ tion. Mr Hall, a resident of Oregon more than ten years, and a citizen of thia county three years, Is *well qualified for the office he seeks, having bad more than twenty years of actual law practice. He ia a men of sound Judgment, honor and Integrity; a , member of the Presbyterian church, Eugene, and an active worker. ! the Service Is Different" This summer get more for your travel funds. N o mat­ ter what your eastern destination go one way, return another. You tan sec tiie whole Pacific Coast and much of tiie United States at only slightly inglicr fare. First to California over the spectacular S hasta R o iit b . Enjoy cosmopolitan San Francisco, Los Angeles, H o lly ­ wood, San Diego,— world-famed beaches and resorts—• can be in die enchanted circle of yout trip cast. From California, go eastward over any of tiie follow ­ ing routes, with choice of routes returning via northern United States or Canadian lines. The Sunset Circle Round the rim offcne U nite d States. F irst on the "Sunset L im ite d ," famed round the world, via El Paso and the old South to quaint, romantic New O r­ leans. Then by rail, or at no more cost (meals and berth included in your rail fare) enjoy 1(M) golden hours at sea to New York by Southern Pacific Steamship. The Golden State Circle Mr. Hall not only believes in prohibition, hut for years has tak e n an active p a rt in sensible and sane law enforcem ent. He says, "To remove the pollution from a stream, clean It at the source. Driving the still operators, rum run­ ners and wholesale liquor dealers out stops the small offender. Every law violator should he punished In propor­ tion to offense committed, and not 'n j accordance iwith his financial or poli­ tical standing " That’s his policy. Voters, do you know that J. B. H a ll la the man who made the survey of this county to secure information on the fruit and vegetables available for more canneries’ These surveys are now being used In different Chambers of Commerce and the industrial de­ partments of the railroad companies to Inform canneries of the desirable locations In I^ine County. Mr. Hall spent his money1 and many week’s time securing this Information, which was the first move for more canneries in this county to help care for farm­ ers’ products and make payrolls. Now farmers, laboring men and business men, show your appreciation by going to the polls and voting for J. Ben Hall for District Attorney. N am es — William G. Kluss- m an, J. .1. Nicolle, John L. H art, Thos. B. Karoggs, R. L. Dunn, Mrs. R. L. Dunn, Mrs. C. C. S trom e, Jam es E. B aker, Owen A. Thom pson, A. V. Thom pson, O. K. F ry ; F. L. Bissell, E. M. D ragoo. — Paid Adv. by J. Ben Hall, Eugene. From Los Angeles to Chicago "Golden State Lim ­ ited’’ in its 61 % hours, spreads before you the historic Southwest; a glim pse o f O ld M exico at Juarez, 5 minutes from El Paso. Thence to Kansas City, Chicago & midwest points. The Overland Circle , v , Q ----__ v ./ I From San Francisco follow the Overland T rail of ’49, via Lake Tahoe, the scenic Sierra, to your Colorado or Utah destination. O r direct to Chicago on the "San Francisco Overland Limited,” in 6 1 hours. Low R o u n d trip Fares Summer excursion fares on and after May 22. Return lim it October 31. Stopovers anywhere. Your choice of routes. Let your local agent help you plan your trip via S ou th ern P acific CARL OL8ON, Agent