USE WOOD BOXES THE SPRINGFIELD NFWS -— TW EN TY -FIFTH YEAH . n ■ ——— n . - J " - — ■ r «• i HPRINCFIELD, IJkNE COUNTY, OKKOON, THURSDAY MAY 17, 1928 Rose Show Juniors Bid A dieu “ Voters to Select Many Annual to be H eld June 6 to H.S. G raduates Candidates on Friday _ , _ . _ o Tentative Date Set and Some Formal Banquet For Senior» To Be Held At Eugene Hotel Committee« Named; Flower» Uriel of Columbia; Hamilton Fish. Jr., Thl« Evening County Office« Provide Moet In- N#w Y„rk. J()hll H Hall, of or-gon Will Be Plentiful tereat L o c a l l y ; Election j p>Mr elector« of president »nd »Ice- Juniors will pay their farewell res- Springfield's annual rose show will Board« and Voting Places are, president: H. J Warner, Umatilla peels to the seniors of Springfield be held probably June 8. Given; Complete Ticket» llst- county; Charles H. Carey, Multnomah This tentative date iwas determined high achool at the annual Junlor-aenlor county; John L. Day. Multnomah formal banquet to be held at the Eu •d for Both Partie». county; Robert B. Kuykendall. Klam | at a meetlna of the Women's Civic “ The People’s Paper* A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 19 XT h X sz t i l l WATER WILL LISTED BY PASTORS Services In each of the Springfield ehari.k88 for Hun(jay were announced GOME FROM WELLS thia morning by the pastors. They Springfield Peopte Will Drink are as follows: Water From Test Hole» Thie Baptist church: At the morning service the pastor, Rev. C. H. Blom, Summer; Test» Show Liquid will speak on "The Baptism of the Is Pure; Experiment Will De­ Spirit” and at » o'clock on "What is termine Advantages. the Gospel?" Ordinance of baptism gene hotel at 8:30 o'clock this even- -will be administered at the evening 8prtngfleld residents will have well ath county; Mrs. Charles K. Runyon. , club, which Is sponsoring the affair. Ing. service. Special song service and water to drink daring the summer Springfield Viters will go to the 1 at a special meeting at the home of Multnomah county. Each ypar the Juniors tell the gradu 1 singing by the choir In the evening. ' monlh8 It was announced a t the polls tomorrow ready to express their For representative In congress: W. the president, Mrs. W. W. Walker attng class good bye In this manner. Bible school at 10 o’clock and B. Y. Mountain 8tates Power company plant preferences of candidates for all of Hawley, Marlon county; James W last night. flees from president of the United j • ' today by W. C. McLagan, steam super* Final plans, selection of a place The Junior Jubilee held recently was p. U. at 7 o'clock. States to precinct committeemen By , Mutt. Clatsop county for the purpose of raising funds for Christian church: 9:45 o'clock, in tendent. Stats Offices Listed , for the hlg display and appointment of this process throughout the country I Bible school; II o'clock, preaching The company has authorized the Secretary of state: Hal K. Hoes, complete committees will be made this nffair. Bach senior will receive a special service, topic, "Christian Growth”; completion of the two wells which the aspirants will be reduced to com-j I'lackamus county; II. H. Corey, 'at the regular meeting of the club on paratlvely few and the race will then I Tom B Handley, Mult-1 Tuesday evening at the chamber Of favor jn-ogvam prepared by the Juniors solo. Miss Gladys Coe, “He Tenderly have been put down there. As soon as a surprise. Ix>oked at Me"; 7:45 o'clock. Walter as warm weather actually sets In center between Individual andldu'es Baker county, commerce rooms. nomili county Donald Palmer will welcome the Lee stringed orchestra, 15-mlnute pumps will begin to pour water Into of each party. At the meeting last night, Mrs. W. Stale trnasuror: Thomas B. Kay, Although there Is no strictly local Marlon county. C. Mi-Lagan was appointed to have senior* and Albert Harper will give concert; 8 o’clock. Rev. 8. EL Childers’ the mains. The wells will furnish vir­ Issue In the primary election, much. Justice of the supreme court: charge of the children’s parade. Chit the response. William Cox will give sixth sermon on "The Story of the tually one-fourth of the water supply, Interest Is being shown here parti- 5 George Rossman. Multnomah county; dren In Ihe lower grades In school the farewell address on behalf of the Church.” Special music by the choir. ■ it was stated. rularly In the race for nomination for I,. H. McMahan, Marlon county; John and of pre-school age, usually form senior class. A. J. Morgan, principal, Nellie Luce will lead Christian En­ Teat To Be Made deavor at 7 o’clock. sheriff and district attorney of Lsoe , L. Rand. Baker county. The wells are being put into use as the parade which Is one of the fea­ will make an address. * Musical numbers on the program county. With strong candidates on | Attorney general: I 11 Vun Winkle, tures of Ihe show. Methodist church: Sunday school, an experiment to secure a better taith tickets and with much pre-elec­ Marlon county, Mrs Curl Olson will he In charge Include a piano duet by Frances and 9 • 45 o’clock; Epworth League, 7 p. 1 water supply especially for the sum­ Lena Frlsell. a solo by Waive Peter m; public worship, II a. m., “The mer months. This summer a thorough tion campaigning. these contests will Dairy and food commissioner: John of decorations this year. Mrs. Bernice sqp. a vocal solo by Paul Potter and First Wood from the Cross"; 8 p. m , test will be made and if it Is success­ provide for much speculation. Van Vnlzah will act aa chairman of D Mickle. Washington county. l umbers by the Junior girls’ quart"t. "Plato, or Our Higher Nature Sup­ ful it is hoped that other wells will Local Boards Named For circuit Judge, second Judicial the refreahment committee. Mrs. Menu for the dinner will consist of reme.” R pv . Gabriel Sykes, pastor, be authorized. Maud Bryan and Mra. L. K. Page wilt Complete election boards for the district, Benton, Coos, Curry, Dougins, fruit cocktail, assorted olives, chicken will give each of these sermons. The chief Improvement twill be to four Springfield precincts, us well as Ij»ne and Lincoln counties: James T. have charge of reglatralion of flowers croquettes, French frys, peas, rolls, entered In the show. Mrs. C. E. Whea­ voting places were announced this Brand, Coos county. Bible Standard Mission: Regular the taste of the water rather than to butter. Ice cream, cake and coffee. morning by W fl. Dillard, county services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. no Its purity. Mr. McLagan said. A num­ For representative, larne county: ton serves on the executive commit­ The next major event in the pro­ tee with Mrs McLagan and Mrs. Ol­ clerk, through I M Peterson who has Lynn 8. McCready. E (). Potter, M 8. conducted by Mrs. Pat Hagan, tem­ ber of tests of water taken from the gram for graduation la the baccalaure­ wells have been made over a period handled registration for the local pre ! Barker. Emmett H<»w»rd, all of I-ane son. porary pastor. Present Indications are that there ate service at the Methodist churcn of months and each one of them ha» ■clncts. county, three to be elected. Catholic church: Mass at the usual May 27 at which Rev. 8. E. Childers, shown no sewer bacteria and no Personnel of the day board* and) For district attorney of l^uie coun­ will he plenty of roses at the date pastor of the Christian church, will time conducted by Rev. D. P. Corley, dangerous bacteria of any kind. Soil set. It (W as said. An earlier dati counting boards Is as follows: ty: James K. King. Eugene V. S lat-| pastor. Precinct No. 1.—Day Board: Eve I tery, J. Ben Hall. Donald R Husband would have been chosen had It not be the speaker. Commencement ex­ bacteria, common in almost all water been that graduation exercises for the ercises are to be held In the high supplies, has been found. lyn Emery, chairman; Elsie Ktstwart, I County Posts Sought Judge; Cecilia Jones fl'-at clerk; Cora) For county assessor: Frank Fay high school and Decoration day will school auditorium on May 29, with PRE-SCHOOL CLINIC W a te r Is Good Prof. Victor Morris of the University M .Hinson, second clerk; Mary E. ; Eddy, Ben F. Keeney, both of Eugene take a large number of flowers. TO BE CONDUCTED BY J. E. Simmons, bacterologlst at the of Oregon faculty as speaker. Male, third clerk. For county clerk: W. H. Dillard, E. Prises will he given In both the HEALTH ACCOCIATION Oregon State College, who has raadO Seniors are publishing an eight-page Counting Board: Chsrles Wilson, U. I-ee. both of Eugene. flower display and the parade, It 4r tration figures, Mr. Peterson said. dent will then appoint standing com­ ing. Although two rums got In, he of this gronp are appointed by the class. It was announced yesterday by chairman of the Lane county associa­ A. J. Morgan, principal of the high Precinct No. 4—Day Board: C. E. j complete democratic ticket follows: mittees for next year. made It difficult for the betters o f ! Wheaton, chairman; H. F. Oorto**-! Daiegates to national convention. Retiring officers are: Mrs. C. O. the larger school. In a recent game ' tion upon recommendation of Miss school. Beth Konkel, executive secretary of Miss Hayden iwill give the valedl«« Judge; Elma Halsey, first clerk; Ida state at large: George L. Curry. Linn president; Mra. William Swarts, second clerk; Abbie F. Whea­ county; W. A Deliell, Marlon coun- bough, vice-president; Mrs. W. with Cottage Grove he pitched a no-, the a8goclatIon. Appointments will tory address at the commencement run, no-hlt game, a feat seldom equal-' be announced at a later date. exercises to be held at the high school ton. third clerk. ty; Ashby C. Dickson, Multnomah ' w Walker, secretary; Mrs. W. C. Counting Board: f'athertne Baa- coupty; Bert B. Haney. Multnomah McLagan. treasurer, A nominating ed hv high school players. McPher­ Important business Is to be tran- auditorium May 29. Miss Tyson wiU ford, chairman; Ads B. Van Valsah. j county; John Manning. Multnomah I conjm|ttee will report a list of nomi- son was catcher yesterday. Eugene sacted at the last meeting of the talk at the same time. high achool battery Included Mc- Grades considered In selecting the Judge; Elisabeth Olson, first clerk; | county ; Hugh McLain, Coos county; I ' I nat|ons j0 he acted on by the asaocla Springfield unit Cullogh. Teague and Butcher. students to deliver these two speech«* L. E. Basford. second clerk; Agnes l)an,e, w sheanhan. Walowa county; ' tlon. in a game srhich was featured "Wheeler, third clerk. I Harvey O. Starkweather. Clackamas Mothers of pupils In Mrs. Walker's mostly by running around the bases, MOTHERS ARE GUESTS AT I Include averages in eevry subject since the stuoent entered high school. Voting Places Given ! county; Frank B. Tlchenor. Mult- room will serve the refreshments. A GIRLS’ LEAGUE DINNER Both Miss Hayden and Miss Tyson Voting places In Springfield are as i n„mah county; R. R Turner. Polk social progrnm Is being planned for the girls’ team of the local school de­ feated the Shedd girls in a game have been continually on the honor follows: Precinct No. 1, at Dr. N. W. J coonty; Elton Watkins. Multnomah the afternoon, the president announ­ played there by a score Of 42 to 21. I Members of the high school Girls roll. Both have also been active >8 Emery residence, comer Second and 1 county; Ixiulse Palmer Weber. Mult- ced. The hoys’ team has hut one m ore' League were hostesses to their school affairs. Main streets; precinct No 2. at city! nomHh county; W. A. Wood. Columbia I scheduled game. This Is a return ! mothers at a banquet held Monday Prof. Victor Morris of the Univer­ hall on Main street; precinct No. 3. ? t , ,.ounty HALLECK GROCERY IS game with University high school evening. More than 50 mothers and sity faculty will deliver the principal Lincoln school building; precinct No. j Por 4,.legates to national coqven- daughters w-ere present. The ban­ here on May 23. SOLD TO TWO MEN OF address at the commencement exer­ 4, nt Frank Gordon residence, corner , (on flr8t congressional district : W quet has become an annual affair for cises. Eighth and A streets. ' „ Canon. Jackson county; Daniel J WILLAMETTE, OREGON the league. LOCAL MASONS WILL GO Polls open ns usimi nt 8 a m and Fry, Marlon county; R. A. Harris. The dinner was served In the After conducting his grocery butd- close at ft p. m. The counting board Marlon county; O. Henry Gleen. TO BIG MEETING TONIGHT domestic science rooms of the high LODGE MEMBERS WAIT IN , ness at the corner of Fourth and I —i------ will begin to function us soon ns 20 Columbia county. VAIN FOR MOTOR TRUCK With their own chairman in charge Bchool, under the direction of Miss For vice-president of Ihe t nlted I Main streets since last August H. G. voles have been cast 11ml will con­ -------- tinue until Ihe counting Is completed. Slates: Milton A. Miller of Oregon. I Halleck has so,d his interests to two of the principal part of the big coun- Frances Hodge, faculty member and advisor of the league. Twenty disappointed numbers of men from Willamette, a town near tyw-ide meeting In Eugene. Springfipld The republlcun hnllot conlnlns the For electors of president and vice- The program paid especial honor , the Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge nume of hut one cnndldale for nomi­ president: E. E Hraekney, Multno­ Oregon City. H. O. Dlbblee and Roy Masons will go to the temple of the to the motners present. , waited in vain for a truck which was lodge tn that city tonight to partici­ nation us president of the United mah county, Thomas II. Comte. Mult­ Taylor are the new owners. ----------------------------- ' to have taken them to Creswell Sat­ Mr. Halleck will return Io Hono­ pate in the initiatory ceremony and Slates and that Is Herbert Hoover of nomah county; Waller It. Gleason, urday night for an Initiatory cere­ STUDENT BODY PICNIC California. Democrats on the other Multnomah county; Carl . Donaugh. lulu where lie was formerly an opera gathering of Masons. mony. After a long \wuit It was learn­ All Masonic lodges In the county hand may vote for James A. Reed of Multnomah county: Nanny Wood tor for the McKay Radio company WILL BE HELD FRIDAY ed that the truck had collided with Missouri; Alfred E. Smith of New Honeyman, Multnomah county; Man- since 1916. He will remain in the will have representatives at the meet- another car as it emerged from a The entire student body and mem-, York. ThomaR .1 Walsh of Montana <-he I. Langley, Washington county; store here for the next two weeks ! Ing. bers of the faculty of Springfield high , K8™Se' I. M. Petprson, worshipful ntaster of or Alonzo F. Workmnn of Missouri. J. N McFadden. Benton county; until Ihe new owners get adjusted members secured ludi- e f->rO«w«tl ' the local lodge, will act In that capac- school will frolic Friday when the Robert A. Miller, Multnomah county. and acquainted. Ticket Summerlzed , , , ... . ... vidual cars and went to Creswell For secretary of Slate: Ed 8. Piper, The complete republican ticket fol­ of the group is held at , . j . The new proprietors iwill increase 9y In a drill team composed of of- annual picnic „ _ after paying for the damages to the Delight park near Goshen. 1 . lows: For delegates to the republican Multnomah county. the stock of the store at once, they fleers of the lodges throughout the Swimmers „ ? . . . j _i truck. Thirty-five members of tne Classes will be dismissed early and national convention, state at large: For attorney general William 8. announced. They will continue to county which will put on the degree ... . .. u I local lodge were present at the meet- the group will go to the park where I J . . .. , Robert N. Stanfield, W. L. Thompson, Levens, Marlon county. carry on a credit business on the work. , , . _A Ing. A dinner preceded the Initiation swimming and games will be enjoyed. For Judge of second Judicial dis­ same plan follwed by Mr. Halleck. hoth of Multnomah county; Lawrence 1 . " . ... ,,, to which the Springfield lodge was ex- The body H Invitation, ” N. Blowers, of Lane county; William trict: J W. Hamilton. Douglas coun­ Each of the new men have families FIFTH VICTORY WON BY m e student mu j association will tended a special furnish the refreshments which will A. Garter, of Multnomah county; ty; O. F. Sklpworth, laine county. whom they will move here Immediate HIGH SCHOOL TWIRLERS be in charge of the Girls League. For district attorney: Alla King. ly. Both of them have been In husl- 1 Floyd J. Cook. Jackson county; l-nne FALL CREEK FARM SOLD Goodell, Multnomnh county; R ussell! John 8 Medley. neas elsewhere previous to this tim». ' Springfield high schoof hafteball For county commissioner, two-year Hawkins, Multnomah county; E. V. Kensington Club Meets TO LONG BEACH COUPLS ---------------------------- - players chalked up their fifth victory Hoover, Douglas county; Dorr R. term: J. H. Moffett. Spencer precinct. Members of the Kensington club Old School Mates Visit ! Iaat Friday when they defeated the For county sheriff: Harry L. Bown, Kasey. Multnomah county; Fred E. Sale of their 99-acre far» at Fall Mrs. F. A. Nobea of Portland, (whose visiting Cottage Grove team by a were entertained at the home of Mrs. Kiddle, Union county; Sam A. Kozer, Walton; Hugh H. Enrío, Eugene. Creek to Mr. and Mrs. E. Levleux of W. F. Walker In Eugene yesterday daughter Is a senior In the University score of 4 to 0. Clatsop county; Lev! T. Penntntton, of Oregon, visited Monday with Mrs. j Hiick Harper, local pitcher, added afternoon, with Mrs. C. E. Kenyon Long Beach, California, was announ­ ced this week by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Yamhill county; 8. D. Peterson, Uma­ JACK DANNER IS ELECTED Maude Bryan of this city. Mrs. Nobes another record to his list of accom- acting as Joint hostess. Harkins of Oakridge, who were In this tilla county; L. R Sandblast, Mult­ STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT Those present were: Mrs. W C. pllshmenta by pitching a shut-out and Mrs. Bryan went to school to­ nomah county; A. W. Shaupp. Klam­ game throughout the nine innings. He WVight, Mrs. Harry Whitney, Mrs. city Monday closing up the Important gether the first day Mrs. Bryan ever Jack Danner was named president deal. ath county. went to school In Minnesota. The two had gtiod support from the rest of the Chase, Mrs. Mary Kessey, Mrs. C. A. Mr. and Mrs. Levleux have beefl For delegates to republican nation­ of the student body association of the team. No errors were made by any Swarts, Edna 9warts, Mrs. Charles had not seen each other but once In Ilvlr.g at Saginaw, awaiting the tint* al convention, first congressional dis­ high school at an election held Tues­ P. Poole, Mrs J.ack Henderer, Mrs. J. of the Springfield players. 37 years until Monday. Mra. Nobes trict: Hal D. Patton, Marlon county; day afternoon. A better turnout of local people re­ T. Moore, Mrs. Lawrence May, Mrs. when they will take possession of daughter Is a major In physical educa­ Other officers for tne coming year Edgar J. Adams, Lane county; Carl sulted from an appeal last week by A. Dallas Murphy, Mrs. H. Neet, Mrs. their newly-acquired property. are: Everett Squires, vlee-prealdent; tion at the University and will accept J. Morgan, principal, that the team be Paul Basford, Mrs, A. J. Morgan and Bart Johnston, Cottage Grove real­ Bllrup, Igine county. a position at the Portland Y. W. C. a. tor, handled the deal For vice-president of the United Esther McPherson, secretary; Vernlce Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Walker.. given support. when ahe graduates. S t-.ies: William Grant Webster, Dla- Hawke, treasurer. i