4 THURSDAY MAY I", 1928 T H E S I’IUNtlFiELD NEWS PAGE EIGHT RED HAIR and BLUE SEA LEWIS M . KLEIZING Law Enforcement Candidate for Republican Nomination for Sheriff of Lane County P rim aries May IS, 1928 “ P ro m p t and E ffic ie n t Service fo r a ll Lane County (Cnailnuvd from I’age Gt CANDIDATE ONCE ON LOCAL BASEBALL TEAM; 1 OUTLINES HIS ISSUES 1 lesiHinstblllty of Ibis o f f i t e ami tf ! eleotvd wlll perforili Ita dulie« lo Ilio | Itesi of my know ledge and uhlllly on ih e iilaiform of b ellef ami eiiforcw- m eni of proiilhliioli, courtesy iy Ilio pltlillc, disi liUI UKeluelIt of proseco flotta noi ftiuudetl on subsluutlal evi« iieitco, promotion and rvprvavntallon of thè beni Inlerests of Ilio [C op l­ and t ifi tie n i and «conomicni ndmlnl«* I trallon of ilo* ottico o f dlstrlct ut- lortiey.” Read Hetnenway, Mrs \Y P Tyson, very savagery was tils excuse. He .Mrs Arthur Petigrit, Mrs \Y l\. Bai Uonukl It lliishnnil of Eugene who had known no better, was not to bo nell. and Miss Grace Pottur and Mrs. 1 Is seeking the republican nominal Inn blamed. Yet he'd been kind to h r Wilson. The lam e county unit will attlliuto for district attorney at the primaries and be bad saved her front Burke Mrs. two years ago was a member of the At the parting she would thank hint with the state organisation She would load his canoe with gifts Ethel M Parker of Elmira was elec* Sprlngfleld league baseball team He played first base for the lia.nl Or, better still, though lie d carried ed president of the new group Other team wiien It was u pari of the I’p her wide of her own port of refuge, officers chosen were: Mrs. A Gibson, she would give him passage to some Junction City, first vice-president; per W illam ette Valley league The island beyond reach of the murderous Mrs Ivuni, Creswell, second vice p resi­ team made a good show ing that year, EUGENE EDITOR TO TALK Ponape dent anil Miss Emily Husbands, of Mr Hubbard last year played for the AT LIONS CLUB LUNCHEON Eugene team In the Portland Wiliam And then, suddenly, Palmyra Thee W endllng, treasurer. e lte V alley league W illiam M Tugman, m anaging* was back In the canoe, her heart heat Mrs. William K letser, state secre He was born and spent the flrst 31 editor <>f the Eugene Guard, wlll he ing to suffocation. For her dream tar.v spoke on the work of the state was not a dream. The clou« w as not Qpg^nlaatlon and the problems of the rears of his life on a farm In North the speaker ill the luncheon of the He Is a graduate of the c o l­ Springfield l.lon s d u b Friday noon, It acloud. It w as siuoke, sm oke! stuoke! county council She installed the new Dakota lege of liberal arts and law at the ' was announced Imlay. Her ship had com e! officers. U niversity of Oregon and since Mr. Tugman lias not announced lil-v CHAPTER IX Following the m eeting. Eugene wo I subject, but will probably speak on The Imperial Japanese Gunboat men acted as h o stesses on a visit to g ra d u a tio n has pra cticed In E u g e n e . "I recognlxe I he Importance and som e phase of newspaper work. Okayama, upon a preceding day. had the woman's building on the univer­ been steam ing against the sea when sity cam pus and the visitin g women word came down to Commander Sa­ wore »hrown through the Murray- kamoto that a sail had been ligh ted , Warner art museum apparently a raft wdth shipwrecked white men TheOkayama swung ov »r GUARDSMEN PREPARING so as to bring the odd float aboard FOR BIG SUMMER CAMP Soon. Sakam oto, through his glasses, made out an American flag, u n io n ; Headquarters company, local unit down, ' "Send their officer aft, he Instruc- ”« «he Oregon National Guard, wlll a t­ tend sum mer camp at Clatsop bench , ted. oer cent strong. It was announced i Preaentiy John Thurston and Van WILLIAM’S MY FELLOW -CITIZKNS OF LANE COUNTY ARNED of an eleventh-hour a tta c k , and tru stin g in your spirit of fair play, 1 respectfully subm it the prove th at my Wet opponents and th eir sym pathizers a re unreliable curbstone advisers to th e public« on. iuy personal record I cam e to Eugene in 1911. atten d ed high school, was gradu- ated in the class of 1912. D uring th a t tim e I was president of the high school Boy's Club and late r president of the U niversity I Buren itutger came striding along the b* nWcera today C hapter of the Epw orth League. My b ro th e r Ralph and I were deck. For Thurston and his crew. Oreders for entrainm ent have al- 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE. OREGON in business in Eugene, and 1 succeeded my b ro th er as circulation by the exercise of uo sm all ingenuity, r,,“dv heeB received. The Sprlngfleld m an a g e r of the M orning Register. R esigning, I w ent to A laska, had got their craxy cruft together guardsm en w lll leave here on June i t w here I was employed on th e Alaska Daily Em pire. R eturning again and were once more bravely un- ul”t **** »pend 16 days In training III board board a a special car here from Alaska to A storia in 1918. aw aiting m y w ar draft call, due der way. They win special car th e following fall, I w ent to w ork and served 3 years as circula- j Sakam oto, seein g he had to do which will be hooked on lu the train Eugene. tion m anager of th e Evening B udget, resigning to becom e Chief j with gentlem en, offered his hand in leaving Eugene. lieu ten an t Swart«, command Field Deputy, on crim inal work, under th e present Sheriff of ' congratulation "And I hope " he add- Klr*’ LB-utent Clatsop County, H arley J. Slusher, 1 resigned, with a good re ed when they were seated, ••You. you er of the local unit, and Second Lieu­ cord, and accepted th e position of Field D irector of th e N ational I leaved your peoples comfortable— on tenant W alter G ossler, wilt accom ­ pany the en listed men to the camp. Law E nforcem ent League. T he h ead q u arters of the League : their desert island luist year the Springfield company w ere in Portland, b u t 1 re-established my residence in Eugene, Thurston sprang up. "My God. •where th e flrst field w ork of the League under my direction was j captain," he cried. "You've heard won recognition for the percentage of men In attenance. done, beginning O ctober 4, 1924. Since th en 1 have served per- , from her? You’ve got her safe?" The com m ander begged fur an ac­ sonaily in 180 a rre st cases in Lane County, resulting in $16,000 IN OUR BASEMENT SALESROOM in fines, and m ore th an 3,000 days in prison sentences While count of what nod happened. But THIRD VICTORY CHALKED m y duties have com pelled me to trav el co n stan tly about th e sta te when they had reached the abduc­ UP BY SPRINGFIELD NINE (in sixteen of th e co u n tie s), in and o u t of Lane County, w orking tion, he h im self Jumped up. inter­ officially o u t of the P ortland h ead q u arters, Eugene all th e tim e rupting excitedly. There w hs a new Sprlngfleld high school player« won h a s been my hom e— th e only place in th e S ta te w here 1 have look on his face, a look that had ad­ their third con secu tive victory last established a residence since leaving A storia m ore th an four years vanced through astonished Incredu­ Friday afternoon when they defeated lity into m ortification and distress. ago. the Black Sox team of Eugene lllgr In all of this w ork I have been defending your hom es, fight­ Now I—understand, he cried. "Of school In a practice game. The «core ’ ALL GO BELOW WHOLESALE COST ing for your w elfare, while necessarily deprived of th e com forts her j— know only one thing« This was 5 to 4 for the locals. of my own hom e in Eugene. 1 have literally lived in h arn ess, in ; ponape— she is out of his hands." i Few errors were made by either COME TO EUGENE AND SAVE m y autom obile. My principal com pensation has been th a t high- : "Thank God!" from Thurston, side and the pitching won much com est of all pay— satisfactio n of conscience in duties faithfully per- But gakam oto exclaim ed "No. no! ment Inman «truck out «lx hatter« form ed. While doing my w ork th ro u g h o u t th e S tate, 1 gained ]t i»— not good, it Is bad Ponape has and Towne «truck out one for the a n experience th a t can be acquired only by actu al field work, . io»e